Example #1
''' The fabfile.

    One to install, one to maintain,
    one to configure, and one to reset.
    Or just one to deploy them all.

project = __name__

# At first we load the config file.

from fabfile import ConfigHandling
config = ConfigHandling.load_config(project)

# Now we configure our modules.
from fabfile.PackageHelpers import PipPackages
PipPackages.eggproxies = config['eggproxies']

# Then we detect and import (if enabled) the project py files.

detected = []
enabled = []

import os
from fabfile import projects
subdirs = os.walk(os.curdir).next()[1]
for subdir in subdirs:
    if projects.is_project(subdir):
        project_cfg = ConfigHandling.load_config(subdir)
        if projects.is_enabled(subdir):