Example #1
def check_brew_cellar():
    Find the brewing cellar (Mac OSX)
    with hide('output'):

        # This yields something like "Homebrew 1.4.2-14-g3e99504"
        # but might be different in earlier versions (or newer)
        # so we do what we can to clean it up
        version = run('brew --version')
        if 'Homebrew ' in version:
            version = version.split()[1].strip()
        if '-' in version:
            version = version.split('-')[0].strip()

        version = tuple(map(int, version.split('.')))

        # I'm not sure exactly when --cellar was introduced, but it was already
        # there in 0.9.9. On the other hand HOMEBREW_CELLAR was also still
        # outputted via brew config in 0.9.9, so I think it's safe to make the
        # cut at 1.0.
        if version >= (1, 0):
            cellar = run('brew --cellar')
            cellar = run('brew config | grep HOMEBREW_CELLAR').split(":")[1].strip()

    return cellar
Example #2
def create_user(user):
    Creates a user in the system.

    # TODO: Check if the user exists
    #       Also, these commands are linux-specific,
    #       there are others that work on MacOS
    group = user.lower()
    sudo('groupadd ' + group, warn_only=True)
    sudo('useradd -g {0} -m -s /bin/bash {1}'.format(group, user),
    sudo('mkdir /home/{0}/.ssh'.format(user), warn_only=True)
    sudo('chmod 700 /home/{0}/.ssh'.format(user))
    sudo('chown -R {0}:{1} /home/{0}/.ssh'.format(user, group))

    # Copy the public key of our SSH key if we're using one
    public_key = get_fab_public_key()
    if public_key:
        sudo("echo '{0}' >> /home/{1}/.ssh/authorized_keys".format(
            public_key, user))
        sudo('chmod 600 /home/{0}/.ssh/authorized_keys'.format(user))
        sudo('chown {0}:{1} /home/{0}/.ssh/authorized_keys'.format(
            user, group))

    # openSUSE creates a suboptimal ~/.profile because it shows an error message
    # if /etc/profile doesn't exist (which is the case on openSUES dockers),
    # so we comment out that particular line
    if get_linux_flavor() == 'openSUSE':
        with settings(user=user):
            run('''sed -i 's/^test -z "$PROFILEREAD".*/#\\0/' ~/.profile ''')
Example #3
def start_unicorn():
    Starts the gunicorn daemon which in turn will be called by nginx.
    HOME = home()
    env.APP_INSTALL_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(HOME, APP_INSTALL_DIR_NAME))
    env.APP_ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(HOME, APP_ROOT_DIR_NAME))
    env.APP_SRC_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(HOME, APP_SRC_DIR_NAME))

    SOCKFILE = env.APP_INSTALL_DIR+'/sock'
    PIDFILE = env.APP_INSTALL_DIR+'/gunicorn.pid'
    USER = env.APP_USER
    GROUP = env.APP_USER
    NUM_WORKERS = '3'
    with settings(user=env.APP_USER):
        with cd(FLASKDIR):
            run('{0}/bin/gunicorn main:app -b -D '.format(env.APP_INSTALL_DIR) +\
                ' --name {0}'.format(NAME) + \
                ' --user={0} --group={1}'.format(USER, GROUP) +\
                ' --bind=unix:{0}'.format(SOCKFILE) +\
                ' --workers={0}'.format(NUM_WORKERS) +\
                ' --log-level=debug --pythonpath={0}'.format(FLASKDIR) +\
                ' -p {0}'.format(PIDFILE)
Example #4
def prepare_APP_data_dir():
    """Creates a new APP root directory"""
    Install the content of the NGAS portal
    if not exists('{0}/ngas/import/'.format(APP_install_dir())):
        run('mkdir {0}/ngas/import/'.format(APP_install_dir()), warn_only=True)
    put('data/*.zexp', '{0}/ngas/import/'.format(APP_install_dir()))
    if not exists('{0}/../NGAS'.format(APP_install_dir())):
        run('mkdir NGAS', warn_only=True)
    if not exists('{0}/../NGAS/ngas.sqlite'.format(APP_install_dir())):
        put('data/ngas.sqlite', '{0}/../NGAS/'.format(APP_install_dir()))
Example #5
def download(url, target=None, root=False):
    if target is None:
        parts = urlparse.urlparse(url)
        target = parts.path.split('/')[-1]
    if check_command('wget'):
        cmd = 'wget --no-check-certificate -q -O {0} {1}'.format(target, url)
    elif check_command('curl'):
        cmd = 'curl -o {0} {1}'.format(target, url)
        raise Exception("Neither wget nor curl are installed")
    if root:
    return target
Example #6
def APP_build_cmd():

    env.APP_INSTALL_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home(), APP_INSTALL_DIR_NAME))
    env.APP_ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home(), APP_ROOT_DIR_NAME))
    env.APP_SRC_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home(), APP_SRC_DIR_NAME))

    build_cmd = []

    # create RASVAMT directories and chown to correct user and group
    run('mkdir -p {0}'.format(env.APP_INSTALL_DIR))
    # This not working for some reason
    # sudo('chown -R {0}:{1} {2}'.format(env.USERS[0], GROUP, APP_INSTALL_DIR))

    run('ln -s {0}/src {1}/src'.format(env.APP_SRC_DIR, env.APP_INSTALL_DIR))
    return ' '.join(build_cmd)
Example #7
def check_dir(directory):
    Check existence of remote directory
    res = run(
        """if [ -d {0} ]; then echo 1; else echo ; fi""".format(directory))
    return res
Example #8
def prepare_ngas_data_dir():
    """Creates a new NGAS root directory"""

    info('Preparing NGAS root directory')
    nrd = APP_root_dir()
    tgt_cfg = os.path.join(nrd, 'cfg', 'ngamsServer.conf')
    with cd(APP_source_dir()):

        cmd = ['./prepare_ngas_root.sh']
        if 'NGAS_OVERWRITE_ROOT' in env and env.NGAS_OVERWRITE_ROOT:
        res = run(' '.join(cmd), quiet=True)
        if res.succeeded:
            success("NGAS data directory ready")
            env.tgt_cfg = tgt_cfg
            return tgt_cfg

    # Deal with the errors here
    error = 'NGAS root directory preparation under {0} failed.\n'.format(nrd)
    if res.return_code == 2:
        error = (nrd +
                 " already exists. Specify NGAS_OVERWRITE_ROOT to overwrite, "
                 "or a different NGAS_ROOT_DIR location")
        error = res
Example #9
def check_command(command, *args, **kwargs):
    Check existence of command remotely
    res = run(
        'if command -v {0} &> /dev/null ;then command -v {0};else echo ;fi'.
        format(command), *args, **kwargs)
    return res
Example #10
def install_user_profile():
    Put the activation of the virtualenv into the login profile of the user
    unless the APP_DONT_MODIFY_BASHPROFILE environment variable is defined

    NOTE: This will be executed for the user running APP.
    if run('echo $APP_DONT_MODIFY_BASHPROFILE') or \
       'APP_NO_BASH_PROFILE' in env:

    nid = APP_install_dir()
    nrd = APP_root_dir()
    with cd("~"):
        if not exists(".bash_profile_orig"):
            run('cp .bash_profile .bash_profile_orig', warn_only=True)
            run('cp .bash_profile_orig .bash_profile')

        script = ('if [ -f "{0}/bin/activate" ]'.format(nid),
                  '   source "{0}/bin/activate"'.format(nid),
                  'export APP_PREFIX="{0}"'.format(nrd))

        run("echo '{0}' >> .bash_profile".format('\n'.join(script)))

    success("~/.bash_profile edited for automatic virtualenv sourcing")
Example #11
def install_homebrew():
    Task to install homebrew on Mac OSX.

    NOTE: This should not be done if macports is installed already.
    lf = get_linux_flavor()
    if lf != 'Darwin':
        puts(red("Potentially this is not a Mac OSX installation: {0}".format(lf)))
    if check_command('port'):
        puts(red('MacPorts is installed and it is not recommended to mix it with homebrew!!'))
        puts(red('Bailing out!'))
    if not check_command('brew'):
        run('ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"')
        puts(red('Homebrew is installed already! New installation not required.'))
Example #12
def check_user(user):
    Task checking existence of user
    res = run(
        'if id -u "{0}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi;'.format(
    if res == '0':
        puts('User {0} does not exist'.format(user))
        return False
        return True
Example #13
def cleanup_container():

    # Clean downloaded packages, remove unnecessary packages
    # This is obviously a CentOS 7 hardcoded list, but we already hardcode
    # CentOS 7 as the FROM image in our build file so we are basically building
    # up on that assumption. Generalising all this logic would require quite
    # some effort. but since it is not necessarily something we need or want, it
    # is kind of ok to live with this sin.
    for pkg in ('autoconf', 'bzip2-devel', 'cpp', 'groff-base', 'krb5-devel',
                'less', 'libcom_err-devel', 'libgnome-keyring', 'libedit',
                'libgomp', 'libkadm5', 'libselinux-devel', 'm4', 'mpfr',
                'pcre-devel', 'rsync', 'libverto-devel', 'libmpc', 'gcc',
                'gdbm-devel', 'git', 'glibc-devel', 'glibc-headers',
                'kernel-headers', 'libdb-devel', 'make', 'openssl-devel',
                'patch', 'perl', 'postgresql', 'postgresql-libs',
                'python-devel', 'readline-devel', 'sqlite-devel', 'sudo',
                'wget', 'zlib-devel', 'libffi-devel'):
        run('yum --assumeyes --quiet remove %s' % (pkg, ), warn_only=True)
    run('yum clean all')

    # Remove user directories that are not needed anymore
    with settings(user=APP_user()):

        # By default we do not ship the image with a working APP directory
        to_remove = ['~/.cache']
        if not docker_keep_APP_src():
        if not docker_keep_APP_root():

        for d in to_remove:
            run('rm -rf %s' % d, )
Example #14
def virtualenv_setup():
    Creates a new virtualenv that will hold the APP installation
    APPInstallDir = APP_install_dir()
    if check_dir(APPInstallDir):
        overwrite = APP_overwrite_installation()
        if not overwrite:
            msg = ("%s exists already. Specify APP_OVERWRITE_INSTALLATION "
                   "to overwrite, or a different APP_INSTALL_DIR location")
            abort(msg % (APPInstallDir,))
        run("rm -rf %s" % (APPInstallDir,))

    # Check which python will be bound to the virtualenv
    ppath = check_python()
    if not ppath:
        ppath = python_setup(os.path.join(home(), 'python'))

    # Use our create_venv.sh script to create the virtualenv
    # It already handles the download automatically if no virtualenv command is
    # found in the system, and also allows to specify a python executable path
    script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))+'/create_venv.sh'
    put(script_path, APP_source_dir()+'/create_venv.sh')
    with cd(APP_source_dir()):
        run("/bin/bash create_venv.sh -p {0} {1}".format(ppath, APPInstallDir))

    # Download this particular certifcate; otherwise pip complains
    # in some platforms
    if APP_use_custom_pip_cert():
        if not(check_dir('~/.pip')):
            run('mkdir ~/.pip')
            with cd('~/.pip'):
        run('echo "[global]" > ~/.pip/pip.conf; echo '
            '"cert = {0}/.pip/cacert.pem" >> ~/.pip/pip.conf;'.format(home()))

    # Update pip and install wheel; this way we can install binary wheels from
    # PyPI if available (like astropy)
    # TODO: setuptools and python-daemon are here only because
    #       python-daemon 2.1.2 is having a problem to install via setuptools
    #       but not via pip (see https://pagure.io/python-daemon/issue/2 and
    #       https://pagure.io/python-daemon/issue/3).
    #       When this problem is fixed we'll fix our dependency on python-daemo
    #       to avoid this issue entirely
    virtualenv('pip install -U pip wheel setuptools python-daemon')

    success("Virtualenv setup completed")
Example #15
def prepare_APP_data_dir():
    """Creates a new APP root directory"""

    info('Preparing {0} root directory'.format(env.APP_NAME))
    nrd = APP_root_dir()
    # tgt_cfg = os.path.join(nrd, 'cfg', 'ngamsServer.conf')
    tgt_cfg = None
    res = run('mkdir -p {0}'.format(nrd))
    with cd(APP_source_dir()):
        for d in env.APP_DATAFILES:
            res = run('scp -r {0} {1}/.'.format(d, nrd), quiet=True)
        if res.succeeded:
            success("{0} data directory ready".format(env.APP_NAME))
            return tgt_cfg

    # Deal with the errors here
    error = '{0} root directory preparation under {1} failed.\n'.format(
        env.APP_NAME, nrd)
    if res.return_code == 2:
        error = (nrd + " already exists. Specify APP_OVERWRITE_ROOT to "
                 "overwrite, or a different APP_ROOT_DIR location")
        error = res
Example #16
def python_setup(ppath):
    Ensure that there is the right version of python available
    If not install it from scratch in user directory.
    with cd('/tmp'):
        base = os.path.basename(env.APP_PYTHON_URL)
        pdir = os.path.splitext(base)[0]
        run('tar -xzf {0}'.format(base))
    with cd('/tmp/{0}'.format(pdir)):
        puts('Python BUILD log-file can be found in: /tmp/py_install.log')
        puts(green('Configuring Python.....'))
        run('./configure --prefix {0} > /tmp/py_install.log 2>&1;'.format(
        puts(green('Building Python.....'))
        run('make >> /tmp/py_install.log 2>&1;')
        puts(green('Installing Python.....'))
        run('make install >> /tmp/py_install.log 2>&1')
        ppath = '{0}/bin/python{1}'.format(ppath, env.APP_PYTHON_VERSION)
    return ppath
Example #17
def APP_build_cmd():

    # The installation of the bsddb package (needed by ngamsCore) is in
    # particular difficult because it requires some flags to be passed on
    # (particularly if using MacOSX's port
    build_cmd = []
    linux_flavor = get_linux_flavor()
    if linux_flavor == 'Darwin':
        pkgmgr = check_brew_port()
        if pkgmgr == 'brew':
            cellardir = check_brew_cellar()
            db_version = run(
                'ls -tr1 {0}/berkeley-db@4'.format(cellardir)).split()[-1]
            db_dir = '{0}/berkeley-db@4/{1}'.format(cellardir, db_version)
            if not settings['NGAS_NO_CLIENT']:
            incdir = MACPORT_DIR + '/include/db60'
            libdir = MACPORT_DIR + '/lib/db60'
            build_cmd.append('BERKELEYDB_INCDIR=' + incdir)
            build_cmd.append('BERKELEYDB_LIBDIR=' + libdir)
            if not settings['NGAS_NO_CLIENT']:
                build_cmd.append('CFLAGS=-I' + incdir)
                build_cmd.append('LDFLAGS=-L' + libdir)

    if settings['NGAS_NO_CRC32C']:
    if not settings['NGAS_NO_CLIENT']:
    if settings['NGAS_DEVELOP']:
    if not settings['NGAS_DOC_DEPENDENCIES']:

    return ' '.join(build_cmd)
Example #18
def copy_sources():
    Creates a copy of the APP sources in the target host.

    # We don't open all the git repositories to the world, so for the time
    # being we always make a tarball from our repository and copy it over
    # ssh to the remote host, where we expand it back

    nsd = APP_source_dir()

    # Because this could be happening in parallel in various machines
    # we generate a tmpfile locally, but the target file is the same
    repo_git = APP_repo_git()
    if not repo_git:
        local_file = tempfile.mktemp(".tar.gz")
        #In this case the compression is done after git archive
        local_file = tempfile.mktemp(".tar")
    if repo_git:
        local_file += ".gz"

    # transfer the tar file if not local
    if not is_localhost():
        target_tarfile = '/tmp/{0}_tmp.tar'.format(APP_name())
        put(local_file, target_tarfile)
        target_tarfile = local_file

    # unpack the tar file into the APP_src_dir
    # (mind the "p", to preserve permissions)
    run('mkdir -p {0}'.format(nsd))
    with cd(nsd):
        run('tar xpf {0}'.format(target_tarfile))
        if not is_localhost():
            run('rm {0}'.format(target_tarfile))

    # Cleaning up now
    local('rm {0}'.format(local_file))

    success("{0} sources copied".format(APP_name()))
Example #19
def virtualenv(command, **kwargs):
    Just a helper function to execute commands in the APP virtualenv
    nid = APP_install_dir()
    return run('source {0}/bin/activate && {1}'.format(nid, command), **kwargs)
Example #20
def unicorn():
    with settings(user=env.APP_USER):
        run('pkill gunicorn')
Example #21
def get_linux_flavor():
    Obtain and set the env variable linux_flavor

    # Already ran through this method
    if 'linux_flavor' in env:
        return env.linux_flavor

    linux_flavor = None
    # Try lsb_release
    if check_command('lsb_release'):
        distributionId = run('lsb_release -i')
        if distributionId and distributionId.find(':') != -1:
            linux_flavor = distributionId.split(':')[1].strip()

    # Try python
    if not linux_flavor and check_command('python'):
        lf = run(
            "python -c 'import platform; print(platform.linux_distribution()[0])'"
        if lf:
            linux_flavor = lf.split()[0]

    # Try /etc/issue
    if not linux_flavor and check_path('/etc/issue') == '1':
        re = run('cat /etc/issue')
        issue = re.split()
        if issue:
            if issue[0] == 'CentOS' or issue[0] == 'Ubuntu' \
               or issue[0] == 'Debian':
                linux_flavor = issue[0]
            elif issue[0] == 'Amazon':
                linux_flavor = ' '.join(issue[:2])
            elif issue[2] in ('SUSE', 'openSUSE'):
                linux_flavor = issue[2]

    # Try uname -s
    if not linux_flavor:
        linux_flavor = run('uname -s')

    # Sanitize
    if linux_flavor and type(linux_flavor) == type([]):
        linux_flavor = linux_flavor[0]

    # Final check
    if not linux_flavor or linux_flavor not in SUPPORTED_OS:
            'Target machine is running an unsupported or unkown Linux flavor: {0}.'
        puts('If you know better, please enter it below.')
        puts('Must be one of:')
        puts(' '.join(SUPPORTED_OS))
        linux_flavor = prompt('LINUX flavor: ')

    if linux_flavor == 'Linux' and env.docker:
        linux_flavor = 'CentOS'
    env.linux_flavor = linux_flavor
    puts(blue("Remote machine running %s" % linux_flavor))
    return linux_flavor
Example #22
def cleanup():
    run('rm -rf daliuge_*')
    run('rm -rf DALIUGE')
    run('if [ -f .bash_profile.orig ]; then mv .bash_profile.orig .bash_profile; fi'
Example #23
def start_jupyter():
    Starts the jupyter server in the correct directory
    with cd('{0}'.format(APP_SRC_DIR_NAME)):
        run('jupyter notebook --ip=')
Example #24
def install_port(package):
    Install a package using macports (Mac OSX)
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        run('sudo port install {0}'.format(package))
Example #25
def install_brew(package):
    Install a package using homebrew (Mac OSX)
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        run('export HOMEBREW_NO_EMOJI=1; brew install {0} | grep -v "\%"'.format(package))
Example #26
def check_path(path):
    Check existence of remote path
    res = run('if [ -e {0} ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi'.format(path))
    return res