Example #1
def clean(ext='false'):
    Clean up the generated files and temp dirs.
    :param ext:
        Cleanup even the external, downloaded packages. Default is 'false'.
        This should be only needed when the resource has been changed,
        thus a complete rebuild is needed.
    # Clean dist dir
    shutil.rmtree(DIST_DIR, ignore_errors=True)

    # Clean build dir
    shutil.rmtree(BUILD_DIR, ignore_errors=True)
    for plugin_dir in PLUGIN_DIRS:
        shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, plugin_dir, 'dist'), ignore_errors=True)

    if get_bool_str(ext):
        for res in ext_resources:
            res_path = get_ext_path(res.name)
            shutil.rmtree(res_path, ignore_errors=True)
Example #2
def clean(ext='false'):
    Clean up the generated files and temp dirs.
    :param ext:
        Cleanup even the external, downloaded packages. Default is 'false'.
        This should be only needed when the resource has been changed,
        thus a complete rebuild is needed.
    # Clean dist dir
    shutil.rmtree(DIST_DIR, ignore_errors=True)

    # Clean build dir
    shutil.rmtree(BUILD_DIR, ignore_errors=True)
    for plugin_dir in PLUGIN_DIRS:
        shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, plugin_dir, 'dist'),

    if get_bool_str(ext):
        for res in ext_resources:
            res_path = get_ext_path(res.name)
            shutil.rmtree(res_path, ignore_errors=True)
Example #3
def buildext(allext='false',patch='true',branch='master'):
    Build and optionally patch the 3rd party modules and libraries.
    The outcome (tar.gz/egg) files are placed in dist directory

    :param allext:
        Download also non-GitResources. Default is 'false'.
    :param patch:
        Patch those plugins having patches, currently, trac and gitosis.
    :param branch:
        For GitResources, selects the branch to be used. Default is 'master'.

    .. NOTE::

        If you want to include the external release into multiproject-all package, run the build
        task with parameters::

            fab dist.build:ext=true

    allext = get_bool_str(allext)
    # Construct and create building directory for external resources
    extbuild = build_join('ext')
    shutil.rmtree(extbuild, ignore_errors=True)

    for res in ext_resources:
        res_path = get_ext_path(res.name)
        is_git = isinstance(res, GitResource)
        if not is_git and not allext:
        logger.info('Starting to download / fetch resource %s' % res.name)

        must_retrieve = False
        resource_id_file = join(res_path, '.fabric_resource_id.txt')
        res_lines = [line.strip() for line in str(res).split(',')]
        res_lines.append('# This is a file used by fabric dist.buildext command.')
        if not os.path.exists(res_path):
            must_retrieve = True
            # Check folder contents.
            # If the fetch identifier is missing, it is assumed to be the correct one.
            if os.path.exists(resource_id_file):
                prev_lines = [line.strip() for line in open(resource_id_file, 'r')]
                if res_lines != prev_lines:
                    logger.warning('Resource %s has been changed, retrieving it.' % res.name)
                    logger.info('Previous resource: %s' % prev_lines)
                    logger.info('Current resource:  %s' % res_lines)
                    must_retrieve = True
            if not get_files(os.path.abspath(res_path), 'setup.py', recursive=True):
                must_retrieve = True
        if must_retrieve:
            shutil.rmtree(res_path, ignore_errors=True)
            outfile = open(resource_id_file, 'w')
            outfile.writelines([line + '\n' for line in res_lines])
            logger.warning('Resource %s was already retrieved.' % res.name)

        if is_git:
            # The GitResources are always updated
            if not os.path.exists(join(res_path, '.git')):
                raise Exception('GitResource in %s is invalid. Run `fab dist.clean:ext=true`' % res_path)
            with lcd(res_path):
                local('git fetch')

        # Else, we assume that the resource has been already retrieved
        # Copy the files into ext build dir
        ext_build_dir = join(extbuild, res.name)
        shutil.copytree(res_path, ext_build_dir)
        if isinstance(res, GitResource):
            with lcd(ext_build_dir):
                logger.info('For %s, git checkout %s' % (res.name, branch))
                local('git checkout %s' % branch)
                local('git merge origin/%s' % branch)

    # Now the plugin files are inside 'build/ext/', and we can continue

    # Work in build directory
    with lcd(extbuild):
        # Retreive resource and place them to build directory

        # Apply patches
        if get_bool_str(patch) and allext:

            # Patch Trac
            logger.info('Patching Trac...')
            with lcd(join(extbuild, 'trac')):
                for patch in get_files(join(PROJECT_DIR, 'ext/patches/trac'), '*.patch', recursive=True):
                    local('patch --ignore-whitespace -p0 -i %s' % patch)

            # Patch Gitosis
            logger.info('Patching Gitosis...')
            with lcd(join(extbuild, 'gitosis')):
                for patch in get_files(join(PROJECT_DIR, 'ext/patches/gitosis'), '*.patch', recursive=True):
                    local('patch --ignore-whitespace -p0 -i %s' % patch)

    # Build eggs (in build dir)
    logger.info('Laying eggs and source dists...')
    # Iterate folders where setup.py can be found
    for setuppy_path in get_files(os.path.abspath(extbuild), 'setup.py', recursive=True):
        plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(setuppy_path)
        logger.info('Building package for %s' % os.path.basename(plugin_dir))
        with lcd(plugin_dir):
            local('python setup.py bdist_egg')
            local('python setup.py sdist')

    # Copy distributable files to dist
    if not os.path.exists(DIST_DIR):

    for egg in get_files(os.path.abspath(extbuild), '*.egg', recursive=True):
        shutil.copy(egg, join(DIST_DIR, os.path.basename(egg)))

    for targz in get_files(os.path.abspath(extbuild), '*.tar.gz', recursive=True):
        shutil.copy(targz, join(DIST_DIR, os.path.basename(targz)))
Example #4
def buildext(allext='false', patch='true', branch='master'):
    Build and optionally patch the 3rd party modules and libraries.
    The outcome (tar.gz/egg) files are placed in dist directory

    :param allext:
        Download also non-GitResources. Default is 'false'.
    :param patch:
        Patch those plugins having patches, currently, trac and gitosis.
    :param branch:
        For GitResources, selects the branch to be used. Default is 'master'.

    .. NOTE::

        If you want to include the external release into multiproject-all package, run the build
        task with parameters::

            fab dist.build:ext=true

    allext = get_bool_str(allext)
    # Construct and create building directory for external resources
    extbuild = build_join('ext')
    shutil.rmtree(extbuild, ignore_errors=True)

    for res in ext_resources:
        res_path = get_ext_path(res.name)
        is_git = isinstance(res, GitResource)
        if not is_git and not allext:
        logger.info('Starting to download / fetch resource %s' % res.name)

        must_retrieve = False
        resource_id_file = join(res_path, '.fabric_resource_id.txt')
        res_lines = [line.strip() for line in str(res).split(',')]
            '# This is a file used by fabric dist.buildext command.')
        if not os.path.exists(res_path):
            must_retrieve = True
            # Check folder contents.
            # If the fetch identifier is missing, it is assumed to be the correct one.
            if os.path.exists(resource_id_file):
                prev_lines = [
                    line.strip() for line in open(resource_id_file, 'r')
                if res_lines != prev_lines:
                        'Resource %s has been changed, retrieving it.' %
                    logger.info('Previous resource: %s' % prev_lines)
                    logger.info('Current resource:  %s' % res_lines)
                    must_retrieve = True
            if not get_files(
                    os.path.abspath(res_path), 'setup.py', recursive=True):
                must_retrieve = True
        if must_retrieve:
            shutil.rmtree(res_path, ignore_errors=True)
            outfile = open(resource_id_file, 'w')
            outfile.writelines([line + '\n' for line in res_lines])
            logger.warning('Resource %s was already retrieved.' % res.name)

        if is_git:
            # The GitResources are always updated
            if not os.path.exists(join(res_path, '.git')):
                raise Exception(
                    'GitResource in %s is invalid. Run `fab dist.clean:ext=true`'
                    % res_path)
            with lcd(res_path):
                local('git fetch')

        # Else, we assume that the resource has been already retrieved
        # Copy the files into ext build dir
        ext_build_dir = join(extbuild, res.name)
        shutil.copytree(res_path, ext_build_dir)
        if isinstance(res, GitResource):
            with lcd(ext_build_dir):
                logger.info('For %s, git checkout %s' % (res.name, branch))
                local('git checkout %s' % branch)
                local('git merge origin/%s' % branch)

    # Now the plugin files are inside 'build/ext/', and we can continue

    # Work in build directory
    with lcd(extbuild):
        # Retreive resource and place them to build directory

        # Apply patches
        if get_bool_str(patch) and allext:

            # Patch Trac
            logger.info('Patching Trac...')
            with lcd(join(extbuild, 'trac')):
                for patch in get_files(join(PROJECT_DIR, 'ext/patches/trac'),
                    local('patch --ignore-whitespace -p0 -i %s' % patch)

            # Patch Gitosis
            logger.info('Patching Gitosis...')
            with lcd(join(extbuild, 'gitosis')):
                for patch in get_files(join(PROJECT_DIR,
                    local('patch --ignore-whitespace -p0 -i %s' % patch)

    # Build eggs (in build dir)
    logger.info('Laying eggs and source dists...')
    # Iterate folders where setup.py can be found
    for setuppy_path in get_files(os.path.abspath(extbuild),
        plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(setuppy_path)
        logger.info('Building package for %s' % os.path.basename(plugin_dir))
        with lcd(plugin_dir):
            local('python setup.py bdist_egg')
            local('python setup.py sdist')

    # Copy distributable files to dist
    if not os.path.exists(DIST_DIR):

    for egg in get_files(os.path.abspath(extbuild), '*.egg', recursive=True):
        shutil.copy(egg, join(DIST_DIR, os.path.basename(egg)))

    for targz in get_files(os.path.abspath(extbuild),
        shutil.copy(targz, join(DIST_DIR, os.path.basename(targz)))