def run_test(print_output, my_configs): lcd(base_path) with lcd('./strategy'): java_cmd = 'java -cp "../backtest/TradingFramework4j/lib/*:../backtest/TradingFramework4j/bin/" backtester.Backtester ' cmd_args = "../quotes/%s %s \"%s\"" % (quote_file, strategy_file, my_configs) output = local(java_cmd + cmd_args, capture=True) if print_output: print output match ='.*Closed PnL \(no fees\):\s*(.*)$', output, re.MULTILINE) if match: pnl = float(convert_dollars( else: print "Error getting PnL." sys.exit(1) match ='.*Total Cost:\s*(.*)$', output, re.MULTILINE) if match: cost = float(convert_dollars( else: print "Error getting cost." sys.exit(1) score = pnl - cost return score
def import_media(filename=None): """ Extracts media dump into your local media root. Please note that this might overwrite existing local files. Usage:: fab import_media fab import_media:filename=foobar.tar.gz """ if not filename: filename = settings.MEDIA_DUMP_FILENAME project_root = os.getcwd() with fab_settings(hide('everything'), warn_only=True): is_backup_missing = local('test -e "$(echo %s)"' % os.path.join( project_root, filename)).failed if is_backup_missing: abort(red('ERROR: There is no media backup that could be imported in' ' {0}. We need a file called {1} in that folder.'.format( project_root, filename))) # copy the dump into the media root folder with lcd(project_root): local('cp {0} {1}'.format(filename, settings.MEDIA_ROOT)) # extract and remove media dump with lcd(settings.MEDIA_ROOT): local('tar -xvf {0}'.format(filename)) local('rm -rf {0}'.format(filename))
def make_docs(src_dir=None, build_dir=None): """ Generate Indico docs """ _check_present('pdflatex') src_dir = src_dir or env.src_dir if build_dir is None: target_dir = os.path.join(src_dir, 'indico', 'htdocs', 'ihelp') else: target_dir = os.path.join(build_dir or env.build_dir, 'indico', 'htdocs', 'ihelp') print green('Generating documentation') with lcd(os.path.join(src_dir, 'doc')): for d in DOC_DIRS: with lcd(d): local('make html') local('make latex') local('rm -rf {0}/*'.format(os.path.join(target_dir, 'html'))) local('mv build/html/* {0}'.format(os.path.join(target_dir, 'html'))) with lcd(os.path.join('guides', 'build', 'latex')): local('make all-pdf') local('mv *.pdf {0}'.format(os.path.join(target_dir, 'pdf'))) print green('Cleaning up') for d in DOC_DIRS: with lcd(d): local('make clean')
def deploy_project(local_dir, remote_dir, exclude=[]): """Deploy the entire project at local_dir to remote_dir, excluding the given paths.""" export() if USE_RSYNC_PROJECT: sync = partial(rsync_project, remote_dir=remote_dir, exclude=exclude, delete=True, extra_opts="-e 'ssh -l {}'".format(conf['user'])) else: exclude = ['.git', '', 'cache', 'config', '*.log', 'js', 'image'] cmd = "rsync -pthrvz --delete" cmd = cmd + " {exclude} --rsh='ssh -p 22 ' -e 'ssh -l {user}' {local_dir} {host}:{remote_dir}" cmd_params = {'user': conf['user'], 'host': conf['host'], 'remote_dir': remote_dir, 'exclude': ' '.join("--exclude '{}'".format(x) for x in exclude)} def sync(local_dir): cmd_params['local_dir'] = local_dir local(cmd.format(**cmd_params)) try: with lcd(workspace): with lcd(local_dir): sync(local_dir='.') sync(local_dir='resources') except: log.exception('deployment error:') raise finally: rmtree(workspace)
def setup_venv(build_top = "../../../../build"): venv_base = "%s/debug/cfgm/schema-transformer" %(build_top) with lcd(venv_base): venv_base = local("pwd", capture = True) local("virtualenv ut-venv") venv_dir = "%s/ut-venv" %(venv_base) with lcd(venv_dir): with prefix("source %s/bin/activate" %(venv_dir)): local("pip install --upgrade ../../common/dist/cfgm_common-0.1dev.tar.gz") local("pip install --upgrade ../dist/schema_transformer-0.1dev.tar.gz") local("pip install --upgrade ../../svc-monitor/dist/svc_monitor-0.1dev.tar.gz") local("pip install --upgrade ../../api-server/dist/vnc_cfg_api_server-0.1dev.tar.gz") local("pip install --upgrade ../../../api-lib/dist/vnc_api-0.1dev.tar.gz") local("pip install --upgrade ../../../sandesh/library/python/dist/sandesh-0.1dev.tar.gz") local("pip install paramiko==1.9.0") with lcd("../../../../../third_party/kazoo"): local("python install") with lcd("../../../../../third_party/ncclient"): local("python install") local("pip install fixtures==0.3.12") local("pip install testtools==0.9.32") local("pip install flexmock==0.9.7") local("pip install python-novaclient==2.13.0") # 2.6 requirements local("pip install ordereddict") local("pip install importlib")
def nonbower(): if not os.path.exists(components_dir): components() with open("nonbower.json") as f: cfg = json.load(f) for name, repo in cfg.get('dependencies', {}).items(): clone = "git clone" if '#' in repo: repo, tag = repo.split('#') else: tag = None clone += " --depth 1" with lcd(components_dir): local("{clone} {repo} {name}".format(**locals())) if tag: with lcd(pjoin(components_dir, name)): local("git checkout -b {0} tags/{0}".format(tag)) # remove the git tree, so we don't get submodules shutil.rmtree(pjoin(components_dir, name, '.git'))
def build(self): # if we're running a virtualenv the we need to reload the defaults virtualenv_name = env.get("virtualenv", None) if (virtualenv_name is not None): # make a place for the virtualenv to exist local("{} -p {}".format(['mkdir'], env.python_virtualenv_root_dir)) # remember where the default python installation went system_python_virtualenv = env.python_virtualenv # create the virtualenv with lcd(env.python_virtualenv_root_dir): local("{} --python={} {}".format(system_python_virtualenv, env.python, virtualenv_name)) with settings(path("{}/{}/bin".format(env.python_virtualenv_root_dir, virtualenv_name), behavior="prepend"), shell_env(VIRTUAL_ENV="{}/{}".format(env.python_virtualenv_root_dir, virtualenv_name))): # re-load the default paths to make it uses the virtualenv python load_defaults() # load requirements into virtualenv if (os.path.isfile("{}/requirements.txt".format(env.build_dir))): local("{} install -r {}/requirements.txt".format(env.python_pip, env.build_dir)) # really build self._build() # make it so that we can move the virtualenv with lcd(env.python_virtualenv_root_dir): local("{} --relocatable {}".format(system_python_virtualenv, virtualenv_name)) else: # really build self._build()
def build(config=_DEF_CFG): "Build all of winsparkle." strs = {"devenv": _DEVENV, "cfg": config} with lcd(_DEPS_PATH): local("%(devenv)s WinSparkleDeps.sln /build %(cfg)s" % strs) with lcd(_TOP_DIR): local("%(devenv)s WinSparkle.sln /build %(cfg)s /project WinSparkle.vcproj" % strs)
def package(skin=None, user=None, version=None, app_name="git-snapshot", app_ver="git-snapshot", app_id=""): """ Package a skinned up implementation for deployment based on the current commit in this directory. This method creates a fresh clone, installs the skin, and generates a tarball. In particular, it *ignores* any extra files in the directory (such as private keys or config files) """ temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='fios_tmp') clone_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'otmios') skin_clone_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'skins') git_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) git_rev = local('git rev-parse HEAD', capture=True) with lcd(temp_dir): local('git clone "%s" "%s"' % (git_path, clone_dir)) with lcd(clone_dir): local('git reset --hard %s' % git_rev) install_skin(skin, user, version, skin_clone_dir, otm_dir=os.path.join(clone_dir,"OpenTreeMap"), copy_instead_of_link=True) create_info_plist(app_name, app_id, app_ver,path=clone_dir) with lcd(temp_dir): local('tar -czf otmios.tar.gz otmios') local('mv "%s" "%s"' % (os.path.join(temp_dir,'otmios.tar.gz'), git_path)) local('rm -rf "%s"' % temp_dir)
def local_update(): '''Update the local Django project (running required management commands''' require('project_root') require('virtualenv_dir') with lcd(env.project_root), lcd('caire_web'), \ prefix('. {}bin/activate'.format(env.virtualenv_dir)): project_manage_upgrade(exec_cmd=local)
def fab_patch(self): ''' Walk over 'diffs' directory and patch every application ''' vcs_commands = { 'git': 'git checkout .', 'svn': 'svn revert -R .', 'hg': 'hg revert .', } for patch in listdir(self.project_path_join(self.diff_dir)): app_name, vcs = '.'.join(patch.split('.')[:-2]), patch.split('.')[-2] if vcs == 'lib': app_dir = self._site_packages_path() if isdir(self._site_package_path(app_name)) and isdir(self._site_package_path('%s.original' % app_name)): # delete patched app and move original app to the normal place with lcd(app_dir): local('rm -R %(app)s && mv %(app)s.original %(app)s' % {'app': app_name}, capture=False) # copy app from normal to reserve place for keeping with lcd(app_dir): local('cp -R %(app)s %(app)s.original' % {'app': app_name}, capture=False) else: app_dir = self._source_package_path(app_name) # revert files from repo with lcd(app_dir): local(vcs_commands[vcs], capture=False) with lcd(app_dir): patch_command = 'patch -p1' if vcs == 'hg' else 'patch -p0' local('%s < %s' % (patch_command, self.project_path_join(self.diff_dir, patch)), capture=False)
def git(force=False): _apt_get_install('git') if force or _can_overwrite('~/.gitconfig'): with lcd('git'): local('ln -sf $PWD/gitconfig ~/.gitconfig') if force or _can_overwrite('~/.gitignore'): local('rm -f ~/.gitignore') git_repo = '' git_repo_dir = 'git/gitignore' _git_pull_or_clone(git_repo, git_repo_dir) with lcd(git_repo_dir): templates = [ 'Global/Linux', 'Global/Vim', 'Global/Emacs', 'Global/JetBrains', 'Python', 'R', 'C', 'C++', 'Java', 'Scala', 'TeX', ] for template in templates: local('cat {}.gitignore >> ~/.gitignore'.format(template))
def create_project(): """ Создает новый проект """ # спрашиваем у пользователя название папки с проектом prompt('project root name: ', 'project_root', validate='^([A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])$') # спрашиваем у пользователя название проекта prompt('project name: ', 'project', validate='^([A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])$') puts('create project: {0}'.format(env.project)) with lcd(PROJECTS_ROOT): # Создаем директорию с root проектом local('mkdir %s' % env.project_root) with lcd(env.project_root): # Создаем директорию с django проектом и переходим в нее local('mkdir {0}-django'.format(env.project)) with lcd('{0}-django'.format(env.project)): # Создаем виртуальное окружение local('virtualenv -p {0} .venv'.format(PYTHON)) with prefix('.venv/bin/activate'): # Устанавливаем django if DJANGO_VERSION: local('pip install django=={0}'.format(DJANGO_VERSION)) else: local('pip install django') # Создаем проект из шаблона local('django-admin --template={0} {1}'.format(PROJECT_TEMPLATE_PATH, env.project))
def runfcgi_local(): with prefix('source /home/adw0rd/work/django-lictor/venv/bin/activate'): lcd('/home/adw0rd/work/django-lictor/test_project') local('./ runfcgi host=localhost port=8005 method=prefork ' 'pidfile=/tmp/ minspare=2 maxspare=10 maxchildren=3 maxrequests=100 ' 'outlog=/tmp/test_project.out errlog=/tmp/test_project.err umask=000 ' 'workdir=/home/adw0rd/work/django-lictor/test_project')
def terminal(force=False): _apt_get_install('zsh') local('chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh') git_repo = '' git_repo_dir = 'zsh/prezto' _git_pull_or_clone(git_repo, git_repo_dir) with lcd('zsh'): if force or _can_overwrite('~/.zprezto'): local('ln -sf $PWD/prezto ~/.zprezto') local('ln -sf $PWD/prompt_yasserglez_setup ~/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/') for dotfile in ('zlogin', 'zlogout', 'zpreztorc', 'zprofile', 'profile', 'zshenv', 'zshrc'): if force or _can_overwrite('~/.{}'.format(dotfile)): local('rm -f ~/.{}'.format(dotfile)) local('ln -sf $PWD/{0} ~/.{0}'.format(dotfile)) # gnome-terminal: _apt_get_install('gnome-terminal', 'dconf-cli') git_repo = '' git_repo_dir = 'solarized/gnome-terminal-colors-solarized' _git_pull_or_clone(git_repo, git_repo_dir) with lcd(git_repo_dir): local('./ -s dark -p Default') # dircolors: _apt_get_install('coreutils') git_repo = '' git_repo_dir = 'solarized/dircolors-solarized' _git_pull_or_clone(git_repo, git_repo_dir) if force or _can_overwrite('~/.dir_colors'): with lcd(git_repo_dir): local('ln -sf $PWD/dircolors.ansi-dark ~/.dir_colors')
def setup_venv(build_top = "../../../../build"): venv_base = "%s/debug/cfgm/api-server" %(build_top) with lcd(venv_base): local("virtualenv ut-venv") venv_dir = "%s/ut-venv" %(venv_base) with lcd(venv_dir): with prefix("source bin/activate"): local("pip install --upgrade ../../common/dist/cfgm_common-0.1dev.tar.gz") local("pip install --upgrade ../dist/vnc_cfg_api_server-0.1dev.tar.gz") local("pip install --upgrade ../../../api-lib/dist/vnc_api-0.1dev.tar.gz") local("pip install --upgrade ../../../sandesh/library/python/dist/sandesh-0.1dev.tar.gz") local("pip install --upgrade ../../../discovery/dist/discovery-0.1dev.tar.gz") local("pip install xmltodict") local("pip install fixtures==0.3.12") local("pip install testtools==0.9.32") local("pip install flexmock==0.9.7") local("pip install python-novaclient==2.13.0") pyver = "%s.%s" %(sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) # 2.6 requirements local("pip install ordereddict") if pyver == '2.6': local("pip install importlib") local("cp ../../../../../src/cfgm/api-server/tests/ lib/python%s/site-packages/vnc_cfg_api_server/" %(pyver))
def deploy(product,product_root,repo,tag,user): deploy_path = os.path.join(product_root, VERSION_DIR) sudo('mkdir -pv %s' % deploy_path, user=user) if not is_valid_path(deploy_path): print "[ERROR] could not create %s." % deploy_path raise # git url url = GIT_URL + ':' + repo + '/' + product.lower() + '.git' clone_path = os.path.join(TMP_PATH, product) local('mkdir -pv %s' % TMP_PATH) try: local('git clone %s %s' % (url, clone_path)) with lcd(clone_path): if tag == '': tag = local('git for-each-ref --sort=taggerdate | tail -1 \ | sed -e "s/.*refs\/tags\///g"', capture=True) local('git checkout -b %s' % tag) with lcd(TMP_PATH): local('mv -v %s %s' % (product, tag)) local('tar czvf %s.tar.gz %s --exclude-vcs' % (tag, tag)) local_path = TMP_PATH + '/' + tag + '.tar.gz' put(local_path, deploy_path, use_sudo=True) with cd(deploy_path): run('pwd') tar_file = tag + '.tar.gz' sudo('tar zxvf %s' % tar_file) sudo('chown %s %s' % (user, tag)) sudo('rm %s' % tar_file) except: print "[ERROR] %s could not be deployed." % product exit(1) finally: local('rm -rf %s' % TMP_PATH)
def parse_projects(): repos = json.loads(open('config.json').read()) repos = repos['repos'] if not os.path.exists(WORKSPACE_DIR): local('mkdir %s' % WORKSPACE_DIR) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(WORKSPACE_DIR, DUMPS_DIR)): local('mkdir %s' % os.path.join(WORKSPACE_DIR, DUMPS_DIR)) for repo in repos: name = repo.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] path = os.path.join(WORKSPACE_DIR, name) with lcd(WORKSPACE_DIR): if os.path.exists(path): with lcd(name): local('git pull') else: local('git clone %s' % repo) local('python %s > %s.json' % (path, os.path.join(WORKSPACE_DIR, DUMPS_DIR, name))) local("git checkout gh-pages") local("git rebase master") with settings(warn_only=True): local("cp -rvf %s/* %s" % (os.path.join(WORKSPACE_DIR, DUMPS_DIR), DUMPS_DIR)) local("git add dumps/* && git commit -m \'dump on %s\'" %"%B %d, %Y at %H:%M:%S")) local("git checkout master") local("git push -f origin gh-pages")
def sphinx_build(builder, docs_dir, cmdline_args=[], language=None, build_dir_cmd=None): args = ['sphinx-build', '-b', builder] args += cmdline_args # ~ args += ['-a'] # all files, not only outdated # ~ args += ['-P'] # no postmortem # ~ args += ['-Q'] # no output # build_dir = docs_dir.child(env.build_dir_name) build_dir = Path(env.build_dir_name) if language is not None: args += ['-D', 'language=' + language] # needed in select_lang.html template args += ['-A', 'language=' + language] if language != env.languages[0]: build_dir = build_dir.child(language) #~ print 20130726, build_dir if env.tolerate_sphinx_warnings: args += ['-w', 'warnings_%s.txt' % builder] else: args += ['-W'] # consider warnings as errors # args += ['-vvv'] # increase verbosity #~ args += ['-w'+Path(env.root_dir,'sphinx_doctest_warnings.txt')] args += ['.', build_dir] cmd = ' '.join(args) with lcd(docs_dir): local(cmd) if build_dir_cmd is not None: with lcd(build_dir): local(build_dir_cmd)
def dist_package(): execute(default_path) with lcd('%(deploy_dir)s/' % { 'deploy_dir':env.deploy_dir }): local('if [ -d %(app)s ]; then rm -rf %(app)s ; fi' % { 'app' }) local('git clone %(app_repo)s' % { 'app_repo': env.app_repo }) with lcd('%(deploy_dir)s/%(app)s' % { 'deploy_dir':env.deploy_dir, 'app' }): local('play dist')
def setup_web2py(): with lcd("/opt"): if os.path.isdir('/opt/web2py'): with lcd("/opt/web2py"): local("git pull") else: local("git clone web2py")
def recreate(): """Recreate new migrations from start and remove database""" project_prefixed_apps = [] for app in PROJECT_APPS: project_prefixed_apps.append('{}.{}'.format(PROJECT_DIR, app)) apps = APPS + project_prefixed_apps for app in apps: with lcd(os.path.join(*app.split('.'))): if django.get_version() >= '1.7': local('rm -f ./migrations/*.py') local('touch ./migrations/') else: local('rm -f ./south_migrations/*.py') local('touch ./south_migrations/') with lcd(PROJECT_DIR): if django.get_version() >= '1.7': local('rm -f db.sqlite3') else: local('rm -rf olddb.sqlite3') migrate() manage('createsuperuser --username app --email [email protected] --noinput') manage('changepassword app')
def __run(name, **kwargs): """ Run an experiment. :param name: experiment name :param path: expanded path of the experiment (dynamically filled in through 'command' decorator with 'expand' """ path = kwargs['path'] check_structure(path, remove=True) with hide(*HIDDEN_ALL): for sim in ["without", "with"]: sim_path = join(path, "{}-malicious".format(sim)) data, results = join(sim_path, 'data'), join(sim_path, 'results') # the Makefile is at experiment's root ('path') with lcd(sim_path): logger.debug(" > Running simulation {} the malicious mote...".format(sim)) local("make run", capture=True) # simulations are in their respective folders ('sim_path') remove_files(sim_path, 'COOJA.log', 'COOJA.testlog') # once the execution is over, gather the screenshots into a single GIF and keep the first and # the last screenshots ; move these to the results folder with lcd(data): local('convert -delay 10 -loop 0 network*.png wsn-{}-malicious.gif'.format(sim)) network_images = {int(fn.split('.')[0].split('_')[-1]): fn for fn in listdir(data) if fn.startswith('network_')} move_files(data, results, 'wsn-{}-malicious.gif'.format(sim)) net_start_old = network_images[min(network_images.keys())] net_start, ext = splitext(net_start_old) net_start_new = 'wsn-{}-malicious_start{}'.format(sim, ext) net_end_old = network_images[max(network_images.keys())] net_end, ext = splitext(net_end_old) net_end_new = 'wsn-{}-malicious_end{}'.format(sim, ext) move_files(data, results, (net_start_old, net_start_new), (net_end_old, net_end_new)) remove_files(data, *network_images.values()) parsing_chain(sim_path)
def build_tar(project): """Build the tar for the project.""" project_dir = os.path.join('/tmp', project) with lcd(project_dir): version = local('python --version', capture=True) version = version.replace(' ', '') project_version = '{project}-{version}'.format(project=project, version=version) new_project_dir = os.path.join('/tmp', project_version) local('rm -rf "{new_project_dir}"'.format(new_project_dir=new_project_dir)) local('svn export "{project_dir}" "{new_project_dir}"'.format( project_dir=project_dir, new_project_dir=new_project_dir)) with lcd(new_project_dir.replace('(','\(').replace(')','\)')): # Clean up development left overs local('rm -f .project') local('rm -f .pydevproject') #Tar project_tar = project_version + '.tar.gz' local('tar -C /tmp -czvf "{project_tar}" ' '"{project_version}"'.format(project_version=project_version, project_tar=project_tar)) local('sha256sum "{project_tar}" |awk \'{{printf "SHA256 (%s) = %s\\n", $2, $1 }}\' > distinfo'.format(project_tar=project_tar)) local('ls -l "{project_tar}" |awk \'{{printf "SIZE (%s) = %s\\n", $8, $5 }}\' >> distinfo'.format(project_tar=project_tar))
def checkout(package_name_version): with lcd(fabfile_dir): with lcd(".."): existing_packages = local("ls", capture=True).split("\n") uncommitted = [] for package_name, version in package_name_version.iteritems(): if package_name in existing_packages: with lcd(package_name): if check_for_uncommitted(): uncommitted.append(package_name) if len(uncommitted): print "we have uncommited changes in {} quitting".format( ", ".join(uncommitted) ) return for package_name, version in package_name_version.iteritems(): if package_name not in existing_packages: print "cloning {}".format(package_name) local("git clone {}".format(package_name)) with lcd(package_name): print "checking out {0} to {1}".format( package_name, version ) else: local("git fetch") with lcd(package_name): local("git checkout {}".format(version)) local("git pull origin {}".format(version)) local("python develop")
def clean(): """ Tidy up app. This should be run before switching projects. """ root, project, src = _get_source() def delete_repo(repo): if os.path.exists(repo): with lcd(repo): out = local('git status', capture=True) if len(out.splitlines()) > 2: print "\nWon't delete {0} until there a no uncommitted changes".format(repo) exit(-1) else: local('rm -rf {0}'.format(repo)) with settings(warn_only=True): www = os.sep.join((src, 'www')) local('rm {0}*.html'.format(os.sep.join((www, '')))) local('rm {0}'.format(os.sep.join((www, 'theme')))) local('rm {0}'.format(os.sep.join((root, 'etc', 'config.ini')))) with lcd(root): if os.path.exists('project'): proj_repo = local('readlink project', capture=True) print proj_repo delete_repo(os.sep.join((root, proj_repo))) local('rm project') plugins = os.sep.join((root, 'plugins')) if os.path.exists(plugins): with lcd(plugins): for plugin in os.listdir(plugins): delete_repo(os.sep.join((plugins, plugin))) local('rmdir plugins')
def run_tests(branch, project, repo_path): with lcd(repo_path): if local('git symbolic-ref HEAD', capture=True).rsplit('/', 1)[1] != branch: local('git branch -f {0} origin/{0}'.format(branch)) local('git reset --hard HEAD~2') local('git checkout {0}'.format(branch)) local('git pull') mflags = 'MAKEFLAGS=-r --no-print-directory' if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): mflags += ' -j' elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): mflags += ' -j16' with lcd(repo_path): local('python') puts('[test]: repository bootstrapped in branch: {0}'.format(branch)) puts('------------------------------------------------------------------------') if project == 'manual': pre_builders = 'json dirhtml texinfo' local('make {0} {1}'.format(mflags, pre_builders)) puts('[test]: targets rebuilt: {0}.'.format(pre_builders)) puts('------------------------------------------------------------------------') local('make {0} publish'.format(mflags)) puts('[test]: repository build publish target in branch: {0}'.format(branch)) puts('------------------------------------------------------------------------') local('fab stage.package'.format(mflags)) puts('[test]: building package for: {0}'.format(branch)) puts('------------------------------------------------------------------------')
def test(): with lcd('puppet/modules'): with lcd('nginx'): local('rspec') with lcd('apache2'): local('rspec')
def scm_get_info(scm_type, scm_ref=None, directory=False): scm_info = None if not scm_ref: scm_ref = scm_get_ref(scm_type, True) if not directory: directory = "." if scm_type.lower() == "svn": with lcd(directory): with hide("running"): xml = local("svn info --xml", capture=True) dom = minidom.parseString(xml) scm_info = { "type": scm_type, "rev": dom.getElementsByTagName("entry")[0].getAttribute("revision"), "url": dom.getElementsByTagName("url")[0].firstChild.wholeText, "branch": scm_ref, } elif scm_type.lower() == "git": with lcd(directory): with hide("running"): revision = local("git describe --always", capture=True) repo = local("git remote -v | grep fetch", capture=True) scm_info = {"type": scm_type, "rev": revision, "url": repo, "branch": scm_ref} return scm_info
def install_django(): with lcd(env.virtualenv_path): local("%s/bin/pip install django" % env.virtualenv_path) #if env.db_type!='sqlite3': local("%s/bin/pip install south" % env.virtualenv_path) if env.db_type=="mysql": local("%s/bin/pip install mysql-python" % env.virtualenv_path) if env.db_type=="postgresql_psycopg2": local("%s/bin/pip install psycopg2" % env.virtualenv_path) if env.db_type=="oracle": local("%s/bin/pip install cx_oracle" % env.virtualenv_path) local("%s/bin/pip install fabric" % env.virtualenv_path) prompt("Project Template?: \n 1)1.6 Base\n 2)BadA$$\n 3)TwoScoops\n", key='proj_template', default="0") if env.proj_template == '1': # django 1.6 Base-Template env.proj_template="--template --extension py,md,rst " elif env.proj_template == '2': # BadA$$-Template env.proj_template="--template -e py,ini,gitignore,in,conf,md,sample,json -n " elif env.proj_template == '3': # TwoScoops-Template env.proj_template="--template= --extension=py,rst,html " else: env.proj_template="" local("%s/bin/python %s/bin/ startproject %s %s" % (env.virtualenv_path, env.virtualenv_path, env.proj_template, env.project_name)) # create the projects app with lcd(env.django_path): local("%s/bin/python ../ startapp %s" % (env.virtualenv_path, env.app_name))
def deploy_static(app_name, env_name, domain, force): app = App(env_name, app_name) bucket_name = domain or '{}-{}'.format( config.get('system_name', uuid.uuid1().hex), app.repo.fetch() version = app.repo.head_commit_id() s3 = boto.connect_s3() b = s3.lookup(bucket_name) if b is not None: version_key = b.get_key('__VERSION__') if version_key is not None: current_version = version_key.get_metadata('git-version') if version == current_version: if force: print '-----> Version {} already deployed, but re-deploying anyway'.format( version) else: print '-----> Version {} already deployed!'.format(version) return with lcd(app.repo.path): build_cmd = app.config.get('build_script') if build_cmd: print '-----> Building' local(build_cmd) if b is None: print '-----> Creating bucket {}'.format(bucket_name) b = s3.create_bucket(bucket_name) # TODO: this policy allows all users read access to all objects. # Need to find a way to limit access to __VERSION__ to only authenticated # users. public_access_policy = json.dumps({ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [{ "Sid": "PublicReadForGetBucketObjects", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": "*", "Action": ["s3:GetObject"], "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::{}/*".format(bucket_name)] }] }) b.set_policy(public_access_policy) #b.configure_versioning(versioning=False) b.configure_website(suffix="index.html", error_key="error.html") def map_key_to_obj(m, obj): if obj.key != '__VERSION__': m[obj.key] = obj return m existing_keys = reduce(map_key_to_obj, b.get_all_keys(), {}) root = normpath(join(app.repo.path, app.config.get('root_dir', ''))) app_redirects = app.config.get('redirects', {}) for key_name in app_redirects.keys(): existing_keys.pop(key_name, None) print '-----> Uploading {} to {} bucket'.format(root, bucket_name) new_keys = [] updated_keys = [] for dirname, dirnames, filenames in walk(root): reldirname = relpath(dirname, root) reldirname = '' if reldirname == '.' else reldirname if os.path.commonprefix(['.git', reldirname]) == '.git': continue for filename in filenames: full_filename = join(reldirname, filename) if full_filename == '.s3': continue new_or_update = ' ' if existing_keys.has_key(full_filename): new_or_update = '[UPDATE]' updated_keys.append(full_filename) key = existing_keys.pop(full_filename) else: new_or_update = '[NEW] ' new_keys.append(full_filename) key = b.new_key(full_filename) print ' {} Uploading {}'.format(new_or_update, full_filename) key.set_contents_from_filename(join(dirname, filename)) if len(existing_keys) > 0: print '-----> WARNING: the following files are still present but no' print ' longer part of the website:' for k, v in existing_keys.iteritems(): print ' {}'.format(k) print '-----> Tagging bucket with git version {}'.format(version) version_key = b.get_key('__VERSION__') if version_key: version_key.delete() version_key = b.new_key('__VERSION__') version_key.set_metadata('git-version', version) version_key.set_contents_from_string('') print '-----> Setting up redirects' app_redirects = app.config.get('redirects', {}) if len(app_redirects) == 0: print ' No redirects.' else: def get_or_new_key(bucket, name): key = bucket.get_key(name) if key is not None: key.delete() return bucket.new_key(name) elb = boto.connect_elb() pybars_compiler = pybars.Compiler() for key_name, redirect_source in app_redirects.iteritems(): redirect_template = pybars_compiler.compile(redirect_source) app_redirects[key_name] = redirect_template data = { 'webui_dns': elb.get_all_load_balancers( load_balancer_names=['{}-web-ui'.format(env_name)])[0].dns_name } for key_name, redirect_template in app_redirects.iteritems(): k = get_or_new_key(b, key_name) redirect = unicode(redirect_template(data)) print ' Redirect {} to {}'.format(key_name, redirect) k.set_redirect(redirect) print '=====> Deployed to {}!'.format(b.get_website_endpoint()) if domain is not None: # TODO: support redirection from www.<domain> # b_www = 'www.{}'.format(bucket_name) ec2 = boto.connect_ec2() region_name = first([ for z in ec2.get_all_zones() if == config['availability_zone'] ]) s3_website_region = s3_website_regions[region_name] route53 = boto.connect_route53() zone_name = "{}.".format(get_tld("http://{}".format(domain))) zone = route53.get_zone(zone_name) if zone is None: raise Exception("Cannot find zone {}".format(zone_name)) full_domain = "{}.".format(domain) a_record = zone.get_a(full_domain) if not a_record: print '-----> Creating ALIAS for {} to S3'.format(full_domain) changes = ResourceRecordSets(route53, change_a = changes.add_change('CREATE', full_domain, 'A') change_a.set_alias(alias_hosted_zone_id=s3_website_region[1], alias_dns_name=s3_website_region[0]) #change_cname = records.add_change('CREATE', 'www.' + full_domain, 'CNAME') #change_cname.add_value(b_www.get_website_endpoint()) changes.commit() else: print '-----> ALIAS for {} to S3 already exists'.format( full_domain) print ' {}'.format(a_record) if a_record.alias_dns_name != s3_website_region[0]: print ' WARNING: Alias DNS name is {}, but should be {}'.format( a_record.alias_dns_name, s3_website_region[0]) if a_record.alias_hosted_zone_id != s3_website_region[1]: print ' WARNING: Alias hosted zone ID is {}, but should be {}'.format( a_record.alias_hosted_zone_id, s3_website_region[1]) if != full_domain: print ' WARNING: Domain is {}, but should be {}'.format(, full_domain) if a_record.type != 'A': print ' WARNING: Record type is {}, but should be {}'.format( a_record.type, 'A') print '=====> DONE!'
def make(): with lcd(path.dirname(__file__)): local( 'export PYTHONPATH=`pwd` && source .env/bin/activate && python build_ext --inplace', shell='/bin/bash')
def test(): with virtualenv(VENV_DIR) as venv_local: with lcd(path.dirname(__file__)): venv_local('pytest -x spacy/tests')
def serve_docs(options=''): """Start a local server to view documentation changes.""" with fab.lcd(HERE) and virtualenv(): local('mkdocs serve {}'.format(options))
abort('need version') if 'dockerfile_extensions' not in yamlconfig: abort('need dockerfile_extensions') if 'network_bridge' not in yamlconfig: abort('need network_bridge') if 'dev' not in yamlconfig: abort('need dev') else: if 'build_path' not in yamlconfig['dev']: abort('prod need build_path') else: with hide('running'): with lcd(yamlconfig['project_path']): path = join(yamlconfig['project_path'], yamlconfig['dev']['build_path']) local('if [[ ! -d %s ]]; then mkdir ./%s; fi' % (path, yamlconfig['dev']['build_path'])) if 'prod' not in yamlconfig: abort('need prod') else: if 'build_path' not in yamlconfig['prod']: abort('prod need build_path') else: with hide('running'): with lcd(yamlconfig['project_path']): path = join(yamlconfig['project_path'], yamlconfig['prod']['build_path'])
def lvirtualenv(name): INPUT_PATH = os.path.join(cwd, name) with lcd(INPUT_PATH): with prefix('source venv/bin/activate'): yield
def head_commit_id(self): with lcd(self.path): return git.get_head_commit_sha1()
def test(): "Run the test suite locally." with lcd(PROJ_ROOT): local('{python} test'.format(**env))
def make_virtual_env(): "Make a virtual environment for local dev use" with lcd(PROJ_ROOT): local('virtualenv .') local('./bin/pip install -r requirements.txt')
def runserver(): "Run the development server" with lcd(PROJ_ROOT): local('{python} runserver --traceback'.format(**env))
def deploy(): local("curl -d project=spider") with lcd('..'): local("scrapyd-deploy") local("rm -rf build project.egg-info")
def collect_static(): with lcd(PROJ_ROOT): local('{python} collectstatic --noinput -v0 --traceback'. format(**env))
def dev(): with api.lcd('../client'):
def build_api_docs(): """Build the HTML API docs.""" puts(c.magenta("Building HTML API docs...")) with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr')): with lcd('docs'): local('make html')
def doc(): from os.path import abspath opts = {'builddir': '_build', 'sphinx': abspath('env/bin/sphinx-build')} cmd = ('{sphinx} -b html ' '-d {builddir}/doctrees . {builddir}/html') with fab.lcd('doc'): fab.local(cmd.format(**opts))
def integ_test(gateway_host=None, test_host=None, trf_host=None, destroy_vm="False"): """ Run the integration tests. This defaults to running on local vagrant machines, but can also be pointed to an arbitrary host (e.g. amazon) by passing "address:port" as arguments gateway_host: The ssh address string of the machine to run the gateway services on. Formatted as "host:port". If not specified, defaults to the `cwag` vagrant box. test_host: The ssh address string of the machine to run the tests on on. Formatted as "host:port". If not specified, defaults to the `cwag_test` vagrant box. trf_host: The ssh address string of the machine to run the tests on on. Formatted as "host:port". If not specified, defaults to the `magma_trfserver` vagrant box. """ destroy_vm = bool(strtobool(destroy_vm)) # Setup the gateway: use the provided gateway if given, else default to the # vagrant machine if not gateway_host: vagrant_setup("cwag", destroy_vm) else: ansible_setup(gateway_host, "cwag", "cwag_dev.yml") execute(_run_unit_tests) execute(_set_cwag_configs) cwag_host_to_mac = execute(_get_cwag_br_mac) host = env.hosts[0] cwag_br_mac = cwag_host_to_mac[host] # Transfer built images from local machine to CWAG host if gateway_host: execute(_transfer_docker_images) else: execute(_build_gateway) execute(_run_gateway) # Setup the trfserver: use the provided trfserver if given, else default to the # vagrant machine with lcd(LTE_AGW_ROOT): if not trf_host: vagrant_setup("magma_trfserver", destroy_vm) else: ansible_setup(trf_host, "trfserver", "magma_trfserver.yml") execute(_start_trfserver) # Run the tests: use the provided test machine if given, else default to # the vagrant machine if not test_host: vagrant_setup("cwag_test", destroy_vm) else: ansible_setup(test_host, "cwag_test", "cwag_test.yml") execute(_set_cwag_test_configs) execute(_set_cwag_test_networking, cwag_br_mac) execute(_start_ue_simulator) execute(_run_integ_tests)
def pex(): with virtualenv(VENV_DIR) as venv_local: with lcd(path.dirname(__file__)): venv_local('pex . -e spacy -o dist/spacy', direct=True)
def generate_static_files(): with lcd(env.web_dir): local("rm -rf public/static/*") local("grunt --env=dist") local("./ collectstatic --noinput")
def sdist(): with virtualenv(VENV_DIR) as venv_local: with lcd(path.dirname(__file__)): local('python sdist')
def clean(): with lcd(path.dirname(__file__)): with virtualenv(VENV_DIR) as venv_local: venv_local('python clean --all')
def schematic(run_dir=OLYMPIA): with lcd(run_dir): local('../venv/bin/python ../venv/bin/schematic migrations')
def wheel(): with virtualenv(VENV_DIR) as venv_local: with lcd(path.dirname(__file__)): venv_local('python bdist_wheel')
def managecmd(cmd, run_dir=OLYMPIA): with lcd(run_dir): local('../venv/bin/python %s' % cmd)
def make(): with virtualenv(VENV_DIR) as venv_local: with lcd(path.dirname(__file__)): venv_local('pip install -r requirements.txt') venv_local('pip install pex') venv_local('python build_ext --inplace', env_vars=['PYTHONPATH=`pwd`'])
def main(configPath): errors = {} with open(configPath) as envFile: envData = json.load(envFile) for key, val in envData.items(): env[key] = val local('mkdir -p ' + env.tmpFolder) with lcd(env.tmpFolder): recursiveClone(env["source-repository"], env["source-commit"]) print("Checking canRun functions...") for repoTuple in sorted(clonedRepositories.items(), key=lambda x: x[1].id, reverse=True): oldEnv = deepcopy(env) repo = repoTuple[1] for key, value in repo.dependencies.items(): env[key] = value env['source-repository'] = repo.repository env['source-commit'] = repo.commit try: with lcd(path.join(repo.cloneFolder, 'deploy')): sys.path.append(local('pwd', capture=True)) import deploy if 'canRun' not in dir(deploy): print("No function canRun for deploy script in {}!". format(repo.repository)) else: print("Function canRun exist for deploy script in {}!". format(repo.repository)) from deploy import canRun try: ret_value = execute(canRun) except Exception as e: print(e) ret_value = {'all': False} for host, value in ret_value.items(): if value: print("Deploy can run!") else: raise EnvironmentError( "Can not continue, missing requirements for deploy script in {}! Aborting..." .format(repo.repository)) sys.path.remove(local('pwd', capture=True)) except ImportError: print("No module deploy for {}!".format(repo.repository)) pass except EnvironmentError: local('rm -rf ../{}'.format(env.tmpFolder)) raise finally: del sys.modules['deploy'] env.clear() for key, value in oldEnv.items(): env[key] = value print("Check done!") print("Running deploy functions...") for repoTuple in sorted(clonedRepositories.items(), key=lambda x: x[1].id, reverse=True): oldEnv = deepcopy(env) repo = repoTuple[1] for key, value in repo.dependencies.items(): env[key] = value env['source-repository'] = repo.repository env['source-commit'] = repo.commit try: with lcd(repo.cloneFolder): with lcd('deploy'): sys.path.append(local('pwd', capture=True)) from deploy import runDeploy sys.path.remove(local('pwd', capture=True)) print("Running Deploy for {}".format(repo.repository)) error = execute(runDeploy) for host, returnValue in error.items(): if returnValue is None: continue if host not in errors: errors[host] = {} errors[host][repo.repository] = returnValue del sys.modules['deploy'] env.clear() for key, value in oldEnv.items(): env[key] = value except Exception: raise finally: local('rm -rf ' + repo.cloneFolder) print("Run done!") if len(errors) is not 0: print("Got following errors:") for host, errorItem in errors.items(): print(host) for repo, errorArray in errorItem.items(): print(f"\t{repo}") for error in errorArray: print(f"\t\t- {error}")
def update_locales(): with lcd(pjoin(OLYMPIA, 'locale')): local("VENV=%s ./ ." % VIRTUALENV)
def handle(self, *args, **options): # Stealth option to disable stdout if options.get('silent', False): self.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w') # Stealth option that assigns where to pipe initial output pipe = options.get('pipe', None) if pipe is None: pipe = '> /dev/null 2>&1' try: if 'celery' in settings.LOGGING['loggers']['celery'][ 'handlers']: logfile = settings.LOGGING['handlers']['celery'][ 'filename'] pipe = '>> {} 2>&1'.format(logfile) except KeyError: pass loglevel = options['loglevel'] or ('DEBUG' if settings.DEBUG else 'INFO') celery_options = [ '--loglevel={}'.format(loglevel), '--pool={}'.format(options['pool']), '--pidfile={}'.format(options['celery_pidfile']), ] + self._parse_suboptions(options['celery_options']) celerybeat_options = [ '--loglevel={}'.format(loglevel), '--pidfile={}'.format(options['celerybeat_pidfile']), ] + self._parse_suboptions(options['celerybeat_options']) with lcd(settings.PROJECT_ROOT), hide('commands'): # pylint: disable=not-context-manager if not options['celerybeat_only']: local( self.celery_cmd(cmd='celery worker', opts=' '.join(celery_options), pipe=pipe)) if not options['celery_only']: local( self.celery_cmd(cmd='celerybeat', opts=' '.join(celerybeat_options), pipe=pipe)) pidfiles = [options['celery_pidfile'], options['celerybeat_pidfile']] wait_sec = 0 while wait_sec < self.max_wait_sec and len(pidfiles) > 0: time.sleep(1) wait_sec += 1 for i in range(len(pidfiles))[::-1]: if os.path.exists(pidfiles[i]): pidfiles.pop(i) for name in ('celery', 'celerybeat'): if os.path.exists(options[name + '_pidfile']): self.stdout.write( "Successfully started '{}' in {} seconds.".format( name, wait_sec))) else: self.stdout.write("Failed to start '{}'.".format(name)))
def tojson(): with lcd('scripts'): local('./') local('./') local('./')
def setup(silent=False, **kwargs): """ Setup the framework. """ recompile = False # install Cooja modifications if not check_cooja(COOJA_FOLDER): logger.debug(" > Installing Cooja add-ons...") # modify and adapt build.xml and ~/ modify_cooja(COOJA_FOLDER) update_cooja_build(COOJA_FOLDER) update_cooja_user_properties() recompile = True # install VisualizerScreenshot plugin in Cooja visualizer = join(COOJA_FOLDER, 'apps', 'visualizer_screenshot') if not exists(visualizer): logger.debug(" > Installing VisualizerScreenshot Cooja plugin...") copy_folder('src/visualizer_screenshot', visualizer) recompile = True # recompile Cooja for making the changes take effect if recompile: with lcd(COOJA_FOLDER): logger.debug(" > Recompiling Cooja...") with settings(warn_only=True): local("ant clean") local("ant jar") else: logger.debug(" > Cooja is up-to-date") # install imagemagick with hide(*HIDDEN_ALL): imagemagick_apt_output = local('apt-cache policy imagemagick', capture=True) if 'Unable to locate package' in imagemagick_apt_output: logger.debug(" > Installing imagemagick package...") sudo("apt-get install imagemagick -y &") else: logger.debug(" > Imagemagick is installed") # install msp430 (GCC) upgrade with hide(*HIDDEN_ALL): msp430_version_output = local('msp430-gcc --version', capture=True) if 'msp430-gcc (GCC) 4.7.0 20120322' not in msp430_version_output: txt = "In order to extend msp430x memory support, it is necessary to upgrade msp430-gcc.\n" \ "Would you like to upgrade it now ? (yes|no) [default: no] " answer = std_input(txt, 'yellow') if answer == "yes": logger.debug( " > Upgrading msp430-gcc from version 4.6.3 to 4.7.0...") logger.warning( "If you encounter problems with this upgrade, please refer to:\n" "") with lcd('src/'): logger.warning( " > Upgrade now starts, this may take up to 30 minutes...") sudo('./') sudo('rm -r tmp/') local('export PATH=/usr/local/msp430/bin:$PATH') register_new_path_in_profile() else: logger.warning("Upgrade of library msp430-gcc aborted") logger.warning( "You may experience problems of mote memory size at compilation" ) else: logger.debug(" > Library msp430-gcc is up-to-date (version 4.7.0)")
def bootstrap(**kwargs): """call mr.awsome.ezjail's bootstrap """ with fab.lcd(_local_path('setup/vm-master')): _bootstrap(**kwargs)