def set_maintanance_mode(self, on=True): settings_local_path = self.project_path + '' if on: uncomment(settings_local_path, r'MAINTENANCE_MODE.*') else: comment(settings_local_path, r'MAINTENANCE_MODE.*')
def locales(names): """ Require the list of locales to be available. """ config_file = '/var/lib/locales/supported.d/local' if not is_file(config_file): config_file = '/etc/locale.gen' # Regenerate locales if config file changes with watch(config_file, use_sudo=True) as config: # Add valid locale names to the config file supported = dict(supported_locales()) for name in names: if name in supported: charset = supported[name] locale = "%s %s" % (name, charset) uncomment(config_file, escape(locale), use_sudo=True, shell=True) append(config_file, locale, use_sudo=True, partial=True, shell=True) else: warn('Unsupported locale name "%s"' % name) if config.changed: if distrib_id() == "Archlinux": run_as_root('locale-gen') else: run_as_root('dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=noninteractive locales')
def setup_demo_config(): """ Modifies the Eureka instance to comply with the demo instance requirements --> Memcached + FastCGI + SSL/HTTPS """ assert env.hosts with cd(env.application_dir): eureka_egg_dir = run( './bin/python -c "import pkg_resources; ' 'print pkg_resources.get_distribution(\'eureka\').location"') # ==== HTTPD config ==== # apache_config = os.path.join(eureka_egg_dir, 'etc', 'httpd.conf') # HTTPS instead of HTTP files.sed( filename=apache_config, before='<VirtualHost \*:80>', after='<VirtualHost \*:443>', ) # Enable SSL (for HTTPS) files.uncomment(apache_config, 'SSLEngine .*') with cd('{}/contrib'.format(eureka_egg_dir)): # Deactivate password change run('patch --forward "../eureka/domain/" < demo/models_no_pwd_change.diff') # Restore snapshot every night run('crontab -l | {{ grep -v "restore_snapshot" ; echo "0 0 * * * {}/sh/"; }} | crontab -'.format(env.application_dir)) # Restore snapshot run('./sh/')
def locales(names): """ Require the list of locales to be available. """ if distrib_id() == "Ubuntu": config_file = '/var/lib/locales/supported.d/local' if not is_file(config_file): run_as_root('touch %s' % config_file) else: config_file = '/etc/locale.gen' # Regenerate locales if config file changes with watch(config_file, use_sudo=True) as config: # Add valid locale names to the config file supported = dict(supported_locales()) for name in names: if name in supported: charset = supported[name] locale = "%s %s" % (name, charset) uncomment(config_file, escape(locale), use_sudo=True, shell=True) append(config_file, locale, use_sudo=True, partial=True, shell=True) else: warn('Unsupported locale name "%s"' % name) if config.changed: if distrib_id() == "Archlinux": run_as_root('locale-gen') else: run_as_root('dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=noninteractive locales')
def locales(names): """ Require the list of locales to be available. """ if distrib_id() == "Ubuntu": config_file = '/var/lib/locales/supported.d/local' if not is_file(config_file): run_as_root('touch %s' % config_file) else: config_file = '/etc/locale.gen' # Regenerate locales if config file changes with watch(config_file, use_sudo=True) as config: # Add valid locale names to the config file supported = dict(supported_locales()) for name in names: if name in supported: charset = supported[name] locale = "%s %s" % (name, charset) uncomment(config_file, escape(locale), use_sudo=True, shell=True) append(config_file, locale, use_sudo=True, partial=True, shell=True) else: warn('Unsupported locale name "%s"' % name) if config.changed: family = distrib_family() if family == 'debian': run_as_root('dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=noninteractive locales') elif family in ['arch', 'gentoo']: run_as_root('locale-gen') else: raise UnsupportedFamily(supported=['debian', 'arch', 'gentoo'])
def install_hadoop(): # Hadoop sudo('mkdir -p /opt') if not exists(os.path.join(HADOOP_INSTALL, 'bin/hadoop')): put(install_file(HADOOP_TARFILE), os.path.join('/opt', HADOOP_TARFILE), use_sudo=True) with cd('/opt'): sudo(cmd('tar zxf %s', HADOOP_TARFILE)) sudo(cmd('rm %s', os.path.join('/opt', HADOOP_TARFILE))) sudo(cmd('chown -R hadoop.hadoop %s', HADOOP_INSTALL)) # Hadoop config files put('files/core-site.xml', '%s/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml' % (HADOOP_INSTALL,), use_sudo=True) put('files/hdfs-site.xml', '%s/etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml' % (HADOOP_INSTALL,), use_sudo=True) put('files/yarn-site.xml', '%s/etc/hadoop/yarn-site.xml' % (HADOOP_INSTALL,), use_sudo=True) put('files/mapred-site.xml', '%s/etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml' % (HADOOP_INSTALL,), use_sudo=True) put('files/masters', '%s/etc/hadoop/masters' % (HADOOP_INSTALL,), use_sudo=True) upload_template('files/slaves', '%s/etc/hadoop/slaves' % (HADOOP_INSTALL,), context={'slaves_list': '\n'.join(SLAVES)}, use_sudo=True) hadoop_env = '%s/etc/hadoop/' % (HADOOP_INSTALL,) sed(hadoop_env, '^export JAVA_HOME=.*', 'export JAVA_HOME=$(readlink -f /usr/bin/java | sed "s:bin/java::")', use_sudo=True) uncomment(hadoop_env, 'export\s+HADOOP_HEAPSIZE=', use_sudo=True) sed(hadoop_env, '^export\s+HADOOP_HEAPSIZE=.*', 'export HADOOP_HEAPSIZE=256', use_sudo=True) if not contains(hadoop_env, '^export HADOOP_DATANODE_OPTS=.*-client', escape=False, use_sudo=True): sed(hadoop_env, '^export HADOOP_DATANODE_OPTS="(.*)"$', 'export HADOOP_DATANODE_OPTS="\\1 -client"', use_sudo=True) sudo(cmd('ln -sf %s /opt/hadoop', HADOOP_INSTALL)) for f in ['', '', '', '', '', '', '']: put('files/' + f, 'bin/' + f.replace('.sh', ''), mode=0755) # HDFS directories sudo('mkdir -p -m 0750 /hadoop/tmp && chown hadoop:hadoop /hadoop/tmp') sudo('mkdir -p /hadoop/namenode && chown hadoop:hadoop /hadoop/namenode') sudo('mkdir -p /hadoop/datanode && chown hadoop:hadoop /hadoop/datanode')
def setup_base(): uncomment('/etc/apt/sources.list', '# deb http', use_sudo=True) uncomment('/etc/apt/sources.list', '# deb-src http', use_sudo=True) apt_update() apt_get('python-software-properties') ppas_path = os.path.join(DEPLOY_PATH, 'ppas.txt') if os.path.exists(ppas_path): add_apt_repo(*slurp(ppas_path)) apt_update() packages_path = os.path.join(DEPLOY_PATH, 'packages.txt') if os.path.exists(packages_path): apt_get(*slurp(packages_path)) custom_packages_path = os.path.join(DEPLOY_PATH, 'packages') custom_packages_search = os.path.join(custom_packages_path, '*.deb') if os.path.exists(custom_packages_path): with cd('/tmp'): for i in glob.glob(custom_packages_search): put(i, os.path.basename(i)) dpkg_install(os.path.basename(i)) run('rm %s' % os.path.basename(i)) easy_install('pip', use_sudo=True) pip('virtualenv', use_sudo=True) sudo('mkdir -p /apps')
def _recommission_host(host): files.uncomment( '/etc/nginx/sites-available/{}_commcare'.format(env.deploy_env), 'server[ ]+{}'.format(host), use_sudo=True, ) _check_and_reload_nginx()
def _setup_base_packages(): files.uncomment("/etc/apt/sources.list", "deb .*universe", use_sudo=True) sudo("wget -q -ct0 '' -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ourrepo.list") sudo("$(apt-key list | grep 'Our Key' > /dev/null) || apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys DEADBEEF") _full_upgrade()
def nginx_setup(secure=False): uncomment('/etc/nginx/nginx.conf', 'server_names_hash_bucket_size\s+64', use_sudo=True) nginx_conf1 = '/etc/nginx/sites-available/%s.conf' % env.webuser src = 'conf/nginx.{}conf.template'.format('secure.' if secure else '') upload_template( src, nginx_conf1, { 'host': env.vhost, 'redirect_host': env.redirect_host, 'dir': env.code_dir, 'port': env.gunicorn_port, }, use_sudo=True, use_jinja=True, ) run('sudo rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default') nginx_conf2 = '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/%s.conf' % env.webuser run('sudo ln -fs %s %s' % (nginx_conf1, nginx_conf2)) run('sudo nginx -t') run('sudo service nginx start') run('sudo service nginx reload')
def base(): "Installs & configures Git / EtcKeeper / DenyHosts" with settings(hide('stdout')): # Require require.deb.packages([ 'etckeeper', 'git', 'denyhosts', ]) # git sudo('git config --global "DevOp"') sudo('git config --global admin@{}'.format( # etckeeper conf_file = '/etc/etckeeper/etckeeper.conf' comment(conf_file, 'VCS="bzr"', use_sudo=True, backup='') uncomment(conf_file, 'VCS="git"', use_sudo=True, backup='') sudo('etckeeper init') sudo('etckeeper commit "Initial commit."') # denyhosts conf_file = '/etc/denyhosts.conf' comment(conf_file, 'BLOCK_SERVICE\s*=\s*sshd', use_sudo=True, backup='') uncomment(conf_file, 'BLOCK_SERVICE\s*=\s*ALL', use_sudo=True, backup='') sed(conf_file, 'DENY_THRESHOLD_INVALID\s*=\s*5' , 'DENY_THRESHOLD_INVALID = 3', use_sudo=True, backup='') sed(conf_file, 'DENY_THRESHOLD_VALID\s*=\s*10' , 'DENY_THRESHOLD_VALID = 3', use_sudo=True, backup='') sed(conf_file, 'DENY_THRESHOLD_ROOT\s*=\s*1' , 'DENY_THRESHOLD_ROOT = 3', use_sudo=True, backup='') sudo('etckeeper commit "Auto-config DenyHosts.conf."')
def install_supervisor(): require("environment", "project_root", "virtualenv_root", "sudo_user", provided_by="setup_env") # we don't install supervisor in the virtualenv since we want it to be able to run systemwide. sudo("pip install supervisor" % env, pty=True, shell=True) # create the standard conf file sudo("echo_supervisord_conf > /tmp/supervisord.conf" % env) sudo("mv /tmp/supervisord.conf /etc/supervisord.conf") # uncomment the include directive in supervisord.conf so we can point it to our supervisor conf uncomment("/etc/supervisord.conf", "\;\\[include\\]", use_sudo=True, char=";", backup=".bak") sudo("echo 'files = %(supervisor_conf_root)s/*.conf' >> /etc/supervisord.conf" % env) init_temp_path = "/tmp/supervisor_init.tmp" put(env.supervisor_init_path, init_temp_path) sudo("chown root %s" % init_temp_path) sudo("chgrp root %s" % init_temp_path) sudo("chmod +x %s" % init_temp_path) sudo("mv %s /etc/init.d/supervisord" % init_temp_path) sudo("chmod +x /etc/init.d/supervisord") if env.os == "ubuntu": sudo("update-rc.d supervisord defaults") elif env.os == "redhat": sudo("chkconfig --add supervisord") sudo("service supervisord start") # update supervisor instance _supervisor_command("update")
def locales(names): """ Require the list of locales to be available. """ config_file = '/var/lib/locales/supported.d/local' if not is_file(config_file): config_file = '/etc/locale.gen' # Regenerate locales if config file changes with watch(config_file, use_sudo=True) as config: # Add valid locale names to the config file supported = dict(supported_locales()) for name in names: if name in supported: charset = supported[name] locale = "%s %s" % (name, charset) uncomment(config_file, escape(locale), use_sudo=True) append(config_file, locale, use_sudo=True) else: warn('Unsupported locale name "%s"' % name) if config.changed: sudo('dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=noninteractive locales')
def nginx_setup(): nginx_conf1 = '/etc/nginx/sites-available/%s.conf' % env.webuser nginx_conf2 = '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/%s.conf' % env.webuser with cd(env.code_dir): upload_template('conf/nginx.conf.template', env.code_dir + 'conf/nginx.conf', { 'host': env.vhost, 'redirect_host': env.redirect_host, 'dir': env.code_dir, 'port': env.gunicorn_port, }, use_jinja=True) uncomment('/etc/nginx/nginx.conf', 'server_names_hash_bucket_size\s+64', use_sudo=True) # run('sudo rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default') run('sudo ln -fs %sconf/nginx.conf %s' % (env.code_dir, nginx_conf1)) run('sudo ln -fs %s %s' % (nginx_conf1, nginx_conf2)) run('sudo service nginx configtest') run('sudo service nginx start') run('sudo service nginx reload')
def install_vpn(): sudo('apt-get -qy install pptpd') files.append('/etc/pptpd.conf', 'localip', use_sudo=True) files.append('/etc/pptpd.conf', 'remoteip', use_sudo=True) files.append('/etc/ppp/pptpd-options', 'ms-dns', use_sudo=True) files.append('/etc/ppp/pptpd-options', 'ms-dns', use_sudo=True) files.append('/etc/ppp/chap-secrets', '%(username)s pptpd %(password)s *' % ({ 'username': VPN_USER, 'password': VPN_PASS, }), use_sudo=True) sudo('/etc/init.d/pptpd restart') files.uncomment('/etc/sysctl.conf', 'net\.ipv4\.ip_forward=1', use_sudo=True) sudo('sysctl -p') sudo('iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE') if not files.contains('/etc/rc.local', 'iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE', use_sudo=True): files.comment('/etc/rc.local', 'exit 0', use_sudo=True) files.append('/etc/rc.local', 'iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE', use_sudo=True) files.append('/etc/rc.local', 'exit 0', use_sudo=True)
def install_passenger(): """ Installs nginx with passenger support """ # add pgp key print(green('Adding PGP key')) deb.add_apt_key(keyid='561F9B9CAC40B2F7', keyserver='') # add https support for apt utils.deb.install('apt-transport-https') # ubuntu 12.04 (precise) cmd = ('echo "deb ' 'precise main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/passenger.list') sudo(cmd) cmd = 'sudo chmod 600 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/passenger.list' sudo(cmd) # update apt index deb.update_index(quiet=False) print(green('Installing nginx and passenger')) utils.deb.install('nginx-full') utils.deb.install('passenger') print(green('Activating passenger')) uncomment('/etc/nginx/nginx.conf', 'passenger_root', use_sudo=True) uncomment('/etc/nginx/nginx.conf', 'passenger_ruby', use_sudo=True)
def fix_sshd_config(): '''root needs an actual shell, so fix the sshd_config.''' config_file = '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' uncomment(config_file, r'^.*PermitRootLogin yes', use_sudo=True) comment(config_file, r'^PermitRootLogin forced-commands-only', use_sudo=True)
def fab_criar_crons(self): ''' Insere tarefa definida em ../cron/cronconf no crontab do servidor ''' crontab_location = '/etc/crontab' with cd(env.code_root): if os.path.exists('cron'): from cron.cronconf import CRONS import re sudo('chmod 646 ' + crontab_location) for cron in CRONS: if cron['comando_de_projeto'] and not cron['django_management']: linha_cron = cron['tempo'] + ' ' + cron['usuario'] + ' ' + env.code_root +'/'+ cron['comando'] else: if cron['comando_de_projeto'] and cron['django_management']: linha_cron = cron['tempo'] + ' ' + cron['usuario'] + ' /usr/bin/python ' + env.code_root + '/' + cron['comando'] + ' --settings=med_alliance.settings.' + env.ambiente else: linha_cron = cron['tempo'] + ' ' + cron['usuario'] + ' ' + cron['comando'] if cron['ligado']: if not contains(crontab_location, re.escape(linha_cron)): append(crontab_location, linha_cron, use_sudo=False) else: uncomment(crontab_location, re.escape(linha_cron)) else: if contains(crontab_location, re.escape(linha_cron)): comment(crontab_location, re.escape(linha_cron)) sudo('chmod 644 ' + crontab_location)
def setup_demo_config(): """ Modifies the Eureka instance to comply with the demo instance requirements --> Memcached + FastCGI + SSL/HTTPS """ assert env.hosts with cd(env.application_dir): eureka_egg_dir = run( './bin/python -c "import pkg_resources; ' 'print pkg_resources.get_distribution(\'eureka\').location"') # ==== HTTPD config ==== # apache_config = os.path.join(eureka_egg_dir, 'etc', 'httpd.conf') # HTTPS instead of HTTP files.sed( filename=apache_config, before='<VirtualHost \*:80>', after='<VirtualHost \*:443>', ) # Enable SSL (for HTTPS) files.uncomment(apache_config, 'SSLEngine .*') with cd('{}/contrib'.format(eureka_egg_dir)): # Deactivate password change run('patch --forward "../eureka/domain/" < demo/models_no_pwd_change.diff' ) # Restore snapshot every night run('crontab -l | {{ grep -v "restore_snapshot" ; echo "0 0 * * * {}/sh/"; }} | crontab -' .format(env.application_dir)) # Restore snapshot run('./sh/')
def require_locale(locale, charset): """ Set locale """ config_file = '/etc/locale.gen' uncomment(config_file, '%s %s' % (locale, charset)) require.system.default_locale(locale) run_as_root('locale-gen')
def update(): """ Updates package list and installs the ones that need updates. """ # Activate Ubuntu's "Universe" repositories. files.uncomment("/etc/apt/sources.list", regex=r"deb.*universe", use_sudo=True) sudo("apt-get update -y") sudo("apt-get upgrade -y")
def localesconfig(): """ Конфигурирование локалей """ uncomment('/etc/locale.gen', 'en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8') uncomment('/etc/locale.gen', 'ru_RU.UTF-8 UTF-8') run('echo LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8 > /etc/default/locale') run('dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=noninteractive locales')
def enable_password_authentication(): """ Enable password authentication """ print('Enable password authentications settings') if contains('/etc/ssh/sshd_config', 'PasswordAuthentication yes'): uncomment('/etc/ssh/sshd_config', 'PasswordAuthentication yes', use_sudo=True)
def restrict_ssh(rollback=False): """ Set some sensible restrictions in Ubuntu /etc/ssh/sshd_config and restart sshd UseDNS no #prevents dns spoofing sshd defaults to yes X11Forwarding no # defaults to no AuthorizedKeysFile %h/.ssh/authorized_keys uncomments PasswordAuthentication no and restarts sshd """ if not rollback: if server_state('ssh_restricted'): print, 'Warning: sshd_config has already been modified. Skipping..' return False sshd_config = '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' if env.verbosity: print, "RESTRICTING SSH with "+sshd_config filename = 'sshd_config' if not exists('/home/%s/.ssh/authorized_keys'% env.user): #do not pass go do not collect $200 print, 'You need to upload_ssh_key first.' return False _backup_file(sshd_config) context = {"HOST_SSH_PORT": env.HOST_SSH_PORT} upload_template('woven/ssh/sshd_config','/etc/ssh/sshd_config',context=context,use_sudo=True) # Restart sshd sudo('/etc/init.d/ssh restart') # The user can modify the sshd_config file directly but we save if env.INTERACTIVE and contains('#PasswordAuthentication no','/etc/ssh/sshd_config',use_sudo=True): c_text = 'Woven will now remove password login from ssh, and use only your ssh key. \n' c_text = c_text + 'CAUTION: please confirm that you can ssh %s@%s -p%s from a terminal without requiring a password before continuing.\n'% (env.user,, env.port) c_text += 'If you cannot login, press enter to rollback your sshd_config file' proceed = confirm(c_text,default=False) if not env.INTERACTIVE or proceed: #uncomments PasswordAuthentication no and restarts uncomment(sshd_config,'#(\s?)PasswordAuthentication(\s*)no',use_sudo=True) sudo('/etc/init.d/ssh restart') else: #rollback print, 'Rolling back sshd_config to default and proceeding without passwordless login' _restore_file('/etc/ssh/sshd_config', delete_backup=False) sed('/etc/ssh/sshd_config','Port '+ str(env.DEFAULT_SSH_PORT),'Port '+str(env.HOST_SSH_PORT),use_sudo=True) sudo('/etc/init.d/ssh restart') return False set_server_state('ssh_restricted') return True else: #Full rollback _restore_file('/etc/ssh/sshd_config') if server_state('ssh_port_changed'): sed('/etc/ssh/sshd_config','Port '+ str(env.DEFAULT_SSH_PORT),'Port '+str(env.HOST_SSH_PORT),use_sudo=True) sudo('/etc/init.d/ssh restart') sudo('/etc/init.d/ssh restart') set_server_state('ssh_restricted', delete=True) return True
def upgrade_packages(): """ Updates package list and upgrades any outdated packages. """ # Activate Ubuntu's "Universe" repositories. files.uncomment('/etc/apt/sources.list', regex=r'deb.*universe', use_sudo=True) sudo('apt-get update -y') sudo('apt-get upgrade -y')
def _hadoop_heap_configure(hadoop_home, new_heap_size=1000, old_heap_size=2000): """ Le Quoc Do - SE Group TU Dresden contribution """ filename = hadoop_home + '/etc/hadoop/' before = 'HADOOP_HEAPSIZE=' + str(new_heap_size) after = 'HADOOP_HEAPSIZE=' + str(old_heap_size) files.sed(filename, before, after, limit='') files.uncomment(filename, 'HADOOP_HEAPSIZE')
def debug(param="on"): """Toogle DEBUG variable in""" with cd(env.path): config_path = '{vhost_path}/config/'.format(**env) if param == "on": uncomment(config_path, r'(DEBUG)') else: comment(config_path, r'^(DEBUG)') execute(restart_webserver)
def setup_etckeeper(): if not is_installed('etckeeper'): sudo('apt-get install git etckeeper -y') comment('/etc/etckeeper/etckeeper.conf', 'VCS="bzr"', use_sudo=True) uncomment('/etc/etckeeper/etckeeper.conf', 'VCS="git"', use_sudo=True) sudo('etckeeper init') sudo('etckeeper commit -m "Initial commit."') else: print("skip, etckeeper is already installed!")
def pg_allow_from(self, ip_ranges, restart=True): """Allow external connections from the given IP range.""" self.pg_set_str('listen_addresses', '*') files.uncomment(self.pg_hba, 'local +replication', use_sudo=True) for ip_range in ip_ranges: hostssl_line = 'hostssl all all %s md5' % ip_range files.append(self.pg_hba, hostssl_line, use_sudo=True) if restart: self.pg_cmd('restart')
def create_user(username): """fab -H root@host create_user:username""" password = getpass.getpass('password for %s> ' % username) run('useradd -m -G www-data -s /bin/bash -p %s %s' % (crypt.crypt(password, 'salt'), username)) local('ssh-copy-id %s' % env.hosts[0]) run('cp /etc/sudoers /tmp/') append('/tmp/', '%s ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' % username, use_sudo=True) run('visudo -c -f /tmp/') run('EDITOR="cp /tmp/" visudo') uncomment('~%s/.bashrc' % username, '#force_color_prompt=yes')
def _relocate_db(): _run_postgres_command('stop') postgres_conf = posixpath.join(env.pg_conf_dir, 'postgresql.conf') uncomment(postgres_conf, 'data_directory', char='#', use_sudo=True) sed(postgres_conf,'data_directory.*',"""data_directory='%(new_db_location)s'""" % env,use_sudo=True) init_script = posixpath.join ('/etc','init.d',env.pg_init_name) sed(init_script,'PGDATA=.*','PGDATA=%(new_db_location)s' % env,use_sudo=True) sudo('mv %(pg_data_dir)s %(new_db_location)s' % env) _run_postgres_command('start')
def config_redis(): if can_connect_redis(): return escaped_socket = REDIS_SOCKET.replace('/', '\/') uncomment(REDIS_CONF, fr'^#\s*unixsocket {escaped_socket}$', use_sudo=True) uncomment(REDIS_CONF, r'^#\s*unixsocketperm 700$', use_sudo=True) sed(REDIS_CONF, 'unixsocketperm 700', 'unixsocketperm 777', use_sudo=True) sudo('systemctl restart redis-server')
def install_chef_server(): "Installs and configures Chef Server on the controller node" chef_server_xml = 'files/chef-server.xml' chef_server_image = '' assert os.path.exists(chef_server_xml), 'Chef Server XML definition not found at %s' % chef_server_xml install_kvm() sudo('echo iptables-persistent iptables-persistent/autosave_v6 boolean true | debconf-set-selections') sudo('echo iptables-persistent iptables-persistent/autosave_v4 boolean true | debconf-set-selections') sudo('apt-get install -yq iptables-persistent') puts(green('Downloading Chef Server image from %s' % chef_server_image)) sudo('mkdir /opt/rpcs', warn_only=True) sudo('wget -qO /opt/rpcs/chef-server.qcow2 %s' % chef_server_image) sudo('cp -a /opt/rpcs/chef-server.qcow2{,.pristine}') puts(green('Configuring Chef Server')) sudo('virsh net-autostart default --disable && virsh net-destroy default && virsh net-undefine default', warn_only=True) files.uncomment('/etc/sysctl.conf', r'net\.ipv4\.ip_forward=1', use_sudo=True) sudo('sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1') put(chef_server_xml, '/opt/rpcs/chef-server.xml', use_sudo=True) files.append('/etc/network/interfaces', """ auto chefbr0 iface chefbr0 inet static address netmask bridge_ports none bridge_fd 0 bridge_stp off bridge_maxwait 0 """, use_sudo=True) puts(green('Starting the Chef Server VM')) sudo('ifup chefbr0') sudo('virsh define /opt/rpcs/chef-server.xml') sudo('virsh autostart chef-server && virsh start chef-server') puts(green('Configuring NAT rules')) management_network = prompt('What is the MANAGEMENT network range?', default='') sudo('iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s %s -p tcp --dport 4000 -j DNAT --to-dest' % management_network) sudo('iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE') sudo('service iptables-persistent save') puts(green('Copying SSH key to Chef Server VM')) if not files.exists('/root/.ssh/id_rsa', use_sudo=True): sudo('ssh-keygen -b 2048 -N "" -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa -t rsa -q') while sudo('ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/ [email protected]', warn_only=True).return_code is 1: sleep_time = 10 puts(yellow('Unable to connect to Chef Server VM. Retrying in %ss...' % sleep_time)) time.sleep(sleep_time) puts(green('Creating Chef validation and controller client keys')) sudo('mkdir -p /root/.chef', warn_only=True) sudo('ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa [email protected] "knife client reregister rack -f .chef/rack.pem; knife client reregister chef-validator -f .chef/validation.pem; sudo cp .chef/validation.pem /usr/share/chef-server-api/public; sudo chmod +r /usr/share/chef-server-api/public/validation.pem; yes | knife client delete controller &> /dev/null; knife environment create -d rpcs &>/dev/null; knife client create controller -d -a" | tail -n+2 > /root/.chef/controller.pem')
def pg_allow_replication(self, user, password, ip_ranges, restart=True): """Creates a user for replication and enables replication in pg_hba.conf.""" # XXX: does not support differing master/slave pg versions self.create_db_user(user, password, replication=True) files.uncomment(self.pg_hba, 'local +replication', use_sudo=True) for ip_range in ip_ranges: hostssl_line = 'hostssl replication all %s md5' % ip_range files.append(self.pg_hba, hostssl_line, use_sudo=True) if restart: sudo('service postgresql restart')
def setup_etckeeper(): """Setup etckeeper tool with git backend""" if not utils.is_installed('etckeeper'): utils.apt_get_update() sudo('apt-get install git etckeeper -y') comment('/etc/etckeeper/etckeeper.conf', 'VCS="bzr"', use_sudo=True) uncomment('/etc/etckeeper/etckeeper.conf', 'VCS="git"', use_sudo=True) sudo('etckeeper init') sudo('etckeeper commit -m "Initial commit."') else: print("skip, etckeeper is already installed!")
def configure_cron(): """ Configure crontab jobs """ print '=== CONFIGURE CRON JOBS ===' from fabric.contrib.files import uncomment for language in env.languages: uncomment( os.path.join(env.REMOTE_CODEBASE_PATH, 'newsman/config/cron/cron.job'), 'py %s$' % language)
def raid_monitoring(email=None): """Configure monitoring of our RAID-1 field. If anything goes wrong, send an email!""" opts = dict(email=email or env.get("email") or err(" must be set")) # enable email notifications from mdadm raid monitor append("/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf", "MAILADDR %(email)s" % opts, use_sudo=True) # enable email notification for SMART disk monitoring sudo("apt-get -yq install smartmontools") uncomment("/etc/default/smartmontools", "#start_smartd=yes", use_sudo=True)
def enable_key(self, authorized_file, key): backup = '.%s.bak' % self.conf.current_time regex = '%s' % re.escape(key) commented_key = '#' + regex if files.contains( authorized_file, commented_key, exact=True, use_sudo=True): files.uncomment(authorized_file, regex, use_sudo=True, backup=backup) else: files.append(authorized_file, key, use_sudo=True)
def raid_monitoring(email=None): """Configure monitoring of our RAID-1 field. If anything goes wrong, send an email!""" opts = dict(email=email or env.get('email') or err(' must be set'), ) # enable email notifications from mdadm raid monitor append('/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf', 'MAILADDR %(email)s' % opts, use_sudo=True) # enable email notification for SMART disk monitoring sudo('apt-get -yq install smartmontools') uncomment('/etc/default/smartmontools', '#start_smartd=yes', use_sudo=True)
def update(): """ Updates package list and installs the ones that need updates. """ # Activate Ubuntu's "Universe" repositories. files.uncomment('/etc/apt/sources.list', regex=r'deb.*universe', use_sudo=True) print(green('Updating package repositories')) sudo('apt-get update -y -q=2') print(green('Upgrading installed packages')) sudo('DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get upgrade ' '-y -q=2 > /dev/null')
def set_rootalias(rootalias, reload_portfix=True): ''' Set root mail alias ''' need_sudo = am_not_root() aliases = '/etc/aliases' uncomment(aliases, '^root:', use_sudo=need_sudo, backup='.ORIG') append(aliases, 'root: %s'% rootalias, use_sudo=need_sudo) _run('newaliases', use_sudo=need_sudo) if reload_portfix: _run('service postfix reload', use_sudo=need_sudo)
def update_locale(): """ Setup en_US.UTF-8 system locale """ check_sudo() check_os() comment('/etc/locale.gen', r'^[^#]', use_sudo=True) uncomment('/etc/locale.gen', r'en_US\.UTF\-8', use_sudo=True, backup='') sudo('locale-gen') sudo('echo \'LANGUAGE="en_US.UTF-8"\' > /etc/default/locale' ) # will be locale warning. it's ok sudo('echo \'LANG="en_US.UTF-8"\' >> /etc/default/locale') sudo('echo \'LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"\' >> /etc/default/locale') disconnect_all()
def restart(full=False): """ Reboots neo4j, nginx, and uwsgi. """ with virtualenv(): # Only restart neo4j if needed if full: local('service neo4j-service stop && service neo4j-service start') local('service nginx stop && service nginx start') uncomment('%s/extras/uwsgi/phaidra.ini' %, r'daemonize' ) restart_uwsgi()
def install_rkhunter(email=None): """Install and configure RootKit Hunter.""" opts = dict(email=email or env.get('email') or err(' must be set'), ) # install RKHunter sudo('apt-get -yq install rkhunter') # send emails on warnings uncomment('/etc/rkhunter.conf', '#MAIL-ON-WARNING=me@mydomain root@mydomain', use_sudo=True) sed('/etc/rkhunter.conf', 'me@mydomain root@mydomain', opts['email'], use_sudo=True) # ignore some Ubuntu specific files uncomment('/etc/rkhunter.conf', '#ALLOWHIDDENDIR=\/dev\/.udev', use_sudo=True) uncomment('/etc/rkhunter.conf', '#ALLOWHIDDENDIR=\/dev\/.static', use_sudo=True) uncomment('/etc/rkhunter.conf', '#ALLOWHIDDENDIR=\/dev\/.initramfs', use_sudo=True) # update files properties DB every time you run apt-get install, this # prevents warnings every time a new version of some package is installed append('/etc/default/rkhunter', '# Update file properties database after running apt-get install', use_sudo=True) append('/etc/default/rkhunter', 'APT_AUTOGEN="yes"', use_sudo=True)
def install_bare_essentials(): logger = logging.getLogger("%s.install_bare_essentials" % (APP_NAME, )) logger.debug("entry.") uncomment(filename=r"/etc/apt/sources.list", regex="deb http:\/\/\/ubuntu.*partner", use_sudo=True) uncomment(filename=r"/etc/apt/sources.list", regex="deb-src http:\/\/\/ubuntu.*partner", use_sudo=True) sudo("apt-get update") sudo("yes yes | apt-get upgrade") sudo( "yes yes | apt-get install git mercurial build-essential unzip python-software-properties ruby curl python-dev htop vim vim-nox" )
def base(): "Installs & configures Git / EtcKeeper / DenyHosts" with settings(hide('stdout')): # Require require.deb.packages([ 'etckeeper', 'git', 'denyhosts', ]) # git sudo('git config --global "DevOp"') sudo('git config --global admin@{}'.format( # etckeeper conf_file = '/etc/etckeeper/etckeeper.conf' comment(conf_file, 'VCS="bzr"', use_sudo=True, backup='') uncomment(conf_file, 'VCS="git"', use_sudo=True, backup='') sudo('etckeeper init') sudo('etckeeper commit "Initial commit."') # denyhosts conf_file = '/etc/denyhosts.conf' comment(conf_file, 'BLOCK_SERVICE\s*=\s*sshd', use_sudo=True, backup='') uncomment(conf_file, 'BLOCK_SERVICE\s*=\s*ALL', use_sudo=True, backup='') sed(conf_file, 'DENY_THRESHOLD_INVALID\s*=\s*5', 'DENY_THRESHOLD_INVALID = 3', use_sudo=True, backup='') sed(conf_file, 'DENY_THRESHOLD_VALID\s*=\s*10', 'DENY_THRESHOLD_VALID = 3', use_sudo=True, backup='') sed(conf_file, 'DENY_THRESHOLD_ROOT\s*=\s*1', 'DENY_THRESHOLD_ROOT = 3', use_sudo=True, backup='') sudo('etckeeper commit "Auto-config DenyHosts.conf."')
def restrict_ssh(rollback=False): """ Set some sensible restrictions in Ubuntu /etc/ssh/sshd_config and restart sshd UseDNS no #prevents dns spoofing sshd defaults to yes X11Forwarding no # defaults to no AuthorizedKeysFile %h/.ssh/authorized_keys uncomments PasswordAuthentication no and restarts sshd """ if not rollback: if server_state('ssh_restricted'): return False sshd_config = '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' if env.verbosity: print, "RESTRICTING SSH with "+sshd_config filename = 'sshd_config' if not exists('/home/%s/.ssh/authorized_keys'% env.user): #do not pass go do not collect $200 print, 'You need to upload_ssh_key first.' return False _backup_file(sshd_config) context = {"HOST_SSH_PORT": env.HOST_SSH_PORT} upload_template('woven/ssh/sshd_config','/etc/ssh/sshd_config',context=context,use_sudo=True) # Restart sshd sudo('/etc/init.d/ssh restart') # The user can modify the sshd_config file directly but we save proceed = True if not env.key_filename and (env.DISABLE_SSH_PASSWORD or env.INTERACTIVE) and contains('/etc/ssh/sshd_config','#PasswordAuthentication no',use_sudo=True): print "WARNING: You may want to test your node ssh login at this point ssh %s@%s -p%s"% (env.user,, env.port) c_text = 'Would you like to disable password login and use only ssh key authentication' proceed = confirm(c_text,default=False) if not env.INTERACTIVE or proceed or env.DISABLE_SSH_PASSWORD: #uncomments PasswordAuthentication no and restarts uncomment(sshd_config,'#(\s?)PasswordAuthentication(\s*)no',use_sudo=True) sudo('/etc/init.d/ssh restart') set_server_state('ssh_restricted') return True else: #Full rollback _restore_file('/etc/ssh/sshd_config') if server_state('ssh_port_changed'): sed('/etc/ssh/sshd_config','Port '+ str(env.DEFAULT_SSH_PORT),'Port '+str(env.HOST_SSH_PORT),use_sudo=True) sudo('/etc/init.d/ssh restart') sudo('/etc/init.d/ssh restart') set_server_state('ssh_restricted', delete=True) return True
def add(user, pub_id_rsa_file): with settings(user='******'): if exists('/home/{}'.format(user)): run('deluser --remove-home --quiet {}'.format(user)) adduser_flags = ( '--disabled-password', '--gecos "{} user,,,"'.format(user), '--quiet', ) run('adduser {} {}'.format(' '.join(adduser_flags), user)) run('mkdir --mode=0700 /home/{}/.ssh'.format(user)) put(pub_id_rsa_file, '/home/{}/.ssh/authorized_keys'.format(user)) run('chown --recursive {0}: /home/{0}/.ssh'.format(user)) with settings(user=user): uncomment('.profile', 'umask 022', backup='')
def enable_key(self, authorized_file, key): backup = '.%s.bak' % self.conf.current_time regex = '%s' % re.escape(key) commented_key = '#' + regex if files.contains(authorized_file, commented_key, exact=True, use_sudo=True): files.uncomment(authorized_file, regex, use_sudo=True, backup=backup) else: files.append(authorized_file, key, use_sudo=True)
def postgres_conf(): uncomment('/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf', 'listen_addresses', use_sudo=True, char='#', backup='.bak') sudo('passwd postgres') with sudo('su - postgres'): run('psql') run('CREATE EXTENSION adminpack;') # # get out of postgresq shell here # run('createuser ' + KEY) run('exit') run('createdb ' + KEY)
def configure_settings(): """ Modify settings file according to the server """ print '=== CONFIGURE REPO SETTINGS ===' from fabric.contrib.files import uncomment uncomment( os.path.join(env.REMOTE_CODEBASE_PATH, 'newsman/config/'), uncomment( os.path.join(env.REMOTE_CODEBASE_PATH, 'newsman/config/'), env.user) run("cp %s %s" % (os.path.join(env.REMOTE_CODEBASE_PATH, 'newsman/config/'), os.path.join(env.REMOTE_CODEBASE_PATH, 'newsman/public/')))
def _relocate_db(): _run_postgres_command('stop') postgres_conf = posixpath.join(env.pg_conf_dir, 'postgresql.conf') uncomment(postgres_conf, 'data_directory', char='#', use_sudo=True) sed(postgres_conf, 'data_directory.*', """data_directory='%(new_db_location)s'""" % env, use_sudo=True) init_script = posixpath.join('/etc', 'init.d', env.pg_init_name) sed(init_script, 'PGDATA=.*', 'PGDATA=%(new_db_location)s' % env, use_sudo=True) sudo('mv %(pg_data_dir)s %(new_db_location)s' % env) _run_postgres_command('start')