Example #1
 def attach_list(func):
     def inner_decorator(*args, **kwargs):
         return func(*args, **kwargs)
     _values = values
     # Allow for single iterable argument as well as *args
     if len(_values) == 1 and not isinstance(_values[0], basestring):
         _values = _values[0]
     setattr(inner_decorator, attribute, list(_values))
     # Don't replace @task new-style task objects with inner_decorator by
     # itself -- wrap in a new Task object first.
     inner_decorator = _wrap_as_new(func, inner_decorator)
     return inner_decorator
Example #2
def notify(func):
    '''Notification decorator.

    To use, simply apply @notify to the fabric task method.

    # Argument formatting copied from: http://wordaligned.org/articles/echo
    code = func.func_code  # Func's code obj in bytecode
    arg_count = code.co_argcount  # Number of arguments
    arg_names = code.co_varnames[:arg_count]  # Name of each argument
    fn_defaults = func.func_defaults or list()  # Default value of keyword argument
    # Groups default arguments name and its value
    arg_defs = dict(zip(arg_names[-len(fn_defaults):], fn_defaults))

    # The implementation pattern here is based off the @runs_once decorator implementation
    def wrapped(*v, **k):
        # Only send notificationonce per host
        if not hasattr(notify, 'notified_hosts'):
            notify.notified_hosts = set([])  # Define set

        # If env.host is not in notify.notified_hosts, we send notifications
        send_notification = env.host not in notify.notified_hosts
        # Add host into notified_hosts

        if send_notification:
            positional = map(_format_arg_value, zip(arg_names, v))
            defaulted = [_format_arg_value((a, arg_defs[a])) for a in arg_names[len(v):] if a not in k]
            nameless = map(repr, v[arg_count:])
            keyword = map(_format_arg_value, k.items())
            args = positional + defaulted + nameless + keyword

            # The prefix used for notifications:
            easter_msg = easter()
            prefix = '[{}] - {} [{}] {}.{}({})'.format(
                    datetime.strftime(datetime.now(), '%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S'),
                    None if env.host is None else env.host.replace('.lixu.ca', ''),
                    func.__module__.replace('fabfile.', ''),
                    func.func_name, ','.join(args)
            # Now actually invoke it
            return func(*v, **k)
        except BaseException as e:
            if send_notification:
                send_notifications("{}\nFAILED! {} {}".format(prefix, e.__class__.__name__, e))
    return _wrap_as_new(func, wrapped)
    def attach_list(func):
        def inner_decorator(*args, **kwargs):
            return func(*args, **kwargs)

        _values = values
        # Allow for single iterable argument as well as *args
        if len(_values) == 1 and not isinstance(_values[0], str):
            _values = _values[0]
        setattr(inner_decorator, attribute, list(_values))
        # Don't replace @task new-style task objects with inner_decorator by
        # itself -- wrap in a new Task object first.
        inner_decorator = _wrap_as_new(func, inner_decorator)
        return inner_decorator
Example #4
    def outer(func):
        def inner(*args, **kwargs):
            if instanceid:
                instancewrapper = Ec2InstanceWrapper.get_by_instanceid(instanceid)
            elif nametag:
                instancewrapper = Ec2InstanceWrapper.get_by_nametag(nametag)
                raise ValueError('nametag or instanceid must be supplied.')

            state_name = instancewrapper['state']
            if not state_name == 'running':
                prettyname = instancewrapper.prettyname()
                abort('Instance, {prettyname}, is not running. (Current state={state_name})'.format(**vars()))
            ssh_uri = instancewrapper.get_ssh_uri()
            key_filename = instancewrapper.get_ssh_key_filename()

            with settings(key_filename=key_filename, host_string=ssh_uri):
                return func(*args, **kwargs)
        return _wrap_as_new(func, inner)