def build_box(requirements, settings): """ Args: requirements (Requirements): settings (Settings): Yields: BuildBoxEnv: """ local('vagrant destroy -f') local('vagrant up') with vagrant_settings(): require.deb.ppa('ppa:spotify-jyrki/dh-virtualenv', auto_accept=True) require.deb.package(requirements.dh_virtualenv) require.deb.packages(requirements.project_package)'~/.ssh', mode='700') require.file('~/.ssh/config', contents=settings.ssh_config) gitconfig = os.path.expanduser('~/.gitconfig') if os.path.exists(gitconfig): require.file('~/.gitconfig', source=gitconfig) require.git.working_copy(settings.repo, branch=settings.branch, path=settings.project) yield BuildBoxEnv(Settings.project) local('vagrant destroy -f')
def debian_packages(): """install debian packages""" # get the list of packages filename = os.path.join(utils.project_root(), "REQUIREMENTS-DEB") with open(filename, 'r') as stream: packages = # install them all with fabtools. with vagrant_settings(env.host_string): fabtools.require.deb.packages(packages)
def setup_shell_environment(): """setup the shell environment on the remote machine""" with vagrant_settings(env.host_string): # change into the /vagrant directory by default template = os.path.join( utils.fabfile_templates_root(), '.bash_profile', ) fabtools.require.files.file( path="/home/vagrant/.bash_profile", contents="cd /vagrant", )
def apt_get_update(max_age=86400*7): """refresh apt-get index if its more than max_age out of date """ with vagrant_settings(env.host_string): try: fabtools.require.deb.uptodate_index(max_age=max_age) except AttributeError: msg = ( "Looks like your fabtools is out of date. " "Try updating fabtools first:\n" " sudo pip install fabtools==0.17.0" ) raise Exception(msg)
def load_popular_movies(): """populate the database with movies to rate""" with vagrant_settings(env.host_string): # scrape the top 1000 popular movies from imdb # this will make sure that the Rate Movies view # has all the stuff it needs. # you only need to do this once, so do it if # shawshank isn't in there stampfile = "/vagrant/data/.popular_movie_download_complete" if not fabtools.files.is_file( stampfile ): with cd("/vagrant/Web"): run("./ put_movies_in_with_popularity_rank ../data/popular_movies_1000.txt") run("touch %s" % stampfile)
def vagrant_deploy(self, box_name=''): """ Deploys the project to the named vagrant box, or the default vagrant box if no name is given. :param box_name: name of the vagrant box to which to deploy """ with vagrant_settings(box_name):'mkdir %s' % self.remote_project_paths.base_dir) local_deploy_dirs = self.local_project_paths.remote_deploy_dirs remote_deploy_dirs = self.remote_project_paths.remote_deploy_dirs for index, local_deploy_dir in enumerate(local_deploy_dirs): rsync_project(remote_deploy_dirs[index], local_dir=local_deploy_dir)
def setup_analysis(): """prepare analysis environment""" with vagrant_settings(env.host_string): # write a analysis.ini file that has the provider so we can # easily distinguish between development and production # environments when we run our analysis template = os.path.join( utils.fabfile_templates_root(), "server_config.ini", ) fabtools.require.files.template_file( path="/vagrant/server_config.ini", template_source=template, context=env, )
def install_couchdb(): """install's and setup couchdb""" #ensure vagrant is up local("vagrant up") with vagrant_settings(): #install couchdb sudo('apt-get -y install couchdb') with warn_only(): #stop couchdb sudo('stop couchdb') #set bind_address to sudo('sed -i "s/^bind_address = =" /etc/couchdb/default.ini ') #start couchdb sudo('start couchdb') print red("\t⌘ + double click the link below") print green('\t "http://localhost:5984/_utils"')
def install_couchdb(): """install's and setup couchdb""" #ensure vagrant is up local("vagrant up") with vagrant_settings(): #install couchdb sudo('apt-get -y install couchdb') with warn_only(): #stop couchdb sudo('stop couchdb') #set bind_address to sudo( 'sed -i "s/^bind_address = =" /etc/couchdb/default.ini ' ) #start couchdb sudo('start couchdb') print red("\t⌘ + double click the link below") print green('\t "http://localhost:5984/_utils"')
def vagrant_up(): local('vagrant up') with vagrant_settings(): execute(provision) execute(migrate) execute(watchdog)
def python_packages(): """install python packages""" filename = os.path.join(utils.remote_project_root(), "REQUIREMENTS") with vagrant_settings(env.host_string): fabtools.require.python.requirements(filename, use_sudo=True)
def setup_django(do_rsync=True): """setup django""" # if isinstance(do_rsync, (str, unicode,)): do_rsync = bool(strtobool(do_rsync)) with vagrant_settings(env.host_string): # open up and listen to port 8000 sudo("iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8000 -j ACCEPT") # extract necessary configuration variables from INI file parser = utils.get_config_parser() mysql_root_password = parser.get('mysql', 'root_password') django_username = parser.get('mysql', 'django_root_username') django_password = parser.get('mysql', 'django_root_password') django_db = parser.get('mysql', 'django_database') # setup mysql fabtools.require.mysql.server(password=mysql_root_password) with settings(mysql_user='******', mysql_password=mysql_root_password): fabtools.require.mysql.user(django_username, django_password) fabtools.require.mysql.database(django_db,owner=django_username) # collect the static files with cd("/vagrant/Web"): run("./ collectstatic --noinput") # rsync directory to get all models, views, etc into the # /srv/www directory. # # TODO: Use a soft link to the figures/templates directory to # avoid unnecessary rsyncing of data from analysis? site_name = "" web_dir = "Web" site_root = os.path.join("/srv", "www", site_name, web_dir), owner="www-data", use_sudo=True) if do_rsync: sudo("rsync -avC --exclude='*.hg' /vagrant/%s %s" % ( web_dir, os.path.dirname(site_root) )) # write the local django settings. since is listed in # the .hgignore, the -C option to rsync must ignore it. this # needs to go AFTER rsyncing for root_dir in ["/vagrant/" + web_dir, site_root]: # make sure the dir exists (for the site_root one) target_dir = root_dir+"/Web/settings/", owner="www-data", use_sudo=True) # use_sudo is necessary (for the site_root one) fabtools.require.files.template_file( path=root_dir+"/Web/settings/", template_source=os.path.join( utils.fabfile_templates_root(), "" ), context={ "django_db": django_db, "django_username": django_username, "django_password": django_password, }, use_sudo=True, ) # make sure permissions are set up properly #sudo("chmod -R a+w %s" % site_root) sudo("chmod -R g+w %s" % site_root) sudo("chgrp -R www-data %s" % site_root) # make sure database is up and running with cd("/vagrant/Web"): run("./ syncdb --noinput") run("./ migrate") # setup apache # fabtools.require.apache.module_enabled("mod_wsgi") # __future__ config_filename = os.path.join( utils.fabfile_templates_root(), "apache.conf", ) '', template_source=config_filename, wsgi_application_group=r"%{GLOBAL}", site_name=site_name, site_root=site_root, ) fabtools.require.apache.disabled('default')
def download_text_corpora(): """install NLTK corpora""" with vagrant_settings(env.host_string): run('curl | python')
def users(): """create users""" with vagrant_settings(env.host_string): fabtools.require.user('guest', password="******")
def setup_django(do_rsync=True): """setup django""" with vagrant_settings(env.host_string): # extract necessary configuration variables from INI file parser = utils.get_config_parser() mysql_root_password = parser.get('mysql', 'root_password') django_username = parser.get('mysql', 'django_root_username') django_password = parser.get('mysql', 'django_root_password') django_db = parser.get('mysql', 'django_database') facebook_id = parser.get('social', 'FACEBOOK_APP_ID') # setup mysql fabtools.require.mysql.server(password=mysql_root_password) with settings(mysql_user='******', mysql_password=mysql_root_password): fabtools.require.mysql.user(django_username, django_password) fabtools.require.mysql.database(django_db,owner=django_username) # write the local django settings. since is listed in # the .hgignore, the -C option to rsync must ignore it. this # needs to go AFTER rsyncing # rsync directory to get all models, views, etc into the # /srv/www directory. # # TODO: Use a soft link to the figures/templates directory to # avoid unnecessary rsyncing of data from analysis? site_name = "" web_dir = "Map" site_root = os.path.join("/srv", "www", site_name, web_dir), owner="www-data", use_sudo=True) if do_rsync: sudo("rsync -avC --exclude='*.hg' /vagrant/%s %s" % ( web_dir, os.path.dirname(site_root) )) for root_dir in ["/vagrant/" + web_dir, site_root]: # make sure the dir exists (for the site_root one) target_dir = root_dir+"/Map/settings/", owner="www-data", use_sudo=True) # use_sudo is necessary (for the site_root one) fabtools.require.files.template_file( path=root_dir+"/Map/settings/", template_source=os.path.join( utils.fabfile_templates_root(), "" ), context={ "django_db": django_db, "django_username": django_username, "django_password": django_password, "FACEBOOK_APP_ID": facebook_id, }, use_sudo=True, ) # collect the static files with cd("/vagrant/Map"): run("./ collectstatic --noinput") # make sure permissions are set up properly #sudo("chmod -R a+w %s" % site_root) sudo("chmod -R g+w %s" % site_root) sudo("chgrp -R www-data %s" % site_root) # # make sure permissions are set up properly # #sudo("chmod -R a+w %s" % site_root) # sudo("chmod -R g+w %s" % site_root) # sudo("chgrp -R www-data %s" % site_root) # make sure database is up and running with cd("/vagrant/Map"): run("./ syncdb --noinput") run("./ migrate") # setup apache # fabtools.require.apache.module_enabled("mod_wsgi") # __future__ config_filename = os.path.join( utils.fabfile_templates_root(), "apache.conf", ) '', template_source=config_filename, wsgi_application_group=r"%{GLOBAL}", site_name=site_name, site_root=site_root, ) fabtools.require.apache.disabled('default')