Example #1
def enroll_face(file, person_id=None, auto_id=False, force=False):

        filename = os.path.basename(file)

        # Check for duplicates
        if database.exists(file) and not force:
            print "File '%s' already enrolled" % filename

        # Make sure we have an identifier
        if not person_id and not auto_id:
            print "Auto person identification disabled and no identification specified."

        # File not yet enrolled
        print "Processing %s" % filename

        # Read data file
        absfile = AbsFile(file)

        # Derrive filename
        if auto_id:
            basename = os.path.basename(file)
            person_id = basename[:basename.index('d')]

        # Create Face object
        face = Face(absfile)

        # Apply algorithms to process raw data

        # Apply selected algorithms
        algorithms.process(face, parameters["N"], parameters["K"])

        # Compress data
        print "File '%s' failed" % file

        # In debug mode, show exceptions
        if debug:

    # Enroll to database
    database.save(file, person_id, face)
Example #2
def enroll_face(file, person_id=None, auto_id=False, force=False):
    filename = os.path.basename(file)
    # Check for duplicates
    if database.exists(file) and not force:
        print "File '%s' already enrolled" % filename

    # Make sure we have an identifier
    if not person_id and not auto_id:
        print "Auto person identification disabled and no identification specified."

    # File not yet enrolled
    print "Processing %s" % filename

    # Read data file
    absfile = AbsFile(file)

    # Derrive filename
    if auto_id:
        basename = os.path.basename(file)
        person_id = basename[:basename.index('d')]

    # Create Face object
    face = Face(absfile)

    # Apply algorithms to process raw data
        # Apply selected algorithms
        algorithms.process(face, parameters["N"], parameters["K"])

        # Compress data
        print "File '%s' failed" % file
        # In debug mode, show exceptions
        if debug:

    # Enroll to database
    database.save(file, person_id, face)
Example #3
def Run(arguments):
    global database, parameters
    success = False
    result = False

    # Initialize a database
    database = Database(arguments.database)

    # Enrollment
    if arguments.enroll:
        success = True
        is_directory, path = arguments.enroll

        if is_directory:
            mask = "%s/*.abs"
            if arguments.mask:
                mask = "%s/*" + arguments.mask + "*.abs"
            files = glob.glob(mask % path)
            thread_count = 16
            chunks = [files[i::thread_count] for i in range(thread_count)]
            threads = []

            # Process each thread
            for chunk in chunks:
                thread = threading.Thread(target=lambda x: [
                    enroll_face(c, arguments.person_id, arguments.auto_id)
                    for c in x
                                          args=(chunk, ))
                thread.daemon = True

            # Wait for the threads to finish
            for thread in threads:

            enroll_face(path.name, arguments.person_id, arguments.auto_id)

    # Caches for
    faces = False
    matrix = False
    rocs = False

    if arguments.copy_to_database and arguments.mask:
        database2 = Database(arguments.copy_to_database)
        faces_to_copy = [
            f for f in list(database.iterator()) if arguments.mask in f[0]
        for file_name, person_id, face in faces_to_copy:
            if database.exists(file_name):
                print "File '%s' already exists" % file_name
            database2.save(file_name, person_id, face)

    # Authenticating
    if arguments.authenticate:
        print "Authenticating face from '%s'" % arguments.authenticate
        success = True

        # Create face from file
        face = Face(AbsFile(arguments.authenticate))

        # Normalize it
        algorithms.process(face, parameters["N"], parameters["K"])

        # Get the other data
        if not faces:
            faces = list(database.iterator())
        matrix = algorithms.similarity_matrix([face] +
                                              [face[2] for face in faces],
                                              limit=1)  # One line matrix

        # Evaluate result
        methods, _, _ = matrix.shape
        tresholds = [0.00, 0.00, 0.00]
        result = 3 * [None]

        for i in range(methods):
            # Select indexes of candidates
            vector = numpy.array(matrix[i][0][1:])
            candidates, = numpy.where(vector >= tresholds[i])
            persons = {}

            # Verify candidates
            if len(candidates) == 0:
                #print "Method %d does not yield any candidates!" % i

            # Print method
            #print "Results for method %d:" % i

            # Print each candidate
            for candidate in candidates:

                filename, person_id, data = faces[candidate]

                # Add person to list of persons
                if person_id not in persons:
                    persons[person_id] = []

                persons[person_id].append(matrix[i][0][candidate + 1])

            result[i] = [(person, ["%.2f" % s for s in scores])
                         for person, scores in persons.iteritems()]
            # Print results
            # for person, scores in persons.iteritems():
            #     print "Match with person %s with scores %s" % (person, ["%.2f" % s for s in scores])

    # Reevaluation
    if arguments.reevaluate:
        print "Reevaluate faces"
        success = True

        # Get data
        if not faces: faces = list(database.iterator())

        # Action
            algorithms.features_histogram(face[2], parameters["N"],
                                          parameters["K"]) for face in faces

    # Visualizing
    if arguments.depth_map:
        print "Generating depth map"
        success = True

        # Get data
        if not faces: faces = list(database.iterator())

        # Action
        utils.generate_depth_map(faces, arguments.depth_map,

    if arguments.feature_map:
        print "Generating feature map"
        success = True

        # Get data
        if not faces: faces = list(database.iterator())

        # Action
        utils.generate_feature_map(faces, arguments.feature_map)

    if arguments.similarity_matrix:
        print "Generating similarity matrix"
        success = True

        # Get data
        if not faces: faces = list(database.iterator())
        if not matrix:
            matrix = algorithms.similarity_matrix([face[2] for face in faces])

        # Action
        utils.generate_similarity_matrix(matrix, faces,

    if arguments.roc_curve:
        print "Generating ROC curve"
        success = True

        # Get data
        if not faces: faces = [f for f in list(database.iterator()) if f]
        if not matrix:
            matrix = algorithms.similarity_matrix([face[2] for face in faces])
        if not rocs:
            rocs = algorithms.calculate_roc_eer(matrix,
                                                [face[1] for face in faces])

        utils.generate_roc_curve(rocs, arguments.roc_curve)

    return success, result
Example #4
def main():
    global database, parameters
    success = False

    # Parse arguments
    arguments, parser = argument_parser()

    # Parse parameters
        for parameter in arguments.parameters.split(','):
            key, value = parameter.split('=', 1)
            parameters[key] = value
        print "Invalid parameters: %s" % arguments.parameters

    # Make sure parameters are of right type
    for key, value in parameters.iteritems():
            parameters[key] = parameter_types[key](value)
            print "Parameter '%s' of incorrect type" % key

    # Initialize a database
    database = Database(arguments.database)

    # Enrollment
    if arguments.enroll:
        success = True
        is_directory, path = arguments.enroll

        if is_directory:
            files = glob.glob("%s/*.abs" % path)
            thread_count = 16
            chunks = [ files[i::thread_count] for i in range(thread_count) ]
            threads = []

            # Process each thread
            for chunk in chunks:
                thread = threading.Thread(target=lambda x: [ enroll_face(c, arguments.person_id, arguments.auto_id) for c in x ], args=(chunk, ))
                thread.daemon = True
            # Wait for the threads to finish
            for thread in threads:

            enroll_face(path, arguments.person_id, arguments.auto_id)

    # Caches for 
    faces = False
    matrix = False
    rocs = False

    # Authenticating
    if arguments.authenticate:
        print "Authenticating face from '%s'" % arguments.authenticate
        success = True

        # Create face from file
        face = Face(AbsFile(arguments.authenticate))

        # Normalize it
        algorithms.process(face, parameters["N"], parameters["K"])

        # Get the other data
        if not faces: faces = list(database.iterator())
        matrix = algorithms.similarity_matrix([face] + [ face[2] for face in faces ], limit=1) # One line matrix

        # Evaluate result
        methods, _, _ = matrix.shape
        tresholds = [0.90, 0.90, 0.90]

        for i in range(methods):
            # Select indexes of candidates
            vector = numpy.array(matrix[i][0][1:])
            candidates, = numpy.where(vector >= tresholds[i])
            persons = {}

            # Verify candidates
            if len(candidates) == 0:
                print "Method %d does not yield any candidates!" % i

            # Print method
            print "Results for method %d:" % i

            # Print each candidate
            for candidate in candidates:
                if candidate == 0: 

                filename, person_id, data = faces[candidate]

                # Add person to list of persons
                if person_id not in persons:
                    persons[person_id] = []

                persons[person_id].append(matrix[i][0][candidate + 1])

            # Print results
            for person, scores in persons.iteritems():
                print "Match with person %s with scores %s" % (person, [ "%.2f" % s for s in scores ])

    # Reevaluation
    if arguments.reevaluate:
        print "Reevaluate faces"
        success = True

        # Get data
        if not faces: faces = list(database.iterator())

        # Action
        [ algorithms.features_histogram(face[2], parameters["N"], parameters["K"]) for face in faces ]

    # Visualizing
    if arguments.depth_map:
        print "Generating depth map"
        success = True
        # Get data
        if not faces: faces = list(database.iterator())
        # Action
        utils.generate_depth_map(faces, arguments.depth_map, arguments.draw_key_points)
    if arguments.feature_map:
        print "Generating feature map"
        success = True

        # Get data
        if not faces: faces = list(database.iterator())

        # Action
        utils.generate_feature_map(faces, arguments.feature_map)

    if arguments.similarity_matrix:
        print "Generating similarity matrix"
        success = True

        # Get data
        if not faces: faces = list(database.iterator())
        if not matrix: matrix = algorithms.similarity_matrix([ face[2] for face in faces ])

        # Action
        utils.generate_similarity_matrix(matrix, faces, arguments.similarity_matrix)

    if arguments.roc_curve:
        print "Generating ROC curve"
        success = True

        # Get data
        if not faces: faces = list(database.iterator())
        if not matrix: matrix = algorithms.similarity_matrix([ face[2] for face in faces ])
        if not rocs: rocs = algorithms.calculate_roc_eer(matrix, [ face[1] for face in faces ])

        utils.generate_roc_curve(rocs, arguments.roc_curve)

    # Print help in case of no action
    if not success: