Example #1
    def _do ( self, key_names, controllers, args ):
        """ Process the specified key for the specified set of controllers for
            this KeyBindings object and all of its children.
        # Search through our own bindings for a match:
        for binding in self.bindings:
            if ((binding.binding     in key_names) or
                (binding.alt_binding in key_names)):
                method_name = '%s%s%s' % ( self.prefix, binding.method,
                                           self.suffix )
                for controller in (self.controllers + controllers):
                    method = getattr( controller, method_name, None )
                    if method is not None:
                        result = invoke( method, *args )
                        if result is not False:
                            return True

                if binding.method == 'edit_bindings':

                    return True

            elif binding.rebinding in key_names:
                key_names = key_names + ( binding.binding, )
                if binding.alt_binding != '':
                    key_names = key_names + ( binding.alt_binding, )

        # Continue searching through any children's bindings:
        for child in self.children:
            if child._do( key_names, controllers, args ):
                return True

        # Indicate no one processed the key:
        return False

#-- EOF ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #2
    def _add_item ( self, item ):
        """ Adds a duplicate of the list view item specified by *item*.
        self._no_update = True

        # Create a copy of the item's data:
        is_empty  = (item.item is empty_list)
        data      = (None if is_empty else item.item)
        factory   = self.factory.factory
        index     = self.index_for( item )
        copy_data = None
            if issubclass( factory, HasFacets ):
                copy_data = (factory() if data is None else
                             self._default_factory( data ))

        if copy_data is None:
            if isinstance( factory, HasFacets ) or (not callable( factory )):
                copy_data = self._default_factory(
                    factory if data is None else data
            elif factory is not None:
                copy_data = invoke( factory, data, index )
                copy_data = self._default_factory( data )

        # Update the editor's value with the new data:
        index += (not is_empty)
        self._add_index( index, copy_data )

        # Create a new list view item for the copy of the data:
        copy_item = self.factory.adapter( copy_data ).set( owner = self )

        if is_empty:
            # We are replacing the empty list item with a new item, so dispose
            # of the empty list item and completely replace the items list:
            self.items = [ copy_item ]
            # Make the new item the same size/position as the one it is copied
            # from:
                size           = item.size,
                position       = item.position,
                control_offset = item.control_offset,
                min_height     = item.min_height
                draw_position  = item.draw_position
            copy_item.ui.control.size = item.ui.control.size

            # Update the editor's model with the copied item:
            self.items.insert( index, copy_item )

            # Increase the virtual size by the height of the new item:
            self._adjust_size( item.size[1] )

            # Rebuild the editor's view:

        self._no_update = False