Example #1
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from StringIO import StringIO

from django.core.management import call_command
from django.core.management.base import CommandError
from django.test import TestCase
from factory.django import get_model
from mock import patch
from slumber.exceptions import HttpClientError

from ecommerce.core.management.commands.sync_hubspot import Command as sync_command
from ecommerce.extensions.test.factories import create_order
from ecommerce.tests.factories import SiteConfigurationFactory

SiteConfiguration = get_model('core', 'SiteConfiguration')

@patch.object(sync_command, '_hubspot_endpoint')
class TestSyncHubspotCommand(TestCase):
    Test sync_hubspot management command.
    order = None
    hubspot_site_configuration = None

    def setUp(self):
        super(TestSyncHubspotCommand, self).setUp()
        self.hubspot_site_configuration = SiteConfigurationFactory.create(
            hubspot_secret_key='test_key', )
        self.order = self._create_order('1122',
from django.contrib.admin.utils import NestedObjects
from django.db import DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS
from django.core import serializers
from factory.django import get_model

import django

Survey = get_model('survey', 'Survey')

restore_me = Survey.objects.filter(id=1)
collector = NestedObjects(using=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS)

# This generates a hierarchical list of all of the objects related to the
# object that was deleted.  The same output that Django creates when it prompts
# you for confirmation to delete something.
result = collector.nested()
output = '['

def json_dump(obj):
    global output
    for model in obj:
        if not isinstance(model, list):
            # Ignore many to many tables as they are included in the primary
            # object serialization
            if "_" not in model.__class__.__name__:
                # Use Django's built in serializer, and strip off the array
                # brackets
                output += serializers.serialize("json", [model])[1:-1]
Example #3
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from StringIO import StringIO

from django.core.management import call_command
from django.core.management.base import CommandError
from django.test import TestCase
from factory.django import get_model
from mock import patch
from oscar.test.factories import UserFactory
from slumber.exceptions import HttpClientError

from ecommerce.core.management.commands.sync_hubspot import Command as sync_command
from ecommerce.extensions.test.factories import create_basket, create_order
from ecommerce.tests.factories import SiteConfigurationFactory

SiteConfiguration = get_model('core', 'SiteConfiguration')
Basket = get_model('basket', 'Basket')


class TestSyncHubspotCommand(TestCase):
    Test sync_hubspot management command.
    order = None
    hubspot_site_configuration = None

    def setUp(self):
        super(TestSyncHubspotCommand, self).setUp()
        self.hubspot_site_configuration = SiteConfigurationFactory.create(
Example #4
def get_model_class(definition):
    # code based on https://github.com/FactoryBoy/factory_boy/blob/371815b219d0f91c3032fdd479fc2ef7d1d3af6b/factory/django.py#L90
    if isinstance(definition, str) and '.' in definition:
        app, model = definition.split('.', 1)
        return get_model(app, model)
    return definition