class BillingTypeFactory(DjangoModelFactory): name = Faker("currency_name") reference = None class Meta: model = models.BillingType
def set_image(self, create, extracted, **kwargs): if settings.USE_CLOUDINARY: self.cloudinary_image = Faker('product_image').generate({}) else: = Faker('product_image').generate({})
class OLTPBenchDBFactory(DjangoModelFactory): class Meta: model = OLTPBenchResult django_get_or_create = ('git_branch', 'git_commit_id',) time = LazyAttribute(lambda _: query_mode = Faker('random_element', elements=('simple', 'extended')) jenkins_job_id = Faker('pystr_format', string_format='###') git_branch = Faker('word') git_commit_id = Faker('sha1') db_version = Faker('word') environment = Faker('pydict', value_types=[str]) benchmark_type = Faker('word') scale_factor = Faker('pyfloat', left_digits=6, right_digits=4, positive=True) terminals = Faker('random_int', min=1, max=32) client_time = Faker('random_int', min=30, step=30) weights = Faker('pydict', value_types=[int]) wal_device = Faker('random_element', elements=('RAM disk', 'HDD', 'SATA SSD', 'NVMe SSD', 'None')) max_connection_threads = Faker('random_int', min=1, max=32) metrics = Dict({ 'throughput': Faker('pyfloat', positive=True), 'latency': Faker('pydict', value_types=[float]) }) incremental_metrics = Faker('pydict', value_types=[int, float, str])
class MetagenomeAssemblyFactory(PipelineStepBase): class Meta: model = models.MetagenomeAssembly sqlalchemy_session = db scaffolds: int = Faker("pyint") contigs: int = Faker("pyint") scaf_bp: int = Faker("pyint") contig_bp: int = Faker("pyint") scaf_N50: int = Faker("pyint") scaf_L50: int = Faker("pyint") ctg_N50: int = Faker("pyint") ctg_L50: int = Faker("pyint") scaf_N90: int = Faker("pyint") scaf_L90: int = Faker("pyint") ctg_N90: int = Faker("pyint") ctg_L90: int = Faker("pyint") scaf_max: int = Faker("pyint") ctg_max: int = Faker("pyint") scaf_n_gt50K: int = Faker("pyint") scaf_l_gt50k: int = Faker("pyint") scaf_pct_gt50K: int = Faker("pyint") num_input_reads: int = Faker("pyint") num_aligned_reads: int = Faker("pyint") scaf_logsum: float = Faker("pyfloat") scaf_powsum: float = Faker("pyfloat") ctg_logsum: float = Faker("pyfloat") ctg_powsum: float = Faker("pyfloat") asm_score: float = Faker("pyfloat") gap_pct: float = Faker("pyfloat") gc_avg: float = Faker("pyfloat") gc_std: float = Faker("pyfloat")
class GeneFunction(SQLAlchemyModelFactory): class Meta: model = models.GeneFunction sqlalchemy_session = db id: str = Faker("pystr")
class PostalUnitFactory(Factory): class Meta: model = PostalUnit code = faker.Faker("random_number", digits=4) description = Faker("company", locale="pt_BR")
class GroupFactory(DjangoModelFactory): class Meta: model = Group name = Faker('name')
from factory.django import DjangoModelFactory from wagtail_factories import PageFactory from factory import (Faker, LazyAttribute) from networkapi.utility.faker import StreamfieldProvider streamfield_fields = [ 'header', 'paragraph', 'image', 'spacer', 'image_text', 'quote' ] sentence_faker: Faker = Faker('sentence', nb_words=3, variable_nb_words=False) header_faker: Faker = Faker('sentence', nb_words=6, variable_nb_words=True) description_faker: Faker = Faker('paragraphs', nb=2) name_and_header = LazyAttribute(lambda o: o.header_text.rstrip('.')) Faker.add_provider(StreamfieldProvider) class CTAFactory(DjangoModelFactory): class Meta: abstract = True exclude = ( 'header_text', 'description_text', ) name = name_and_header header = name_and_header description = LazyAttribute( lambda o: ''.join([f'<p>{p}</p>' for p in o.description_text])) newsletter = Faker('word')
class FileFactory(DjangoModelFactory): name = Faker("file_name") class Meta: model = models.File
def set_image(self, create, extracted, **kwargs): = Faker('generic_image').generate({})
class ProductPrivacyPolicyLinkFactory(DjangoModelFactory): class Meta: model = ProductPrivacyPolicyLink label = Faker('sentence') url = Faker('url')
class GroupFactory(DjangoModelFactory): class Meta: model = Group name = Faker("sentence", locale="es_ES", nb_words=4, variable_nb_words=True, ext_word_list=None)
class ResourceFactory(DjangoModelFactory): """Factory for generating resources.""" name = Faker('sentence') description = Faker('paragraph', nb_sentences=5) published = True class Meta: """Metadata for class.""" model = Resource @post_generation def add_detail(self, create, extracted, **kwargs): """Add detail to resource.""" FAKER = faker.Faker() # Set language # 25% chance both languages, otherwise one if random.randint(1, 4) == 1: self.languages.add(*Language.objects.all()) else: self.languages.add(random.choice(Language.objects.all())) # Set technological areas # 20% chance both, otherwise one if random.randint(1, 5) == 1: self.technological_areas.add(*TechnologicalArea.objects.all()) else: self.technological_areas.add( random.choice(TechnologicalArea.objects.all())) # Choose primary (45%), secondary (45%), both (10%) for rest of variables if random.randint(1, 10) == 1: resource_detail_content = CONTENT_BOTH self.year_levels.add(*random.sample(list(YearLevel.objects.all()), random.randint(1, 4))) elif random.randint(1, 2) == 1: resource_detail_content = CONTENT_PRIMARY self.year_levels.add( *random.sample(list(YearLevel.objects.filter( level__lte=8)), random.randint(1, 4))) else: resource_detail_content = CONTENT_SECONDARY self.year_levels.add( *random.sample(list(YearLevel.objects.filter( level__gte=9)), random.randint(1, 4))) # Add progress outcomes if resource_detail_content in [CONTENT_BOTH, CONTENT_PRIMARY]: self.progress_outcomes.add(*random.sample( list( ProgressOutcome.objects.filter( technological_area__in=self.technological_areas.all()) ), random.randint(1, 3))) # Add NZQA standards if resource_detail_content in [CONTENT_BOTH, CONTENT_SECONDARY]: self.nzqa_standards.add(*random.sample( list(NZQAStandard.objects.all()), random.randint(1, 3))) # Add curriculum learning areas self.curriculum_learning_areas.add(*random.sample( list(CurriculumLearningArea.objects.all()), random.randint(0, 2))) # Add components number_of_components = random.randint(1, 9) for i in range(number_of_components): component_name = FAKER.sentence() component_type = random.choice( list(ResourceComponent.COMPONENT_TYPE_DATA)) resource_count = Resource.objects.count() if component_type == ResourceComponent.TYPE_RESOURCE and resource_count >= 2: resources = list(Resource.objects.exclude( resource_component = resources[random.randint( 0, len(resources) - 1)] ResourceComponent.objects.create(, resource=self, component_resource=resource_component, ) # TODO: Implement all types of components else: # Website ResourceComponent.objects.create( name=component_name, resource=self, component_url=FAKER.url(), )
class CostCenterFactory(DjangoModelFactory): name = Faker("job") reference = None class Meta: model = models.CostCenter
class SiteConfigurationFactory(django.DjangoModelFactory): class Meta: model = SiteConfiguration site = SubFactory(SiteFactory) lms_url_root = Faker('url') catalog_api_url = Faker('url') platform_name = Faker('word') partner_from_address = Faker('safe_email') tos_url = Faker('url') privacy_policy_url = Faker('url') homepage_url = Faker('url') company_name = Faker('word') certificate_help_url = Faker('url') records_help_url = Faker('url') twitter_username = Faker('word')
class ProductFactory(DjangoModelFactory): class Meta: model = Product exclude = ('product_words') product_words = Faker('words', nb=2) draft = Faker('boolean') adult_content = Faker('boolean') name = LazyAttribute(lambda o: ' '.join(o.product_words)) @post_generation def product_category(self, create, extracted, **kwargs): """ After model generation, Relate this product to one or more product categories. Do this in a way that will assign some products 2 or more categories. """ ceiling = 1.0 while True: odds = random() if odds < ceiling: category = choice(BuyersGuideProductCategory.objects.all()) self.product_category.add(category) ceiling = ceiling / 5 else: return company = Faker('company') blurb = Faker('sentence') url = Faker('url') price = LazyAttribute(lambda _: randint(49, 1500)) camera_app = Faker('boolean') meets_minimum_security_standards = Faker('boolean') camera_device = Faker('boolean') microphone_app = Faker('boolean') microphone_device = Faker('boolean') location_app = Faker('boolean') location_device = Faker('boolean') uses_encryption = Faker('boolean') privacy_policy_reading_level_url = Faker('url') privacy_policy_reading_level = LazyAttribute(lambda _: str(randint(7, 15))) share_data = Faker('boolean') must_change_default_password = Faker('boolean') security_updates = Faker('boolean') delete_data = Faker('boolean') child_rules = Faker('boolean') manage_security = Faker('boolean') phone_number = Faker('phone_number') live_chat = Faker('url') email = Faker('email') worst_case = Faker('sentence') @post_generation def set_image(self, create, extracted, **kwargs): if settings.USE_CLOUDINARY: self.cloudinary_image = Faker('product_image').generate({}) else: = Faker('product_image').generate({})
class RecipeFactory(DjangoModelFactory): paprika_account = SubFactory(PaprikaAccountFactory) # categories = SubFactory(CategoryFactory) uid = Faker('uuid4') date_ended = None hash = Faker('uuid4') photo_hash = Faker('uuid4') name = Faker('name') photo_url = Faker('uri') ingredients = Faker('paragraph') source = Faker('company') total_time = Faker('sentence') cook_time = Faker('sentence') prep_time = Faker('sentence') created = Faker('date_time') description = Faker('paragraph') source_url = Faker('uri') difficulty = Faker('word') directions = Faker('paragraph') notes = Faker('paragraph') nutritional_info = Faker('paragraph') servings = Faker('word') rating = Faker('pyint', min_value=0, max_value=5) on_favorites = Faker('pybool') in_trash = False class Meta: model = Recipe @factory.post_generation def categories(self, create, extracted, **kwargs): if not create: # Simple build, do nothing. return if extracted: # A list of categories were passed in, use them for category in extracted: self.categories.add(category) else: self.categories.add( CategoryFactory(paprika_account=self.paprika_account))
def handle(self, *args, **options): try: User.objects.get(username='******') print('super user already exists') except ObjectDoesNotExist: password = Faker( 'password', length=16, special_chars=True, digits=True, upper_case=True, lower_case=True ).generate({}) User.objects.create_superuser('admin', '*****@*****.**', password) pr_number = settings.HEROKU_PR_NUMBER reviewapp_name = settings.HEROKU_APP_NAME branch_name = settings.HEROKU_BRANCH # Review apps created when opening a PR if pr_number: # Get PR's title from Github token = settings.GITHUB_TOKEN org = 'mozilla' repo = 'donate-wagtail' headers = {'Authorization': f'token {token}'} r = requests.get(f'{org}/{repo}/pulls/{pr_number}', headers=headers) r.raise_for_status() try: pr_title = ' - ' + r.json()['title'] except KeyError: pr_title = '' for label in r.json()['labels']: if label['name'] == 'dependencies': pre_title = ':robot_face: *[Dependabot]*' break else: pre_title = ':computer: *[Devs]*' message_title = f'*PR {pr_number}{pr_title}*\n' github_url = f'{pr_number}' github_button_text = 'View PR on Github' # Review apps created from Heroku to deploy a branch else: pre_title = ':computer: *[Devs]*' message_title = f'*Branch: {branch_name}*\n' github_url = f'{branch_name}' github_button_text = 'View branch on Github' slack_payload = { 'blocks': [ { 'type': 'section', 'text': { 'type': 'mrkdwn', 'text': f'{pre_title} {message_title}' 'This new review app will be ready in a minute!\n' '*Login:* admin\n' f'*Password:* {password}\n' } }, { 'type': 'actions', 'elements': [ { 'type': 'button', 'text': { 'type': 'plain_text', 'text': 'View review app' }, 'url': f'https://{reviewapp_name}' }, { 'type': 'button', 'text': { 'type': 'plain_text', 'text': f'{github_button_text}', }, 'url': f'{github_url}' } ] }, { 'type': 'divider', } ] } slack_webhook = settings.SLACK_WEBHOOK_RA r ='{slack_webhook}', json=slack_payload, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'} ) # Raise if post request was a 4xx or 5xx r.raise_for_status() print('Done!')
class UserFactory(DjangoModelFactory): class Meta: model = User username = Faker('user_name')
class ProductPageFactory(PageFactory): class Meta: model = ProductPage title = Faker('sentence') privacy_ding = Faker('boolean') adult_content = Faker('boolean') uses_wifi = Faker('boolean') uses_bluetooth = Faker('boolean') company = Faker('company') blurb = Faker('sentence') product_url = Faker('url') price = LazyAttribute(lambda _: randint(49, 1500)) worst_case = Faker('sentence') first_published_at = Faker('past_datetime', start_date='-2d', tzinfo=timezone.utc) last_published_at = Faker('past_datetime', start_date='-1d', tzinfo=timezone.utc) @post_generation def set_image(self, create, extracted, **kwargs): self.image = ImageFactory() @post_generation def assign_random_categories(self, create, extracted, **kwargs): # late import to prevent circular dependency from networkapi.wagtailpages.models import ProductPageCategory ceiling = 1.0 while True: odds = random() if odds < ceiling: category = get_lowest_content_page_category() ProductPageCategory.objects.get_or_create( product=self, category=category ) ceiling = ceiling / 5 else: return @post_generation def set_random_review_date(self, create, extracted, **kwargs): if "Percy" not in self.title: start_date = date(2020, 10, 1) end_date = date(2021, 1, 30) time_between_dates = end_date - start_date days_between_dates = time_between_dates.days random_number_of_days = randrange(days_between_dates) self.review_date = start_date + timedelta(days=random_number_of_days) @post_generation def set_random_creepiness(self, create, extracted, **kwargs): self.get_or_create_votes() single_vote = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1] shuffle(single_vote) self.votes.set_votes(single_vote) self.creepiness_value = randint(0, 100)
class BiosampleFactory(AnnotatedFactory): class Meta: model = models.Biosample sqlalchemy_session = db add_date = Faker("date_time") mod_date = Faker("date_time") collection_date = Faker("date_time") depth = Faker("random_number", digits=3) env_broad_scale = SubFactory(EnvoTermFactory) env_local_scale = SubFactory(EnvoTermFactory) env_medium = SubFactory(EnvoTermFactory) latitude = Faker("latitude") longitude = Faker("longitude") study = SubFactory(StudyFactory) ecosystem = Faker("word") ecosystem_category = Faker("word") ecosystem_type = Faker("word") ecosystem_subtype = Faker("word") specific_ecosystem = Faker("word")
class GeneralProductPageFactory(ProductPageFactory): class Meta: model = GeneralProductPage camera_app = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value) camera_device = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value) microphone_app = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value) microphone_device = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value) location_app = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value) location_device = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value) personal_data_collected = Faker('sentence') biometric_data_collected = Faker('sentence') social_data_collected = Faker('sentence') how_can_you_control_your_data = Faker('sentence') data_control_policy_is_bad = Faker('boolean') company_track_record = get_random_option(['Great', 'Average', 'Needs Improvement', 'Bad']) track_record_is_bad = Faker('boolean') track_record_details = Faker('sentence') offline_capable = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value) offline_use_description = Faker('sentence') uses_ai = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value) ai_uses_personal_data = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value) ai_is_transparent = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value) ai_helptext = Faker('sentence') email = Faker('email') live_chat = Faker('url') phone_number = Faker('phone_number') twitter = '@TwitterHandle'
class NOMAnalysisFactory(PipelineStepBase): class Meta: model = models.NOMAnalysis sqlalchemy_session = db used: str = Faker("word")
class SoftwareProductPageFactory(ProductPageFactory): class Meta: model = SoftwareProductPage price = 0 handles_recordings_how = Faker('sentence') recording_alert = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value) recording_alert_helptext = Faker('sentence') medical_privacy_compliant = Faker('boolean') medical_privacy_compliant_helptext = Faker('sentence') host_controls = Faker('sentence') easy_to_learn_and_use = Faker('boolean') easy_to_learn_and_use_helptext = Faker('sentence') handles_recordings_how = Faker('sentence') recording_alert = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value) recording_alert_helptext = Faker('sentence') medical_privacy_compliant = Faker('boolean') medical_privacy_compliant_helptext = Faker('sentence') host_controls = Faker('sentence') easy_to_learn_and_use = Faker('boolean') easy_to_learn_and_use_helptext = Faker('sentence')
class ProductFactory(DjangoModelFactory): class Meta: model = Product exclude = ('product_words') product_words = Faker('words', nb=2) draft = Faker('boolean') adult_content = Faker('boolean') review_date = Faker('date_time_between_dates', datetime_start=date(year=2018, month=11, day=1), datetime_end=None, tzinfo=timezone.utc) name = LazyAttribute(lambda o: ' '.join(o.product_words)) @post_generation def product_category(self, create, extracted, **kwargs): """ After model generation, Relate this product to one or more product categories. Do this in a way that will assign some products 2 or more categories. """ ceiling = 1.0 while True: odds = random() if odds < ceiling: category = choice(BuyersGuideProductCategory.objects.all()) self.product_category.add(category) ceiling = ceiling / 5 else: return blurb = Faker('sentence') camera_app = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value) camera_device = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value) microphone_app = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value) microphone_device = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value) location_app = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value) location_device = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value) company = Faker('company') delete_data = Faker('boolean') email = Faker('email') live_chat = Faker('url') manage_vulnerabilities = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value) meets_minimum_security_standards = Faker('boolean') parental_controls = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value) phone_number = Faker('phone_number') price = LazyAttribute(lambda _: randint(49, 1500)) privacy_policy_reading_level = LazyAttribute(lambda _: str(randint(7, 15))) privacy_policy_reading_level_url = Faker('url') security_updates = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value) share_data = Faker('boolean') strong_password = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value) url = Faker('url') uses_encryption = LazyFunction(get_extended_yes_no_value) worst_case = Faker('sentence') @post_generation def set_image(self, create, extracted, **kwargs): if settings.USE_CLOUDINARY: self.cloudinary_image = Faker('product_image').generate({}) else: = Faker('product_image').generate({})
class CreatorFactory(DjangoModelFactory): class Meta: model = Creator name = Faker('name')
def test_create(self): """ Test creation """ order = OrderFactory(start_date=Faker("past_date"), end_date=Faker("future_date")) self.assertTrue(order)
class SiteFactory(django.DjangoModelFactory): class Meta: model = Site domain = Faker('domain_name') name = Faker('word')
class AddressFactory(Factory): class Meta: model = Address name = Faker("name", locale="pt_BR") street = Faker("street_name", locale="pt_BR") number = Faker("building_number", locale="pt_BR") city = Faker("city", locale="pt_BR") state = Faker("estado_sigla", locale="pt_BR") zip_code = "07192-100" complement = Faker("secondary_address") neighborhood = Sequence(lambda n: "Neighborhood #{}".format(n)) phone = Faker("phone_number", locale="pt_BR") cellphone = Faker("phone_number", locale="pt_BR") email = Faker("email") latitude = Faker("latitude", locale="pt_BR") longitude = Faker("longitude", locale="pt_BR")
class ActivityFactory(DjangoModelFactory): class Meta: model = Activity exclude = ("active", "now") # Helper fields active = Faker("boolean") now = union = SubFactory(UnionFactory) department = SubFactory(DepartmentFactory, union=factory.SelfAttribute("..union")) name = Faker("activity") open_hours = Faker("numerify", text="kl. ##:00-##:00") responsible_name = Faker("name") responsible_contact = Faker("email") placename = Faker("city_suffix") zipcode = Faker("zipcode") city = Faker("city") streetname = Faker("street_name") housenumber = Faker("building_number") floor = Faker("floor") door = Faker("door") dawa_id = Faker("uuid4") description = Faker("text") instructions = Faker("text") signup_closing = Faker("date_time_between", tzinfo=TIMEZONE, start_date="-100d", end_date="+100d") start_date = LazyAttribute( lambda d: datetime_before( if else Faker("date_time", tzinfo=TIMEZONE).generate({})) end_date = LazyAttribute(lambda d: datetime_after( if else datetime_before( updated_dtm = Faker("date_time", tzinfo=TIMEZONE) open_invite = Faker("boolean") price_in_dkk = Faker("random_number", digits=4) max_participants = Faker("random_number") min_age = Faker("random_int", min=5, max=18) max_age = LazyAttribute( lambda a: a.min_age + Faker("random_int", min=10, max=80).generate({})) member_justified = Faker("boolean")