def save_checkpoint(args, trainer, epoch_itr, val_loss): if args.no_save: return # if args.no_save or not distributed_utils.is_master(args): # return epoch = epoch_itr.epoch end_of_epoch = epoch_itr.end_of_epoch() updates = trainer.get_num_updates() checkpoint_conds = collections.OrderedDict() checkpoint_conds['checkpoint{}_r{}_n{}.pt'.format( epoch, distributed_utils.get_rank(), distributed_utils.get_world_size())] = ( end_of_epoch and not args.no_epoch_checkpoints and epoch % args.save_interval == 0) checkpoint_conds['checkpoint_{}_{}_r{}_n{}.pt'.format( epoch, updates, distributed_utils.get_rank(), distributed_utils.get_world_size())] = ( not end_of_epoch and args.save_interval_updates > 0 and updates % args.save_interval_updates == 0) checkpoint_conds['checkpoint_best_r{}_n{}.pt'.format( distributed_utils.get_rank(), distributed_utils.get_world_size())] = ( val_loss is not None and (not hasattr(save_checkpoint, 'best') or val_loss < checkpoint_conds['checkpoint_last_r{}_n{}.pt'.format( distributed_utils.get_rank(), distributed_utils.get_world_size() )] = True # keep this last so that it's a symlink prev_best = getattr(save_checkpoint, 'best', val_loss) if val_loss is not None: = min(val_loss, prev_best) extra_state = { 'best':, 'train_iterator': epoch_itr.state_dict(), 'val_loss': val_loss, } checkpoints = [ os.path.join(args.save_dir, fn) for fn, cond in checkpoint_conds.items() if cond ] if len(checkpoints) > 0: for cp in checkpoints: trainer.save_checkpoint(cp, extra_state) if not end_of_epoch and args.keep_interval_updates > 0: # remove old checkpoints; checkpoints are sorted in descending order checkpoints = utils.checkpoint_paths( args.save_dir, pattern=r'checkpoint_\d+_(\d+)\.pt') for old_chk in checkpoints[args.keep_interval_updates:]: os.remove(old_chk)
def __init__(self, iterable, epoch=None, prefix=None, log_interval=1000, main_process = False, assistant=None, truncate=None): super().__init__(iterable, epoch, prefix, main_process = main_process) self.log_interval = log_interval self.stats = None self.assistant = assistant self.world_size = get_world_size() self.successes = [ 0 for i in range(self.world_size)] self.samples = [ 0 for i in range(self.world_size)] self.confidence = [ 0 for i in range(self.world_size)] self.my_id = get_rank() self.truncate = truncate
def _split(input_): """Split the tensor along its last dimension and keep the corresponding slice.""" group = get_model_parallel_group() # Bypass the function if we are using only 1 GPU. if get_world_size(group=group) == 1: return input_ # Split along last dimension. world_size = get_world_size(group=group) input_list = split_tensor_along_last_dim(input_, world_size) # Note: torch.split does not create contiguous tensors by default. rank = get_rank(group=group) output = input_list[rank].contiguous() return output
def _gather(input_): """Gather tensors and concatinate along the last dimension.""" group = get_model_parallel_group() # Bypass the function if we are using only 1 GPU. if get_world_size(group=group) == 1: return input_ # Size and dimension. last_dim = input_.dim() - 1 rank = get_rank(group=group) world_size = get_world_size(group=group) tensor_list = all_gather(None, input_, group=group) # Note: already creates a contiguous tensor. output =, dim=last_dim).contiguous() return output
def __init__(self, args, task): super().__init__(args, task) self.eps = args.label_smoothing from fairseq.sequence_generator import SequenceGenerator self.gen = SequenceGenerator(task.target_dictionary, beam_size=args.beam_size) if args.reward == "bleurt": from fairseq.distributed_utils import get_rank sys.argv = sys.argv[:1] my_rank = 0 if torch.cuda.device_count() <= 1 else get_rank() os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(my_rank % 4) from bleurt import score from transformers import cached_path import tensorflow as tf gpus = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU') if gpus: this_gpu = gpus[my_rank % 4] tf.config.set_visible_devices([this_gpu], 'GPU') try: tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(this_gpu, True) tf.config.experimental.set_virtual_device_configuration( this_gpu, [ tf.config.experimental.VirtualDeviceConfiguration( memory_limit=2048) ]) logical_devices = tf.config.list_logical_devices('GPU') self.logical_device = tf.device(logical_devices[0].name) print("num of logical gpus", len(logical_devices)) except RuntimeError as e: print(e) with self.logical_device: self.bleurt_scorer = score.BleurtScorer( os.path.join( cached_path( "", extract_compressed_file=True), "bleurt-base-128"))
def get_rank(): try: return du.get_rank() except AssertionError: return 0
def main(args): if args.max_tokens is None: args.max_tokens = 6000 args.restore_file = 'checkpoint_last_r{}_n{}.pt'.format( distributed_utils.get_rank(), distributed_utils.get_world_size()) print(args) if not torch.cuda.is_available(): raise NotImplementedError('Training on CPU is not supported') torch.cuda.set_device(args.device_id) torch.manual_seed(args.seed) # Setup task, e.g., translation, language modeling, etc. task = tasks.setup_task(args) # Load dataset splits load_dataset_splits(task, ['train', 'valid']) # Build model and criterion model = task.build_model(args) criterion = task.build_criterion(args) print('| model {}, criterion {}'.format(args.arch, criterion.__class__.__name__)) print('| num. model params: {}'.format( sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters()))) # Make a dummy batch to (i) warm the caching allocator and (ii) as a # placeholder DistributedDataParallel when there's an uneven number of # batches per worker. max_positions = utils.resolve_max_positions( task.max_positions(), model.max_positions(), ) dummy_batch = task.dataset('train').get_dummy_batch( args.max_tokens, max_positions) # Build trainer trainer = Trainer(args, task, model, criterion, dummy_batch) print('| training on {} Nodes'.format(args.distributed_world_size)) print('| max tokens per node = {} and max sentences per node = {}'.format( args.max_tokens, args.max_sentences, )) # Initialize dataloader epoch_itr = task.get_batch_iterator( dataset=task.dataset(args.train_subset), max_tokens=args.max_tokens, max_sentences=args.max_sentences, max_positions=max_positions, ignore_invalid_inputs=True, required_batch_size_multiple=8, seed=args.seed, num_shards=args.distributed_world_size, shard_id=args.distributed_rank, ) # Load the latest checkpoint if one is available if not load_checkpoint(args, trainer, epoch_itr): trainer.dummy_train_step([dummy_batch]) # Train until the learning rate gets too small max_epoch = args.max_epoch or math.inf max_update = args.max_update or math.inf lr = trainer.get_lr() train_meter = StopwatchMeter() train_meter.start() valid_losses = [None] valid_subsets = args.valid_subset.split(',') while lr > args.min_lr and epoch_itr.epoch < max_epoch and trainer.get_num_updates( ) < max_update: # train for one epoch train(args, trainer, task, epoch_itr) if epoch_itr.epoch % args.validate_interval == 0: valid_losses = validate(args, trainer, task, epoch_itr, valid_subsets) # only use first validation loss to update the learning rate lr = trainer.lr_step(epoch_itr.epoch, valid_losses[0]) # save checkpoint if epoch_itr.epoch % args.save_interval == 0: save_checkpoint(args, trainer, epoch_itr, valid_losses[0]) train_meter.stop() print('| done training in {:.1f} seconds'.format(train_meter.sum))