Example #1
def simulate_request(app, method='GET', path='/', query_string=None,
                     headers=None, body=None, file_wrapper=None, wsgierrors=None,
                     params=None, params_csv=True, protocol='http'):
        """Simulates a request to a WSGI application.

        Performs a request against a WSGI application. Uses
        :any:`wsgiref.validate` to ensure the response is valid

        Keyword Args:
            app (callable): The WSGI application to call
            method (str): An HTTP method to use in the request
                (default: 'GET')
            path (str): The URL path to request (default: '/')
            protocol: The protocol to use for the URL scheme
                (default: 'http')
            params (dict): A dictionary of query string parameters,
                where each key is a parameter name, and each value is
                either a ``str`` or something that can be converted
                into a ``str``, or a list of such values. If a ``list``,
                the value will be converted to a comma-delimited string
                of values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3').
            params_csv (bool): Set to ``False`` to encode list values
                in query string params by specifying multiple instances
                of the parameter (e.g., 'thing=1&thing=2&thing=3').
                Otherwise, parameters will be encoded as comma-separated
                values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3'). Defaults to ``True``.
            query_string (str): A raw query string to include in the
                request (default: ``None``). If specified, overrides
            headers (dict): Additional headers to include in the request
                (default: ``None``)
            body (str): A string to send as the body of the request.
                Accepts both byte strings and Unicode strings
                (default: ``None``). If a Unicode string is provided,
                it will be encoded as UTF-8 in the request.
            file_wrapper (callable): Callable that returns an iterable,
                to be used as the value for *wsgi.file_wrapper* in the
                environ (default: ``None``). This can be used to test
                high-performance file transmission when `resp.stream` is
                set to a file-like object.
            wsgierrors (io): The stream to use as *wsgierrors*
                (default ``sys.stderr``)

            :py:class:`~.Result`: The result of the request

        if not path.startswith('/'):
            raise ValueError("path must start with '/'")

        if query_string and query_string.startswith('?'):
            raise ValueError("query_string should not start with '?'")

        if '?' in path:
            # NOTE(kgriffs): We could allow this, but then we'd need
            #   to define semantics regarding whether the path takes
            #   precedence over the query_string. Also, it would make
            #   tests less consistent, since there would be "more than
            #   one...way to do it."
            raise ValueError(
                'path may not contain a query string. Please use the '
                'query_string parameter instead.'

        if query_string is None:
            query_string = to_query_str(

        env = helpers.create_environ(
            query_string=(query_string or ''),

        srmock = StartResponseMock()
        validator = wsgiref.validate.validator(app)
        iterable = validator(env, srmock)

        result = Result(iterable, srmock.status, srmock.headers)

        return result
Example #2
def simulate_request(app, method='GET', path='/', query_string=None,
                     headers=None, body=None, json=None, file_wrapper=None,
                     wsgierrors=None, params=None, params_csv=True,
        """Simulates a request to a WSGI application.

        Performs a request against a WSGI application. Uses
        :any:`wsgiref.validate` to ensure the response is valid

        Keyword Args:
            app (callable): The WSGI application to call
            method (str): An HTTP method to use in the request
                (default: 'GET')
            path (str): The URL path to request (default: '/')
            protocol: The protocol to use for the URL scheme
                (default: 'http')
            params (dict): A dictionary of query string parameters,
                where each key is a parameter name, and each value is
                either a ``str`` or something that can be converted
                into a ``str``, or a list of such values. If a ``list``,
                the value will be converted to a comma-delimited string
                of values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3').
            params_csv (bool): Set to ``False`` to encode list values
                in query string params by specifying multiple instances
                of the parameter (e.g., 'thing=1&thing=2&thing=3').
                Otherwise, parameters will be encoded as comma-separated
                values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3'). Defaults to ``True``.
            query_string (str): A raw query string to include in the
                request (default: ``None``). If specified, overrides
            headers (dict): Additional headers to include in the request
                (default: ``None``)
            body (str): A string to send as the body of the request.
                Accepts both byte strings and Unicode strings
                (default: ``None``). If a Unicode string is provided,
                it will be encoded as UTF-8 in the request.
            json(JSON serializable): A JSON document to serialize as the
                body of the request (default: ``None``). If specified,
                overrides `body` and the Content-Type header in
            file_wrapper (callable): Callable that returns an iterable,
                to be used as the value for *wsgi.file_wrapper* in the
                environ (default: ``None``). This can be used to test
                high-performance file transmission when `resp.stream` is
                set to a file-like object.
            wsgierrors (io): The stream to use as *wsgierrors*
                (default ``sys.stderr``)

            :py:class:`~.Result`: The result of the request

        if not path.startswith('/'):
            raise ValueError("path must start with '/'")

        if query_string and query_string.startswith('?'):
            raise ValueError("query_string should not start with '?'")

        if '?' in path:
            # NOTE(kgriffs): We could allow this, but then we'd need
            #   to define semantics regarding whether the path takes
            #   precedence over the query_string. Also, it would make
            #   tests less consistent, since there would be "more than
            #   one...way to do it."
            raise ValueError(
                'path may not contain a query string. Please use the '
                'query_string parameter instead.'

        if query_string is None:
            query_string = to_query_str(

        if json is not None:
            body = util_json.dumps(json, ensure_ascii=False)
            headers = headers or {}
            headers['Content-Type'] = MEDIA_JSON

        env = helpers.create_environ(
            query_string=(query_string or ''),

        srmock = StartResponseMock()
        validator = wsgiref.validate.validator(app)
        iterable = validator(env, srmock)

        result = Result(iterable, srmock.status, srmock.headers)

        return result
Example #3
 def _link(path, params):
     return '{}{}'.format(path, to_query_str(params))
Example #4
def simulate_request(app,
    """Simulates a request to a WSGI application.

    Performs a request against a WSGI application. Uses
    :any:`wsgiref.validate` to ensure the response is valid

    Keyword Args:
        app (callable): The WSGI application to call
        method (str): An HTTP method to use in the request
            (default: 'GET')
        path (str): The URL path to request (default: '/').

                The path may contain a query string. However, neither
                `query_string` nor `params` may be specified in this case.

        protocol: The protocol to use for the URL scheme
            (default: 'http')
        params (dict): A dictionary of query string parameters,
            where each key is a parameter name, and each value is
            either a ``str`` or something that can be converted
            into a ``str``, or a list of such values. If a ``list``,
            the value will be converted to a comma-delimited string
            of values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3').
        params_csv (bool): Set to ``False`` to encode list values
            in query string params by specifying multiple instances
            of the parameter (e.g., 'thing=1&thing=2&thing=3').
            Otherwise, parameters will be encoded as comma-separated
            values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3'). Defaults to ``True``.
        query_string (str): A raw query string to include in the
            request (default: ``None``). If specified, overrides
        headers (dict): Additional headers to include in the request
            (default: ``None``)
        body (str): A string to send as the body of the request.
            Accepts both byte strings and Unicode strings
            (default: ``None``). If a Unicode string is provided,
            it will be encoded as UTF-8 in the request.
        json(JSON serializable): A JSON document to serialize as the
            body of the request (default: ``None``). If specified,
            overrides `body` and the Content-Type header in
        file_wrapper (callable): Callable that returns an iterable,
            to be used as the value for *wsgi.file_wrapper* in the
            environ (default: ``None``). This can be used to test
            high-performance file transmission when `resp.stream` is
            set to a file-like object.
        host(str): A string to use for the hostname part of the fully
            qualified request URL (default: 'falconframework.org')
        remote_addr (str): A string to use as the remote IP address for the
            request (default: '')
        wsgierrors (io): The stream to use as *wsgierrors*
            (default ``sys.stderr``)
        extras (dict): Additional CGI variables to add to the WSGI
            ``environ`` dictionary for the request (default: ``None``)

        :py:class:`~.Result`: The result of the request

    if not path.startswith('/'):
        raise ValueError("path must start with '/'")

    if '?' in path:
        if query_string or params:
            raise ValueError(
                'path may not contain a query string in combination with '
                'the query_string or params parameters. Please use only one '
                'way of specifying the query string.')
        path, query_string = path.split('?', 1)
    elif query_string and query_string.startswith('?'):
        raise ValueError("query_string should not start with '?'")

    extras = extras or {}
    if 'REQUEST_METHOD' in extras and extras['REQUEST_METHOD'] != method:
        # NOTE(vytas): Even given the duct tape nature of overriding
        # arbitrary environ variables, changing the method can potentially
        # be very confusing, particularly when using specialized
        # simulate_get/post/patch etc methods.
        raise ValueError(
            'environ extras may not override the request method. Please '
            'use the method parameter.')

    if query_string is None:
        query_string = to_query_str(

    if json is not None:
        body = util_json.dumps(json, ensure_ascii=False)
        headers = headers or {}
        headers['Content-Type'] = MEDIA_JSON

    env = helpers.create_environ(
        query_string=(query_string or ''),
    if extras:

    srmock = StartResponseMock()
    validator = wsgiref.validate.validator(app)

    iterable = validator(env, srmock)

    result = Result(helpers.closed_wsgi_iterable(iterable), srmock.status,

    return result
Example #5
def simulate_request(app, method='GET', path='/', query_string=None,
                     headers=None, body=None, json=None, file_wrapper=None,
                     wsgierrors=None, params=None, params_csv=True,
                     protocol='http', host=helpers.DEFAULT_HOST,
                     remote_addr=None, extras=None):
    """Simulates a request to a WSGI application.

    Performs a request against a WSGI application. Uses
    :any:`wsgiref.validate` to ensure the response is valid

    Keyword Args:
        app (callable): The WSGI application to call
        method (str): An HTTP method to use in the request
            (default: 'GET')
        path (str): The URL path to request (default: '/').

                The path may contain a query string. However, neither
                `query_string` nor `params` may be specified in this case.

        protocol: The protocol to use for the URL scheme
            (default: 'http')
        params (dict): A dictionary of query string parameters,
            where each key is a parameter name, and each value is
            either a ``str`` or something that can be converted
            into a ``str``, or a list of such values. If a ``list``,
            the value will be converted to a comma-delimited string
            of values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3').
        params_csv (bool): Set to ``False`` to encode list values
            in query string params by specifying multiple instances
            of the parameter (e.g., 'thing=1&thing=2&thing=3').
            Otherwise, parameters will be encoded as comma-separated
            values (e.g., 'thing=1,2,3'). Defaults to ``True``.
        query_string (str): A raw query string to include in the
            request (default: ``None``). If specified, overrides
        headers (dict): Additional headers to include in the request
            (default: ``None``)
        body (str): A string to send as the body of the request. The value
            will be encoded as UTF-8.
        json(JSON serializable): A JSON document to serialize as the
            body of the request (default: ``None``). If specified,
            overrides `body` and the Content-Type header in
        file_wrapper (callable): Callable that returns an iterable,
            to be used as the value for *wsgi.file_wrapper* in the
            environ (default: ``None``). This can be used to test
            high-performance file transmission when `resp.stream` is
            set to a file-like object.
        host(str): A string to use for the hostname part of the fully
            qualified request URL (default: 'falconframework.org')
        remote_addr (str): A string to use as the remote IP address for the
            request (default: '')
        wsgierrors (io): The stream to use as *wsgierrors*
            (default ``sys.stderr``)
        extras (dict): Additional CGI variables to add to the WSGI
            ``environ`` dictionary for the request (default: ``None``)

        :py:class:`~.Result`: The result of the request

    if not path.startswith('/'):
        raise ValueError("path must start with '/'")

    if '?' in path:
        if query_string or params:
            raise ValueError(
                'path may not contain a query string in combination with '
                'the query_string or params parameters. Please use only one '
                'way of specifying the query string.'
        path, query_string = path.split('?', 1)
    elif query_string and query_string.startswith('?'):
        raise ValueError("query_string should not start with '?'")

    extras = extras or {}
    if 'REQUEST_METHOD' in extras and extras['REQUEST_METHOD'] != method:
        # NOTE(vytas): Even given the duct tape nature of overriding
        # arbitrary environ variables, changing the method can potentially
        # be very confusing, particularly when using specialized
        # simulate_get/post/patch etc methods.
        raise ValueError(
            'environ extras may not override the request method. Please '
            'use the method parameter.'

    if query_string is None:
        query_string = to_query_str(

    if json is not None:
        body = util_json.dumps(json, ensure_ascii=False)
        headers = headers or {}
        headers['Content-Type'] = MEDIA_JSON

    env = helpers.create_environ(
        query_string=(query_string or ''),
    if extras:

    srmock = StartResponseMock()
    validator = wsgiref.validate.validator(app)

    iterable = validator(env, srmock)

    result = Result(helpers.closed_wsgi_iterable(iterable),
                    srmock.status, srmock.headers)

    return result