def select_artwork( details, media_type ): artwork = None selection = None if media_type in ( "cdart", "cover" ): if media_type == "cdart": artwork = remote_cdart_list( details ) else: artwork = remote_coverart_list( details ) if artwork: for art in artwork: if art["musicbrainz_albumid"] == details[ "musicbrainz_albumid" ]: selection = art if not selection: dialog_msg( "okdialog", heading = __language__( 32033 ), line1 = __language__( 32030 ), line2 = __language__( 32031 ), background = False ) else: dialog_msg( "okdialog", heading = __language__( 32033 ), line1 = __language__( 32030 ), line2 = __language__( 32031 ), background = False ) else: if media_type == "fanart": artwork = remote_fanart_list( details ) elif media_type == "clearlogo": artwork = remote_clearlogo_list( details ) elif media_type == "hdlogo": artwork = remote_hdlogo_list( details ) elif media_type == "artistthumb": artwork = remote_artistthumb_list( details ) elif media_type == "musicbanner": artwork = remote_banner_list( details ) if artwork: for art in artwork: print art
def auto_download( type, artist_list, background=False ): is_canceled = False log( "Autodownload", xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) try: artist_count = 0 download_count = 0 cdart_existing = 0 album_count = 0 d_error=False percent = 1 successfully_downloaded = [] if type in ( "clearlogo_allartists", "artistthumb_allartists", "fanart_allartists", "musicbanner_allartists" ): if type == "clearlogo_allartists": type = "clearlogo" elif type == "artistthumb_allartists": type = "artistthumb" elif type == "musicbanner_allartists": type = "musicbanner" else: type = "fanart" count_artist_local = len( artist_list ) dialog_msg( "create", heading = __language__(32046), background = background ) #Onscreen Dialog - Automatic Downloading of Artwork key_label = type for artist in artist_list: low_res = True if dialog_msg( "iscanceled", background = background ) or is_canceled: is_canceled = True break artist_count += 1 if not artist["has_art"] == "True": # If does not report that it has an artist match skip it. continue percent = int( (artist_count / float(count_artist_local) ) * 100) if percent < 1: percent = 1 if percent > 100: percent = 100 log( "Artist: %-40s Local ID: %-10s Distant MBID: %s" % ( artist["name"], artist["local_id"], artist["musicbrainz_artistid"] ), xbmc.LOGNOTICE ) if type in ( "fanart", "clearlogo", "artistthumb", "musicbanner" ) and artist[ "has_art" ]: dialog_msg( "update", percent = percent, line1 = "%s%s" % ( __language__(32038), get_unicode( artist["name"] ) ), background = background ) auto_art = {} temp_art = {} temp_art["musicbrainz_artistid"] = artist["musicbrainz_artistid"] auto_art["musicbrainz_artistid"] = artist["musicbrainz_artistid"] temp_art["artist"] = artist["name"] auto_art["artist"] = artist["name"] path = os.path.join( music_path, change_characters( smart_unicode( artist["name"] ) ) ) if type == "fanart": art = remote_fanart_list( auto_art ) elif type == "clearlogo": art = remote_clearlogo_list( auto_art ) arthd = remote_hdlogo_list( auto_art ) elif type == "musicbanner": art = remote_banner_list( auto_art ) else: art = remote_artistthumb_list( auto_art ) if art: if type == "fanart": temp_art["path"] = path auto_art["path"] = os.path.join( path, "extrafanart" ).replace( "\\\\" , "\\" ) if not exists( auto_art["path"] ): try: if _makedirs( auto_art["path"] ): log( "extrafanart directory made", xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) except: print_exc() log( "unable to make extrafanart directory", xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) continue else: log( "extrafanart directory already exists", xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) else: auto_art["path"] = path if type == "fanart": if enable_fanart_limit: fanart_dir, fanart_files = listdir( auto_art["path"] ) fanart_number = len( fanart_files ) if fanart_number == fanart_limit: continue if not exists( os.path.join( path, "fanart.jpg" ).replace( "\\\\", "\\" ) ): message, d_success, final_destination, is_canceled = download_art( art[0], temp_art, artist["local_id"], "fanart", "single", 0, background ) for artwork in art: fanart = {} if enable_fanart_limit and fanart_number == fanart_limit: log( "Fanart Limit Reached", xbmc.LOGNOTICE ) continue if exists( os.path.join( auto_art["path"], os.path.basename( artwork ) ) ): log( "Fanart already exists, skipping", xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) continue else: message, d_success, final_destination, is_canceled = download_art( artwork, auto_art, artist["local_id"], "fanart", "auto", 0, background ) if d_success == 1: if enable_fanart_limit: fanart_number += 1 download_count += 1 fanart["artist"] = auto_art["artist"] fanart["path"] = final_destination successfully_downloaded.append( fanart ) else: log( "Download Error... Check Path.", xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) log( " Path: %s" % auto_art["path"], xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) d_error = True else: if type == "clearlogo": if arthd and enable_hdlogos: artwork = arthd[0] else: artwork = art[0] else: artwork = art[0] if type == "artistthumb": if resizeondownload: low_res = check_size( auto_art["path"], key_label, 1000, 1000 ) # Fixed always redownloading Thumbs else: low_res = False if exists( os.path.join( auto_art["path"], "folder.jpg" ) ) and not low_res: log( "Artist Thumb already exists, skipping", xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) continue else: message, d_success, final_destination, is_canceled = download_art( artwork , auto_art, artist["local_id"], "artistthumb", "auto", 0, background ) elif type == "clearlogo": if enable_hdlogos and resizeondownload and arthd: low_res = check_size( auto_art["path"], key_label, 800, 310 ) else: low_res = False if exists( os.path.join( auto_art["path"], "logo.png" ) ) and not low_res: log( "ClearLOGO already exists, skipping", xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) continue else: message, d_success, final_destination, is_canceled = download_art( artwork , auto_art, artist["local_id"], "clearlogo", "auto", 0, background ) elif type == "musicbanner": if exists( os.path.join( auto_art["path"], "banner.jpg" ) ): log( "Music Banner already exists, skipping", xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) continue else: message, d_success, final_destination, is_canceled = download_art( artwork , auto_art, artist["local_id"], "musicbanner", "auto", 0, background ) if d_success == 1: download_count += 1 auto_art["path"] = final_destination successfully_downloaded.append( auto_art ) else: log( "Download Error... Check Path.", xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) log( " Path: %s" % auto_art["path"], xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) d_error = True else : log( "Artist Match not found", xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) elif type in ( "cdart", "cover" ) and artist[ "has_art" ]: local_album_list = get_local_albums_db( artist["name"], background ) if type == "cdart": remote_art_url = remote_cdart_list( artist ) else: remote_art_url = remote_coverart_list( artist ) for album in local_album_list: low_res = True if dialog_msg( "iscanceled", background = background ): break if not remote_art_url: log( "No artwork found", xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) break album_count += 1 if not album["musicbrainz_albumid"]: continue dialog_msg( "update", percent = percent, line1 = "%s%s" % ( __language__(32038) , get_unicode( artist["name"] ) ), line2 = "%s%s" % (__language__(32039) , get_unicode( album["title"] ) ), background = background ) name = artist["name"] title = album["title"] log( "Album: %s" % album["title"], xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) if not album[key_label] or resizeondownload: musicbrainz_albumid = album["musicbrainz_albumid"] art = artwork_search( remote_art_url, musicbrainz_albumid, album["disc"], key_label ) if art: if resizeondownload: low_res = check_size( album["path"].replace( "\\\\", "\\" ), key_label, art["size"], art["size"] ) if art["picture"]: log( "ALBUM MATCH ON FANART.TV FOUND", xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) #log( "test_album[0]: %s" % test_album[0], xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) if low_res: message, d_success, final_destination, is_canceled = download_art( art["picture"], album, album["local_id"], key_label, "auto", 0, background ) if d_success == 1: download_count += 1 album[key_label] = True album["path"] = final_destination successfully_downloaded.append( album ) else: log( "Download Error... Check Path.", xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) log( " Path: %s" % repr( album["path"] ), xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) d_error = True else: pass else: log( "ALBUM NOT MATCHED ON FANART.TV", xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) else: log( "ALBUM NOT MATCHED ON FANART.TV", xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) else: log( "%s artwork file already exists, skipping..." % key_label, xbmc.LOGDEBUG ) dialog_msg( "close", background = background ) if d_error: dialog_msg( "ok", line1 = __language__(32026), line2 = "%s: %s" % ( __language__(32041), download_count ), background = background ) else: dialog_msg( "ok", line1 = __language__(32040), line2 = "%s: %s" % ( __language__(32041), download_count ), background = background ) return download_count, successfully_downloaded except: print_exc() dialog_msg( "close", background = background )