def GetAttDataBetweenDates(self, argin): """ Arguments to be AttrName, StartDate, StopDate, Synchronous If Synchronous is missing or False, data is buffered into attributes, which names are returned If True or Yes, all the data is returned when ready Data returned will be (rows,[t0,v0,t1,v1,t2,v2,...]) """ print time.ctime() + "In ", self.get_name( ), "::GetAttDataBetweenDates(%s)" % argin # Add your own code here size = 0 aname = argin[0] tag = self.attr2tag(aname) dates = self.dates2times(argin[1:3]) RW = False synch = fn.searchCl('yes|true', str(argin[3:4])) attrs = [tag, tag + '_r', tag + '_w', tag + '_t'] if RW else [tag, tag + '_r', tag + '_w', tag + '_t'] self.reader.get_attribute_values( aname, (lambda v: self.reader_hook(aname, v)), dates[0], dates[1], decimate=True, cache=self.UseApiCache) self.counter += 1 print(self.counter) argout = [fn.shape(attrs), [a for a in attrs]] if not synch: print '\t%s' % argout return argout else: while not self.IsDataReady(aname): fandango.wait(0.1) data = self.AttrData[aname][-1] for t, v in data: argout.append(t) argout.extend(fn.toSequence(v)) return [fn.shape(data), argout]
def GetAttDataBetweenDates(self, argin): """ Arguments to be AttrName, StartDate, StopDate, Synchronous If Synchronous is missing or False, data is buffered into attributes, which names are returned If True or Yes, all the data is returned when ready Data returned will be (rows,[t0,v0,t1,v1,t2,v2,...]) """ print time.ctime()+"In ", self.get_name(), "::GetAttDataBetweenDates(%s)"%argin # Add your own code here size = 0 aname = argin[0] tag = self.attr2tag(aname) dates = self.dates2times(argin[1:3]) RW = False synch = fn.searchCl('yes|true',str(argin[3:4])) attrs = [tag,tag+'_r',tag+'_w',tag+'_t'] if RW else [tag,tag+'_r',tag+'_w',tag+'_t'] self.reader.get_attribute_values(aname, (lambda v: self.reader_hook(aname,v)),dates[0],dates[1], decimate=True, cache=self.UseApiCache) self.counter+=1 print(self.counter) argout = [fn.shape(attrs),[a for a in attrs]] if not synch: print '\t%s'%argout return argout else: while not self.IsDataReady(aname): fandango.wait(0.1) data = self.AttrData[aname][-1] for t,v in data: argout.append(t) argout.extend(fn.toSequence(v)) return [fn.shape(data),argout]
def load_attributes(self, servfilter, devfilter, attrfilter, warn=True, exclude=('dserver', 'tango*admin', 'sys*database', 'tmp', 'archiving')): tracer('In load_attributes(%s,%s,%s)' % (servfilter, devfilter, attrfilter)) servfilter, devfilter, attrfilter = servfilter.replace( ' ', '*').strip(), devfilter.replace(' ', '*'), attrfilter.replace(' ', '*') attrfilter = attrfilter or 'state' devfilter = devfilter or attrfilter archive = self.archivecheck.isChecked() all_devs = self.all_devices if not archive else self.archdevs all_devs = [ d for d in all_devs if not any(d.startswith(e) for e in exclude) or any( d.startswith(e) and fun.matchCl(e, devfilter) for e in exclude) ] if servfilter.strip('.*'): sdevs = map(str.lower, fandango.Astor(servfilter).get_all_devices()) all_devs = [d for d in all_devs if d in sdevs] #print('In load_attributes(%s,%s,%s): Searching through %d %s names' #%(servfilter,devfilter,attrfilter,len(all_devs), #'server' if servfilter else 'device')) if devfilter.strip().strip('.*'): devs = [ d for d in all_devs if (fandango.searchCl(devfilter, d, extend=True)) ] print('\tFound %d devs, Checking alias ...' % (len(devs))) alias, alias_devs = [], [] if '&' in devfilter: alias = self.all_alias else: for df in devfilter.split('|'): alias.extend( self.tango.get_device_alias_list('*%s*' % df.strip())) if alias: print('\t%d alias found' % len(alias)) alias_devs.extend(self.alias_devs[a] for a in alias if fun.searchCl(devfilter, a, extend=True)) print('\t%d alias_devs found' % len(alias_devs)) #if not self.alias_devs: #self.alias_devs = dict((str(self.tango.get_device_alias(a)).lower(),a) for a in self.all_alias) #devs.extend(d for d,a in self.alias_devs.items() if fandango.searchCl(devfilter,a) and (not servfilter or d in all_devs)) devs.extend(d for d in alias_devs if not servfilter.strip('.*') or d in all_devs) else: devs = all_devs devs = sorted(set(devs)) self.matching_devs = devs print('In load_attributes(%s,%s,%s): %d devices found' % (servfilter, devfilter, attrfilter, len(devs))) if False and not len(devs) and not archive: #Devices do not actually exist, but may exist in archiving ... #Option disabled, was mostly useless self.archivecheck.setChecked(True) return self.load_attributes(servfilter, devfilter, attrfilter, warn=False) if len(devs) > self.MAX_DEVICES and warn: Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Warning", "Your search (%s,%s) matches too many devices!!! (%d); please refine your search\n\n%s\n..." % (devfilter, attrfilter, len(devs), '\n'.join(devs[:30]))) return {} elif warn and len(devs) > 15: r = Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Message", "Your search (%s,%s) matches %d devices." % (devfilter, attrfilter, len(devs)), Qt.QMessageBox.Ok | Qt.QMessageBox.Cancel) if r == Qt.QMessageBox.Cancel: return {} self.matching_attributes = { } #{attribute: (device,alias,attribute,label)} failed_devs = [] for d in sorted(devs): try: dp = taurus.Device(d) if not archive: tcs = [t for t in dp.get_attribute_list()] else: tcs = [ a.split('/')[-1] for a in self.archattrs if a.startswith(d + '/') ] matches = [ t for t in tcs if fandango.searchCl(attrfilter, t, extend=True) ] for t in sorted(tcs): if not self.archivecheck.isChecked() or not matches: label = dp.get_attribute_config(t).label else: label = t if t in matches or fandango.searchCl( attrfilter, label, extend=True): if d in self.alias_devs: alias = self.alias_devs[d] else: try: alias = str(self.tango.get_alias(d)) except: alias = '' self.matching_attributes['%s/%s' % (d, t)] = (d, alias, t, label) if warn and len(self.matching_attributes ) > self.MAX_ATTRIBUTES: Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Warning", "Your search (%s,%s) matches too many attributes!!! (%d); please refine your search\n\n%s\n..." % (devfilter, attrfilter, len(self.matching_attributes), '\n'.join( sorted(self.matching_attributes.keys()) [:30]))) return {} except: print('load_attributes(%s,%s,%s => %s) failed!' % (servfilter, devfilter, attrfilter, d)) failed_devs.append(d) if attrfilter in ('state', '', '*', '**'): self.matching_attributes[d + '/state'] = ( d, d, 'state', None ) #A None label means device-not-readable if warn and len(self.matching_attributes) > 30: r = Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Message", "(%s) matches %d attributes." % (attrfilter, len(self.matching_attributes)), Qt.QMessageBox.Ok | Qt.QMessageBox.Cancel) if r == Qt.QMessageBox.Cancel: return {} if not len(self.matching_attributes): Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Warning", "No matching attribute has been found in %s." % ('Archiving DB' if archive else 'Tango DB (try Archiving option)')) if failed_devs: print('\t%d failed devs!!!: %s' % (len(failed_devs), failed_devs)) if warn: Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Warning", "%d devices were not running:\n" % len(failed_devs) + '\n'.join(failed_devs[:10] + (['...'] if len(failed_devs) > 10 else []))) tracer('\t%d attributes found' % len(self.matching_attributes)) return self.matching_attributes
import fandango print 'ReleaseNumber = %s'%str(fandango.RELEASE) from fandango import * import fandango.functional as fun print '\n\n'+m+': OK' except Exception,e: traceback.print_exc() print m+': KO!' sys.exit(1) #Testing fandango.$module passed as argument a = fun.first(sys.argv[1:],'*') try: m = 'fandango.functional' if not fun.searchCl(a,m): raise Skip() assert fun.searchCl('id24eu & xbpm','id24eu_XBPM_naaa',extend=True) assert not fun.searchCl('id24eu & !xbpm','id24eu_XBPM_naaa',extend=True) assert fun.searchCl('id24eu & !xbpm','id24eu_PM_naaa',extend=True) assert not fun.searchCl('id24eu & xbpm','id24eu_PM_naaa',extend=True) assert None is fun.first([],None) assert 1 is fun.first((i for i in range(1,3))) assert 2 is fun.last((i for i in range(1,3))) assert 0 is fun.last([],default=0) print m+': OK' except Skip:pass except Exception,e: traceback.print_exc() print m+': KO!' sys.exit(1)
import fandango print 'ReleaseNumber = %s' % str(fandango.RELEASE) from fandango import * import fandango.functional as fun print '\n\n' + m + ': OK' except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() print m + ': KO!' sys.exit(1) #Testing fandango.$module passed as argument a = fun.first(sys.argv[1:], '*') try: m = 'fandango.functional' if not fun.searchCl(a, m): raise Skip() assert fun.searchCl('id24eu & xbpm', 'id24eu_XBPM_naaa', extend=True) assert not fun.searchCl('id24eu & !xbpm', 'id24eu_XBPM_naaa', extend=True) assert fun.searchCl('id24eu & !xbpm', 'id24eu_PM_naaa', extend=True) assert not fun.searchCl('id24eu & xbpm', 'id24eu_PM_naaa', extend=True) assert None is fun.first([], None) assert 1 is fun.first((i for i in range(1, 3))) assert 2 is fun.last((i for i in range(1, 3))) assert 0 is fun.last([], default=0) print m + ': OK' except Skip: pass except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() print m + ': KO!'