def get_menu(): global MENU if MENU: return MENU MENU = load_config("menu") return MENU
def raw_callback(parsed, raw, reply_object): print "[SR] Smartreply Callback!" with Store(STORE) as s: if not s['enabled']: return body = "null" for part in if str(part) == "(text/plain)": body = part.body.encode('ascii', 'ignore') print "[SR] Parsed body to:", body if body == "null": return body = EmailReplyParser.parse_reply(body) email_message = email.message_from_string(raw) print "[SR] To", email_message['To'] sent_to = None for e in s['email']: if e in email_message['To']: sent_to = e if sent_to is None: return p = model.predict_proba([body])[0] confidence = np.max(p) class_ = model.classes_[np.argmax(p)] templates = load_config('templates')['templates'] print "[SR] Confidence %.2f, Class: %s" % (confidence, class_) if confidence > float(s['threshold']) and class_ in templates: if s['mock']: reply = "<b>(Team Only, Confidence: %.2f)</b><br><br>" % confidence reply += templates[class_] reply_email(reply_object, reply, reply_one=sent_to) else: reply = templates[class_] reply_email(reply_object, reply) return
def smart_reply_panel(): prediction = None if request.method == 'POST': if 'text' in request.form: text = request.form['text'] p = model.predict_proba([text])[0] confidence = np.max(p) class_ = model.classes_[np.argmax(p)] prediction = (confidence, class_) return render_template("smart_reply.html", c=load_config(STORE), menu=get_menu(), prediction=prediction)
def train_model(): """Messy code to build model. """ data = load_config('smartreply_data') # data = [d for d in data if d[0] != 'whitelist'] X = [d[1] for d in data] Y = [d[0] for d in data] text_clf_svm = Pipeline([('vect', CountVectorizer(stop_words='english')), ('tfidf', TfidfTransformer()), ('clf-svm', SGDClassifier(loss='log', penalty='l2', alpha=1e-3, n_iter=5, random_state=42))]) text_clf_svm =, Y) joblib.dump(text_clf_svm, MODEL_LOC)
def templates_panel(): config = load_config(STORE) return render_template("templates.html", menu=get_menu(), c=config)
def collect_data(): """Messy code to download training data. """ c = load_config('templates') templates = c['templates'] training_data = [] mail = imaplib2.IMAP4_SSL(IMAP_SERVER) mail.login(MAIL_USER, MAIL_PASSWORD)"[Gmail]/All Mail", readonly=True) result, data =, '(BODY "%s")' % ("@faqbot")) ids = data[0] id_list = ids.split() for idx, r_id in enumerate(id_list): _, data = mail.fetch(r_id, "(RFC822)") print "%i / %i (%i%%)" % (idx, len(id_list), int(float(idx) / len(id_list) * 100)) raw_email = "null" for d in data: if type(d) is tuple: if "RFC822" in d[0]: raw_email = d[1] flanker_msg = mime.from_string(raw_email) body = "null" try: for part in if str(part) == "(text/plain)": pp = part.body.encode('ascii', 'ignore') body = pp except Exception as _: pass if body == "null": continue parsed_body = if len(parsed_body.fragments) >= 2: if parsed_body.fragments[0].content.split()[0] == "@faqbot": fb = parsed_body.fragments[0].content.split()[1] original = parsed_body.fragments[1].content lines = [] for l in original.split('\n'): if l.startswith('> '): tl = l.replace('>', '').strip() if tl != '' and not (tl.startswith('On')): lines.append(l.replace('>', '')) key = fb original = '\n'.join(lines) # Now that we have this, let's make sure it's # valid and stuff and then save it. if key in templates: training_data.append((key, original)) save_config(training_data, 'smartreply_data')
def whitelist_panel(): config = load_config(STORE) return render_template("whitelist.html", menu=get_menu(), c=config)
def quill_panel(): config = load_config(STORE) return render_template("quill.html", menu=get_menu(), c=config)