Example #1
 def waterFall(self, mm):  #<-- implement
         self.waiting(mm * 100)
     except Exception as error:
         log("Water --> " + repr(error))
Example #2
 def waiting(self, time):
         log("Waiting {} ms".format(time), message_type='debug')
         info = send(cp.wait(milliseconds=time))
         return info
     except Exception as error:
         log("Wait --> " + repr(error))
Example #3
 def water(self):
     whereWater = [] #a list that is going to contain a value for each access point, determining how much water is needed. i.e. if the point is full, the value will be 0
     l = self.struct.waterAccessList #this list is read into memory when the program starts. It contains the position of each water access hole, read from potLayout.xml.
     self.getTool("soilSensor")  #self explanatory. It gets the soil sensor tool.
     for i in l: # for each water access point
         self.goto(i[0], i[1], i[2]+78) # moves the arm to a position above the water access point. The +78 is the length of the soil sensor tool, so the arm needs to go to 78mm above the position, putting the tip of the sensor exactly to the right position.
         sensor = self.waterSensor() # this function checks if the soil sensor has contact with water, so sensor is "True" if there is water at that height.
         while sensor == False and self.coords[2] >= -500:           # while the sensor doesn't find water                                                                   <-- !!!INSERT PROPER FLOOR HEIGHT HERE
             s = Sequence("findWater", "green")                      # create a sequence (basically a wrapper for the whole action, to keep the robot from deadlocking)
             s.add(self.move(i[0], i[1], self.coords[2] - 10, 20))   # move down 1cm. (This also implies that the height of the water is measured to an accuracy of 1cm. Since this is not rocket science, this is largely sufficient. You just need to keep it in mind when setting the position of the water access point, as the maximum height needs a little leeway.
             s.add(log("Looking for water.", message_type='info'))   # This log gives absolutely no useful information, but the last action in a sequence always has to be a log, so it HAS to be there.
             send(cp.create_node(kind='execute', args=s.sequence))   # send the sequence to the API. If you want, you can backtrack this through "farmware_tools.py" and "CeleryPy.py". It puts it into a format understandable by farmbot (CeleryScript) and puts it into JSON format before sending it to the API.
             self.coords[2] -= 10 # This adjusts the robot's position. As it is a pain to get information from the API, we found it easier to internally remember the position, instead of sending a query to the robot each time, to get it.                  
             sensor = self.waterSensor() # reads the sensor again
             self.waiting(2000) # waits two seconds, as the sensor can take a moment sometimes.
         whereWater.append(i[2]+78-self.coords[2]) # Adds the level of water that is missing to the list
         #WHILE END
     self.putTool("soilSensor") # puts back the soil sensor.
     for i in range(len(l)):                         # for each water access point
         if whereWater[i] > 0:                       # if the level in whereWater is > 0 (so if the level of water needed is not nada)
             self.goto(l[i][0], l[i][1], l[i][2])    # go to the access point (This time without the offset for the tool)
             self.waterFall(whereWater[i])           # unleash the water :) The value entered here is in mm. The function "waterFall" (391) transforms this value into seconds. <-- WE NEVER MEASURED THE OUTPUT PER SECOND; SO THE VALUE IN THIS FUNCTION HAS TO BE ADJUSTED!!!
     log("finished watering sequence", message_type='info')
Example #4
    def calibrate(self):
        i = 0
        while True and i < 21:
                s = Sequence("xCalib", "green")
                s.add(self.moveRel(-100, 0, 0, 50))
                s.add(log("Calibrating  x axis.", message_type='info'))
                send(cp.create_node(kind='execute', args=s.sequence))
                i += 1

        i = 0
        while True and i < 14:
                s = Sequence("yCalib", "green")
                s.add(self.moveRel(0, -100, 0, 50))
                s.add(log("Calibrating  y axis.", message_type='info'))
                send(cp.create_node(kind='execute', args=s.sequence))
                i += 1

        i = 0
        while True and i < 4:
                s = Sequence("zCalib", "green")
                s.add(self.moveRel(0, 0, 100, 50))
                s.add(log("Calibrating  z axis.", message_type='info'))
                send(cp.create_node(kind='execute', args=s.sequence))
                i += 1
Example #5
    def makePlant(
        self, pot, tplant
    ):  #This just creates a virtual image of a plant with a lot of infos. Don't worry about this one.
        if pot.plant == None:
            plantTyper = next(
                (y for y in self.struct.plantTypeList if y.name == tplant),
            plant = Plant(plantTyper, pot)
            pot.plant = plant

            mess = plant
            mes = str(mess)
            log(mes, message_type='info')

            mess = plant.kind
            mes = str(mess)
            log(mes, message_type='info')

            log("self", message_type='info')

            if plant.kind.hole == 1:
                log("if", message_type='info')
                return plant, plant
                log("else", message_type='info')
                return None, plant
Example #6
 def moveRel(self, distx, disty, distz, spd):
     distx:Int ,disty:Int ,distz:Int
     spd :Int
     log("moving " + str(distx) + ", " + str(disty) + ", " + str(distz), message_type='debug')
     info = send(cp.move_relative(distance=(distx, disty, distz), speed=spd))
     return info
Example #7
 def run(self):						#START POINT OF THE PROGRAM
     log("Farmware running...", message_type='info')
     self.struct = Structure()				#This initializes the layout of the farm. It loads pots and plants that were created in a former run of the program from the "plants" and "pots" directories. It loads all existing pots from potLayout.xml. The pots are determined be coords, so the existing pots should normally not be overwritten by this.
     log("Data loaded.", message_type='info')		#Just some fancy information.
     self.goto(0,0,0)    #send the bot to 0,0,0. Not necessary, but a nice check to see if the origin is properly set.
     log("Went to 0,0,0.", message_type='info') 
     self.water()						#Water sequence at line 525
     log("water sequence finished", message_type='info')
     self.plant()                                            #Plant sequence at line 561
     log("Execution successful.", message_type='info')
     #print(list(pot.region.ident for pot in self.s.potList))
     #print(list(self.s.regionList[region].ident for region in self.s.regionList))
     #print(list(pt.name for pt in self.s.plantTypeList))
     #print("lol Sylvain") 
     #plant pickle test
     #self.s.plantList.append(Plant("plant1", potList[0].ident))
     #print(list(plant.id for plant in plantList))
     print(self.struct.toolList, " <-- toollist")
     print(self.struct.plantList, " <-- plantlist")
     print(self.struct.waterAccessList, " <-- waterAccessList")
     print(self.struct.plantTypeList, " <-- plantTypeList")
     print(self.struct.waterList, " <-- waterList")
     print(self.struct.repotList, " <-- repotList")
     print(len(self.struct.potList), " <-- potList")
     print(self.struct.regionList, " <-- regionList")
     print(self.struct.toolList, " <-- toolList")
     #print(list(plant.id for plant in plantList))
     while True:
         check timelists for tasks, else wait the remaining time
         currHour = int(self.s.currTime().split(":")[0])
         if (currHour in self.s.waterList) and (self.s.waterList != []):
             self.s.waterList = self.s.waterList[1:]
         if (currHour in self.s.repotList) and (self.s.repotList != []):
             del self.s.repotList[currHour] 
         currMin = int(self.s.currTime().split(":")[1])  
         self.waiting((59 - currMin)*60*1000) #59 instead of 60 as safety
Example #8
 def move(self, posx, posy, posz, spd):
     posx:Int ,posy:Int ,posz:Int
     spd :Int
     log("going to " + str(posx) + ", " + str(posy) + ", " + str(posz), message_type='debug')
     info = send(cp.move_absolute(location=[posx, posy, posz], offset=[0,0,0], speed=spd))
     self.coords = [posx, posy, posz]
     return info
Example #9
 def read(self, pin, mode, label):
     """ pin : int 64 soil sensor
         mode : 0 digital 1 analog
         label : description str
         info = send(cp.read_pin(number=pin, mode=mode, label=label))
         return info
     except Exception as error:
         log("Read --> " + repr(error))
Example #10
 def savePots(self):
         for pot in self.potList:
             fname = pot.ident + ".txt"
             filer = join(dirname(__file__), 'pots', fname)
             f = open(filer, "wb")
             pickle.dump(pot, f)
     except Exception as error:
     log("Saved pot objects.", message_type='info')
Example #11
 def makePlant(self, pot, tplant):   #This just creates a virtual image of a plant with a lot of infos. Don't worry about this one.
     if pot.plant == None:
         plantTyper = next((y for y in self.struct.plantTypeList if y.name == tplant), None)
         plant = Plant(plantTyper, pot)
         log("Planting " + tplant + " in pot " + pot.ident, message_type='info')
         pot.plant = plant
         if plant.kind.hole:
             return None,plant
             return plant, plant
 def move(self, posx, posy, posz, spd):
     pos = [x:Int ,y:Int ,z:Int]
     spd :Int
     log("going to " + str(posx) + ", " + str(posy) + ", " + str(posz),
         cp.move_absolute(location=[posx, posy, posz],
                          offset=[0, 0, 0],
Example #13
    def reading(self, pin, signal):
            pin : int pin number
            signal : 1 analog   /   0 digital

        #Sequence reading pin value
        ss = Sequence("40", "green")
        ss.add(log("Read pin {}.".format(pin), message_type='info'))
        ss.add(self.read(pin, signal, 'Soil'))
        ss.add(log("Sensor read.", message_type='info'))
        send(cp.create_node(kind='execute', args=ss.sequence))
Example #14
    def waterSensor(self):
        headers = {'Authorization': 'bearer {}'.format(os.environ['FARMWARE_TOKEN']), 'content-type': "application/json"}

        response = requests.get(os.environ['FARMWARE_URL'] + 'api/v1/bot/state', headers=headers)

        bot_state = response.json()
        value = bot_state['pins']['64']['value']
        log(str(value), message_type='info')
        return (value > 400)
Example #15
    def plant(self):
        log("Starting the plant sequence", message_type='info')
        filer = join(dirname(__file__), 'input.txt') # path to the input file. This part has to be changed obviously if you get the proper webapp working.
        holeL = [] # list of the plants to be planted that need a hole for the seed
        plantL = [] # list of all plants to be planted
        readL = [] # list to read the unsorted information from "input.txt" into.

        #READ INPUT
        f = open(filer, "rb") # opens the file for reading
        for line in f:  # read one line from f into a STRING called "line" (each line contains a plantType and a number) 
            line = line.split() # split the line at the " " symbol. This makes line into an array of strings with line[0] being the number of plants and line[1] being the plant type.
            readL.append((line[0],line[1])) # adds the number and type to readL in a tuple.
        f.close() # closes the file for reading.
        log("file read", message_type='info')
        #FILL holeL and plantL
        for p in readL:                                                                         # for every tuple (number, type) in readL
            for z in range(int(p[0])):                                                          # makes the next part execute "number" times
                potter = next((pot for pot in self.struct.potList if pot.plant == None), None)  # pot generator. This automatically chooses the next best !empty! pot from struct.potList, which contains the pot objects created from the data read from "potLayout.xml".
                x = self.makePlant(potter, p[1])                                                # uses the makePlant function on line 556 to create a plant object corresponding to the soon to be planted plant. The plant is initialized with a pot (potter) and a type (p[1])
                if x[0] != None:                                                                # This is a bit weird. The makePlant function returns a tuple of either (None, <plant object>) if no hole is needed or (<plant object>, <SAME plant object>) if a hole is needed.
                    holeL.append(x[0])                                                          # if a hole is needed, append the plant object to the holeL list.
                plantL.append(x[1])                                                             # either way, append the plant object to the planting list.
        log("did the for read loop", message_type='info')       
        self.struct.savePlants() # saves the plants to the "plants" folder using Pickler.
        self.struct.savePots() # saves the pots to the "pots" folder using Pickler.
        self.getTool("planter") # gets the 3D printed cone tool also known as a "hole-poker" in very professional terms...
        log("got the planter", message_type='info')
        for p in holeL:                             # for each plant in the (w)hole list (pardon the pun)
            self.goto(p.pot.x, p.pot.y, p.pot.z)    # goto the position of the pot. Since this position puts the arm exactly on the surface of the pot, the tool (which protrudes a little further) will automatically be inside the pot.

        self.putTool("planter") # put the "hole-poker" back
        self.getTool("seeder") # get the suction needle tool

        for p in plantL:                                    # for each plant in the planting list
            self.goto(p.kind.x, p.kind.y, p.kind.z)         # goto the position of the seed container defined in "plantTypes.xml"
            self.vacuum_on()                                # commence suction :)
            self.goto(p.pot.x + 15, p.pot.y, p.pot.z + 75)  # goto the pot where the seed is needed. Notice the offset again, due to the length of the tool which has to be taken into account.
            self.vacuum_off()                               # stop suction. (Seed will hopefully drop into the pot...)
        self.putTool("seeder") # put back the suction needle tool  
        log("used the seeder", message_type='info')
        f = open(filer, "wb") # This opens the file for writing, effectively overwriting anything inside. So don't be surprised if your test only works once. The commands don't stick around.
        f.close() # close the now empty file
Example #16
 def getTool(self, tool):
     l = self.struct.toolList[tool]
     s = Sequence("getTool", "green")
     s.add(self.goto(l[0], l[1], l[2]))
     s.add(self.move(l[0] - 100, l[1], l[2], 50))
     s.add(log("Getting " + tool + ".", message_type='info'))
     info = send(cp.create_node(kind='execute', args=s.sequence))
     self.coords = [l[0] - 100, l[1], l[2]]
     return info
Example #17
 def putTool(self, tool):
     l = self.struct.toolList[tool]
     s = Sequence("putTool", "green")
     s.add(self.goto(l[0] - 100, l[1], l[2] - 22))
     s.add(self.move(l[0], l[1], l[2], 50))
     s.add(self.move(l[0], l[1], l[2] + 100, 50))
     s.add(log("Putting back " + tool + ".", message_type='info'))
     send(cp.create_node(kind='execute', args=s.sequence))
     self.coords = [l[0], l[1], l[2] + 100]
Example #18
 def goto(self, x, y, z):
     s = Sequence("goto", "green")
     s.add(self.move(self.coords[0], self.coords[1], 0, 100))
     s.add(self.move(self.coords[0], y, 0, 100))
     s.add(self.move(x, y, 0, 100))
     s.add(self.move(x, y, z, 100))
     s.add(log("Moved to "+str(x)+", "+str(y)+", "+str(z)+".", message_type='info'))
     info = send(cp.create_node(kind='execute', args=s.sequence)) 
     self.coords = [x, y, z]
     return info
Example #19
 def loadPots(self):
     log("Loading pots.", message_type='info')
         for file in os.listdir(join(dirname(__file__), 'pots')):
             if file != "save.txt":
                 if file.endswith(".txt"):
                     f = open("./pots/" + file, "rb")
                     pot = pickle.Unpickler(f).load()
     except Exception as error:
     log("Loaded pot objects.", message_type='info')
Example #20
 def initTools(self):
     filer = join(dirname(__file__), 'tools.xml')
         e = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(filer).getroot()
     except Exception as error:
     log("Accessed tools.xml", message_type='info')
     for tool in e:
         ident = tool.attrib["ident"]
         pos = [int(tool.attrib["x"]),int(tool.attrib["y"]),int(tool.attrib["z"])]   
         self.toolList[ident] = pos
     log("Loaded plant types.", message_type='info')
Example #21
    def initFarmLayout(self):
        filer = join(dirname(__file__), 'potLayout.xml')
            e = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(filer).getroot()
        except Exception as error:
        log("Accessed potLayout.xml", message_type='struct')
        for region in e:
            #init regions
            x1 = int(region.attrib["x1"])
            x2 = int(region.attrib["x2"])
            y1 = int(region.attrib["y1"])
            y2 = int(region.attrib["y2"])
            gs = int(region.attrib["gs"])
            ident = int(region.attrib["id"])
            xw = int(region.attrib["xw"])
            yw = int(region.attrib["yw"])
            zw = int(region.attrib["zw"])

            self.regionList[region.attrib["id"]] = Region(
                ident, gs, ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)), xw, yw, zw)
            self.waterAccessList.append([xw, yw, zw])

            if region.attrib["gs"] == "0":
                #init bacs in region 0
                for bac in region:
                    x1 = int(bac.attrib["x1"])
                    x2 = int(bac.attrib["x2"])
                    y1 = int(bac.attrib["y1"])
                    y2 = int(bac.attrib["y2"])
                    z = int(bac.attrib["z"])
                    border = int(bac.attrib["border"])
                    dist = int(bac.attrib["dist"])

                    for i in range(x1 + border, x2 - border, dist):
                        for j in range(y1 + border, y2 - border, dist):
                            pot = Pot(
                                region.attrib["id"] + "," + str(i) + "," +
                                str(j), self.regionList[region.attrib["id"]],
                                i, j, z)

                #init pots in other regions
                for pot in region:
                    pot = Pot(pot.attrib["id"],
                              int(pot.attrib["x"]), int(pot.attrib["y"]),
        log("Loaded pot layout.", message_type='info')
Example #22
    def initPlantTypes(self):
        filer = join(dirname(__file__), 'plantTypes.xml')
            e = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(filer).getroot()
        except Exception as error:
        log("Accessed plantTypes.xml", message_type='info')
        for plantType in e:
            name = plantType.attrib["name"]
            if int(plantType.attrib["hole"]) == 1:
                hole = True
                hole = False
            gt0 = int(plantType.attrib["gt0"])
            gt1 = int(plantType.attrib["gt1"])
            gt2 = int(plantType.attrib["gt2"])
            seedx = int(plantType.attrib["x"])
            seedy = int(plantType.attrib["y"])
            seedz = int(plantType.attrib["z"])

                PlantType(name, hole, gt0, gt1, gt2, seedx, seedy, seedz))
        log("Loaded plant types.", message_type='info')
 def run(self):
     log("test", message_type='debug')
     self.move(100, 100, -50, 10)
Example #24
def main():
    log("jhempbot --> hello")
    farmware = MyFarmware(FARMWARE_NAME)
Example #25
def main():
    sp = SmartPlug(get_env("ip_address"), get_env("pin_code"))
    farmware_tools.log("{} {}".format(get_env("ip_address"), get_env("pin_code")))
Example #26
 def vacuum_on(self):
     on = Sequence("0", "green")
     on.add(log("Vaccum on ", message_type='info'))
     on.add(self.Write(10, 1, 0))
     send(cp.create_node(kind='execute', args=on.sequence))
Example #27
 def vacuum_off(self):
     off = Sequence("01", "green")
     off.add(log("Vaccum off ", message_type='info'))
     off.add(self.Write(10, 0, 0))
     send(cp.create_node(kind='execute', args=off.sequence))
Example #28
 def water_off(self):
     wof = Sequence("03", "green")
     wof.add(self.Write(9, 0, 0))
     wof.add(log("Water off ", message_type='info'))
     send(cp.create_node(kind='execute', args=wof.sequence))
Example #29
 def water_on(self):
     won = Sequence("02", "green")
     won.add(self.Write(9, 1, 0))
     won.add(log("Water on ", message_type='info'))
     send(cp.create_node(kind='execute', args=won.sequence))