Example #1
 def _move(self):
     ml = self._moving_line
     tl = self._target_line
     ml_ps = [
         obj for obj in bpy.data.objects
         if obj.fp_id in ml.fp_deps and obj.fp_id != 0
     tl_ps = [
         obj for obj in bpy.data.objects
         if obj.fp_id in tl.fp_deps and obj.fp_id != 0
     pairs = [(i, j) for i in ml_ps for j in tl_ps]
     nearest = reduce(
         lambda rslt, pair: pair
         if ((loc(pair[1])[0] - loc(pair[0])[0])**2 +
             (loc(pair[1])[1] - loc(pair[0])[1])**2) <
         ((loc(rslt[1])[0] - loc(rslt[0])[0])**2 +
          (loc(rslt[1])[1] - loc(rslt[0])[1])**2) else rslt, pairs)
     farest = reduce(
         lambda r, p: p
         if (nearest[0] not in p and nearest[1] not in p) else r, pairs)
     nearest[0].fp_expression = nearest[1].fp_expression
     nearest[0].fp_angle = nearest[1].fp_angle
     fdiff = -sub(*[p.fp_angle for p in farest])
     self._rotate_recur(farest[0], fdiff)
     farest[0].fp_expression = farest[1].fp_expression
         self._rotate_recur(obj, fdiff) for obj in bpy.data.objects
         if (nearest[0].fp_id in obj.fp_deps) or (obj.parent == nearest[0])
Example #2
 def _get_angle_deg_points2(self, points):
     diffs = [(loc(points[1])[i] - loc(points[0])[i]) for i in range(2)]
     hyp = sqrt(reduce(add, [diff**2 for diff in diffs]))
     return round(rad2deg(asin(diffs[1] / hyp)), 2) if hyp else 0
Example #3
    def _move(self, context):
        ml = self._moving_line
        tl = self._target_line
        ml_ps = [
            obj for obj in bpy.data.objects
            if obj.fp_id in ml.fp_deps and obj.fp_id != 0
        tl_ps = [
            obj for obj in bpy.data.objects
            if obj.fp_id in tl.fp_deps and obj.fp_id != 0
        pairs = [(i, j) for i in ml_ps for j in tl_ps]
        nearest = reduce(
            lambda rslt, pair: pair
            if ((loc(pair[1])[0] - loc(pair[0])[0])**2 +
                (loc(pair[1])[1] - loc(pair[0])[1])**2) <
            ((loc(rslt[1])[0] - loc(rslt[0])[0])**2 +
             (loc(rslt[1])[1] - loc(rslt[0])[1])**2) else rslt, pairs)
        center = nearest[0]
        cocenter = reduce(lambda res, item: item
                          if item != center else res, ml_ps, None)
        farest = reduce(
            lambda r, p: p
            if (nearest[0] not in p and nearest[1] not in p) else r, pairs)
        tl_ang_deg = self._get_angle_deg_points2(tl_ps)
        ml_ang_deg = self._get_angle_deg_points2(ml_ps)
        diff_ang_deg = tl_ang_deg - ml_ang_deg
        diff_ang_rad = deg2rad(diff_ang_deg)
        diff_loc = [
            round(loc(nearest[1])[i] - loc(nearest[0])[i], 2) for i in range(3)
        ]  # ?????
        diff_quat = [(loc(tl_ps[1])[i] - loc(tl_ps[0])[i]) >= 0
                     for i in range(2)]

        print("ml =   ", ml)
        print("tl =   ", tl)
        print("ml_ps =   ", ml_ps)
        print("tl_ps =   ", tl_ps)
        print("pairs =   ", pairs)
        print("nearest =   ", nearest)
        print("center =   ", center)
        print("cocenter =   ", cocenter)
        print("farest =   ", farest)
        print("self._moving_contour", self._moving_contour)

        pairs = []
        coincidence = False

        for obj_ml in ml_ps:
            for obj_tl in tl_ps:
                if obj_ml == obj_tl:
                    coincidence = True
            if coincidence:
        if not coincidence:
            if tl_ps[0].location[0] >= tl_ps[1].location[0] and ml_ps[
                    0].location[0] >= ml_ps[1].location[0]:
                pairs = [(ml_ps[0], tl_ps[0]), (ml_ps[1], tl_ps[1])]
            elif tl_ps[0].location[0] < tl_ps[1].location[0] and ml_ps[
                    0].location[0] >= ml_ps[1].location[0]:
                pairs = [(ml_ps[0], tl_ps[0]), (ml_ps[1], tl_ps[1])]
            elif tl_ps[0].location[0] >= tl_ps[1].location[0] and ml_ps[
                    0].location[0] < ml_ps[1].location[0]:
                pairs = [(ml_ps[0], tl_ps[0]), (ml_ps[1], tl_ps[1])]
            elif tl_ps[1].location[0] >= tl_ps[0].location[0] and ml_ps[
                    1].location[0] >= ml_ps[0].location[0]:
                pairs = [(ml_ps[0], tl_ps[0]), (ml_ps[1], tl_ps[1])]

        for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects:
            obj.select = False
        bpy.context.scene.objects.active = None
        one_objects_of_ml = [
            obj for obj in bpy.data.objects
            if obj.fp_id in self._moving_contour[1].fp_deps and obj.fp_id != 0
        for obj_ml in one_objects_of_ml:
            for obj_ml_ps in ml_ps:
                if obj_ml_ps == obj_ml:
                    for i in range(len(pairs)):
                        if pairs[i][0] == obj_ml:
                            pairs[i][1].select = True
        new_points = []
        for i in range(len(self._moving_contour) - 2):
            coincidence = False
            print("pairs", pairs)
            for obj in pairs:
                print("obj", obj)
                print("obj[0].fp_id", obj[0].fp_id)
                      self._moving_contour[i + 1].fp_deps[0])
                if obj[0].fp_id == self._moving_contour[i + 1].fp_deps[0]:
                    pair = [
                        ob for ob in bpy.data.objects
                        if ob.fp_id == self._moving_contour[i + 1].fp_deps[1]
                        and ob.fp_id != 0
                    pairs += [(pair[0], new_points[i])]
                    coincidence = True
            if not coincidence:
                pair = [
                    ob for ob in bpy.data.objects
                    if ob.fp_id == self._moving_contour[i + 1].fp_deps[0]
                    and ob.fp_id != 0
                pairs += [(pair[0], new_points[i])]

        # print("pairs", pairs)
        for obj in bpy.data.objects:
            obj.select = False
        for i in range(len(self._moving_contour) - 1):
            for obj in bpy.data.objects:
                obj.select = False
            draw_line = Line()
            if i == len(self._moving_contour) - 2:
                pairs[i + 1][1].select = True
                pairs[0][1].select = True
                pairs[i + 1][1].select = True
                pairs[i + 2][1].select = True

        for i in range(len(pairs) - 2):
            print("pairs[i+1]", pairs[i + 1])
            print("pairs[i+2]", pairs[i + 2])
            new_angle = get_angle(loc(pairs[i + 1][0]), loc(pairs[i + 2][0]))
            print("new_angle", new_angle)
            old_angle = get_angle(loc(ml_ps[0]), loc(ml_ps[1]))
            print("old_angle", old_angle)
            start_line_angle = get_angle(loc(tl_ps[0]), loc(tl_ps[1]))
            print("start_line_angle", start_line_angle)
            if old_angle == start_line_angle:
                pairs[i + 2][1].fp_angle = new_angle
                    i +
                    2][1].fp_angle = -new_angle - old_angle + start_line_angle
                  get_distance(loc(pairs[i + 1][0]), loc(pairs[i + 2][0])))
            pairs[i + 2][1].fp_expression = str(
                get_distance(loc(pairs[i + 1][0]), loc(pairs[i + 2][0])))

        print("pairs", pairs)

        exist = False
        for obj in bpy.data.objects:
            for point_in_contour in pairs:
                if obj == point_in_contour[0]:
                    exist = True
            if not exist:
                for point_in_contour in pairs:
                    if obj.parent == point_in_contour[0]:
                        print("point_in_contour[1] = ", point_in_contour[1])
                        print("obj = ", obj)
                        distance = str(
                            get_distance(loc(point_in_contour[1]), loc(obj)))
                        angle = get_angle(loc(point_in_contour[1]), loc(obj))
                        obj.parent = point_in_contour[1]
                        obj.fp_expression = distance
                        obj.fp_angle = angle
            exist = False

        for obj in bpy.data.objects:
            obj.select = False
        for obj in pairs:
            exist = 0
            for ob in bpy.data.objects:
                if ob.fp_type == Line.FP_TYPE and (
                        ob.fp_deps[0] == obj[0].fp_id
                        or ob.fp_deps[1] == obj[0].fp_id):
                    exist += 1
                if exist > 2:
            if exist <= 2:
                for line in bpy.data.objects:
                    if line.fp_type == Line.FP_TYPE:
                        if line.fp_deps[1] == obj[0].fp_id:
                            line.fp_deps[1] = 0
                        elif line.fp_deps[0] == obj[0].fp_id:
                            line.fp_deps[0] = 0
                obj[0].select = True
        for line in bpy.data.objects:
            if line.fp_type == Line.FP_TYPE and (line.fp_deps[0] == 0
                                                 or line.fp_deps[1] == 0):
                line.select = True