Example #1
    def get_style_gram(vggFeaturesModel, style_image, batch_size=4):
        style_batch = tf.repeat(style_image[tf.newaxis, ...],
        # show([style_image], w=128, domain=(0.,255.) )

        # B, H, W, C = style_batch.shape
        (_, style_features) = vggFeaturesModel(style_batch,
                                               preprocess=True)  # hwcRGB
        target_style_gram = [utils.gram(value)
                             for value in style_features]  # list
        return target_style_gram
Example #2
  def train_step(x_train, y_true, target_style_gram, loss_weights=None, log_freq=10):
    with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
      # Generate images and get features
      generated_batch = TransformerNetwork(x_train) # x_train domain=(0,255), hwcRGB

      # # apply scaled tanh
      # generated_batch = (tf.nn.tanh(generated_batch)+0.5)*255.

      hi = tf.reduce_max(generated_batch)
      tf.Assert( tf.greater(hi, 1.0),['RGB values should NOT be normalized'])
      # expecting generated_batch output domain=(0.,255.) for preprocess_input()
      (generated_content_features, generated_style_features) = VGG( generated_batch, preprocess=True )
      generated_style_gram = [ utils.gram(value)  for value in generated_style_features ]  # list
      dbg['generated_style_gram'] = generated_style_gram

      if y_true is None:
        y_true = x_train
        assert False, "y_true should not be None with tf.GradientTape"

      if tf.is_tensor(y_true):
        x_train = y_true # input domain=(0,255)
        # x_train_BGR_centered = tf.keras.applications.vgg16.preprocess_input(x_train*1.)/1.
        # x_train = tf.subtract(x_train, rgb_mean)
        target_content_features, _ = VGG(x_train, preprocess=True ) # hwcRGB

      elif isinstance(y_true, tuple):
        print("detect y_true is tuple(target_content_features + self.target_style_gram)", y_true[0].shape)
        target_content_features = y_true[:len(generated_content_features)]

        assert False, "unexpected result for y_true"

      # Content Loss
      # MSELoss = tf.keras.losses.MSE
      content_loss = utils.get_content_loss(target_content_features, generated_content_features)
      content_loss *= CONTENT_WEIGHT

      # # Style Loss
      style_loss = utils.get_style_loss(target_style_gram, generated_style_gram)
      style_loss *= STYLE_WEIGHT

      # Total Loss
      total_loss = content_loss + style_loss

      # apply batch_losses to grads
      grads = tape.gradient(total_loss, TransformerNetwork.trainable_weights)
      optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, TransformerNetwork.trainable_weights))
      return (content_loss, style_loss, generated_batch)
Example #3
    def __call__(self, input_batch):
        content_features, style_features = self.loss_model(input_batch,
        style_gram = tuple(utils.gram(value)
                           for value in style_features)  # tuple(<generator>)
        return (content_features[0], ) + style_gram  # tuple = tuple + tuple

        # # name tensors for loss reporting
        content_f = tf.identity(content_features[0], name="content_0")
        style_f = [
            tf.identity(f, name="style_{}".format(i))
            for i, f in enumerate(style_gram)
        return tuple([content_f] +
                     style_f)  # tuple of (tensor,... ) [OK], 6 outputs
Example #4
    def get_vgg_losses(self, generated_batch, content_batch):
        generated_content_features, generated_style_features = self.loss_model(
            generated_batch, preprocess=True)
        generated_style_gram = [
            utils.gram(value) for value in generated_style_features
        ]  # list

        # Content Loss
        target_content_features, _ = self.loss_model(content_batch,
        content_loss = utils.get_content_loss(target_content_features,

        # # Style Loss
        style_loss = utils.get_style_loss(self.target_style_gram,
        return (content_loss, style_loss)
Example #5
    def call(self, inputs, preprocess=True):
        """model forward pass implementation

      inputs: transfer_image, hwc(RGB), domain=(0.,255.)
        rank = len(inputs.shape)
        if rank == 3: inputs = inputs[tf.newaxis, ...]
        assert len(
        ) == 4, "expecting a batch of image, shape=(?,h,w,c), got={}".format(

        content_outputs, style_outputs = self.vgg(
            vgg_input, preprocess=preprocess)  # tf.keras.Model()
        # apply gram_matrix to style outputs
        style_outputs = [utils.gram(v) for v in style_outputs]
        return (content_outputs, style_outputs)  # list()
Example #6
def train():
  # # Seeds

  # # Load networks
  TransformerNetwork = transformer.TransformerNetwork()
  style_model = vgg.get_layers("vgg16_torch")
  VGG = vgg.vgg_layers16( style_model['content_layers'], style_model['style_layers'], input_shape=(256,256,3) )

  # style_image can be any size, is static so we can cache features
  VGG_Target = vgg.vgg_layers16( style_model['content_layers'], style_model['style_layers'], input_shape=None )
  image_string = tf.io.read_file(STYLE_IMAGE_PATH)
  style_image = utils.ImageRecordDatasetFactory.image2tensor(image_string)*255.
  # style_image = utils.ImageRecordDatasetFactory.random_sq_crop(style_image, size=256)*255.
  style_tensor = tf.repeat( style_image[tf.newaxis,...], repeats=BATCH_SIZE, axis=0)
  show([style_image], w=128, domain=(0.,255.) )
  # B, H, W, C = style_tensor.shape
  (_, style_features) = VGG_Target( style_tensor , preprocess=True ) # hwcRGB
  target_style_gram = [ utils.gram(value)  for value in style_features ]  # list

  dbg['model'] = TransformerNetwork
  dbg['vgg'] = VGG
  dbg['target_style_gram'] = target_style_gram

  # # Optimizer settings
  optimizer = tf.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=ADAM_LR, beta_1=0.99, epsilon=1e-1)

  # # Loss trackers
  content_loss_history = []
  style_loss_history = []
  total_loss_history = []
  batch_content_loss_sum = 0.
  batch_style_loss_sum = 0.
  batch_total_loss_sum = 0.

  # # Optimization/Training Loop
  def train_step(x_train, y_true, target_style_gram, loss_weights=None, log_freq=10):
    with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
      # Generate images and get features
      generated_batch = TransformerNetwork(x_train) # x_train domain=(0,255), hwcRGB

      # # apply scaled tanh
      # generated_batch = (tf.nn.tanh(generated_batch)+0.5)*255.

      hi = tf.reduce_max(generated_batch)
      tf.Assert( tf.greater(hi, 1.0),['RGB values should NOT be normalized'])
      # expecting generated_batch output domain=(0.,255.) for preprocess_input()
      (generated_content_features, generated_style_features) = VGG( generated_batch, preprocess=True )
      generated_style_gram = [ utils.gram(value)  for value in generated_style_features ]  # list
      dbg['generated_style_gram'] = generated_style_gram

      if y_true is None:
        y_true = x_train
        assert False, "y_true should not be None with tf.GradientTape"

      if tf.is_tensor(y_true):
        x_train = y_true # input domain=(0,255)
        # x_train_BGR_centered = tf.keras.applications.vgg16.preprocess_input(x_train*1.)/1.
        # x_train = tf.subtract(x_train, rgb_mean)
        target_content_features, _ = VGG(x_train, preprocess=True ) # hwcRGB

      elif isinstance(y_true, tuple):
        print("detect y_true is tuple(target_content_features + self.target_style_gram)", y_true[0].shape)
        target_content_features = y_true[:len(generated_content_features)]

        assert False, "unexpected result for y_true"

      # Content Loss
      # MSELoss = tf.keras.losses.MSE
      content_loss = utils.get_content_loss(target_content_features, generated_content_features)
      content_loss *= CONTENT_WEIGHT

      # # Style Loss
      style_loss = utils.get_style_loss(target_style_gram, generated_style_gram)
      style_loss *= STYLE_WEIGHT

      # Total Loss
      total_loss = content_loss + style_loss

      # apply batch_losses to grads
      grads = tape.gradient(total_loss, TransformerNetwork.trainable_weights)
      optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, TransformerNetwork.trainable_weights))
      return (content_loss, style_loss, generated_batch)
      # end: with tf.GradientTape()
      # end: train_step()

  batch_count = 1
  start_time = time.time()

  for epoch in range(NUM_EPOCHS):

    train_dataset = xx_Dataset255.take(BATCH_SIZE * NUM_BATCHES).batch(BATCH_SIZE)

    print("========Epoch {}/{}========".format(epoch+1, NUM_EPOCHS))
    for x_train, y_true in train_dataset:
      # print("{}: batch shape={}".format(batch_count, x_train.shape))
      # Get current batch size in case of odd batch sizes
      curr_batch_size = x_train.shape[0]

      #   # Backprop and Weight Update
      (content_loss, style_loss, generated_batch) = train_step(x_train, y_true, target_style_gram) # 255.
      # print(">>> ",content_loss, style_loss)

      batch_content_loss_sum += content_loss
      batch_style_loss_sum += style_loss
      batch_total_loss_sum += (content_loss + style_loss)

      # Save Model and Print Losses
      if (((batch_count-1)%SAVE_MODEL_EVERY == 0) or (batch_count==NUM_EPOCHS*NUM_BATCHES)):

        # check side by side
        [rgb_image0, rgb_image] = [tf.squeeze(tf.clip_by_value(v[0], 0., 255.)) for v in [x_train, generated_batch]]
        # show([rgb_image0, rgb_image], domain=(0.,255.), w=128)
        check = stacker.hstack( rgb_image, limit=NUM_EPOCHS, smaller=True )
        show( check, domain=None )

        # Print Losses
        print("========Iteration {}/{}========".format(batch_count, NUM_EPOCHS*NUM_BATCHES))
        print("\tContent Loss:\t{:.2f}".format(batch_content_loss_sum/batch_count))
        print("\tStyle Loss:\t{:.2f}".format(batch_style_loss_sum/batch_count))
        print("\tTotal Loss:\t{:.2f}".format(batch_total_loss_sum/batch_count))
        print("Time elapsed:\t{} seconds".format(time.time()-start_time))

        rgb_image = tf.squeeze(generated_batch[0,...]).numpy() # 255.
        check = np.stack([np.amin(rgb_image, axis=(0,1)), np.average(rgb_image, axis=(0,1)), np.amax(rgb_image, axis=(0,1))], axis=1)
        print( "\tImage, (min,mean,max):\t{}".format( check ) )

        # rgb_batch = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(generated_batch/255., dtype=tf.uint8, saturate=True)
        generated_batch = tf.clip_by_value(generated_batch, 0.,255.)
        show(generated_batch, w=128, domain=(0,255))

        # Save loss histories

        # Save Model
        checkpoint_path = SAVE_MODEL_PATH + "tf_checkpoint_" + str(batch_count-1) + ".h5"
        TransformerNetwork.save_weights(checkpoint_path, save_format='h5')
        print("Saved tf TransformerNetwork checkpoint file at {}".format(checkpoint_path))

        # Save generated image
        sample_image_path = SAVE_IMAGE_PATH + "tf_sample_" + str(batch_count-1) + ".png"
        print("Saved sample tranformed image at {}".format(sample_image_path))

      # Iterate Batch Counter

  stop_time = time.time()

  # Print loss histories
  print("Done Training the Transformer Network!")
  print("Training Time: {} seconds".format(stop_time-start_time))
  print("========Content Loss========")
  print("========Style Loss========")
  print("========Total Loss========")
  # Plot Loss Histories
  if (PLOT_LOSS):
      torch_utils.plot_loss_hist(content_loss_history, style_loss_history, total_loss_history)