Example #1
    def __init__(self, h5json, fname, ext='h5'):
        """Initialize a PyCode instance.

        :arg dict h5json: HDF5/JSON content.
        :arg str fname: Name of the HDF5 file the generated code will create.
        :arg str ext: Generated HDF5 file's extension. **Without the comma!**
        if len(fname) == 0:
            raise ValueError('Missing file name.')
        if 'root' not in h5json:
            raise KeyError('"root" key not found.')
        self._h5j = h5json
        self._dimensions = list()
        self._dimscales = dict()
        self._fname = '{}.{}'.format(fname, ext)
        self._file_var = 'f'
        self._p = StringStore()
Example #2
    def __init__(self, tinfo, fname, ext='h5'):
        """Initialize an MCode instance.

        :arg dict tinfo: Template content information.
        :arg str fname: Name of the file to use when generating the source
        :arg str ext: HDF5 file extension. **Without the comma!**
        if len(fname) == 0:
            raise ValueError('Missing file name.')
        if 'root' not in tinfo:
            raise KeyError('"root" key not found.')

        # Helper variables...
        self._d = tinfo
        self._root = self._d['root']
        self._fname = fname + '.' + ext
        self._dset_path = dict()  # map dataset ID to HDF5 paths
        self._dimlist = []  # List of dataset IDs that have dimscales attached

        # Variable for the generated source code...
        self._m = StringStore()