Example #1
    ip = [ int(x) for x in ip.split('.') ]
    return (ip[0] * 2**24) + (ip[1] * 2**16) + (ip[2] * 2**8) + (ip[3] * 2**0)

from fastbit import FastBit, Query, ResultSet

fast = FastBit()
print 'set_logfile', fast.set_logfile('testlog')
print 'set_verbose_level', fast.set_verbose_level(10)
print 'get_logfile', fast.get_logfile()
ips = ['', '', '', 
       '', '', '', 
       '', '', '', 
print 'add', fast.add_values('ip', 'uI', [ ip2dec(x) for x in ips], 0)
print 'add', fast.add_values('host', 't', ips, 0)
print 'flush', fast.flush_buffer('foodir')
print 'cols', fast.columns_in_partition('foodir')
print 'rows', fast.rows_in_partition('foodir')
print 'build_index', fast.build_index('foodir', 'ip', '')
print 'build_index', fast.build_index('foodir', 'host', '')
print 'build_indexes', fast.build_indexes('foodir', '')

print '----[ Query'
qh = Query('ip, host', 'foodir', 'ip < %d' % ip2dec(''))
print 'build_query\n', qh
print 'from clause', qh.get_from_clause()
print 'select clause', qh.get_select_clause()
print 'n_rows', qh.get_result_rows()
print 'len', len(qh)
print 'qualified doubles', qh.get_qualified_doubles('ip')
print 'qualified longs', qh.get_qualified_longs('ip')
Example #2

nvals = int(1e6)

conditions = ("a<5", "a+a>150", "a < 60 and c < 60", "c > 90", "c > a") #, 'd = "asdf"')
counts = (5, nvals - 76, 19, 10, 50) #, nvals)

import time
t = time.time()

fb = FastBit()
fb.add_values('a', 'int', range(nvals))
fb.add_values('b', 'short', [x % 128 for x in range(nvals)])
fb.add_values('c', 'float', [float(1e2 -i) for i in xrange(nvals)])
fb.add_values('d', 'ub', ["asdf" for i in xrange(nvals)])

print "time to add %iK values (* 3): %.3f" % (nvals / 1000., time.time() - t)

mult = fb.rows_in_partition(datadir)
if mult != nvals:
    print 'Directory %d contains %d rows, expected %i' % (datadir, mult, nvals)

nerrors = 0
# NOTE runs faster second time.
for rep in range(2):
    if rep == 1:
        print "\nafter indexes (automatically) created...\n"
    for i in xrange(len(conditions)):
        t = time.time()
Example #3
nvals = int(1e6)

conditions = ("a<5", "a+a>150", "a < 60 and c < 60", "c > 90", "c > a"
              )  #, 'd = "asdf"')
counts = (5, nvals - 76, 19, 10, 50)  #, nvals)

import time
t = time.time()

fb = FastBit()
fb.add_values('a', 'int', range(nvals))
fb.add_values('b', 'short', [x % 128 for x in range(nvals)])
fb.add_values('c', 'float', [float(1e2 - i) for i in xrange(nvals)])
fb.add_values('d', 'ub', ["asdf" for i in xrange(nvals)])

print "time to add %iK values (* 3): %.3f" % (nvals / 1000., time.time() - t)

mult = fb.rows_in_partition(datadir)
if mult != nvals:
    print 'Directory %d contains %d rows, expected %i' % (datadir, mult, nvals)

nerrors = 0
# NOTE runs faster second time.
for rep in range(2):
    if rep == 1:
        print "\nafter indexes (automatically) created...\n"
    for i in xrange(len(conditions)):
        t = time.time()
Example #4
import shutil
shutil.rmtree('arr', True)

fast = FastBit('arr')
fast.logfile = 'test.log'
fast.verbosity = 10

fast.add_array(np.arange(10, dtype='f'), 'arr')
fast.add_array(np.arange(10, dtype='i'), 'brr')
#fast.add_array(np.array(['asdf', 'jkll'], dtype='c'), 'srr')

print "added"

print fast.guess_col_types()

print "flushed"
del fast

f = FastBit('arr')
#q = f.query('brr > 0', 'brr', 'arr') #, 'srr')
q = f.query('brr > 0')
print q.rows, q.columns, len(q)

#print q.brr
for i in range(4):
    print q.arr#, q.brr