Example #1
def findRelated(bed, cutoff):
    print 'Computing kinship matrix...'
    t0 = time.time()
    XXT = symmetrize(blas.dsyrk(1.0, bed.val, lower=1) / bed.val.shape[1])
    print 'Done in %0.2f' % (time.time() - t0), 'seconds'

    #Find related individuals
    removeSet = set(np.sort(vc.VertexCut().work(
        XXT, cutoff)))  #These are the indexes of the IIDs to remove
    print 'Marking', len(
        removeSet), 'individuals to be removed due to high relatedness'

    #keepArr = np.array([(1 if iid in keepSet else 0) for iid in bed.iid], dtype=bool)
    keepArr = np.ones(bed.iid.shape[0], dtype=bool)
    for i in removeSet:
        keepArr[i] = False
    return keepArr
Example #2
def compute_auto_pcs(snpreader, cutoff=.1, k_values=np.arange(11), output_file_name=None,count_A1=None):
    Function automatically finds the best principle components (PCs)

    :param snpreader: SNPs for which to find the best PCs
          If you give a string, it should be the base name of a set of PLINK Bed-formatted files.
    :type snpreader: a `SnpReader <http://fastlmm.github.io/PySnpTools/#snpreader-snpreader>`__ or a string

    :param cutoff: (default: .1) The degree of relatedness to remove before finding the best number of PCs.
        Relatedness is measured with a RRM (realized relationship matrix) so 0 is no relation, .5 is a sibling or parent, and 1 is self or twin.
    :type cutoff: a number between 0 and 1.

    :param k_values: (default: 0 ... 10 [inclusive]) The number of PCs to search.
    :type k_values: list of integers

    :param count_A1: If it needs to read SNP data from a BED-formatted file, tells if it should count the number of A1
         alleles (the PLINK standard) or the number of A2 alleles. False is the current default, but in the future the default will change to True.
    :type count_A1: bool

    :rtype: A phenotype dictionary with property 'iid' listing the iids and property 'vals' containing a nparray of PC values.


    >>> import logging
    >>> from fastlmm.util import compute_auto_pcs
    >>> from fastlmm.util import example_file # Download and return local file name
    >>> logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
    >>> file_name = example_file("fastlmm/feature_selection/examples/toydata.5chrom.*","*.bed")
    >>> best_pcs = compute_auto_pcs(file_name,count_A1=False)
    >>> print(int(best_pcs['vals'].shape[0]),int(best_pcs['vals'].shape[1]))
    500 0

    with patch.dict('os.environ', {'ARRAY_MODULE': 'numpy'}) as _:
        #!!could use regression tests beyond the docttest

        snpreader = _snp_fixup(snpreader,count_A1=count_A1)

        logging.info("reading all_std_snpdata")
        all_std_snpdata = snpreader.read().standardize() #!!could doing C or F be better?

        #use vertex cut to find just parents
        logging.info("Finding relatedness of all iids")
        from pysnptools.standardizer import Identity
        rrm = all_std_snpdata.kernel(Identity()) / snpreader.sid_count
        import fastlmm.util.VertexCut as vc
        remove_set = set(vc.VertexCut().work(rrm,cutoff)) #These are the indexes of the IIDs to remove
        logging.info("removing {0} of {1} iids".format(len(remove_set), snpreader.iid_count))
        keep_list = [x for x in range(all_std_snpdata.iid_count) if x not in remove_set]
        nofam_snpreader = all_std_snpdata[keep_list,:]
        #nofam_snpreader = all_std_snpdata#[1:,:]
        #print "#!!warning skipping  vertext cut"
        #learn # of pcs and generate on nonchild view of data
        if max(k_values) >= nofam_snpreader.iid_count or max(k_values) >= nofam_snpreader.sid_count: 
            raise Exception("The number of PCs search should be less than the # of rows and also the # of cols in the matrix after near relatives are removed")
        randomstate = 1

        from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
        n_folds = 10
        folds = KFold(n_splits = n_folds, shuffle=True, random_state=randomstate).split(list(range(nofam_snpreader.sid_count)))
        scores = np.zeros((k_values.shape[0],n_folds))
        for i_fold, [train_idx,test_idx] in enumerate(folds):
            Utr,Str,Vtr,mean = None, None, None, None
            logging.info('test set size: {0}'.format(len(test_idx)))

            logging.info('creating X_train for fold {0}'.format(i_fold))
            t0 = time.time()
            X_train = nofam_snpreader[:,train_idx].read(order='F').val.T#!!would order='C' be faster?
            logging.info("done after %.4f seconds" % (time.time() - t0))

            logging.info('creating X_test for fold {0}'.format(i_fold))
            t0 = time.time()
            X_test = nofam_snpreader[:,test_idx].read(order='F').val.T
            logging.info("done after %.4f seconds" % (time.time() - t0))

            logging.info('Creating svd')
            t0 = time.time()
            for i_k, k in enumerate(k_values):
                pca = PCA(n_components = k, copy=False)
                Utr,Str,Vtr,mean = pca._fit(X_train,Utr,Str,Vtr,mean)
                if t0 is not None:
                    logging.info("done after %.4f seconds" % (time.time() - t0))
                    t0 = None
                scores[i_k,i_fold] = pca.score(X_test)
                logging.info("{0},{1},{2}".format(i_fold, k, scores[i_k,i_fold]))

        normalizedMean = scores.mean(axis=1)

        logging.info('normalized Means: {0}'.format(normalizedMean))
        bestNumPCs = k_values[normalizedMean.argmax()]
        logging.info('best num PCs: {0}'.format(bestNumPCs))

        logging.info("computing svd...")
        t0 = time.time()
        Utr,Str,Vtr,mean = None, None, None, None
        pca = PCA(n_components = bestNumPCs,copy=False)
        nofam_snpdata = nofam_snpreader.read(order='F') #!!would order='C' be faster?
        pca._fit(nofam_snpdata.val,Utr,Str,Vtr,mean) #This will zero-center nofam_snpdata.val, so don't use after this point.
        t1 = time.time()
        logging.info("done after %.4f seconds" % (t1 - t0))
        #apply those pcs to all the data (i.e.  transform)
        logging.info('Projecting individuals to PCs space...')
        X_fit = pca.transform(all_std_snpdata.val)
        ##write the file out
        if output_file_name is not None:
            logging.info('writing results to file...')
            with open(output_file_name, 'w') as f:
                for iid_index, (famid,indid) in enumerate(all_std_snpdata.iid):
                    f.write("{0} {1} ".format(famid,indid))
                    f.write(' '.join([str(pc) for pc in X_fit[iid_index, :]]))

        result = {'iid':sp.array(snpreader.iid),'vals':X_fit, 'header':["pc_{0}".format(index) for index in range(bestNumPCs)]}
        return result