Example #1
# this is a bunch of macro tests.   If everything passes, there is no output.

import fastsimplexordatastore

size = 64
letterxordatastore = fastsimplexordatastore.XORDatastore(size, 16)

startpos = 0
for char in range(ord("A"), ord("Q")):
    # put 1K of those chars in...
    letterxordatastore.set_data(startpos, chr(char) * size)
    startpos = startpos + size

# can read data out...
assert (letterxordatastore.get_data(size, 1) == 'B')

# let's create a bitstring that uses A, C, and P.
bitstring = chr(int('10100000', 2)) + chr(int('00000001', 2))
xorresult = letterxordatastore.produce_xor_from_bitstring(bitstring)

assert (xorresult[0] == 'R')

letterxordatastore.set_data(10, "Hello there")

mystring = letterxordatastore.get_data(9, 13)

assert (mystring == 'AHello thereA')

letterxordatastore.set_data(1, "Hello there" * size)

mystring = letterxordatastore.get_data(size * 2 - (size * 2 % 11) + 1, 11)
Example #2
def main():
    global _global_myxordatastore
    global _global_manifestdict
    global _batchlock
    global _batchevent
    global _xorstrings
    global _batchrequests
    global _request_restart

    manifestdict = retrieve_manifest_dict()

    # We should detach here.   I don't do it earlier so that error
    # messages are written to the terminal...   I don't do it later so that any
    # threads don't exist already.   If I do put it much later, the code hangs...
    if _commandlineoptions.daemonize:

    if _commandlineoptions.database != None:
        print("Using mmap datastore")
        dstype = "mmap"
        source = _commandlineoptions.database
        print("Using RAM datastore")
        dstype = "RAM"
        source = _commandlineoptions.files

    myxordatastore = fastsimplexordatastore.XORDatastore(
        manifestdict['blocksize'], manifestdict['blockcount'], dstype, source,

    if dstype == "RAM":
        # now let's put the content in the datastore in preparation to serve it
        print("Loading data into RAM datastore...")
        start = _timer()
        lib.populate_xordatastore(manifestdict, myxordatastore, source, dstype,
        elapsed = (_timer() - start)
        print("Datastore initialized. Took %f seconds." % elapsed)

    # we're now ready to handle clients!
    #_log('ready to start servers!')

    # an ugly hack, but Python's request handlers don't have an easy way to pass arguments
    _global_myxordatastore = myxordatastore
    _global_manifestdict = manifestdict
    _batchlock = threading.Lock()
    _batchevent = threading.Event()
    _batchrequests = 0
    _xorstrings = b''

    # first, let's fire up the RAID-PIR server
    xorserver = service_raidpir_clients(myxordatastore, _commandlineoptions.ip,

    # If I should serve legacy clients via HTTP, let's start that up...
    if _commandlineoptions.http:
        service_http_clients(myxordatastore, manifestdict,

    #_log('servers started!')
    print("Mirror Server started at", _commandlineoptions.ip, ":",

    # let's send the mirror information periodically...
    # we should log any errors...
    counter = 0

    while True:
        if counter > _commandlineoptions.mirrorlistadvertisedelay:
            counter = 0
            except Exception as e:
                    str(e) + "\n" +

        if _request_restart:
            print("Shutting down")

        counter = counter + 1
Example #3
def main():
  global _global_myxordatastore
  global _global_manifestdict

  # If we were asked to retrieve the mainfest file, do so...
  if _commandlineoptions.retrievemanifestfrom:
    # We need to download this file...
    rawmanifestdata = uppirlib.retrieve_rawmanifest(_commandlineoptions.retrievemanifestfrom)

    # ...make sure it is valid...
    manifestdict = uppirlib.parse_manifest(rawmanifestdata)
    # ...and write it out if it's okay
    open(_commandlineoptions.manifestfilename, "w").write(rawmanifestdata)

    # Simply read it in from disk

    rawmanifestdata = open(_commandlineoptions.manifestfilename).read()

    manifestdict = uppirlib.parse_manifest(rawmanifestdata)
  # We should detach here.   I don't do it earlier so that error
  # messages are written to the terminal...   I don't do it later so that any
  # threads don't exist already.   If I do put it much later, the code hangs...
  if _commandlineoptions.daemonize:

  myxordatastore = fastsimplexordatastore.XORDatastore(manifestdict['blocksize'], manifestdict['blockcount'])

  # now let's put the content in the datastore in preparation to serve it
  uppirlib.populate_xordatastore(manifestdict, myxordatastore, rootdir = _commandlineoptions.mirrorroot)
  # we're now ready to handle clients!
  _log('ready to start servers!')

  # an ugly hack, but Python's request handlers don't have an easy way to
  # pass arguments
  _global_myxordatastore = myxordatastore
  _global_manifestdict = manifestdict
  # first, let's fire up the upPIR server
  service_uppir_clients(myxordatastore, _commandlineoptions.ip, _commandlineoptions.port)

  # If I should serve legacy clients via HTTP, let's start that up...
  if _commandlineoptions.http:
    service_http_clients(myxordatastore, manifestdict, _commandlineoptions.ip, _commandlineoptions.httpport)

  _log('servers started!')

  # let's send the mirror information periodically...
  # we should log any errors...
  while True:
    except Exception, e:

# this is a bunch of macro tests.   If everything passes, there is no output.

import fastsimplexordatastore

size = 64  # block size in Byte
num_blocks = 16  # number of blocks
letterxordatastore = fastsimplexordatastore.XORDatastore(
    size, num_blocks, "ram", "db_name")

startpos = 0
for char in range(ord("A"), ord("Q")):
    # put 1K of those chars in...
    letterxordatastore.set_data(startpos, chr(char) * size)
    startpos = startpos + size

# can read data out...
assert (letterxordatastore.get_data(size, 1) == 'B')


# let's create a bitstring that uses A, C, and P.
bitstring = chr(int('10100000', 2)) + chr(int('00000001', 2))
xorresult = letterxordatastore.produce_xor_from_bitstring(bitstring)

assert (xorresult[0] == 'R')

xorresult = letterxordatastore.produce_xor_from_multiple_bitstrings(
    bitstring, 1)

assert (xorresult[0] == 'R')
Example #5
def create_manifest(
        block_size=1024 * 1024,
    Create a manifest  (and an xordatastore ?)

    rootdir: The area to walk looking for files to add to the manifest

    hashalgorithm: The hash algorithm to use to validate file contents
    block_size: The size of a block of data.   

    offset_assignment_function: specifies how to lay out the files in blocks.

    TypeError if the arguments are corrupt or of the wrong type
    FileNotFound if the rootdir does not contain a manifest file.

    IncorrectFileContents if the file listed in the manifest file has the 
                          wrong size or hash

  <Side Effects>
    This function creates an XORdatastore while processing.   This may use
    a very large amount of memory.   (This is not fundamental, and is done only
    for convenience).

    The manifest dictionary

    if vendorhostname == None:
        raise TypeError("Must specify vendor server name")

    if ':' in vendorhostname:
        raise TypeError("Vendor server name must not contain ':'")

    # general workflow:
    #   set the global parameters
    #   build an xordatastore and add file information as you go...
    #   derive hash information from the xordatastore

    manifestdict = {}

    manifestdict['manifestversion'] = "1.0"
    manifestdict['hashalgorithm'] = hashalgorithm
    manifestdict['blocksize'] = block_size
    manifestdict['vendorhostname'] = vendorhostname
    manifestdict['vendorport'] = vendorport

    # first get the file information
    fileinfolist = _generate_fileinfolist(rootdir,

    # now let's assign the files to offsets as the caller requess...
    offset_assignment_function(fileinfolist, rootdir,

    # let's ensure the offsets are valid...

    # build a list of tuples with offset, etc. info...
    offsetlengthtuplelist = []
    for fileinfo in fileinfolist:
        offsetlengthtuplelist.append((fileinfo['offset'], fileinfo['length']))

    # ...sort the tuples so that it's easy to walk down them and check for
    # overlapping entries...

    # ...now, we need to ensure the values don't overlap.
    nextfreeoffset = 0
    for offset, length in offsetlengthtuplelist:
        if offset < 0:
            raise TypeError("Offset generation led to negative offset!")
        if length < 0:
            raise TypeError("File lengths must be positive!")

        if nextfreeoffset > offset:
            raise TypeError(
                "Error! Offset generation led to overlapping files!")

        # since this list is sorted by offset, this should ensure the property we
        # want is upheld.
        nextfreeoffset = offset + length

    # great!   The fileinfolist is okay!
    manifestdict['fileinfolist'] = fileinfolist

    # The nextfreeoffset value is the end of the datastore...   Let's see how
    # many blocks we need
    manifestdict['blockcount'] = int(
        math.ceil(nextfreeoffset * 1.0 / manifestdict['blocksize']))

    # TODO: Improve this.  It really shouldn't use a datastore...
    import fastsimplexordatastore

    xordatastore = fastsimplexordatastore.XORDatastore(
        manifestdict['blocksize'], manifestdict['blockcount'])

    # now let's put the files in the datastore
    _add_data_to_datastore(xordatastore, manifestdict['fileinfolist'], rootdir,

    # and it is time to get the blockhashlist...
    manifestdict['blockhashlist'] = _compute_block_hashlist(
        xordatastore, manifestdict['blockcount'], manifestdict['blocksize'],

    # let's generate the manifest's hash
    rawmanifest = json.dumps(manifestdict)
    manifestdict['manifesthash'] = find_hash(rawmanifest,

    # we are done!
    return manifestdict