Example #1
  def run(self, arguments, options):
    cls = getClassFromArgument(arguments[0], options.clsname)

    ins = None
    if not options.clsname:
      ins = arguments[0]

    if options.recursive:
      cls = int(cls, 16)
      classes = []
      while cls:
        superClass = runtimeHelpers.class_getSuperclass(cls)
        cls = int(superClass, 16)

      for c in classes:
        print runtimeHelpers.class_getName(c) + ":"
        printIvars(c, ins, 4)
        print ""
      printIvars(cls, ins)
Example #2
  def run(self, arguments, options):
    expression = arguments[0]

    match = re.match(r'([-+])*\[(.*) (.*)\]', expression)

    if not match:
      print 'Failed to parse expression. Do you even Objective-C?!'

    expressionForSelf = objc.functionPreambleExpressionForSelf()
    if not expressionForSelf:
      print 'Your architecture, {}, is truly fantastic. However, I don\'t currently support it.'.format(arch)

    methodTypeCharacter = match.group(1)
    classNameOrExpression = match.group(2)
    selector = match.group(3)

    methodIsClassMethod = (methodTypeCharacter == '+')

    if not methodIsClassMethod:
      # The default is instance method, and methodTypeCharacter may not actually be '-'.
      methodTypeCharacter = '-'

    targetIsClass = False
    targetObject = fb.evaluateObjectExpression('({})'.format(classNameOrExpression), False)

    if not targetObject:
      # If the expression didn't yield anything then it's likely a class. Assume it is.
      # We will check again that the class does actually exist anyway.
      targetIsClass = True
      targetObject = fb.evaluateObjectExpression('[{} class]'.format(classNameOrExpression), False)

    targetClass = fb.evaluateObjectExpression('[{} class]'.format(targetObject), False)

    if not targetClass or int(targetClass, 0) == 0:
      print 'Couldn\'t find a class from the expression "{}". Did you typo?'.format(classNameOrExpression)

    if methodIsClassMethod:
      targetClass = objc.object_getClass(targetClass)

    found = False
    nextClass = targetClass

    while not found and int(nextClass, 0) > 0:
      if classItselfImplementsSelector(nextClass, selector):
        found = True
        nextClass = objc.class_getSuperclass(nextClass)

    if not found:
      print 'There doesn\'t seem to be an implementation of {} in the class hierarchy. Made a boo boo with the selector name?'.format(selector)

    breakpointClassName = objc.class_getName(nextClass)
    breakpointFullName = '{}[{} {}]'.format(methodTypeCharacter, breakpointClassName, selector)

    breakpointCondition = None
    if targetIsClass:
      breakpointCondition = '(void*)object_getClass({}) == {}'.format(expressionForSelf, targetClass)
      breakpointCondition = '(void*){} == {}'.format(expressionForSelf, targetObject)

    print 'Setting a breakpoint at {} with condition {}'.format(breakpointFullName, breakpointCondition)

    lldb.debugger.HandleCommand('breakpoint set --fullname "{}" --condition "{}"'.format(breakpointFullName, breakpointCondition))
Example #3
  def run(self, arguments, options):
    expression = arguments[0]

    methodPattern = re.compile(r"""
""", re.VERBOSE)

    match = methodPattern.match(expression)

    if not match:
      print 'Failed to parse expression. Do you even Objective-C?!'

    expressionForSelf = objc.functionPreambleExpressionForSelf()
    if not expressionForSelf:
      print 'Your architecture, {}, is truly fantastic. However, I don\'t currently support it.'.format(arch)

    methodTypeCharacter = match.group('scope')
    classNameOrExpression = match.group('target')
    category = match.group('category')
    selector = match.group('selector')

    methodIsClassMethod = (methodTypeCharacter == '+')

    if not methodIsClassMethod:
      # The default is instance method, and methodTypeCharacter may not actually be '-'.
      methodTypeCharacter = '-'

    targetIsClass = False
    targetObject = fb.evaluateObjectExpression('({})'.format(classNameOrExpression), False)

    if not targetObject:
      # If the expression didn't yield anything then it's likely a class. Assume it is.
      # We will check again that the class does actually exist anyway.
      targetIsClass = True
      targetObject = fb.evaluateObjectExpression('[{} class]'.format(classNameOrExpression), False)

    targetClass = fb.evaluateObjectExpression('[{} class]'.format(targetObject), False)

    if not targetClass or int(targetClass, 0) == 0:
      print 'Couldn\'t find a class from the expression "{}". Did you typo?'.format(classNameOrExpression)

    if methodIsClassMethod:
      targetClass = objc.object_getClass(targetClass)

    found = False
    nextClass = targetClass

    while not found and int(nextClass, 0) > 0:
      if classItselfImplementsSelector(nextClass, selector):
        found = True
        nextClass = objc.class_getSuperclass(nextClass)

    if not found:
      print 'There doesn\'t seem to be an implementation of {} in the class hierarchy. Made a boo boo with the selector name?'.format(selector)

    breakpointClassName = objc.class_getName(nextClass)
    formattedCategory = category if category else ''
    breakpointFullName = '{}[{}{} {}]'.format(methodTypeCharacter, breakpointClassName, formattedCategory, selector)

    if targetIsClass:
      breakpointCondition = '(void*)object_getClass({}) == {}'.format(expressionForSelf, targetClass)
      breakpointCondition = '(void*){} == {}'.format(expressionForSelf, targetObject)

    print 'Setting a breakpoint at {} with condition {}'.format(breakpointFullName, breakpointCondition)

    if category:
      lldb.debugger.HandleCommand('breakpoint set --skip-prologue false --fullname "{}" --condition "{}"'.format(breakpointFullName, breakpointCondition))
      breakpointPattern = '{}\[{}(\(.+\))? {}\]'.format(methodTypeCharacter, breakpointClassName, selector)
      lldb.debugger.HandleCommand('breakpoint set --skip-prologue false --func-regex "{}" --condition "{}"'.format(breakpointPattern, breakpointCondition))