Example #1
 def test_f_to_srvf(self):
     M = 101
     f1 = np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, M))
     timet = np.linspace(0, 1, M)
     q1 = fs.f_to_srsf(f1, timet)
     f1a = fs.srsf_to_f(q1, timet)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sum(f1 - f1a), 0, 4)
Example #2
    def predict(self, newdata=None):
        This function performs prediction on regression model on new data if available or current stored data in object
        Usage:  obj.predict()

        :param newdata: dict containing new data for prediction (needs the keys below, if None predicts on training data)
        :type newdata: dict
        :param f: (M,N) matrix of functions
        :param time: vector of time points
        :param y: truth if available
        :param smooth: smooth data if needed
        :param sparam: number of times to run filter

        omethod = self.warp_data.method
        lam = self.warp_data.lam
        m = self.n_classes
        M = self.time.shape[0]

        if newdata != None:
            f = newdata['f']
            time = newdata['time']
            y = newdata['y']
            sparam = newdata['sparam']
            if newdata['smooth']:
                f = fs.smooth_data(f, sparam)

            q1 = fs.f_to_srsf(f, time)
            n = q1.shape[1]
            self.y_pred = np.zeros((n, m))
            mq = self.warp_data.mqn
            fn = np.zeros((M, n))
            qn = np.zeros((M, n))
            gam = np.zeros((M, n))
            for ii in range(0, n):
                gam[:, ii] = uf.optimum_reparam(mq, time, q1[:, ii], omethod)
                fn[:, ii] = uf.warp_f_gamma(time, f[:, ii], gam[:, ii])
                qn[:, ii] = uf.f_to_srsf(fn[:, ii], time)

            m_new = np.sign(fn[self.pca.id, :]) * np.sqrt(
                np.abs(fn[self.pca.id, :]))
            qn1 = np.vstack((qn, m_new))
            U = self.pca.U
            no = U.shape[1]

            if self.pca.__class__.__name__ == 'fdajpca':
                C = self.pca.C
                TT = self.time.shape[0]
                mu_g = self.pca.mu_g
                mu_psi = self.pca.mu_psi
                vec = np.zeros((M, n))
                psi = np.zeros((TT, n))
                binsize = np.mean(np.diff(self.time))
                for i in range(0, n):
                    psi[:, i] = np.sqrt(np.gradient(gam[:, i], binsize))
                    vec[:, i] = geo.inv_exp_map(mu_psi, psi[:, i])

                g = np.vstack((qn1, C * vec))
                a = np.zeros((n, no))
                for i in range(0, n):
                    for j in range(0, no):
                        tmp = (g[:, i] - mu_g)
                        a[i, j] = dot(tmp.T, U[:, j])

            elif self.pca.__class__.__name__ == 'fdavpca':
                a = np.zeros((n, no))
                for i in range(0, n):
                    for j in range(0, no):
                        tmp = (qn1[:, i] - self.pca.mqn)
                        a[i, j] = dot(tmp.T, U[:, j])

            elif self.pca.__class__.__name__ == 'fdahpca':
                a = np.zeros((n, no))
                mu_psi = self.pca.psi_mu
                vec = np.zeros((M, n))
                TT = self.time.shape[0]
                psi = np.zeros((TT, n))
                binsize = np.mean(np.diff(self.time))
                for i in range(0, n):
                    psi[:, i] = np.sqrt(np.gradient(gam[:, i], binsize))
                    vec[:, i] = geo.inv_exp_map(mu_psi, psi[:, i])

                vm = self.pca.vec.mean(axis=1)

                for i in range(0, n):
                    for j in range(0, no):
                        a[i, j] = np.sum(dot(vec[:, i] - vm, U[:, j]))
                raise Exception('Invalid fPCA Method')

            for ii in range(0, n):
                for jj in range(0, m):
                    self.y_pred[ii, jj] = self.alpha[jj] + np.sum(
                        a[ii, :] * self.b[:, jj])

            if y == None:
                self.y_pred = rg.phi(self.y_pred.reshape((1, n * m)))
                self.y_pred = self.y_pred.reshape((n, m))
                self.y_labels = np.argmax(self.y_pred, axis=1)
                self.PC = np.nan
                self.y_pred = rg.phi(self.y_pred.reshape((1, n * m)))
                self.y_pred = self.y_pred.reshape((n, m))
                self.y_labels = np.argmax(self.y_pred, axis=1)
                self.PC = np.zeros(m)
                cls_set = np.arange(0, m)
                for ii in range(0, m):
                    cls_sub = np.setdiff1d(cls_set, ii)
                    TP = np.sum(y[self.y_labels == ii] == ii)
                    FP = np.sum(y[np.in1d(self.y_labels, cls_sub)] == ii)
                    TN = np.sum(y[np.in1d(self.y_labels, cls_sub)] ==
                                self.y_labels[np.in1d(self.y_labels, cls_sub)])
                    FN = np.sum(np.in1d(y[self.y_labels == ii], cls_sub))
                    self.PC[ii] = (TP + TN) / (TP + FP + FN + TN)

                self.PCo = np.sum(y == self.y_labels) / self.y_labels.shape[0]
            n = self.pca.coef.shape[1]
            self.y_pred = np.zeros((n, m))
            for ii in range(0, n):
                for jj in range(0, m):
                    self.y_pred[ii, jj] = self.alpha[jj] + np.sum(
                        self.pca.coef[ii, :] * self.b[:, jj])

            self.y_pred = rg.phi(self.y_pred.reshape((1, n * m)))
            self.y_pred = self.y_pred.reshape((n, m))
            self.y_labels = np.argmax(self.y_pred, axis=1)
            self.PC = np.zeros(m)
            cls_set = np.arange(0, m)
            for ii in range(0, m):
                cls_sub = np.setdiff1d(cls_set, ii)
                TP = np.sum(self.y[self.y_labels == ii] == ii)
                FP = np.sum(self.y[np.in1d(self.y_labels, cls_sub)] == ii)
                TN = np.sum(self.y[np.in1d(self.y_labels, cls_sub)] ==
                            self.y_labels[np.in1d(self.y_labels, cls_sub)])
                FN = np.sum(np.in1d(y[self.y_labels == ii], cls_sub))
                self.PC[ii] = (TP + TN) / (TP + FP + FN + TN)

            self.PCo = np.sum(y == self.y_labels) / self.y_labels.shape[0]

Example #3
lam = 0.001
center = np.array([.35, .5, .65])
center2 = np.array([4, 3.7, 4])
sd1 = .05
gam_sd = 8
num_comp = 5
f_orig = np.zeros((M, N * center.size))
omega = 2 * np.pi
cnt = 0
for ii in range(0, center.size):
    tmp = gauss(loc=center[ii], scale=.075)
    for jj in range(0, N):
        f_orig[:, cnt] = normal(center2[ii], sd1) * tmp.pdf(time)
        cnt += 1

q_orig = fs.f_to_srsf(f_orig, time)
y_orig = np.ones(q_orig.shape[1], dtype=int)
y_orig[N:2*N] = 2
y_orig[2*N:3*N] = 3

f = np.zeros((M, f_orig.shape[1]))
q = np.zeros((M, f_orig.shape[1]))
cnt = 0
gam_orig = fs.rgam(M, gam_sd, 3*N)
for ii in range(0, center.size):
    for ii in range(0, N):
        f[:, cnt] = np.interp((time[-1] - time[0]) * gam_orig[:, cnt] + time[0], time, f_orig[:, cnt])
        q[:, cnt] = fs.warp_q_gamma(time, q_orig[:, cnt], gam_orig[:, cnt])
        cnt += 1

y = y_orig
Example #4
    def predict(self, newdata=None):
        This function performs prediction on regression model on new data if available or current stored data in object
        Usage:  obj.predict()

        :param newdata: dict containing new data for prediction (needs the keys below, if None predicts on training data)
        :type newdata: dict
        :param f: (M,N) matrix of functions
        :param time: vector of time points
        :param y: truth if available
        :param smooth: smooth data if needed
        :param sparam: number of times to run filter

        omethod = self.warp_data.method
        lam = self.warp_data.lam
        M = self.time.shape[0]

        if newdata != None:
            f = newdata['f']
            time = newdata['time']
            y = newdata['y']
            if newdata['smooth']:
                sparam = newdata['sparam']
                f = fs.smooth_data(f,sparam)
            q1 = fs.f_to_srsf(f,time)
            n = q1.shape[1]
            self.y_pred = np.zeros(n)
            mq = self.warp_data.mqn
            fn = np.zeros((M,n))
            qn = np.zeros((M,n))
            gam = np.zeros((M,n))
            for ii in range(0,n):
                gam[:,ii] = uf.optimum_reparam(mq,time,q1[:,ii],omethod,lam)
                fn[:,ii] = uf.warp_f_gamma(time,f[:,ii],gam[:,ii])
                qn[:,ii] = uf.f_to_srsf(fn[:,ii],time)
            U = self.pca.U
            no = U.shape[1]

            if self.pca.__class__.__name__ == 'fdajpca':
                m_new = np.sign(fn[self.pca.id,:])*np.sqrt(np.abs(fn[self.pca.id,:]))
                qn1 = np.vstack((qn, m_new))
                C = self.pca.C
                TT = self.time.shape[0]
                mu_g = self.pca.mu_g
                mu_psi = self.pca.mu_psi
                vec = np.zeros((M,n))
                psi = np.zeros((TT,n))
                binsize = np.mean(np.diff(self.time))
                for i in range(0,n):
                    psi[:,i] = np.sqrt(np.gradient(gam[:,i],binsize))
                    out, theta = geo.inv_exp_map(mu_psi, psi[:,i])
                    vec[:,i] = out
                g = np.vstack((qn1, C*vec))
                a = np.zeros((n,no))
                for i in range(0,n):
                    for j in range(0,no):
                        tmp = (g[:,i]-mu_g)
                        a[i,j] = np.dot(tmp.T, U[:,j])

            elif self.pca.__class__.__name__ == 'fdavpca':
                m_new = np.sign(fn[self.pca.id,:])*np.sqrt(np.abs(fn[self.pca.id,:]))
                qn1 = np.vstack((qn, m_new))
                a = np.zeros((n,no))
                for i in range(0,n):
                    for j in range(0,no):
                        tmp = (qn1[:,i]-self.pca.mqn)
                        a[i,j] = np.dot(tmp.T, U[:,j])

            elif self.pca.__class__.__name__ == 'fdahpca':
                a = np.zeros((n,no))
                mu_psi = self.pca.psi_mu
                vec = np.zeros((M,n))
                TT = self.time.shape[0]
                psi = np.zeros((TT,n))
                binsize = np.mean(np.diff(self.time))
                for i in range(0,n):
                    psi[:,i] = np.sqrt(np.gradient(gam[:,i],binsize))
                    out, theta = geo.inv_exp_map(mu_psi, psi[:,i])
                    vec[:,i] = out
                vm = self.pca.vec.mean(axis=1)

                for i in range(0,n):
                    for j in range(0,no):
                        a[i,j] = np.sum(np.dot(vec[:,i]-vm,U[:,j]))
                raise Exception('Invalid fPCA Method')

            for ii in range(0,n):
                self.y_pred[ii] = self.alpha + np.dot(a[ii,:],self.b)
            if y is None:
                self.SSE = np.nan
                self.SSE = np.sum((y-self.y_pred)**2)
            n = self.pca.coef.shape[0]
            self.y_pred = np.zeros(n)
            for ii in range(0,n):
                self.y_pred[ii] = self.alpha + np.dot(self.pca.coef[ii,:],self.b)
            self.SSE = np.sum((self.y-self.y_pred)**2)
