Example #1
    def _check_pml(self):
        """ Check if PML is compatible with obstacles. """

        msg = 'Obstacle {} not compatible with PML'

        for sub in self._obstacles:
            if self._bc[0] == 'A':
                if 0 < sub.xz[0] < self._Npml + self._stencil or sub.xz[
                        2] < self._Npml + 1:
                    raise _exceptions.CloseObstaclesError(msg.format(sub))

            if self._bc[1] == 'A':
                if 0 < sub.xz[1] < self._Npml + self._stencil or sub.xz[
                        3] < self._Npml + 1:
                    raise _exceptions.CloseObstaclesError(msg.format(sub))

            if self._bc[2] == 'A':
                if self._nx-self._Npml-self._stencil < sub.xz[2] < self._nx-1 \
                        or sub.xz[0] >= self._nx - self._Npml - 1:
                    raise _exceptions.CloseObstaclesError(msg.format(sub))

            if self._bc[3] == 'A':
                if self._nz-self._Npml-self._stencil < sub.xz[3] < self._nz-1 \
                        or sub.xz[1] >= self._nz - self._Npml - 1:
                    raise _exceptions.CloseObstaclesError(msg.format(sub))
Example #2
    def _extrude_left(self, obs, idz):
        """ Extrude left wall of the obstacle. """
        xc1, zc1 = obs.xz[0], idz[0]
        xc2, zc2 = obs.xz[0], idz[1]
        bc = '{}.{}.'.format(self._bc[0], obs.bc[0])
        for i in range(xc1 - 1, -1, -1):
            xc2 = i
            mk = self._xmask[i, zc1 + 1:zc2]
            if _np.any(mk != 0):
                if _np.all(mk == -2):
                    bc = 'W.{}.'.format(obs.bc[0])
                elif _np.any(mk == -2):
                    xc2 = int((xc1 + xc2) / 2 + 1)
                    bc = 'X.{}.'.format(obs.bc[0])
                elif _np.any(mk == 1):
                    xc2 += 1
                    bc = 'X.{}.'.format(obs.bc[1])

        if abs(xc2 - xc1) < self._stencil:
            msg = _exceptions.CloseObstaclesError.msg.format(
                obs, self._stencil)
            raise _exceptions.CloseObstaclesError(msg)

            Subdomain((xc2, zc1, xc1, zc2), bc, self._ndx, axis=0, tag='X'))
Example #3
    def _extrude_right(self, obs, idz):
        xc1, zc1 = obs.xz[2], idz[0]
        xc2, zc2 = obs.xz[2], idz[1]
        bc = '{}.{}.'.format(obs.bc[2], self._bc[2])
        for i in range(xc1 + 1, self._nx):
            xc2 = i
            mk = self._xmask[i, zc1 + 1:zc2]
            if _np.any(mk != 0):
                if _np.all(mk != 0):
                    bc = '{}.W.'.format(obs.bc[2])
                elif _np.any(mk == -2):
                    xc2 = int((xc1 + xc2) / 2 - 1)
                    bc = '{}.X.'.format(obs.bc[2])
                elif _np.any(mk == 1):
                    xc2 -= 1
                    bc = '{}.X.'.format(obs.bc[1])

        if abs(xc2 - xc1) < self._stencil:
            msg = _exceptions.CloseObstaclesError.msg.format(
                obs, self._stencil)
            raise _exceptions.CloseObstaclesError(msg)

            Subdomain((xc1, zc1, xc2, zc2), bc, self._ndx, axis=0, tag='X'))
Example #4
    def _extrude_bottom(self, obs, idx):
        """ Extrude bottom wall of the obstacle. """
        xc1, zc1 = idx[0], obs.xz[1]
        xc2, zc2 = idx[1], obs.xz[1]
        bc = '.{}.{}'.format(self._bc[1], obs.bc[1])
        for j in range(zc1 - 1, -1, -1):
            zc2 = j
            mk = self._zmask[xc1 + 1:xc2, j]
            if _np.any(mk != 0):
                if _np.all(mk == -2):
                    bc = '.W.{}'.format(obs.bc[1])
                elif _np.any(mk == -2):
                    zc2 = int((zc1 + zc2) / 2 + 1)
                    bc = '.X.{}'.format(obs.bc[1])
                elif _np.any(mk == 1):
                    zc2 += 1
                    bc = '.X.{}'.format(obs.bc[1])

        if abs(zc2 - zc1) < self._stencil:
            msg = _exceptions.CloseObstaclesError.msg.format(
                obs, self._stencil)
            raise _exceptions.CloseObstaclesError(msg)

            Subdomain((xc1, zc2, xc2, zc1), bc, self._ndz, axis=1, tag='X'))
Example #5
    def _check_stencil(self):
        """ Check if Subdomain are larger enough considering the stencil. """

        msg = "{} too small considering stencil"

        for sub in self.dxdomains:
            if len(sub.rx) < 2 * self._stencil + 1 and sub.bc == "WW":
                raise _exceptions.CloseObstaclesError(msg.format(sub))

        for sub in self.dzdomains:
            if len(sub.rz) < 2 * self._stencil + 1 and sub.bc == "WW":
                raise _exceptions.CloseObstaclesError(msg.format(sub))

        for sub in self.adomains:
            if sub.axis == 0 and len(sub.rz) < 2 * self._stencil and _re.match(
                    r'.W.W', sub.bc):
                raise _exceptions.CloseObstaclesError(msg.format(sub))

            if sub.axis == 1 and len(sub.rx) < 2 * self._stencil and _re.match(
                    r'W.W.', sub.bc):
                raise _exceptions.CloseObstaclesError(msg.format(sub))