def u_glob(U, cells, vertices, dof_map, resolution_per_element=51):
    Compute (x, y) coordinates of a curve y = u(x), where u is a
    finite element function: u(x) = sum_i of U_i*phi_i(x).
    (The solution of the linear system is in U.)
    Method: Run through each element and compute curve coordinates
    over the element.
    This function works with cells, vertices, and dof_map.
    x_patches = []
    u_patches = []
    nodes = {}  # node coordinates (use dict to avoid multiple values)
    for e in range(len(cells)):
        Omega_e = (vertices[cells[e][0]], vertices[cells[e][-1]])
        d = len(dof_map[e]) - 1
        phi = basis(d)
        X = np.linspace(-1, 1, resolution_per_element)
        x = affine_mapping(X, Omega_e)
        u_cell = 0  # u(x) over this cell
        for r in range(d+1):
            i = dof_map[e][r]  # global dof number
            u_cell += U[i]*phi[r](X)
        # Compute global coordinates of local nodes,
        # assuming all dofs corresponds to values at nodes
        X = np.linspace(-1, 1, d+1)
        x = affine_mapping(X, Omega_e)
        for r in range(d+1):
            nodes[dof_map[e][r]] = x[r]
    nodes = np.array([nodes[i] for i in sorted(nodes)])
    x = np.concatenate(x_patches)
    u = np.concatenate(u_patches)
    return x, u, nodes
def approximate(f, symbolic=False, d=1, N_e=4, numint=None,
                Omega=[0, 1], filename='tmp'):
    Compute the finite element approximation, using Lagrange
    elements of degree d, to a symbolic expression f (with x
    as independent variable) on a domain Omega. N_e is the
    number of elements.
    symbolic=True implies symbolic expressions in the
    calculations, while symbolic=False means numerical
    numint is the name of the numerical integration rule
    (Trapezoidal, Simpson, GaussLegendre2, GaussLegendre3,
    GaussLegendre4, etc.). numint=None implies exact
    numint_name = numint  # save name
    if symbolic:
        if numint == 'Trapezoidal':
            numint = [[sym.S(-1), sym.S(1)], [sym.S(1), sym.S(1)]]  # sympy integers
        elif numint == 'Simpson':
            numint = [[sym.S(-1), sym.S(0), sym.S(1)],
                      [sym.Rational(1,3), sym.Rational(4,3), sym.Rational(1,3)]]
        elif numint == 'Midpoint':
            numint = [[sym.S(0)],  [sym.S(2)]]
        elif numint == 'GaussLegendre2':
            numint = [[-1/sym.sqrt(3), 1/sym.sqrt(3)], [sym.S(1), sym.S(1)]]
        elif numint == 'GaussLegendre3':
            numint = [[-sym.sqrt(sym.Rational(3,5)), 0,
                      [sym.Rational(5,9), sym.Rational(8,9),
        elif numint is not None:
            print 'Numerical rule %s is not supported for symbolic computing' % numint
            numint = None
        if numint == 'Trapezoidal':
            numint = [[-1, 1], [1, 1]]
        elif numint == 'Simpson':
            numint = [[-1, 0, 1], [1./3, 4./3, 1./3]]
        elif numint == 'Midpoint':
            numint = [[0], [2]]
        elif numint == 'GaussLegendre2':
            numint = [[-1/sqrt(3), 1/sqrt(3)], [1, 1]]
        elif numint == 'GaussLegendre3':
            numint = [[-sqrt(3./5), 0, sqrt(3./5)],
                      [5./9, 8./9, 5./9]]
        elif numint == 'GaussLegendre4':
            numint = [[-0.86113631, -0.33998104,  0.33998104,  0.86113631],
                      [ 0.34785485,  0.65214515,  0.65214515,  0.34785485]]
        elif numint == 'GaussLegendre5':
            numint = [[-0.90617985, -0.53846931, -0.        ,  0.53846931,  0.90617985],
                      [ 0.23692689,  0.47862867,  0.56888889,  0.47862867,  0.23692689]]
        elif numint is not None:
            print 'Numerical rule %s is not supported for numerical computing' % numint
            numint = None

    vertices, cells, dof_map = mesh_uniform(N_e, d, Omega, symbolic)

    # phi is a list where phi[e] holds the basis in cell no e
    # (this is required by assemble, which can work with
    # meshes with different types of elements).
    # len(dof_map[e]) is the number of nodes in cell e,
    # and the degree of the polynomial is len(dof_map[e])-1
    phi = [basis(len(dof_map[e])-1) for e in range(N_e)]

    print 'phi basis (reference element):\n', phi
    A, b = assemble(vertices, cells, dof_map, phi, f,
                    symbolic=symbolic, numint=numint)

    print 'cells:', cells
    print 'vertices:', vertices
    print 'dof_map:', dof_map
    print 'A:\n', A
    print 'b:\n', b
    #print sym.latex(A, mode='plain')
    #print sym.latex(b, mode='plain')

    if symbolic:
        c = A.LUsolve(b)
        c = np.linalg.solve(A, b)

    print 'c:\n', c

    if not symbolic:
        print 'Plain interpolation/collocation:'
        x = sym.Symbol('x')
        f = sym.lambdify([x], f, modules='numpy')
            f_at_vertices = [f(xc) for xc in vertices]
            print f_at_vertices
        except Exception as e:
            print 'could not evaluate f numerically:'
            print e
    # else: nodes are symbolic so f(nodes[i]) only makes sense
    # in the non-symbolic case

    if filename is not None:
        title = 'P%d, N_e=%d' % (d, N_e)
        if numint is None:
            title += ', exact integration'
            title += ', integration: %s' % numint_name
        x_u, u = u_glob(np.asarray(c), vertices, cells, dof_map,
        x_f = np.linspace(Omega[0], Omega[1], 10001) # mesh for f
        import scitools.std as plt
        plt.plot(x_u, u, '-',
                 x_f, f(x_f), '--')
        plt.legend(['u', 'f'])
        plt.savefig(filename + '.pdf')
        plt.savefig(filename + '.png')
    return c
Example #3
def approximate(f, d, N_e, numint, Omega=[0,1], filename='tmp'):
    Compute the finite element approximation, using Lagrange
    elements of degree d, to a Python functionn f on a domain
    Omega. N_e is the number of elements.
    numint is the name of the numerical integration rule
    (Trapezoidal, Simpson, GaussLegendre2, GaussLegendre3,
    GaussLegendre4, etc.). numint=None implies exact
    from math import sqrt
    numint_name = numint  # save name
    if numint == 'Trapezoidal':
        numint = [[-1, 1], [1, 1]]
    elif numint == 'Simpson':
        numint = [[-1, 0, 1], [1./3, 4./3, 1./3]]
    elif numint == 'Midpoint':
        numint = [[0], [2]]
    elif numint == 'GaussLegendre2':
        numint = [[-1/sqrt(3), 1/sqrt(3)], [1, 1]]
    elif numint == 'GaussLegendre3':
        numint = [[-sqrt(3./5), 0, sqrt(3./5)],
                  [5./9, 8./9, 5./9]]
    elif numint == 'GaussLegendre4':
        numint = [[-0.86113631, -0.33998104,  0.33998104,
                  [ 0.34785485,  0.65214515,  0.65214515,
    elif numint == 'GaussLegendre5':
        numint = [[-0.90617985, -0.53846931, -0.        ,
                   0.53846931,  0.90617985],
                  [ 0.23692689,  0.47862867,  0.56888889,
                    0.47862867,  0.23692689]]
    elif numint is not None:
        print 'Numerical rule %s is not supported for numerical computing' % numint

    vertices, cells, dof_map = mesh_uniform(N_e, d, Omega)

    # phi is a list where phi[e] holds the basis in cell no e
    # (this is required by assemble, which can work with
    # meshes with different types of elements).
    # len(dof_map[e]) is the number of nodes in cell e,
    # and the degree of the polynomial is len(dof_map[e])-1
    phi = [basis(len(dof_map[e])-1) for e in range(N_e)]

    A, b = assemble(vertices, cells, dof_map, phi, f,

    print 'cells:', cells
    print 'vertices:', vertices
    print 'dof_map:', dof_map
    print 'A:\n', A
    print 'b:\n', b
    c = np.linalg.solve(A, b)
    print 'c:\n', c

    if filename is not None:
        title = 'P%d, N_e=%d' % (d, N_e)
        title += ', integration: %s' % numint_name
        x_u, u, _ = u_glob(np.asarray(c), vertices, cells, dof_map,
        x_f = np.linspace(Omega[0], Omega[1], 10001) # mesh for f
        import scitools.std as plt
        plt.plot(x_u, u, '-',
                 x_f, f(x_f), '--')
        plt.legend(['u', 'f'])
        plt.savefig(filename + '.pdf')
        plt.savefig(filename + '.png')
    return c
Example #4
def approximate(f, d, N_e, numint, Omega=[0, 1], filename='tmp'):
    Compute the finite element approximation, using Lagrange
    elements of degree d, to a Python functionn f on a domain
    Omega. N_e is the number of elements.
    numint is the name of the numerical integration rule
    (Trapezoidal, Simpson, GaussLegendre2, GaussLegendre3,
    GaussLegendre4, etc.). numint=None implies exact
    from math import sqrt
    numint_name = numint  # save name
    if numint == 'Trapezoidal':
        numint = [[-1, 1], [1, 1]]
    elif numint == 'Simpson':
        numint = [[-1, 0, 1], [1. / 3, 4. / 3, 1. / 3]]
    elif numint == 'Midpoint':
        numint = [[0], [2]]
    elif numint == 'GaussLegendre2':
        numint = [[-1 / sqrt(3), 1 / sqrt(3)], [1, 1]]
    elif numint == 'GaussLegendre3':
        numint = [[-sqrt(3. / 5), 0, sqrt(3. / 5)], [5. / 9, 8. / 9, 5. / 9]]
    elif numint == 'GaussLegendre4':
        numint = [[-0.86113631, -0.33998104, 0.33998104, 0.86113631],
                  [0.34785485, 0.65214515, 0.65214515, 0.34785485]]
    elif numint == 'GaussLegendre5':
        numint = [[-0.90617985, -0.53846931, -0., 0.53846931, 0.90617985],
                  [0.23692689, 0.47862867, 0.56888889, 0.47862867, 0.23692689]]
    elif numint is not None:
        print 'Numerical rule %s is not supported '\
              'for numerical computing' % numint

    vertices, cells, dof_map = mesh_uniform(N_e, d, Omega)

    # phi is a list where phi[e] holds the basis in cell no e
    # (this is required by assemble, which can work with
    # meshes with different types of elements).
    # len(dof_map[e]) is the number of nodes in cell e,
    # and the degree of the polynomial is len(dof_map[e])-1
    phi = [basis(len(dof_map[e]) - 1) for e in range(N_e)]

    A, b = assemble(vertices, cells, dof_map, phi, f, numint=numint)

    print 'cells:', cells
    print 'vertices:', vertices
    print 'dof_map:', dof_map
    print 'A:\n', A
    print 'b:\n', b
    c = np.linalg.solve(A, b)
    print 'c:\n', c

    if filename is not None:
        title = 'P%d, N_e=%d' % (d, N_e)
        title += ', integration: %s' % numint_name
        x_u, u, _ = u_glob(np.asarray(c),
        x_f = np.linspace(Omega[0], Omega[1], 10001)  # mesh for f
        import scitools.std as plt
        plt.plot(x_u, u, '-', x_f, f(x_f), '--')
        plt.legend(['u', 'f'])
        plt.savefig(filename + '.pdf')
        plt.savefig(filename + '.png')
    return c
def approximate(f, symbolic=False, d=1, N_e=4, numint=None,
                Omega=[0, 1], collocation=False, filename='tmp'):
    Compute the finite element approximation, using Lagrange
    elements of degree d, to a symbolic expression f (with x
    as independent variable) on a domain Omega. N_e is the
    number of elements.
    symbolic=True implies symbolic expressions in the
    calculations, while symbolic=False means numerical
    numint is the name of the numerical integration rule
    (Trapezoidal, Simpson, GaussLegendre2, GaussLegendre3,
    GaussLegendre4, etc.). numint=None implies exact
    numint_name = numint  # save name
    if symbolic:
        if numint == 'Trapezoidal':
            numint = [[sym.S(-1), sym.S(1)], [sym.S(1), sym.S(1)]]  # sympy integers
        elif numint == 'Simpson':
            numint = [[sym.S(-1), sym.S(0), sym.S(1)],
                      [sym.Rational(1,3), sym.Rational(4,3), sym.Rational(1,3)]]
        elif numint == 'Midpoint':
            numint = [[sym.S(0)],  [sym.S(2)]]
        elif numint == 'GaussLegendre2':
            numint = [[-1/sym.sqrt(3), 1/sym.sqrt(3)], [sym.S(1), sym.S(1)]]
        elif numint == 'GaussLegendre3':
            numint = [[-sym.sqrt(sym.Rational(3,5)), 0,
                      [sym.Rational(5,9), sym.Rational(8,9),
        elif numint is not None:
            print 'Numerical rule %s is not supported for symbolic computing' % numint
            numint = None
        if numint == 'Trapezoidal':
            numint = [[-1, 1], [1, 1]]
        elif numint == 'Simpson':
            numint = [[-1, 0, 1], [1./3, 4./3, 1./3]]
        elif numint == 'Midpoint':
            numint = [[0], [2]]
        elif numint == 'GaussLegendre2':
            numint = [[-1/sqrt(3), 1/sqrt(3)], [1, 1]]
        elif numint == 'GaussLegendre3':
            numint = [[-sqrt(3./5), 0, sqrt(3./5)],
                      [5./9, 8./9, 5./9]]
        elif numint == 'GaussLegendre4':
            numint = [[-0.86113631, -0.33998104,  0.33998104,  0.86113631],
                      [ 0.34785485,  0.65214515,  0.65214515,  0.34785485]]
        elif numint == 'GaussLegendre5':
            numint = [[-0.90617985, -0.53846931, -0.        ,  0.53846931,  0.90617985],
                      [ 0.23692689,  0.47862867,  0.56888889,  0.47862867,  0.23692689]]
        elif numint is not None:
            print 'Numerical rule %s is not supported for numerical computing' % numint
            numint = None

    vertices, cells, dof_map = mesh_uniform(N_e, d, Omega, symbolic)

    # phi is a list where phi[e] holds the basis in cell no e
    # (this is required by assemble, which can work with
    # meshes with different types of elements).
    # len(dof_map[e]) is the number of nodes in cell e,
    # and the degree of the polynomial is len(dof_map[e])-1
    phi = [basis(len(dof_map[e])-1) for e in range(N_e)]

    A, b = assemble(vertices, cells, dof_map, phi, f,
                    symbolic=symbolic, numint=numint)

    print 'cells:', cells
    print 'vertices:', vertices
    print 'dof_map:', dof_map
    print 'A:\n', A
    print 'b:\n', b
    #print sym.latex(A, mode='plain')
    #print sym.latex(b, mode='plain')

    if symbolic:
        c = A.LUsolve(b)
        c = np.asarray([c[i,0] for i in range(c.shape[0])])
        c = np.linalg.solve(A, b)

    print 'c:\n', c

    x = sym.Symbol('x')
    f = sym.lambdify([x], f, modules='numpy')

    if collocation and not symbolic:
        print 'Plain interpolation/collocation:'
        # Should use vertices, but compute all nodes!
        f_at_vertices = [f(xc) for xc in vertices]
        print f_at_vertices

    if filename is not None:
        title = 'P%d, N_e=%d' % (d, N_e)
        if numint is None:
            title += ', exact integration'
            title += ', integration: %s' % numint_name
        x_u, u, _ = u_glob(c, vertices, cells, dof_map,
        x_f = np.linspace(Omega[0], Omega[1], 10001) # mesh for f
        import scitools.std as plt
        plt.plot(x_u, u, '-',
                 x_f, f(x_f), '--')
        plt.legend(['u', 'f'])
        plt.savefig(filename + '.pdf')
        plt.savefig(filename + '.png')

    return c