Example #1
    def forward(self, data_shot, data_query, train=True):
        proto = self.encoder(data_shot)
        proto_q = self.encoder(data_query)

        if train:
            proto_glvq = self.glvq(proto, self.encoder)
            proto_q_glvq = self.glvq(proto_q, self.encoder)
            logits = euclidean_metric(proto_q_glvq,
                                      proto_glvq) / self.args.temperature
            proto = proto.reshape(self.args.shot, self.args.way,
            logits = euclidean_metric(proto_q, proto) / self.args.temperature

        return logits
Example #2
 def forward_proto(self, data_shot, data_query, way = None):
     if way is None:
         way = self.args.num_class
     proto = self.encoder(data_shot)
     proto = proto.reshape(self.args.shot, way, -1).mean(dim=0)
     query = self.encoder(data_query)
     logits = euclidean_metric(query, proto)
     return logits
Example #3
File: feat.py Project: zialiu/FEAT
    def forward(self, support, query, mode='test'):
        # feature extraction
        support = self.encoder(support)
        # get mean of the support
        proto = support.reshape(self.args.shot, -1,
                                support.shape[-1]).mean(dim=0)  # N x d
        num_proto = proto.shape[0]
        # for query set
        query = self.encoder(query)

        # adapt the support set instances
        proto = proto.unsqueeze(0)  # 1 x N x d
        # refine by Transformer
        proto = self.slf_attn(proto, proto, proto)
        proto = proto.squeeze(0)

        # compute distance for all batches
        logitis = euclidean_metric(query, proto) / self.args.temperature

        # transform for all instances in the task
        if mode == 'train':
            aux_task = torch.cat([
                support.reshape(self.args.shot, -1, support.shape[-1]),
                query.reshape(self.args.query, -1, support.shape[-1])
            ], 0)  # (K+Kq) x N x d
            aux_task = aux_task.permute([1, 0, 2])
            aux_emb = self.slf_attn(aux_task, aux_task,
                                    aux_task)  # N x (K+Kq) x d
            # compute class mean
            aux_center = torch.mean(aux_emb, 1)  # N x d
            logitis2 = euclidean_metric(
                aux_task.permute([1, 0, 2]).view(-1, self.z_dim),
                aux_center) / self.args.temperature2
            return logitis, logitis2
            return logitis
def main():
    args = parser.parse_args() 
    if not args.out_name:
        args.out_name = osp.basename(osp.dirname(args.data_path))
    if  args.load_checkpoint and os.path.isdir(osp.join(args.logs_dir, args.out_name)): 
        features_dict,labels_dict,dataset = load_checkpoint(args)
        print("start new process")
        print(args.load_checkpoint,os.path.isdir(osp.join(args.logs_dir, args.out_name)))
        print("model init...")
        model_weight = torch.load('./pretrained/modelEncoder_Ness_MINI_ProtoNet_MINI_5shot_10way_max_acc.pth')
        model = AmdimNet(ndf=args.ndf, n_rkhs=args.rkhs, n_depth=args.nd)
        model_dict = model.state_dict()
        pretrained_dict = model_weight['model']
        pretrained_dict = {k.replace('module.', ''): v for k, v in pretrained_dict.items() if k.replace('module.', '') in model_dict}
        model = model.cuda()

        print("dataset init...")
        dataset = Dataset(args)
        dataloader = DataLoader(dataset,batch_size=args.batch_size,pin_memory=True) 
        features_dict = {}; labels_dict = {} 

        print("extracting features")
        with torch.no_grad():
            for i,batch in tqdm(enumerate(dataloader,1)):
                transformed_imgs, paths, labels = batch
                transformed_imgs = transformed_imgs.cuda()
                features_batch = model(transformed_imgs)
                for path,feature,label in zip(paths,features_batch,labels):
                    features_dict[path] = feature.cpu()
                    labels_dict[path] = label if label else None # if from query: label == ''

        print("saving checkpoints log complete")

    support_features = torch.stack([features_dict[path] for path in dataset.support ])
    query_features = torch.stack([features_dict[path] for path in dataset.query])
    indices = torch.cumsum(torch.tensor(dataset.class_lens),dim=0)
    indices = torch.cat([torch.tensor([0]),indices]) 
    mean_support_featers =  torch.stack([torch.mean(support_features[ indices[i]:indices[i+1] ],dim=0) for i in range(len(indices)-1)])
    logits = euclidean_metric(query_features, mean_support_featers) / args.temperature # distance here is negative --> similarity 
    return logits,dataset
 def forward(self, data_shot, data_query):
     proto = self.encoder(data_shot)
     proto = proto.reshape(self.args.shot, self.args.way, -1).mean(dim=0)
     logits = euclidean_metric(self.encoder(data_query),
                               proto) / self.args.temperature
     return logits