def define_subject(speech_text): # words_of_message = speech_text.split() # words_of_message.remove('who') # words_of_message.remove('are') # words_of_message.remove('what') # words_of_message.remove('is') # words_of_message.remove('define') # cleaned_message = ' '.join(words_of_message) # cleaned_message = speech_text.replace('define', '').replace('who are', '').replace('what is', '').strip() words = speech_text.split() for word in words[:3]: if word == 'define' or word == 'who' or word == 'are' or words == 'what' or words == 'is': words.remove(word) cleaned_message = ' '.join(words) try: wiki_data = wikipedia.summary(cleaned_message, sentences=5) regEx = re.compile(r'([^\(]*)\([^\)]*\) *(.*)') m = regEx.match(wiki_data) while m: wiki_data = + m = regEx.match(wiki_data) print('AFTER::: ', wiki_data) wiki_data = wiki_data.replace("'", "") return tts(wiki_data) except wikipedia.exceptions.DisambiguationError as e: print("Can you please be more specific? You may choose something from the following.; {0}".format(e)) return tts('Can you please be more specific? You may choose something from the following.') except wikipedia.exceptions.PageError: return tts('Page id "{}" does not match any pages. Try another id!'.format(cleaned_message))
def show_all_uploads(): conn = sqlite3.connect('memory.db') cursor = conn.execute("SELECT * FROM image_uploads") for row in cursor: print(row[0] + ': (' + row[1] + ') on ' + row[2]) tts('Requested data has been printed on your terminal') conn.close() return
def play_random(music_path): try: music_listing = mp3gen(music_path) music_playing = random.choice(music_listing) print('music_playing: ', music_playing) tts("Now playing your music!") return music_player(music_playing) except IndexError as e: print("No music files found: {0}".format(e)) return tts('No music files found.')
def show_all_notes(): conn = sqlite3.connect('memory.db') tts('Your notes are as follows:') cursor = conn.execute("SELECT notes FROM notes") for row in cursor: tts(row[0]) conn.close() return None
def get_news(): url = '' params = { 'country': 'us', 'apiKey': '578265f838fb4cc191ac00e7e60a73a2', 'category': 'technology', 'pageSize': 3 } response = requests.get(url, params).json() if response['status'] == 'ok': articles = response['articles'] tts('Top 3 headlines in the US are') for article in articles: print(article['title']) tts(article['title']) return None
def control_light(action, light_color=None): """ Control lights using raspberry pi :param action: string on/off to turn on or off :param light_color: string contain led color """ if not PI: print("I can't find the raspberry pi to do the control actions") return None if action == 'on': if light_color == 'red': GPIO.output(RED_PIN, True) return tts('{} light {}.'.format(light_color, action)) elif light_color == 'green': GPIO.output(GREEN_PIN, True) elif light_color == 'yellow': GPIO.output(YELLOW_PIN, True) elif light_color == 'blue': GPIO.output(BLUE_PIN, True) return tts('{} light {}.'.format(light_color, action)) else: GPIO.output(RED_PIN, True) GPIO.output(GREEN_PIN, True) GPIO.output(YELLOW_PIN, True) GPIO.output(BLUE_PIN, True) elif action == 'off': if light_color == 'red': GPIO.output(RED_PIN, False) return tts('{} light {}.'.format(light_color, action)) elif light_color == 'green': GPIO.output(GREEN_PIN, False) elif light_color == 'yellow': GPIO.output(YELLOW_PIN, False) elif light_color == 'blue': GPIO.output(BLUE_PIN, False) return tts('{} light {}.'.format(light_color, action)) else: GPIO.output(RED_PIN, False) GPIO.output(GREEN_PIN, False) GPIO.output(YELLOW_PIN, False) GPIO.output(BLUE_PIN, False) else: return tts( 'You should tell me explicitly to turn on or off the lights')
def play_shuffle(music_path): try: music_listing = mp3gen(music_path) random.shuffle(music_listing) for i in range(0, len(music_listing)): return music_player(music_listing[i]) except IndexError as e: print("No music files found: {0}".format(e)) return tts('No music files found.')
def active(): """Active state""" global RECOGNIZE_ERRORS print('I am in active state') speech_text = recognize() if speech_text: standby_state = brain(speech_text, bot_name, username, location, music_path, images_path) if standby_state == 0: return True else: time.sleep(1) tts('I am listening. You can ask me again.') return False else: # tts("I couldn't understand your audio, Try to say something!") RECOGNIZE_ERRORS += 1 return False
def post_tweet(speech_text): words_of_message = speech_text.split() words_of_message.remove('tweet') cleaned_message = ' '.join(words_of_message).capitalize() auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret) api = tweepy.API(auth) print('cleaned msg: ', cleaned_message) api.update_status(status=cleaned_message) return tts('Your tweet has been posted on your twitter account')
def note_something(speech_text): conn = sqlite3.connect('memory.db') words_of_message = speech_text.split() words_of_message.remove('note') cleaned_message = ' '.join(words_of_message) conn.execute( "INSERT INTO notes (notes, notes_date) VALUES (?, ?)", (cleaned_message, datetime.strftime(, '%d-%m-%Y'))) conn.commit() conn.close() return tts('Your note has been saved.')
def weather(location): lat, lng = geocode_location(location) owm = pyowm.OWM(OpenWeatherMap_API_key) # Search for current weather w = owm.weather_at_coords(lat, lng).get_weather() # Weather details status = w.get_detailed_status() temp = round(w.get_temperature('celsius')['temp']) return tts("Now, It is {} and {} degree celsius in {}".format( status, temp, location))
def image_uploader(speech_text, images_path): words_of_message = speech_text.split() words_of_message.remove('upload') cleaned_message = ' '.join(words_of_message) image_listing = img_list_gen(images_path) client = ImgurClient(client_id, client_secret) for i in range(0, len(image_listing)): if cleaned_message in image_listing[i]: result = client.upload_from_path(image_listing[i], config=None, anon=True) conn = sqlite3.connect('memory.db') conn.execute("INSERT INTO image_uploads (filename, url, upload_date) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (image_listing[i], result['link'], datetime. strftime(, '%d-%m-%Y'))) conn.commit() conn.close() print(result['link']) return tts('Your image has been uploaded')
def news_reader(): for key, value in news_dictionary.items(): tts('Headline, ' + key) tts('News, ' + value) return None
music_path, images_path) if standby_state == 0: return True else: time.sleep(1) tts('I am listening. You can ask me again.') return False else: # tts("I couldn't understand your audio, Try to say something!") RECOGNIZE_ERRORS += 1 return False if __name__ == '__main__': # Welcome message tts('Hi {}, I am {}. How can I help you?'.format(username, bot_name)) sleep_mode = active() while True: if sleep_mode: tts('Bye!, I will go sleep now, Ping me if you need anything') control_light('on', 'yellow') active_mode = standby() while True: if active_mode: tts('Hi {}, How can I help you?'.format(username)) control_light('off', 'yellow') sleep_mode = active() break else:
def open_firefox(): tts('Aye aye captain, opening Firefox') return webdriver.Firefox()
def wit(): """Handling the speech text with for artificial actions""" WIT_AI_KEY = "NCC2OIS54Y2ROFYCJ2XZDZREMXTNTIR5" client = Wit(access_token=WIT_AI_KEY) try: resp = client.message(speech_text) except ConnectionError as e: print('ConnectionError:', e) return tts('Please, Check your internet connection!') pprint(resp) entities = resp.get('entities') intent = entities.get('intent') on_off = entities.get('on_off') color = entities.get('color') datetime = entities.get('datetime') weather_location = entities.get('location') greetings = entities.get('greetings') thanks = entities.get('thanks') bye = entities.get('bye') wikipedia_search_query = entities.get('wikipedia_search_query') # reminder = entities.get('reminder') if intent: intent_value = intent[0].get('value') if intent_value == 'unknown': return undefined() elif intent_value == 'lights': light_color = 'all' if color: light_color = color[0].get('value') elif 'red' in speech_text: light_color = 'red' elif 'yellow' in speech_text: light_color = 'yellow' elif 'blue' in speech_text: light_color = 'blue' elif 'green' in speech_text: light_color = 'green' elif 'white' in speech_text: light_color = 'white' if on_off: action = on_off[0].get('value') return control_light(action, light_color) else: return undefined() elif intent_value == 'weather': w_location = location if weather_location: w_location = weather_location[0].get('value') return weather(w_location) elif intent_value == 'define': query = speech_text if wikipedia_search_query: query = wikipedia_search_query[0].get('value') return define_subject(query) elif intent_value == 'doors': return tts("Oh Sorry! I'm not connected with any doors") # code to control door elif intent_value == 'news ': # code to view latest news return get_news() elif intent_value == 'welcome': return tts( choice([ 'I am fine, Thank you.', 'Pretty good', "Can't be better", 'Not bad' ])) elif intent_value == 'alarm': # code to set alarm replay = "I can't set the alarm, please try again" if datetime: try: date, time = datetime[0].get('value').split('T') print('date is', date) print('time is: ', time) replay = 'Setting alarm at {}'.format(time[:5]) except: pass return tts(replay) elif intent_value == 'temp': return tts( "Oh Sorry! I can't do that without a temperature sensor!") elif intent_value == 'sleep': return 0 elif intent_value == 'age': return tts('Oh! I am just a baby who learning how to speak!') elif greetings: return tts( choice([ "Hi, How's it going?", "Hey, What's up?", 'Hello, How are you?' ])) elif bye: # code to go sleep # tts('Bye!, I will go sleep now, Ping me if you need anything') return 0 elif thanks: return tts(choice(['You are welcome', 'Anytime', 'Glad to help'])) else: return undefined()
def undefined(): return tts("Oh! Sorry, I Couldn't understand you")
def brain(speech_text, bot_name, username, location, music_path, images_path): """ The main function for logic and actions :param location: your location in the profile :param bot_name: bot name in the profile :param username: user name in the profile :param speech_text: :return: standby state """ def undefined(): return tts("Oh! Sorry, I Couldn't understand you") def check_message(check): words_of_message = speech_text.split() if set(check).issubset(set(words_of_message)): return True else: return False def wit(): """Handling the speech text with for artificial actions""" WIT_AI_KEY = "NCC2OIS54Y2ROFYCJ2XZDZREMXTNTIR5" client = Wit(access_token=WIT_AI_KEY) try: resp = client.message(speech_text) except ConnectionError as e: print('ConnectionError:', e) return tts('Please, Check your internet connection!') pprint(resp) entities = resp.get('entities') intent = entities.get('intent') on_off = entities.get('on_off') color = entities.get('color') datetime = entities.get('datetime') weather_location = entities.get('location') greetings = entities.get('greetings') thanks = entities.get('thanks') bye = entities.get('bye') wikipedia_search_query = entities.get('wikipedia_search_query') # reminder = entities.get('reminder') if intent: intent_value = intent[0].get('value') if intent_value == 'unknown': return undefined() elif intent_value == 'lights': light_color = 'all' if color: light_color = color[0].get('value') elif 'red' in speech_text: light_color = 'red' elif 'yellow' in speech_text: light_color = 'yellow' elif 'blue' in speech_text: light_color = 'blue' elif 'green' in speech_text: light_color = 'green' elif 'white' in speech_text: light_color = 'white' if on_off: action = on_off[0].get('value') return control_light(action, light_color) else: return undefined() elif intent_value == 'weather': w_location = location if weather_location: w_location = weather_location[0].get('value') return weather(w_location) elif intent_value == 'define': query = speech_text if wikipedia_search_query: query = wikipedia_search_query[0].get('value') return define_subject(query) elif intent_value == 'doors': return tts("Oh Sorry! I'm not connected with any doors") # code to control door elif intent_value == 'news ': # code to view latest news return get_news() elif intent_value == 'welcome': return tts( choice([ 'I am fine, Thank you.', 'Pretty good', "Can't be better", 'Not bad' ])) elif intent_value == 'alarm': # code to set alarm replay = "I can't set the alarm, please try again" if datetime: try: date, time = datetime[0].get('value').split('T') print('date is', date) print('time is: ', time) replay = 'Setting alarm at {}'.format(time[:5]) except: pass return tts(replay) elif intent_value == 'temp': return tts( "Oh Sorry! I can't do that without a temperature sensor!") elif intent_value == 'sleep': return 0 elif intent_value == 'age': return tts('Oh! I am just a baby who learning how to speak!') elif greetings: return tts( choice([ "Hi, How's it going?", "Hey, What's up?", 'Hello, How are you?' ])) elif bye: # code to go sleep # tts('Bye!, I will go sleep now, Ping me if you need anything') return 0 elif thanks: return tts(choice(['You are welcome', 'Anytime', 'Glad to help'])) else: return undefined() if check_message(['who', 'are', 'you']): return tts( choice([ 'I am {}, your smarter personal assistant.'.format(bot_name), 'Oh, You forget me, I am {}'.format(bot_name), 'I am your friend {}'.format(bot_name), "{}, didn't I tell you before?".format(bot_name) ])) elif check_message(['how', 'i', 'look']) or check_message( ['how', 'am', 'i']): return tts( choice([ 'You are goddamn handsome!', 'My knees go weak when I see you.', 'You look like the kindest person that I have met.' ])) elif check_message(['tell', 'joke']): return tts( choice([ 'Why are mountains so funny? Because they are hill areas.', "This might make you laugh. How do robots eat guacamole? With computer chips.", 'Have you ever tried to eat a clock?' 'I hear it is very time consuming.', 'What happened when the wheel was invented? A revolution.', 'What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta!', 'Did you hear about that new broom? It is sweeping the nation!', 'What is heavy forward but not backward? Ton.', 'No, I always forget the punch line.' ])) elif check_message(['who', 'am', 'i']): return tts( 'You are {}, a brilliant person. I love you!'.format(username)) elif check_message(['where', 'born']): return tts( 'I was created by a wonderful CSE team as a graduation project in the faculty of Engineering, ' 'Minya University - Egypt.') # elif check_message(['how', 'are', 'you']): # how_are_you() elif check_message(['time']): return tts("The time is " + datetime.strftime(, '%I:%M %p')) elif check_message(['weather']): try: w_location = speech_text.split(' in ')[1].strip() except: w_location = location return weather(w_location) elif check_message(['define']): return define_subject(speech_text) elif check_message(['sleep']) or check_message(['bye']): # tts('Bye!, I will go sleep now, Ping me if you need anything') return 0 elif check_message(['news']): return get_news() elif check_message(['remind']): words = speech_text.split() for word in words[:3]: if word == 'remind' or word == 'me' or word == 'to': words.remove(word) clean_msg = ' '.join(words) return tts( '"{}", Successfully added to your TO-DO list'.format(clean_msg)) # kareem elif check_message(['tweet']): return post_tweet(speech_text) elif check_message(['upload']): return image_uploader(speech_text, images_path) elif check_message(['all', 'uploads']) or check_message( ['all', 'images']) or check_message(['uploads']): return show_all_uploads() # # khaled #elif check_message(['business', 'news']): # news_reader() elif check_message(['play', 'music']) or check_message(['music']): return play_random(music_path) elif check_message(['play']): return play_specific_music(speech_text, music_path) elif check_message(['party', 'time']) or check_message(['party', 'mix']): return play_shuffle(music_path) elif check_message(['note']): return note_something(speech_text) elif check_message(['all', 'notes']) or check_message(['notes']): return show_all_notes() #elif check_message(['open', 'firefox']): # return open_firefox() # else: state = wit() if state == 0: return 0 return True