Example #1
    def get_result_list(self,

        if tcassignment_list is None:
            # we need to get it first
            if includedtestcase_list is None:
                # we need to get it first
                if testrun_id is None:
                    assert False, "we need at least a testrun_id to fetch a result"
                includedtestcase_list = self.get_included_testcases(testrun_id)

            incl_testcase = verify_single_item_in_list(includedtestcase_list,
            includedtestcase_id = get_resource_identity(incl_testcase)[0]
            tcassignment_list = self.get_testcase_assignments(

        found_assignment = verify_single_item_in_list(tcassignment_list,
        assignment_id = get_resource_identity(found_assignment)[0]
        return_list =  self.get_list_from_endpoint("%s/assignments/%s/results" % \
                                                (self.root_path, assignment_id),
                                               tcm_type = "testresult")
        #        assert False, jstr(return_list)
        return return_list
Example #2
    def get_result_list(self,
                   testrun_id = None,
                   includedtestcase_list = None,
                   tcassignment_list = None):

        if tcassignment_list is None:
            # we need to get it first
            if includedtestcase_list is None:
                # we need to get it first
                if testrun_id is None:
                    assert False, "we need at least a testrun_id to fetch a result"
                includedtestcase_list = self.get_included_testcases(testrun_id)

            incl_testcase = verify_single_item_in_list(includedtestcase_list, "testCaseId", testcase_id)
            includedtestcase_id = get_resource_identity(incl_testcase)[0]
            tcassignment_list = self.get_testcase_assignments(includedtestcase_id)

        found_assignment = verify_single_item_in_list(tcassignment_list, "testCaseId", testcase_id)
        assignment_id = get_resource_identity(found_assignment)[0]
        return_list =  self.get_list_from_endpoint("%s/assignments/%s/results" % \
                                                (self.root_path, assignment_id),
                                               tcm_type = "testresult")
#        assert False, jstr(return_list)
        return return_list
Example #3
    def get_result_list(self,
                   testrun_id = None,
                   includedtestcase_list = None,
                   tcassignment_list = None):
            I *think* this is the best way to overload the method for several possible parameters.
            trying this technique
        if tcassignment_list is None:
            # we need to get it first
            if includedtestcase_list is None:
                # we need to get it first
                if testrun_id is None:
                    assert False, "we need at least a testrun_id to fetch a result"
                includedtestcase_list = self.get_included_testcases(testrun_id)

            incl_testcase = verify_single_item_in_list(includedtestcase_list, "testCaseId", testcase_id)
            includedtestcase_id = get_resource_identity(incl_testcase)[0]
            tcassignment_list = self.get_testcase_assignments(includedtestcase_id)

        found_assignment = verify_single_item_in_list(tcassignment_list, "testCaseId", testcase_id)
        assignment_id = get_resource_identity(found_assignment)[0]
        return self.get_list_from_endpoint("%s/assignments/%s/results" % \
                                                (self.root_path, assignment_id),
                                           tcm_type = "testresult")
Example #4
    def search_and_verify(self,
            This does a search based on the search_args passed in.  So "expect_to_find"
            is really filtered based on those parameters.

            expect_to_find: If True, then we verify based on expecting to find something.
                            If False, this will fail if we get a resultset greater than 0.
        if tcm_type == None:
            tcm_type = self.singular

        resp_list = self.get_list_from_search(uri, params=search_args)

        if not expect_to_find:
            eq_(len(resp_list), 0,
                "expect result size zero:\n" + jstr(resp_list))
            # we want to verify just ONE of the items returned.  Indeed, we likely
            # expect only one.  So we pick the first item returned

            verify_single_item_in_list(resp_list, params=search_args)
def testrun_has_environments(step, stored_testrun, testrun_name):
    testrunModel = TestrunModel()
    testrun = testrunModel.get_stored_or_store_obj(stored_testrun, testrun_name)
    testrun_id = testrunModel.get_resid(testrun[ns("name")])[0]

    envgrp_list = testrunModel.get_environmentgroup_list(testrun_id)

    # walk through and verify that each environment is included
    for envgrp in step.hashes:
        # find that in the list of items
        verify_single_item_in_list(envgrp_list, "name", envgrp["name"])
def testrun_has_components(step, stored_testrun, testrun_name):
    testrunModel = TestrunModel()
    testrun = testrunModel.get_stored_or_store_obj(stored_testrun, testrun_name)

    testrun_id = get_resource_identity(testrun)[0]

    component_list = testrunModel.get_component_list(testrun_id)

    # walk through and verify that each testcase has the expected status
    for component in step.hashes:
        # find that in the list of testcases
        verify_single_item_in_list(component_list, "name", component["name"])
def testrun_has_components(step, stored_testrun, testrun_name):
    testrunModel = TestrunModel()
    testrun = testrunModel.get_stored_or_store_obj(stored_testrun,

    testrun_id = get_resource_identity(testrun)[0]

    component_list = testrunModel.get_component_list(testrun_id)

    # walk through and verify that each testcase has the expected status
    for component in step.hashes:
        # find that in the list of testcases
        verify_single_item_in_list(component_list, "name", component["name"])
def testrun_has_testcases(step, stored_testrun, testrun_name):
    testrunModel = TestrunModel()
    testrun = testrunModel.get_stored_or_store_obj(stored_testrun, testrun_name)
    testrun_id = get_resource_identity(testrun)[0]

    # get the list of testcases for this testrun
    # get the list of testcases for this testrun
    includedtestcase_list = testrunModel.get_included_testcases(testrun_id)

    # walk through and verify that each testcase has the expected status
    for tc in step.hashes:
        testcase_id = TestcaseModel().get_resid(tc["name"])[0]
        # find that in the list of testcases
        verify_single_item_in_list(includedtestcase_list, "testCaseId", testcase_id)
def testcycle_has_team_members(step, stored_testcycle, testcycle_name, expect_any):
    testcycleModel = TestcycleModel()
    testcycle = testcycleModel.get_stored_or_store_obj(stored_testcycle, testcycle_name)
    testcycle_id = get_resource_identity(testcycle)[0]

    teammember_list = testcycleModel.get_team_members_list(testcycle_id)

    eq_list_length(teammember_list, step.hashes)

    for teammember in step.hashes:
        names = teammember["name"].split()

                                   params = {"firstName": names[0],
                                             "lastName": names[1]}
def testrun_has_testcases(step, stored_testrun, testrun_name):
    testrunModel = TestrunModel()
    testrun = testrunModel.get_stored_or_store_obj(stored_testrun,
    testrun_id = get_resource_identity(testrun)[0]

    # get the list of testcases for this testrun
    # get the list of testcases for this testrun
    includedtestcase_list = testrunModel.get_included_testcases(testrun_id)

    # walk through and verify that each testcase has the expected status
    for tc in step.hashes:
        testcase_id = TestcaseModel().get_resid(tc["name"])[0]
        # find that in the list of testcases
        verify_single_item_in_list(includedtestcase_list, "testCaseId",
Example #11
def create_role_with_permissions(step, stored, name):
    roleModel = RoleModel()
    name = roleModel.get_stored_or_store_name(stored, name)

    # create the new role
    role_payload = {"companyId": CompanyModel().get_seed_resid()[0],
                    "name": name}

    #get the new role ID
    role_id, role_version = roleModel.get_resid(name)

    # get the list of all available permissions
    perm_array = PermissionModel().get_all_list()

    # walk the hash of permissionCodes add these to the new role
    for perm_code in step.hashes:
        permissionCode = perm_code["permissionCode"]

        # find the matching permission object based on the permissionCode field
        found_perm = verify_single_item_in_list(perm_array, "permissionCode", permissionCode)

            # there will always be only one that matches, in this case
            perm_id = found_perm[ns("resourceIdentity")]["@id"]
        except KeyError:
            assert False, "%s.%s not found in:\n%s" % (ns("resourceIdentity"), "@id", found_perm)

        # now add the permissions to that role
        roleModel.add_permission(role_id, role_version, perm_id)
Example #12
def testcycle_has_testruns(step, stored_testcycle, testcycle_name, expect_any):
    testcycleModel = TestcycleModel()
    testcycle = testcycleModel.get_stored_or_store_obj(stored_testcycle,
    testcycle_id = get_resource_identity(testcycle)[0]

    # get the list of testcases for this testcycle
    testrun_list = testcycleModel.get_testrun_list(testcycle_id)

    eq_list_length(testrun_list, step.hashes)

    # walk through and verify that each testcase has the expected status
    for testrun in step.hashes:
        # find that in the list of testcases
        exp_name = testrun["name"]

        verify_single_item_in_list(testrun_list, "name", exp_name)
def testrun_has_team_members(step, stored_testrun, testrun_name):
    testrunModel = TestrunModel()
    testrun = testrunModel.get_stored_or_store_obj(stored_testrun,
    testrun_id = get_resource_identity(testrun)[0]

    teammember_list = testrunModel.get_team_members_list(testrun_id)

    eq_list_length(teammember_list, step.hashes)

    for teammember in step.hashes:
        names = teammember["name"].split()

                                       "firstName": names[0],
                                       "lastName": names[1]
def testcases_have_environments(step, stored_testrun, testrun_name):
    trModel = TestrunModel()
    testrun = trModel.get_stored_or_store_obj(stored_testrun, testrun_name)

    testrun_id = get_resource_identity(testrun)[0]

    # get the list of testcases for this testrun
    includedtestcase_list = trModel.get_included_testcases(testrun_id)

    for tc in step.hashes:
        testcase_id = TestcaseModel().get_resid(tc["name"])[0]

        result = trModel.get_result(testcase_id,
                                    includedtestcase_list = includedtestcase_list)
        testresult_id = get_resource_identity(result)[0]
        environments_list = trModel.get_result_environments_list(testresult_id)

        verify_single_item_in_list(environments_list, "name", tc["environment"])
def testcycle_has_testruns(step, stored_testcycle, testcycle_name, expect_any):
    testcycleModel = TestcycleModel()
    testcycle = testcycleModel.get_stored_or_store_obj(stored_testcycle, testcycle_name)
    testcycle_id = get_resource_identity(testcycle)[0]

    # get the list of testcases for this testcycle
    testrun_list = testcycleModel.get_testrun_list(testcycle_id)

    eq_list_length(testrun_list, step.hashes)

    # walk through and verify that each testcase has the expected status
    for testrun in step.hashes:
        # find that in the list of testcases
        exp_name = testrun["name"]

def testcases_have_environments(step, stored_testrun, testrun_name):
    trModel = TestrunModel()
    testrun = trModel.get_stored_or_store_obj(stored_testrun, testrun_name)

    testrun_id = get_resource_identity(testrun)[0]

    # get the list of testcases for this testrun
    includedtestcase_list = trModel.get_included_testcases(testrun_id)

    for tc in step.hashes:
        testcase_id = TestcaseModel().get_resid(tc["name"])[0]

        result = trModel.get_result(
            testcase_id, includedtestcase_list=includedtestcase_list)
        testresult_id = get_resource_identity(result)[0]
        environments_list = trModel.get_result_environments_list(testresult_id)

        verify_single_item_in_list(environments_list, "name",
def testcycle_has_environmentgroups(step, stored_testcycle, testcycle_name, expect_any):
    testcycleModel = TestcycleModel()
    testcycle = testcycleModel.get_stored_or_store_obj(stored_testcycle, testcycle_name)
    testcycle_id = get_resource_identity(testcycle)[0]

    # get the list of testcases for this testcycle
    envgrp_list = testcycleModel.get_environmentgroup_list(testcycle_id)

    # this checks that the lengths match.  The expect_any holder is not used, but it allows for
    # alternate wording in the step.
    eq_list_length(envgrp_list, step.hashes)

    # walk through and verify that each testcase has the expected status
    for envgrp in step.hashes:
        # find that in the list of testcases
        exp_name = envgrp["name"]

def product_has_environmentgroups(step, stored_product, product_name, expect_any):
    productModel = ProductModel()
    product = productModel.get_stored_or_store_obj(stored_product, product_name)
    product_id = get_resource_identity(product)[0]

    # get the list of testcases for this product
    envgrp_list = productModel.get_environmentgroup_list(product_id)

    # this checks that the lengths match.  The expect_any holder is not used, but it allows for
    # alternate wording in the step.
    eq_list_length(envgrp_list, step.hashes)

    # walk through and verify that each testcase has the expected status
    for envgrp in step.hashes:
        # find that in the list of testcases
        exp_name = envgrp["name"]

Example #19
    def search_and_verify(self, uri, search_args, expect_to_find, tcm_type = None):
            This does a search based on the search_args passed in.  So "expect_to_find"
            is really filtered based on those parameters.

            expect_to_find: If True, then we verify based on expecting to find something.
                            If False, this will fail if we get a resultset greater than 0.
        if tcm_type == None:
            tcm_type = self.singular

        resp_list = self.get_list_from_search(uri, params = search_args)

        if not expect_to_find:
            eq_(len(resp_list), 0, "expect result size zero:\n" + jstr(resp_list))
            # we want to verify just ONE of the items returned.  Indeed, we likely
            # expect only one.  So we pick the first item returned

                                       params = search_args)
Example #20
    def get_result(self,
                   testrun_id = None,
                   includedtestcase_list = None,
                   tcassignment_list = None,
                   result_list = None):
        if result_list == None:
            result_list = self.get_result_list(testcase_id,
                                                 testrun_id = testrun_id,
                                                 includedtestcase_list = includedtestcase_list,
                                                 tcassignment_list = tcassignment_list)

        result = verify_single_item_in_list(result_list, "testCaseId", testcase_id)
        return result
Example #21
    def assign_testcase(self, testrun_name, user_id, testcase_name):
        testrun_id, testrun_version = self.get_resid(testrun_name)
        testcase_id = TestcaseModel().get_resid(testcase_name)[0]

        # get the list of testcases for this testrun
        includedtestcase_list = self.get_included_testcases(testrun_id)
        # find that in the list of testcases
        includedtestcase = verify_single_item_in_list(includedtestcase_list, "testCaseId", testcase_id)

        includedtestcase_id = get_resource_identity(includedtestcase)[0]

        post_uri = "%s/includedtestcases/%s/assignments/" % (self.root_path, includedtestcase_id)
        body = {"testerId": user_id,
                "originalVersionId": testrun_version}

        do_post(post_uri, body)
Example #22
    def get_result(self,
        if result_list == None:
            result_list = self.get_result_list(

        result = verify_single_item_in_list(result_list, "testCaseId",
        return result
def testrun_has_summary_counts(step, stored_testrun, testrun_name):
    trModel = TestrunModel()

    testrun = trModel.get_stored_or_store_obj(stored_testrun, testrun_name)

    # get the list of testcases for this testrun
    summary_list = trModel.get_summary_list(testrun)

    # walk through and verify that each testcase has the expected status
    for category in step.hashes:
        # find that in the list of testcases
        status_id = get_result_status_id(category["name"])
        categoryInfo = verify_single_item_in_list(summary_list, "categoryName",
        assert str(categoryInfo[ns("categoryValue")]) == category["count"], \
            "%s count was wrong.  Expected categoryName: %s , categoryValue: %s:\n%s" % \
            (category["name"], status_id, category["count"], jstr(categoryInfo))
def testrun_has_summary_counts(step, stored_testrun, testrun_name):
    trModel = TestrunModel()

    testrun = trModel.get_stored_or_store_obj(stored_testrun, testrun_name)

    # get the list of testcases for this testrun
    summary_list = trModel.get_summary_list(testrun)

    # walk through and verify that each testcase has the expected status
    for category in step.hashes:
        # find that in the list of testcases
        status_id = get_result_status_id(category["name"])
        categoryInfo = verify_single_item_in_list(summary_list, "categoryName",
        assert str(categoryInfo[ns("categoryValue")]) == category["count"], \
            "%s count was wrong.  Expected categoryName: %s , categoryValue: %s:\n%s" % \
            (category["name"], status_id, category["count"], jstr(categoryInfo))
Example #25
    def assign_testcase(self, testrun_name, user_id, testcase_name):
        testrun_id, testrun_version = self.get_resid(testrun_name)
        testcase_id = TestcaseModel().get_resid(testcase_name)[0]

        # get the list of testcases for this testrun
        includedtestcase_list = self.get_included_testcases(testrun_id)
        # find that in the list of testcases
        includedtestcase = verify_single_item_in_list(includedtestcase_list,

        includedtestcase_id = get_resource_identity(includedtestcase)[0]

        post_uri = "%s/includedtestcases/%s/assignments/" % (
            self.root_path, includedtestcase_id)
        body = {"testerId": user_id, "originalVersionId": testrun_version}

        do_post(post_uri, body)
def testcases_have_pending_result_statuses(step, stored_testrun, testrun_name):
    trModel = TestrunModel()
    testrun = trModel.get_stored_or_store_obj(stored_testrun, testrun_name)

    testrun_id = get_resource_identity(testrun)[0]
    status_id = get_result_status_id("Pending")
    # get the list of testcases for this testrun
    result_list = trModel.search_for_results_by_result_status(testrun_id,

    eq_list_length(result_list, step.hashes)

    for tc in step.hashes:
        testcase_id = TestcaseModel().get_resid(tc["name"])[0]

        result = verify_single_item_in_list(result_list, "testCaseId", testcase_id)

        # ok, we have the tc result in question, now check that its status matches expectations
            "testRunResultStatusId check")
def testcases_have_pending_result_statuses(step, stored_testrun, testrun_name):
    trModel = TestrunModel()
    testrun = trModel.get_stored_or_store_obj(stored_testrun, testrun_name)

    testrun_id = get_resource_identity(testrun)[0]
    status_id = get_result_status_id("Pending")
    # get the list of testcases for this testrun
    result_list = trModel.search_for_results_by_result_status(
        testrun_id, status_id)

    eq_list_length(result_list, step.hashes)

    for tc in step.hashes:
        testcase_id = TestcaseModel().get_resid(tc["name"])[0]

        result = verify_single_item_in_list(result_list, "testCaseId",

        # ok, we have the tc result in question, now check that its status matches expectations
        eq_(result[ns("testRunResultStatusId")], status_id,
            "testRunResultStatusId check")