Example #1
    def mergeEntries(self, entriesLst, cube_indx):

        # First process the goal: this will be a (regular/glue) rule
        sf_f_obj = sff.initNew(entriesLst[0].lm_heu)
        score = entriesLst[0].getScoreSansLmHeu()

        # Now process the antecedents
        anteHyps = []
        anteSfFeats = []
        anteItemsStates = []
        for ante_ent in entriesLst[1:]:
            score += ante_ent.getScoreSansLmHeu()

        (tgt_hyp, newConsItems) = lmm.helperConsItem(
            Lazy.is_last_cell, Lazy.cell_type, Lazy.cell_span, entriesLst[0].tgt.split(), anteHyps, anteItemsStates

        if settings.opts.force_decode and not Lazy.candMatchesRef(tgt_hyp):
            return (score, None)  # Hypothesis wouldn't lead to reference; ignore this

            Get hypothesis status from the classmethod (in Lazy); hypothesis status can take one of these three values:
            -2 : Hyp was not see earlier; create a new entry
            -1 : Hyp was seen earlier but current one has a better score; create a new entry to replace the existing one
             0 : Hyp was seen earlier and has a poor score than the existing one; ignore this
        score_wo_LM = score - sf_f_obj.aggregSFScore(anteSfFeats)
        hyp_status = Lazy.getHypothesisStatus(tgt_hyp, score_wo_LM)

        """ Should we recombine hypothesis?
            A new hypothesis is always added; query LM for lm-score and create new entry_obj.
            If an identical hypothesis exists then the current hyp is added under below conditions:
            i) the use_unique_nbest flag is False (add new hyp; but use the LM score of the existing one)
            ii) use_unique_nbest is True and the new hyp is better than the existing one.
        if hyp_status == 0 and settings.opts.use_unique_nbest:
            entry_obj = None
            score += sf_f_obj.helperScore(newConsItems, Lazy.is_last_cell)
            entry_obj = Hypothesis(

        return (score, entry_obj)
Example #2
    def mergeEntries(self, entriesLst, cube_indx):

        # First process the goal: this will be a (regular/glue) rule
        sf_f_obj = sff.initNew(entriesLst[0].lm_heu)
        score = entriesLst[0].getScoreSansLmHeu()

        # Now process the antecedents
        anteHyps = []
        anteSfFeats = []
        anteItemsStates = []
        for ante_ent in entriesLst[1:]:
            score += ante_ent.getScoreSansLmHeu()

        (tgt_hyp, newConsItems) = lmm.helperConsItem(Lazy.is_last_cell, Lazy.cell_type, \
                                    Lazy.cell_span, entriesLst[0].tgt.split(), anteHyps, anteItemsStates)

        if settings.opts.force_decode and not Lazy.candMatchesRef(tgt_hyp):
            return (score, None
                    )  # Hypothesis wouldn't lead to reference; ignore this
            Get hypothesis status from the classmethod (in Lazy); hypothesis status can take one of these three values:
            -2 : Hyp was not see earlier; create a new entry
            -1 : Hyp was seen earlier but current one has a better score; create a new entry to replace the existing one
             0 : Hyp was seen earlier and has a poor score than the existing one; ignore this
        score_wo_LM = score - sf_f_obj.aggregSFScore(anteSfFeats)
        hyp_status = Lazy.getHypothesisStatus(tgt_hyp, score_wo_LM)
        """ Should we recombine hypothesis?
            A new hypothesis is always added; query LM for lm-score and create new entry_obj.
            If an identical hypothesis exists then the current hyp is added under below conditions:
            i) the use_unique_nbest flag is False (add new hyp; but use the LM score of the existing one)
            ii) use_unique_nbest is True and the new hyp is better than the existing one.
        if (hyp_status == 0 and settings.opts.use_unique_nbest):
            entry_obj = None
            score += sf_f_obj.helperScore(newConsItems, Lazy.is_last_cell)
            entry_obj = Hypothesis(score, self.src_side, tgt_hyp, sf_f_obj, self.depth_hier, Lazy.cell_span, \
                                     entriesLst[0], entriesLst[1:], newConsItems)

        return (score, entry_obj)
Example #3
 def createFromRule(cls, r_item, span):
     return Hypothesis(r_item.score, r_item.src, r_item.tgt, StatefulFeatures.initNew(r_item.lm_heu), \
                       0, span, r_item, (), [ConsequentItem(r_item.tgt.split())])
Example #4
 def createFromRule(cls, r_item, span):
     return Hypothesis(r_item.score, r_item.src, r_item.tgt, StatefulFeatures.initNew(r_item.lm_heu), \
                       0, span, r_item, (), [ConsequentItem(r_item.tgt.split())])