def check_download_links(self, url_hosters): links = {} for url_hoster in reversed(url_hosters): hoster = url_hoster[1].lower().replace('target="_blank">', '').replace( " ", "-").replace("ddownload", "ddl") if check_hoster(hoster, self.configfile): link = url_hoster[0] if self.url in link: demasked_link = get_redirected_url(link, self.configfile, self.dbfile, self.scraper) if demasked_link: link = demasked_link links[hoster] = link if self.hoster_fallback and not links: for url_hoster in reversed(url_hosters): hoster = url_hoster[1].lower().replace( 'target="_blank">', '').replace(" ", "-").replace("ddownload", "ddl") link = url_hoster[0] if self.url in link: demasked_link = get_redirected_url(link, self.configfile, self.dbfile, self.scraper) if demasked_link: link = demasked_link links[hoster] = link return list(links.values())
def periodical_task(self): feeds = self.config.get("feeds") if feeds: added_items = [] feeds = feeds.replace(" ", "").split(',') for feed in feeds: feed = feedparser.parse( get_url(feed, self.configfile, self.dbfile, self.scraper)) for post in feed.entries: key = post.title.replace(" ", ".") epoch = datetime(1970, 1, 1) current_epoch = int(time()) published_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S+00:00" published_timestamp = str(parser.parse(post.published)) published_epoch = int((datetime.strptime( published_timestamp, published_format) - epoch).total_seconds()) if (current_epoch - 1800) > published_epoch: link_pool = post.summary unicode_links = re.findall(r'(http.*)', link_pool) links = [] for link in unicode_links: if check_hoster(link, self.configfile): links.append(str(link)) if self.config.get("hoster_fallback") and not links: for link in unicode_links: links.append(str(link)) storage = self.db.retrieve_all(key) if not links: if 'added' not in storage and 'notdl' not in storage: wrong_hoster = '[' + self._SITE + '/Hoster fehlt] - ' + key if 'wrong_hoster' not in storage: print(wrong_hoster), 'wrong_hoster') notify([wrong_hoster], self.configfile) else: self.log_debug(wrong_hoster) elif 'added' in storage: self.log_debug( "%s - Release ignoriert (bereits gefunden)" % key) else: self.device = myjd_download( self.configfile, self.dbfile, self.device, key, "FeedCrawler", links, "") if self.device:, 'added') log_entry = '[Englisch] - ' + key + ' - [' + self._SITE + ']' self.log_info(log_entry) notify([log_entry], self.configfile) added_items.append(log_entry) else: self.log_debug( "%s - Releasezeitpunkt weniger als 30 Minuten in der Vergangenheit - wird ignoriert." % key) else: self.log_debug("Liste ist leer. Stoppe Suche für " + self._SITE + "!") return self.device
def dw_parse_download(self, release_url, title, language_id): if not check_valid_release(title, self.retail_only, self.hevc_retail, self.dbfile): self.log_debug( title + u" - Release ignoriert (Gleiche oder bessere Quelle bereits vorhanden)" ) return False if self.filename == 'List_ContentAll_Seasons': if not self.config.get("seasonpacks"): staffelpack ="s\d.*(-|\.).*s\d", title.lower()) if staffelpack: self.log_debug("%s - Release ignoriert (Staffelpaket)" % title) return False if not, title.lower()): self.log_debug(title + " - Release hat falsche Quelle") return False try: release_info = get_url(release_url, self.configfile, self.dbfile) post_hosters = BeautifulSoup(release_info, 'lxml').find( "div", { "id": "download" }).findAll("img", src=re.compile(r"images/hosterimg")) hosters = [] valid = False for hoster in post_hosters: hoster = hoster["title"].replace("Premium-Account bei ", "").replace("ddownload", "ddl") if hoster not in hosters: hosters.append(hoster) for hoster in hosters: if hoster: if check_hoster(hoster, self.configfile): valid = True if not valid and not self.hoster_fallback: storage = self.db.retrieve_all(title) if 'added' not in storage and 'notdl' not in storage: wrong_hoster = '[SJ/Hoster fehlt] - ' + title if 'wrong_hoster' not in storage: print(wrong_hoster), 'wrong_hoster') notify([wrong_hoster], self.configfile) else: self.log_debug(wrong_hoster) return False else: return [title, release_url, language_id, False, False] except: print(self._INTERNAL_NAME + u" hat die Serien-API angepasst. Breche Download-Prüfung ab!") return False
def j_parse_download(self, series_url, title, language_id): if not check_valid_release(title, self.retail_only, self.hevc_retail, self.dbfile): self.log_debug( title + u" - Release ignoriert (Gleiche oder bessere Quelle bereits vorhanden)" ) return False if self.filename == 'List_ContentAll_Seasons': if not self.config.get("seasonpacks"): staffelpack ="s\d.*(-|\.).*s\d", title.lower()) if staffelpack: self.log_debug("%s - Release ignoriert (Staffelpaket)" % title) return False if not, title.lower()): self.log_debug(title + " - Release hat falsche Quelle") return False try: series_info = get_url(series_url, self.configfile, self.dbfile) series_id = re.findall(r'data-mediaid="(.*?)"', series_info)[0] api_url = 'https://' + self.url + '/api/media/' + series_id + '/releases' response = get_url(api_url, self.configfile, self.dbfile, self.scraper) seasons = json.loads(response) for season in seasons: season = seasons[season] for item in season['items']: if item['name'] == title: valid = False for hoster in item['hoster']: if hoster: if check_hoster(hoster, self.configfile): valid = True if not valid and not self.hoster_fallback: storage = self.db.retrieve_all(title) if 'added' not in storage and 'notdl' not in storage: wrong_hoster = '[SJ/Hoster fehlt] - ' + title if 'wrong_hoster' not in storage: print(wrong_hoster), 'wrong_hoster') notify([wrong_hoster], self.configfile) else: self.log_debug(wrong_hoster) return False else: return [title, series_url, language_id, False, False] except: print(self._INTERNAL_NAME + u" hat die Serien-API angepasst. Breche Download-Prüfung ab!") return False
def dw_get_download_links(self, content, title): unused_get_feed_parameter(title) try: download_link = False hosters = re.findall(r'HOSTERS="(.*)"', content)[0].split("|") for hoster in hosters: hoster = hoster.lower().replace("ddownload", "ddl") if check_hoster(hoster, self.configfile): download_link = re.findall(r'DOWNLOADLINK="(.*)"HOSTERS="', content)[0] if self.hoster_fallback and not download_link: download_link = re.findall(r'DOWNLOADLINK="(.*)"HOSTERS="', content)[0] except: return False return [download_link]
def hoster_check(configfile, device, decrypted_packages, title, known_packages): if not decrypted_packages: return [False, False] delete_packages = [] delete_linkids = [] delete_uuids = [] keep_linkids = [] keep_uuids = [] merge_first = package_merge_check(device, configfile, decrypted_packages, known_packages) if merge_first: device = merge_first[0] decrypted_packages = merge_first[1] valid_links = False if decrypted_packages: i = 0 for dp in decrypted_packages: linkids = dp['linkids'] for link in linkids: delete_linkids.append(link) uuid = dp['uuid'] delete_uuids.append(uuid) if uuid not in known_packages: delete = True links = split_urls(dp['urls']) for link in links: if check_hoster(link, configfile): try: keep_linkids.append(linkids[i]) valid_links = True except: pass if uuid not in keep_uuids: keep_uuids.append(uuid) delete = False i += 1 if delete: delete_packages.append(dp) if valid_links: removed = remove_unfit_links(configfile, device, decrypted_packages, known_packages, keep_linkids, keep_uuids, delete_linkids, delete_uuids, delete_packages, title) return [removed[0], removed[1]] return [device, False]
def dw_mirror(self, title): hostnames = CrawlerConfig('Hostnames', self.configfile) dw = hostnames.get('dw') if dw: dw_search = 'https://' + dw + '/?search=' + title dw_results = get_url(dw_search, self.configfile, self.dbfile, self.scraper) dw_results = dw_search_results(dw_results, dw) for result in dw_results: release_url = result[1].split("|")[0] release_info = get_url(release_url, self.configfile, self.dbfile) post_hosters = BeautifulSoup(release_info, 'lxml').find( "div", { "id": "download" }).findAll("img", src=re.compile(r"images/hosterimg")) hosters = [] valid = False for hoster in post_hosters: hoster = hoster["title"].replace("Premium-Account bei ", "").replace( "ddownload", "ddl") if hoster not in hosters: hosters.append(hoster) for hoster in hosters: if hoster: if check_hoster(hoster, self.configfile): valid = True if not valid and not self.hoster_fallback: return False else: return [release_url] return False
def download(payload, configfile, dbfile): hostnames = CrawlerConfig('Hostnames', configfile) sj = hostnames.get('sj') payload = decode_base64(payload).split("|") href = payload[0] title = payload[1] special = payload[2].strip().replace("None", "") series_url = 'https://' + sj + href series_info = get_url(series_url, configfile, dbfile) series_id = re.findall(r'data-mediaid="(.*?)"', series_info)[0] api_url = 'https://' + sj + '/api/media/' + series_id + '/releases' releases = get_url(api_url, configfile, dbfile) unsorted_seasons = json.loads(releases) listen = ["List_ContentShows_Shows", "List_ContentAll_Seasons"] for liste in listen: cont = ListDb(dbfile, liste).retrieve() list_title = sanitize(title) if not cont: cont = "" if list_title not in cont: ListDb(dbfile, liste).store(list_title) config = CrawlerConfig('ContentShows', configfile) english_ok = CrawlerConfig('FeedCrawler', configfile).get("english") quality = config.get('quality') ignore = config.get('rejectlist') result_seasons = {} result_episodes = {} seasons = {} for season in unsorted_seasons: if "sp" in season.lower(): seasons[season] = unsorted_seasons[season] for season in unsorted_seasons: if "sp" not in season.lower(): seasons[season] = unsorted_seasons[season] for season in seasons: releases = seasons[season] for release in releases['items']: name = release['name'].encode('ascii', errors='ignore').decode('utf-8') try: season = re.findall(r'.*\.(s\d{1,3}).*', name, re.IGNORECASE)[0] except: pass hosters = release['hoster'] try: valid = bool(release['resolution'] == quality) except: valid = re.match(re.compile(r'.*' + quality + r'.*'), name) if valid and special: valid = bool("." + special.lower() + "." in name.lower()) if valid and not english_ok: valid = bool(".german." in name.lower()) if valid: valid = False for hoster in hosters: if hoster and check_hoster( hoster, configfile) or config.get("hoster_fallback"): valid = True if valid: try: ep = release['episode'] if ep: existing = result_episodes.get(season) if existing: valid = False for e in existing: if e == ep: if rate(name, ignore) > rate( existing[e], ignore): valid = True else: valid = True if valid: existing.update({ep: name}) else: existing = {ep: name} result_episodes.update({season: existing}) continue except: pass existing = result_seasons.get(season) dont = False if existing: if rate(name, ignore) < rate(existing, ignore): dont = True if not dont: result_seasons.update({season: name}) try: if result_seasons[season] and result_episodes[season]: del result_episodes[season] except: pass success = False try: if result_seasons[season]: success = True except: try: if result_episodes[season]: success = True except: pass if success: logger.debug(u"Websuche erfolgreich für " + title + " - " + season) else: for release in releases['items']: name = release['name'].encode('ascii', errors='ignore').decode('utf-8') hosters = release['hoster'] valid = True if valid and special: valid = bool("." + special.lower() + "." in name.lower()) if valid and not english_ok: valid = bool(".german." in name.lower()) if valid: valid = False for hoster in hosters: if hoster and check_hoster( hoster, configfile) or config.get("hoster_fallback"): valid = True if valid: try: ep = release['episode'] if ep: existing = result_episodes.get(season) if existing: for e in existing: if e == ep: if rate(name, ignore) > rate( existing[e], ignore): existing.update({ep: name}) else: existing = {ep: name} result_episodes.update({season: existing}) continue except: pass existing = result_seasons.get(season) dont = False if existing: if rate(name, ignore) < rate(existing, ignore): dont = True if not dont: result_seasons.update({season: name}) try: if result_seasons[season] and result_episodes[season]: del result_episodes[season] except: pass logger.debug(u"Websuche erfolgreich für " + title + " - " + season) matches = [] for season in result_seasons: matches.append(result_seasons[season]) for season in result_episodes: for episode in result_episodes[season]: matches.append(result_episodes[season][episode]) notify_array = [] for title in matches: db = FeedDb(dbfile, 'FeedCrawler') if add_decrypt(title, series_url, sj, dbfile):, 'added') log_entry = u'[Suche/Serie] - ' + title + ' - [SJ]' notify_array.append(log_entry) notify(notify_array, configfile) if not matches: return False return matches
def download(payload, device, configfile, dbfile): config = CrawlerConfig('ContentAll', configfile) db = FeedDb(dbfile, 'FeedCrawler') hostnames = CrawlerConfig('Hostnames', configfile) by = hostnames.get('by') nk = hostnames.get('nk') payload = decode_base64(payload).split("|") link = payload[0] password = payload[1] site = check_is_site(link, configfile) if not site: return False elif "DW" in site: download_method = add_decrypt_instead_of_download download_links = [link] key = payload[1] password = payload[2] else: url = get_url(link, configfile, dbfile) if not url or "NinjaFirewall 429" in url: return False download_method = myjd_download soup = BeautifulSoup(url, 'lxml') if "BY" in site: key = soup.find("small").text links = soup.find_all("iframe") async_link_results = [] for link in links: link = link["src"] if 'https://' + by in link: async_link_results.append(link) async_link_results = get_urls_async(async_link_results, configfile, dbfile) links = async_link_results[0] url_hosters = [] for link in links: if link: link = BeautifulSoup(link, 'lxml').find( "a", href=re.compile("/go\.php\?")) if link: url_hosters.append( [link["href"], link.text.replace(" ", "")]) elif "NK" in site: key = soup.find("span", {"class": "subtitle"}).text url_hosters = [] hosters = soup.find_all("a", href=re.compile("/go/")) for hoster in hosters: url_hosters.append( ['https://' + nk + hoster["href"], hoster.text]) elif "FX" in site: key = payload[1] password = payload[2] else: return False links = {} if "FX" in site: class FX: configfile = "" FX.configfile = configfile download_links = fx_get_download_links(FX, url, key) else: for url_hoster in reversed(url_hosters): try: link_hoster = url_hoster[1].lower().replace( 'target="_blank">', '').replace(" ", "-").replace("ddownload", "ddl") if check_hoster(link_hoster, configfile): link = url_hoster[0] if by in link: demasked_link = get_redirected_url( link, configfile, dbfile, False) if demasked_link: link = demasked_link links[link_hoster] = link except: pass if config.get("hoster_fallback") and not links: for url_hoster in reversed(url_hosters): link_hoster = url_hoster[1].lower().replace( 'target="_blank">', '').replace(" ", "-").replace("ddownload", "ddl") link = url_hoster[0] if by in link: demasked_link = get_redirected_url( link, configfile, dbfile, False) if demasked_link: link = demasked_link links[link_hoster] = link download_links = list(links.values()) englisch = False if "*englisch" in key.lower() or "*english" in key.lower(): key = key.replace('*ENGLISCH', '').replace("*Englisch", "").replace( "*ENGLISH", "").replace("*English", "").replace("*", "") englisch = True staffel ="s\d{1,2}(-s\d{1,2}|-\d{1,2}|\.)", key.lower()) if download_links: if staffel: if download_method(configfile, dbfile, device, key, "FeedCrawler", download_links, password): key.replace(".COMPLETE", "").replace(".Complete", ""), 'notdl' if config.get('enforcedl') and '.dl.' not in key.lower() else 'added') log_entry = '[Suche/Staffel] - ' + key.replace( ".COMPLETE", "").replace(".Complete", "") + ' - [' + site + ']' notify([log_entry], configfile) return True else: retail = False if config.get('cutoff') and '.COMPLETE.' not in key.lower(): if is_retail(key, dbfile): retail = True if download_method(configfile, dbfile, device, key, "FeedCrawler", download_links, password): key, 'notdl' if config.get('enforcedl') and '.dl.' not in key.lower() else 'added') log_entry = '[Suche/Film' + ( '/Englisch' if englisch and not retail else '') + ('/Englisch/Retail' if englisch and retail else '') + ('/Retail' if not englisch and retail else '') + '] - ' + key + ' - [' + site + ']' notify([log_entry], configfile) return [key] else: return False
def sf_parse_download(self, series_url, title, language_id): if not check_valid_release(title, self.retail_only, self.hevc_retail, self.dbfile): self.log_debug( title + u" - Release ignoriert (Gleiche oder bessere Quelle bereits vorhanden)" ) return False if self.filename == 'List_ContentAll_Seasons': if not self.config.get("seasonpacks"): staffelpack ="s\d.*(-|\.).*s\d", title.lower()) if staffelpack: self.log_debug("%s - Release ignoriert (Staffelpaket)" % title) return False if not, title.lower()): self.log_debug(title + " - Release hat falsche Quelle") return False try: if language_id == 2: lang = 'EN' else: lang = 'DE' epoch = str('.', '')[:-3] api_url = series_url + '?lang=' + lang + '&_=' + epoch response = get_url(api_url, self.configfile, self.dbfile, self.scraper) info = json.loads(response) is_episode = re.findall(r'.*\.(s\d{1,3}e\d{1,3})\..*', title, re.IGNORECASE) if is_episode: episode_string = re.findall(r'.*S\d{1,3}(E\d{1,3}).*', is_episode[0])[0].lower() season_string = re.findall(r'.*(S\d{1,3})E\d{1,3}.*', is_episode[0])[0].lower() season_title = rreplace(title.lower().replace(episode_string, ''), "-", ".*", 1).lower().replace(".repack", "") season_title = season_title.replace(".untouched", ".*").replace( ".dd+51", ".dd.51") episode = str(int(episode_string.replace("e", ""))) season = str(int(season_string.replace("s", ""))) episode_name = re.findall(r'.*\.s\d{1,3}(\..*).german', season_title, re.IGNORECASE) if episode_name: season_title = season_title.replace(episode_name[0], '') codec_tags = [".h264", ".x264"] for tag in codec_tags: season_title = season_title.replace(tag, ".*264") web_tags = [".web-rip", ".webrip", ".webdl", ".web-dl"] for tag in web_tags: season_title = season_title.replace(tag, ".web.*") else: season = False episode = False season_title = title multiple_episodes = re.findall(r'(e\d{1,3}-e*\d{1,3}\.)', season_title, re.IGNORECASE) if multiple_episodes: season_title = season_title.replace(multiple_episodes[0], '.*') content = BeautifulSoup(info['html'], 'lxml') releases = content.find( "small", text=re.compile(season_title, re.IGNORECASE)).parent.parent.parent links = releases.findAll("div", {'class': 'row'})[1].findAll('a') download_link = False for link in links: if check_hoster(link.text.replace('\n', ''), self.configfile): download_link = get_redirected_url( "https://" + self.url + link['href'], self.configfile, self.dbfile, self.scraper) break if not download_link and not self.hoster_fallback: storage = self.db.retrieve_all(title) if 'added' not in storage and 'notdl' not in storage: wrong_hoster = '[SF/Hoster fehlt] - ' + title if 'wrong_hoster' not in storage: print(wrong_hoster), 'wrong_hoster') notify([wrong_hoster], self.configfile) else: self.log_debug(wrong_hoster) return False else: return [title, download_link, language_id, season, episode] except: print(u"SF hat die Serien-API angepasst. Breche Download-Prüfung ab!") return False