Example #1
def main():
    import sys
    import fem_mesh


    # lets read in some CLI arguments
    args = parse_cli()

    # find nodes in the structure and assign them to a dictionary
    structNodeIDs = findStructNodeIDs(args)

    # find elements that contain the structure nodes
    (elems, structElemIDs) = findStructElemIDs(args.elefile, structNodeIDs)

    # generate the new element file with the structure elements assigned the
    # new part ID
    NEFILE = open(args.nefile, 'w')
    NEFILE.write("$ Generated using %s with the following "
                 "options:\n" % (sys.argv[0]))
    NEFILE.write("$ %s\n" % args)
    NEFILE.write('$ # Structure Nodes = %i\n' % structNodeIDs.__len__())
    NEFILE.write('$ # Structure Elements = %i\n' % structElemIDs.__len__())
    for i in elems:
        if i[0] in structElemIDs:
            i[1] = args.partid
        j = i.tolist()
        NEFILE.write('%s\n' % ','.join('%i' % val for val in j[0:10]))
Example #2
def main():
    import sys
    import fem_mesh


    # lets read in some CLI arguments
    args = parse_cli()

    # find nodes in the structure and assign them to a dictionary
    structNodeIDs = findStructNodeIDs(args)

    # find elements that contain the structure nodes
    (elems, structElemIDs) = findStructElemIDs(args.elefile, structNodeIDs)

    # generate the new element file with the structure elements assigned the
    # new part ID
    NEFILE = open(args.nefile, 'w')
    NEFILE.write("$ Generated using %s with the following "
                 "options:\n" % (sys.argv[0]))
    NEFILE.write("$ %s\n" % args)
    NEFILE.write('$ # Structure Nodes = %i\n' % structNodeIDs.__len__())
    NEFILE.write('$ # Structure Elements = %i\n' % structElemIDs.__len__())
    for i in elems:
        if i[0] in structElemIDs:
            i[1] = args.partid
        j = i.tolist()
        NEFILE.write('%s\n' % ','.join('%i' % val for val in j[0:10]))
Example #3
def main():
    import fem_mesh


    args = parse_cli()

    struct_type = define_struct_type(args)

    structNodeIDs = findStructNodeIDs(args.nodefile, struct_type, args.sopts)

    (elems, structElemIDs) = findStructElemIDs(args.elefile, structNodeIDs)

    write_struct_elems(args.nefile, args.partid, elems, structNodeIDs,
Example #4
def main():
    import sys
    import fem_mesh


    # read in CLI arguments
    args = parse_cli()

    # generate node & element output files
    out_file_header = ("$ Generated using %s:\n$ %s\n$" % (sys.argv[0], args))

    pos = calc_node_pos(args.xyz, args.numElem)

    writeNodes(pos, args.nodefile, out_file_header)
    writeElems(args.numElem, args.partid, args.elefile, out_file_header)
Example #5
def main():
    import sys
    import fem_mesh


    # read in CLI arguments
    args = parse_cli()

    # generate node & element output files
    out_file_header = ("$ Generated using %s:\n$ %s\n$" %
                       (sys.argv[0], args))

    pos = calc_node_pos(args.xyz, args.numElem)

    writeNodes(pos, args.nodefile, out_file_header)
    writeElems(args.numElem, args.partid, args.elefile, out_file_header)
Example #6
def main():
    import sys
    import fem_mesh


    # read in CLI arguments
    args = parse_cli()
    xyz = args.xyz
    numElem = args.numElem
    nodefile = args.nodefile
    partid = args.partid
    elefile = args.elefile

    run(xyz, numElem, nodefile, elefile, partid)

    return 0
Example #7
def main():
    """ """
    from fem_mesh import check_version

    opts = read_cli()

    loadfilename = ("gauss_exc_sigma_%.3f_%.3f_%.3f_"
                    "center_%.3f_%.3f_%.3f_amp_%.3f_amp_cut_%.3f_%s.dyn" %
                    (opts.sigma[0], opts.sigma[1], opts.sigma[2],
                     opts.center[0], opts.center[1], opts.center[2],
                     opts.amp, opts.amp_cut, opts.sym))

    generate_loads(opts.sigma, opts.center, opts.amp, opts.amp_cut, opts.sym,
                   opts.direction, loadfilename, opts.nodefile)

    return 0
Example #8
def main():
    import fem_mesh
    import sys


    opts = read_cli()

    if opts.pml:
        pmlfile = create_pml_elems_file(opts.elefile)

    BCFILE = open_bcfile(opts, sys.argv[0])

    nodeIDcoords = load_nodeIDs_coords(opts.nodefile)

    [snic, axes] = fem_mesh.SortNodeIDs(nodeIDcoords)
    axdiff = [axes[0][1]-axes[0][0],

    segID = 1

    # BACK
    axis = 0
    axis_limit = axes[0].min()
    planeNodeIDs = fem_mesh.extractPlane(snic, axes, (axis, axis_limit))
    if opts.nonreflect:
        segID = writeSeg(BCFILE, 'BACK', segID, planeNodeIDs)
    elif opts.pml:
        apply_pml(opts.nodefile, pmlfile, BCFILE, planeNodeIDs, axis,
                  axis_limit, axis_limit+opts.num_pml_elems*axdiff[axis],

    # FRONT
    axis = 0
    axis_limit = axes[0].max()
    planeNodeIDs = fem_mesh.extractPlane(snic, axes, (axis, axis_limit))
    if (opts.sym == 'q') or (opts.sym == 'h'):
        # no top / bottom rows (those will be defined in the
        # top/bottom defs)
        writeNodeBC(BCFILE, planeNodeIDs[1:-1], '1,0,0,0,1,1')
        if opts.nonreflect:
            segID = writeSeg(BCFILE, 'FRONT', segID, planeNodeIDs)
        elif opts.pml:
            apply_pml(opts.nodefile, pmlfile, BCFILE, planeNodeIDs, axis,
                      axis_limit, opts.pml_partID)

    # LEFT (push side; non-reflecting or symmetry)
    axis = 1
    axis_limit = axes[1].min()
    planeNodeIDs = fem_mesh.extractPlane(snic, axes, (axis, axis_limit))
    # if quarter-symmetry, then apply BCs, in addition to a
    # modified edge; and don't deal w/ top/bottom
    if opts.sym == 'q':
        writeNodeBC(BCFILE, planeNodeIDs[1:-1], '0,1,0,1,0,1')
    # else make it a non-reflecting boundary
        if opts.nonreflect:
            segID = writeSeg(BCFILE, 'LEFT', segID, planeNodeIDs)
        elif opts.pml:
            apply_pml(opts.nodefile, pmlfile, BCFILE, planeNodeIDs, axis,
                      axis_limit, axis_limit+opts.num_pml_elems*axdiff[axis],

    # RIGHT (non-reflecting)
    axis = 1
    axis_limit = axes[1].max()
    planeNodeIDs = fem_mesh.extractPlane(snic, axes, (axis, axis_limit))
    if opts.nonreflect:
        segID = writeSeg(BCFILE, 'RIGHT', segID, planeNodeIDs)
    elif opts.pml:
        apply_pml(opts.nodefile, pmlfile, BCFILE, planeNodeIDs, axis,
                  axis_limit, opts.pml_partID)

    # BOTTOM
    axis = 2
    axis_limit = axes[2].min()
    planeNodeIDs = fem_mesh.extractPlane(snic, axes, (axis, axis_limit))
    if opts.nonreflect:
        segID = writeSeg(BCFILE, 'BOTTOM', segID, planeNodeIDs)
        if opts.bottom == 'full':
            writeNodeBC(BCFILE, planeNodeIDs, '1,1,1,1,1,1')
        elif opts.bottom == 'inplane':
            writeNodeBC(BCFILE, planeNodeIDs, '0,0,1,1,1,0')
    elif opts.pml:
        apply_pml(opts.nodefile, pmlfile, BCFILE, planeNodeIDs, axis,
                  axis_limit, axis_limit+opts.num_pml_elems*axdiff[axis],

    # TOP (transducer face)
    axis = 2
    axis_limit = axes[2].max()
    planeNodeIDs = fem_mesh.extractPlane(snic, axes, (axis, axis_limit))
    if opts.nonreflect:
        segID = writeSeg(BCFILE, 'TOP', segID, planeNodeIDs)
        if opts.top:
            writeNodeBC(BCFILE, planeNodeIDs, '1,1,1,1,1,1')
    elif opts.pml:
        apply_pml(opts.nodefile, pmlfile, BCFILE, planeNodeIDs, axis,
                  axis_limit, opts.pml_partID)

    if opts.nonreflect:
        write_nonreflecting(BCFILE, segID)

Example #9
File: bc.py Project: palfonso01/fem
def main():
    import fem_mesh
    import sys


    opts = read_cli()

    BCFILE = open_bcfile(opts, sys.argv[0])

    nodeIDcoords = load_nodeIDs_coords(opts.nodefile)

    [snic, axes] = fem_mesh.SortNodeIDs(nodeIDcoords)

    segID = 1

    # BACK
    plane = (0, axes[0].min())
    planeNodeIDs = fem_mesh.extractPlane(snic, axes, plane)
    segID = writeSeg(BCFILE, 'BACK', segID, planeNodeIDs)

    # FRONT
    plane = (0, axes[0].max())
    planeNodeIDs = fem_mesh.extractPlane(snic, axes, plane)
    if (opts.sym == 'q') or (opts.sym == 'h'):
        # no top / bottom rows (those will be defined in the
        # top/bottom defs)
        writeNodeBC(BCFILE, planeNodeIDs[1:-1], '1,0,0,0,1,1')
        segID = writeSeg(BCFILE, 'FRONT', segID, planeNodeIDs)

    # LEFT (push side; non-reflecting or symmetry)
    plane = (1, axes[1].min())
    planeNodeIDs = fem_mesh.extractPlane(snic, axes, plane)
    # if quarter-symmetry, then apply BCs, in addition to a
    # modified edge; and don't deal w/ top/bottom
    if opts.sym == 'q':
        writeNodeBC(BCFILE, planeNodeIDs[1:-1], '0,1,0,1,0,1')
    # else make it a non-reflecting boundary
        segID = writeSeg(BCFILE, 'LEFT', segID, planeNodeIDs)

    # RIGHT (non-reflecting)
    plane = (1, axes[1].max())
    planeNodeIDs = fem_mesh.extractPlane(snic, axes, plane)
    segID = writeSeg(BCFILE, 'RIGHT', segID, planeNodeIDs)

    # BOTTOM
    plane = (2, axes[2].min())
    planeNodeIDs = fem_mesh.extractPlane(snic, axes, plane)
    segID = writeSeg(BCFILE, 'BOTTOM', segID, planeNodeIDs)
    if opts.bottom == 'full':
        writeNodeBC(BCFILE, planeNodeIDs, '1,1,1,1,1,1')
    elif opts.bottom == 'inplane':
        writeNodeBC(BCFILE, planeNodeIDs, '0,0,1,1,1,0')

    # TOP (transducer face)
    plane = (2, axes[2].max())
    planeNodeIDs = fem_mesh.extractPlane(snic, axes, plane)
    segID = writeSeg(BCFILE, 'TOP', segID, planeNodeIDs)
    if opts.top:
        writeNodeBC(BCFILE, planeNodeIDs, '1,1,1,1,1,1')

    write_nonreflecting(BCFILE, segID)

Example #10
def main():
    import sys
    import numpy as n
    from bc import SortNodeIDs, extractPlane
    import fem_mesh


    opts = read_cli()
    loadtype = opts.loadtype
    direction = int(opts.direction)
    amplitude = float(opts.amplitude)
    lcid = int(opts.lcid)

    # open the top load file to write
    LOADFILE = open(opts.loadfile, 'w')
    if loadtype == 'disp' or loadtype == 'vel' or loadtype == 'accel':
    elif loadtype == 'force':
        sys.exit('ERROR: Invalid loadtype specified (can only be disp, '
                 'force, vel or accel)')

    LOADFILE.write("$ Generated using %s with the following "
                   "options:\n" % sys.argv[0])
    LOADFILE.write("$ %s\n" % opts)

    # load in all of the node data, excluding '*' lines
    header_comment_skips = fem_mesh.count_header_comment_skips(opts.nodefile)
    nodeIDcoords = n.loadtxt(opts.nodefile,
                             dtype=[('id', 'i4'), ('x', 'f4'),
                                    ('y', 'f4'), ('z', 'f4')])

    # there are 6 faces in these models; we need to (1) find the top face and
    # (2) apply the appropriate loads
    [snic, axes] = SortNodeIDs(nodeIDcoords)

    # extract spatially-sorted node IDs on a the top z plane
    plane = (2, axes[2].max())
    planeNodeIDs = extractPlane(snic, axes, plane)

    # write out nodes on the top z plane with corresponding load values
    # (direction of motion, nodal displacement (accel, vel, etc), temporal load
    # curve ID, scale factor for load curve)
    # TODO: would like to clean this up with a dictionary to associate the
    # prescribed motions with their integer IDs with one statement instead of
    # three conditional statements below
    if loadtype == 'disp':
        writeNodeLoads(LOADFILE, planeNodeIDs, '%i,2,%i,%f' %
                       (direction, lcid, amplitude))
    elif loadtype == 'vel':
        writeNodeLoads(LOADFILE, planeNodeIDs, '%i,0,%i,%f' %
                       (direction, lcid, amplitude))
    elif loadtype == 'accel':
        writeNodeLoads(LOADFILE, planeNodeIDs, '%i,1,%i,%f' %
                       (direction, lcid, amplitude))
    elif loadtype == 'force':
        writeNodeLoads(LOADFILE, planeNodeIDs, '%i,%i,%f' %
                       (direction, lcid, amplitude))


    # close all of our files open for read/write
Example #11
def main():
    Generate Guassian-weighted point load distribution

    opts = read_cli()

    # setup the new output file with a very long, but unique, filename
    loadfilename = ("gauss_exc_sigma_%.3f_%.3f_%.3f_center_%.3f_%.3f_%.3f_amp_%.3f_amp_cut_%.3f_%s.dyn" %
                    (opts.sigma[0], opts.sigma[1], opts.sigma[2],
                     opts.center[0], opts.center[1], opts.center[2],
                     opts.amp, opts.amp_cut, opts.sym))
    LOADFILE = open(loadfilename, 'w')
    LOADFILE.write("$ Generated using %s:\n" % sys.argv[0])
    LOADFILE.write("$ %s\n" % opts)


    # loop through all of the nodes and see which ones fall w/i the Gaussian
    # excitation field
    sym_node_count = 0
    node_count = 0
    NODEFILE = open(opts.nodefile,'r')
    for i in NODEFILE:
        # make sure not to process comment and command syntax lines
        if i[0] != "$" and i[0] != "*":
            i = i.rstrip('\n')
            # dyna scripts should be kicking out comma-delimited data; if not,
            # then the user needs to deal with it
            fields = i.split(',')
            fields = [float(j) for j in fields]
            # check for unexpected inputs and exit if needed (have user figure
            # out what's wrong)
            if len(fields) != 4:
                print("ERROR: Unexpected number of node columns")
            # compute the Gaussian amplitude at the node
            exp1 = math.pow((fields[1]-opts.center[0])/opts.sigma[0], 2)
            exp2 = math.pow((fields[2]-opts.center[1])/opts.sigma[1], 2)
            exp3 = math.pow((fields[3]-opts.center[2])/opts.sigma[2], 2)
            nodeGaussAmp = opts.amp * math.exp(-(exp1 + exp2 + exp3))

            # write the point load only if the amplitude is above the cutoff
            # dyna input needs to be limited in precision
            if nodeGaussAmp > opts.amp*opts.amp_cut:

                node_count += 1
                # check for quarter symmetry force reduction (if needed)
                if opts.sym == 'qsym':
                    if (math.fabs(fields[1]) < opts.search_tol and
                       math.fabs(fields[2]) < opts.search_tol):
                        nodeGaussAmp = nodeGaussAmp/4
                        sym_node_count += 1
                    elif (math.fabs(fields[1]) < opts.search_tol or
                          math.fabs(fields[2]) < opts.search_tol):
                        nodeGaussAmp = nodeGaussAmp/2
                        sym_node_count += 1
                # check for half symmetry force reduction (if needed)
                elif opts.sym == 'hsym':
                    if math.fabs(fields[1]) < opts.search_tol:
                        nodeGaussAmp = nodeGaussAmp/2
                        sym_node_count += 1
                elif opts.sym != 'none':
                    sys.exit('ERROR: Invalid symmetry option specified.')

                LOADFILE.write("%i,3,1,-%.4f\n" % (int(fields[0]),

    # wrap everything up
    LOADFILE.write("$ %i loads generated\n" % node_count)
    LOADFILE.write("$ %i exist on a symmetry plane / edge\n" % sym_node_count)
Example #12
def main():
    import fem_mesh
    import sys


    opts = read_cli()

    if opts.pml:
        pmlfile = create_pml_elems_file(opts.elefile)

    BCFILE = open_bcfile(opts, sys.argv[0])

    nodeIDcoords = load_nodeIDs_coords(opts.nodefile)

    [snic, axes] = fem_mesh.SortNodeIDs(nodeIDcoords)
    axdiff = [
        axes[0][1] - axes[0][0], axes[1][1] - axes[1][0],
        axes[2][1] - axes[2][0]

    segID = 1

    # BACK
    axis = 0
    axis_limit = axes[0].min()
    planeNodeIDs = fem_mesh.extractPlane(snic, axes, (axis, axis_limit))
    if opts.nonreflect:
        segID = writeSeg(BCFILE, 'BACK', segID, planeNodeIDs)
    elif opts.pml:
        apply_pml(opts.nodefile, pmlfile, BCFILE, planeNodeIDs, axis,
                  axis_limit, axis_limit + opts.num_pml_elems * axdiff[axis],

    # FRONT
    axis = 0
    axis_limit = axes[0].max()
    planeNodeIDs = fem_mesh.extractPlane(snic, axes, (axis, axis_limit))
    if (opts.sym == 'q') or (opts.sym == 'h'):
        # no top / bottom rows (those will be defined in the
        # top/bottom defs)
        writeNodeBC(BCFILE, planeNodeIDs[1:-1], '1,0,0,0,1,1')
        if opts.nonreflect:
            segID = writeSeg(BCFILE, 'FRONT', segID, planeNodeIDs)
        elif opts.pml:
            apply_pml(opts.nodefile, pmlfile, BCFILE, planeNodeIDs, axis,
                      axis_limit - opts.num_pml_elems * axdiff[axis],
                      axis_limit, opts.pml_partID)

    # LEFT (push side; non-reflecting or symmetry)
    axis = 1
    axis_limit = axes[1].min()
    planeNodeIDs = fem_mesh.extractPlane(snic, axes, (axis, axis_limit))
    # if quarter-symmetry, then apply BCs, in addition to a
    # modified edge; and don't deal w/ top/bottom
    if opts.sym == 'q':
        writeNodeBC(BCFILE, planeNodeIDs[1:-1], '0,1,0,1,0,1')
    # else make it a non-reflecting boundary
        if opts.nonreflect:
            segID = writeSeg(BCFILE, 'LEFT', segID, planeNodeIDs)
        elif opts.pml:
            apply_pml(opts.nodefile, pmlfile, BCFILE, planeNodeIDs, axis,
                      axis_limit + opts.num_pml_elems * axdiff[axis],

    # RIGHT (non-reflecting)
    axis = 1
    axis_limit = axes[1].max()
    planeNodeIDs = fem_mesh.extractPlane(snic, axes, (axis, axis_limit))
    if opts.nonreflect:
        segID = writeSeg(BCFILE, 'RIGHT', segID, planeNodeIDs)
    elif opts.pml:
        apply_pml(opts.nodefile, pmlfile, BCFILE, planeNodeIDs, axis,
                  axis_limit - opts.num_pml_elems * axdiff[axis], axis_limit,

    # BOTTOM
    axis = 2
    axis_limit = axes[2].min()
    planeNodeIDs = fem_mesh.extractPlane(snic, axes, (axis, axis_limit))
    if opts.nonreflect:
        segID = writeSeg(BCFILE, 'BOTTOM', segID, planeNodeIDs)
        if opts.bottom == 'full':
            writeNodeBC(BCFILE, planeNodeIDs, '1,1,1,1,1,1')
        elif opts.bottom == 'inplane':
            writeNodeBC(BCFILE, planeNodeIDs, '0,0,1,1,1,0')
    elif opts.pml:
        apply_pml(opts.nodefile, pmlfile, BCFILE, planeNodeIDs, axis,
                  axis_limit, axis_limit + opts.num_pml_elems * axdiff[axis],

    # TOP (transducer face)
    axis = 2
    axis_limit = axes[2].max()
    planeNodeIDs = fem_mesh.extractPlane(snic, axes, (axis, axis_limit))
    if opts.nonreflect:
        segID = writeSeg(BCFILE, 'TOP', segID, planeNodeIDs)
        if opts.top:
            writeNodeBC(BCFILE, planeNodeIDs, '1,1,1,1,1,1')
    elif opts.pml:
        apply_pml(opts.nodefile, pmlfile, BCFILE, planeNodeIDs, axis,
                  axis_limit - opts.num_pml_elems * axdiff[axis], axis_limit,

    if opts.nonreflect:
        write_nonreflecting(BCFILE, segID)

Example #13
def main():
    Generate Guassian-weighted point load distribution

    opts = read_cli()

    # setup the new output file with a very long, but unique, filename
    loadfilename = (
        % (opts.sigma[0], opts.sigma[1], opts.sigma[2], opts.center[0],
           opts.center[1], opts.center[2], opts.amp, opts.amp_cut, opts.sym))
    LOADFILE = open(loadfilename, 'w')
    LOADFILE.write("$ Generated using %s:\n" % sys.argv[0])
    LOADFILE.write("$ %s\n" % opts)


    # loop through all of the nodes and see which ones fall w/i the Gaussian
    # excitation field
    sym_node_count = 0
    node_count = 0
    NODEFILE = open(opts.nodefile, 'r')
    for i in NODEFILE:
        # make sure not to process comment and command syntax lines
        if i[0] != "$" and i[0] != "*":
            i = i.rstrip('\n')
            # dyna scripts should be kicking out comma-delimited data; if not,
            # then the user needs to deal with it
            fields = i.split(',')
            fields = [float(j) for j in fields]
            # check for unexpected inputs and exit if needed (have user figure
            # out what's wrong)
            if len(fields) != 4:
                print("ERROR: Unexpected number of node columns")
            # compute the Gaussian amplitude at the node
            exp1 = math.pow((fields[1] - opts.center[0]) / opts.sigma[0], 2)
            exp2 = math.pow((fields[2] - opts.center[1]) / opts.sigma[1], 2)
            exp3 = math.pow((fields[3] - opts.center[2]) / opts.sigma[2], 2)
            nodeGaussAmp = opts.amp * math.exp(-(exp1 + exp2 + exp3))

            # write the point load only if the amplitude is above the cutoff
            # dyna input needs to be limited in precision
            if nodeGaussAmp > opts.amp * opts.amp_cut:

                node_count += 1
                # check for quarter symmetry force reduction (if needed)
                if opts.sym == 'qsym':
                    if (math.fabs(fields[1]) < opts.search_tol
                            and math.fabs(fields[2]) < opts.search_tol):
                        nodeGaussAmp = nodeGaussAmp / 4
                        sym_node_count += 1
                    elif (math.fabs(fields[1]) < opts.search_tol
                          or math.fabs(fields[2]) < opts.search_tol):
                        nodeGaussAmp = nodeGaussAmp / 2
                        sym_node_count += 1
                # check for half symmetry force reduction (if needed)
                elif opts.sym == 'hsym':
                    if math.fabs(fields[1]) < opts.search_tol:
                        nodeGaussAmp = nodeGaussAmp / 2
                        sym_node_count += 1
                elif opts.sym != 'none':
                    sys.exit('ERROR: Invalid symmetry option specified.')

                LOADFILE.write("%i,3,1,-%.4f\n" %
                               (int(fields[0]), nodeGaussAmp))

    # wrap everything up
    LOADFILE.write("$ %i loads generated\n" % node_count)
    LOADFILE.write("$ %i exist on a symmetry plane / edge\n" % sym_node_count)
Example #14
File: bc.py Project: kmwalsh1/fem
def main():
    import fem_mesh
    import sys


    opts = read_cli()

    BCFILE = open_bcfile(opts, sys.argv[0])

    nodeIDcoords = load_nodeIDs_coords(opts.nodefile)

    [snic, axes] = fem_mesh.SortNodeIDs(nodeIDcoords)

    segID = 1

    # BACK
    plane = (0, axes[0].min())
    planeNodeIDs = fem_mesh.extractPlane(snic, axes, plane)
    segID = writeSeg(BCFILE, 'BACK', segID, planeNodeIDs)

    # FRONT
    plane = (0, axes[0].max())
    planeNodeIDs = fem_mesh.extractPlane(snic, axes, plane)
    if (opts.sym == 'q') or (opts.sym == 'h'):
        # no top / bottom rows (those will be defined in the
        # top/bottom defs)
        writeNodeBC(BCFILE, planeNodeIDs[1:-1], '1,0,0,0,1,1')
        segID = writeSeg(BCFILE, 'FRONT', segID, planeNodeIDs)

    # LEFT (push side; non-reflecting or symmetry)
    plane = (1, axes[1].min())
    planeNodeIDs = fem_mesh.extractPlane(snic, axes, plane)
    # if quarter-symmetry, then apply BCs, in addition to a
    # modified edge; and don't deal w/ top/bottom
    if opts.sym == 'q':
        writeNodeBC(BCFILE, planeNodeIDs[1:-1], '0,1,0,1,0,1')
    # else make it a non-reflecting boundary
        segID = writeSeg(BCFILE, 'LEFT', segID, planeNodeIDs)

    # RIGHT (non-reflecting)
    plane = (1, axes[1].max())
    planeNodeIDs = fem_mesh.extractPlane(snic, axes, plane)
    segID = writeSeg(BCFILE, 'RIGHT', segID, planeNodeIDs)

    # BOTTOM
    plane = (2, axes[2].min())
    planeNodeIDs = fem_mesh.extractPlane(snic, axes, plane)
    segID = writeSeg(BCFILE, 'BOTTOM', segID, planeNodeIDs)
    if opts.bottom == 'full':
        writeNodeBC(BCFILE, planeNodeIDs, '1,1,1,1,1,1')
    elif opts.bottom == 'inplane':
        writeNodeBC(BCFILE, planeNodeIDs, '0,0,1,1,1,0')

    # TOP (transducer face)
    plane = (2, axes[2].max())
    planeNodeIDs = fem_mesh.extractPlane(snic, axes, plane)
    segID = writeSeg(BCFILE, 'TOP', segID, planeNodeIDs)
    if opts.top:
        writeNodeBC(BCFILE, planeNodeIDs, '1,1,1,1,1,1')

    write_nonreflecting(BCFILE, segID)
