Example #1
    def __init__(self, K):
        # Variables
        x, y = sym.symbols('x[0], x[1]', real=True, positive=True)
        f = sym.Function('f')(x, y)

        grid = np.linspace(0, 1, K + 2)[1:-1]
        x_obs, y_obs = np.meshgrid(grid, grid)
        self.x_obs, self.y_obs = x_obs.reshape(K * K), y_obs.reshape(K * K)

        # Create mesh and define function space
        n_mesh = 80
        self.mesh = fen.UnitSquareMesh(n_mesh, n_mesh)
        self.f_space = fen.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, 'P', 2)

        # Define boundary condition
        # u_boundary = fen.Expression('x[0] + x[1]', degree=2)
        u_boundary = fen.Expression('0', degree=2)
        self.bound_cond = fen.DirichletBC(self.f_space, u_boundary,
                                          lambda x, on_boundary: on_boundary)

        # Define variational problem
        self.trial_f = fen.TrialFunction(self.f_space)
        self.test_f = fen.TestFunction(self.f_space)
        rhs = fen.Constant(50)

        self.lin_func = rhs * self.test_f * fen.dx
Example #2
 def geneFunctionSpace(self):
     P2 = fe.FiniteElement('P', fe.triangle, 2)
     element = fe.MixedElement([P2, P2])
     if self.domain.haveMesh == False:
     self.V = fe.FunctionSpace(self.domain.mesh, element)
     self.haveFunctionSpace = True
Example #3
    def setup_fe(self):
        # Define the relevant function spaces
        V = d.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, "Lagrange", 1)
        self.V = V

        # DG0 is useful for defining piecewise constant functions
        DV = d.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, "Discontinuous Lagrange", 0)
        self.DV = DV

        # Define test and trial functions for FE
        self.z = d.TrialFunction(self.V)
        self.w = d.TestFunction(self.V)

        regions = self.per_tissue_constant(lambda l: l)
        region_file = d.File("../%s-regions.pvd" % input_mesh)
        region_file << regions
Example #4
    def _residual(u_n, u_nm1, u_nm2, f_n):
        Compute the residual of the PDE at time step n.
        # BUG: project into higher order functional space?
        V = u_n.function_space()
        mesh = V.mesh()
        basis_degree = V.ufl_element().degree()
        U = F.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', basis_degree + 3)

        f_n_v = F.project(f_n, U).vector()[:]
        u_nm1_v = F.project(u_nm1, U).vector()[:]
        u_nm2_v = F.project(u_nm2, U).vector()[:]

        u_n_ = F.project(u_n, U)
        u_n_v = u_n_.vector()[:]
        ddu_n_v = F.project(u_n_.dx(0).dx(0), U).vector()[:]

        # or use the same order?
        # f_n_ = F.project(f_n, V).vector()[:]
        # u_n_ = F.project(u_n, V).vector()[:]
        # u_nm1_ = F.project(u_nm1, V).vector()[:]
        # u_nm2_ = F.project(u_nm2, V).vector()[:]
        # ddu_n = F.project(u_n.dx(0).dx(0), V).vector()[:]

        R = np.sum(u_n_v - (dt**2) * (c**2) * ddu_n_v - (dt**2) * f_n_v -
                   2 * u_nm1_v + u_nm2_v)
        return R
Example #5
def test_export_xdmf():
    mesh = fenics.UnitSquareMesh(3, 3)
    V = fenics.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 1)
    folder = "Solution"
    exports = {
        "xdmf": {
            "functions": ['solute', 'retention'],
            "labels":  ['a', 'b'],
            "folder": folder
    files = [fenics.XDMFFile(folder + "/" + "a.xdmf"),
             fenics.XDMFFile(folder + "/" + "b.xdmf")]
    assert FESTIM.export_xdmf(
        [fenics.Function(V), fenics.Function(V)],
        exports, files, 20) is None

    exports["xdmf"]["functions"] = ['solute', 'blabla']

    with pytest.raises(KeyError, match=r'blabla'):
            [fenics.Function(V), fenics.Function(V)],
            exports, files, 20)

    exports["xdmf"]["functions"] = ['solute', '13']
    with pytest.raises(KeyError, match=r'13'):
            [fenics.Function(V), fenics.Function(V)],
            exports, files, 20)
Example #6
def test_fenics_to_numpy_function():
    # Functions in DG0 have nodes at centers of finite element cells
    mesh = fenics.UnitIntervalMesh(10)
    V = fenics.FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)
    test_input = fenics.interpolate(fenics.Expression("x[0]", degree=1), V)
    expected = numpy.linspace(0.05, 0.95, num=10)
    assert numpy.allclose(to_numpy(test_input), expected)
Example #7
    def set_constant_concentration(self, value):

        function_space_copy = fenics.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, self.element())

        new_solution = fenics.Function(function_space_copy)

        new_solution.vector()[:] = self.solution.vector()

        class WholeDomain(fenics.SubDomain):
            def inside(self, x, on_boundary):

                return True

        hack = fenics.DirichletBC(function_space_copy.sub(3), value,


        for solution in self._solutions:

            solution.vector()[:] = new_solution.vector()

        for i in range(len(self._times)):

            self._times[i] = 0.
Example #8
def vjp_assemble_impl(
    g: np.array, fenics_output_form: ufl.Form, fenics_inputs: List[FenicsVariable],
) -> Tuple[np.array]:
    """Computes the gradients of the output with respect to the inputs."""

    # Compute derivative form for the output with respect to each input
    fenics_grads_forms = []
    for fenics_input in fenics_inputs:
        # Need to construct direction (test function) first
        if isinstance(fenics_input, fenics.Function):
            V = fenics_input.function_space()
        elif isinstance(fenics_input, fenics.Constant):
            mesh = fenics_output_form.ufl_domain().ufl_cargo()
            V = fenics.FunctionSpace(mesh, "Real", 0)
            raise NotImplementedError

        dv = fenics.TestFunction(V)
        fenics_grad_form = fenics.derivative(fenics_output_form, fenics_input, dv)

    # Assemble the derivative forms
    fenics_grads = [fenics.assemble(form) for form in fenics_grads_forms]

    # Convert FEniCS gradients to jax array representation
    jax_grads = (
        None if fg is None else np.asarray(g * fenics_to_numpy(fg))
        for fg in fenics_grads

    jax_grad_tuple = tuple(jax_grads)

    return jax_grad_tuple
Example #9
def solver(f, u_D, bc_funs, ndim, length, nx, ny, nz=None, degree=2):
    """Fenics 求解器

        f (Expression): [description]
        u_D (Expression): [description]
        bc_funs (List[Callable]): [description]
        ndim (int): [description]
        length (float): [description]
        nx (int): [description]
        ny (int): [description]
        nz (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to None.
        degree (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 1.

        Function: 解 u

    mesh = get_mesh(length, nx, ny, nz)
    # mesh = refine_mesh(mesh, length)

    V = fs.FunctionSpace(mesh, "P", degree)
    bcs = [fs.DirichletBC(V, u_D, bc) for bc in bc_funs]
    u = fs.TrialFunction(V)
    v = fs.TestFunction(V)
    FF = fs.dot(fs.grad(u), fs.grad(v)) * fs.dx - f * v * fs.dx
    a = fs.lhs(FF)
    L = fs.rhs(FF)
    u = fs.Function(V)
    fs.solve(a == L, u, bcs)
    return u, mesh
Example #10
    def compute_mesh_volume(self):

        one = fe.Constant(1)
        DG = fe.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, 'DG', 0)
        v = fe.TestFunction(DG)
        L = v * one * fe.dx
        b = fe.assemble(L)
        self.mesh_volume = b.get_local().sum()
Example #11
def calc_system_variables(*, coords, advect_params, flags, pert_params):
    dx = (coords.we[1] - coords.we[0]) * 1000
    dy = (coords.sn[1] - coords.sn[0]) * 1000  # dx, dy in m not km
    max_horizon = pd.Timedelta(advect_params['max_horizon'])
    ci_crop_shape = np.array([coords.sn_crop.size, coords.we_crop.size],
    U_crop_shape = np.array([coords.sn_crop.size, coords.we_stag_crop.size],
    V_crop_shape = np.array([coords.sn_stag_crop.size, coords.we_crop.size],
    U_crop_size = U_crop_shape[0] * U_crop_shape[1]
    V_crop_size = V_crop_shape[0] * V_crop_shape[1]
    wind_size = U_crop_size + V_crop_size
    num_of_horizons = int((max_horizon / 15).seconds / 60)
    sys_vars = {
        'dx': dx,
        'dy': dy,
        'num_of_horizons': num_of_horizons,
        'max_horizon': max_horizon,
        'ci_crop_shape': ci_crop_shape,
        'U_crop_shape': U_crop_shape,
        'V_crop_shape': V_crop_shape,
        'U_crop_size': U_crop_size,
        'V_crop_size': V_crop_size,
        'wind_size': wind_size
    if flags['div']:
        mesh = fe.RectangleMesh(
            fe.Point(0, 0),
            fe.Point(int(V_crop_shape[1] - 1), int(U_crop_shape[0] - 1)),
            int(V_crop_shape[1] - 1), int(U_crop_shape[0] - 1))
        FunctionSpace_wind = fe.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 1)
        sys_vars['FunctionSpace_wind'] = FunctionSpace_wind
    if flags['perturbation']:
        rf_eig, rf_vectors = eig_2d_covariance(x=coords.we_crop,
        rf_approx_var = (rf_vectors * rf_eig[None, :] *
        sys_vars['rf_eig'] = rf_eig
        sys_vars['rf_vectors'] = rf_vectors
        sys_vars['rf_approx_var'] = rf_approx_var
    if flags['perturb_winds']:
        rf_eig, rf_vectors = eig_2d_covariance(coords.we_crop,
        rf_approx_var = (rf_vectors * rf_eig[None, :] *
        rf_eig = rf_eig * pert_params['Lx_wind']**2
        sys_vars['rf_eig_wind'] = rf_eig
        sys_vars['rf_vectors_wind'] = rf_vectors
        sys_vars['rf_approx_var_wind'] = rf_approx_var
    sys_vars = dict2nt(sys_vars, 'sys_vars')
    return sys_vars
Example #12
def test_jax_to_fenics_function(test_input, expected_expr):
    mesh = fenics.UnitIntervalMesh(10)
    V = fenics.FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)
    template = fenics.Function(V)
    fenics_test_input = numpy_to_fenics(test_input, template)
    expected = fenics.interpolate(fenics.Expression(expected_expr, degree=1), V)
    assert numpy.allclose(
        fenics_test_input.vector().get_local(), expected.vector().get_local()
Example #13
def test_numpy_to_fenics_function():
    test_input = numpy.linspace(0.05, 0.95, num=10)
    mesh = fenics.UnitIntervalMesh(10)
    V = fenics.FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)
    template = fenics.Function(V)
    fenics_test_input = numpy_to_fenics(test_input, template)
    expected = fenics.interpolate(fenics.Expression("x[0]", degree=1), V)
    assert numpy.allclose(fenics_test_input.vector().get_local(),
Example #14
def test_interpolator():
    W = fenics.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 2)
    X = fenics.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 0)

    interp_W = cashocs.utils.Interpolator(V, W)
    interp_X = cashocs.utils.Interpolator(V, X)

    func_V = fenics.Function(V)
    func_V.vector()[:] = np.random.rand(V.dim())

    fen_W = fenics.interpolate(func_V, W)
    fen_X = fenics.interpolate(func_V, X)

    cas_W = interp_W.interpolate(func_V)
    cas_X = interp_X.interpolate(func_V)

    assert np.allclose(fen_W.vector()[:], cas_W.vector()[:])
    assert np.allclose(fen_X.vector()[:], cas_X.vector()[:])
Example #15
def test_formulation_1_extrap_1_material():
    Test function formulation() with 1 extrinsic trap
    and 1 material
    dt = 1
    traps = [{
        "energy": 1,
        "materials": [1],
        "type": "extrinsic"
    materials = [{
            "alpha": 1,
            "beta": 2,
            "density": 3,
            "borders": [0, 1],
            "E_diff": 4,
            "D_0": 5,
            "id": 1
    mesh = fenics.UnitIntervalMesh(10)
    V = fenics.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 1, 2)
    W = fenics.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 1)
    u = fenics.Function(V)
    u_n = fenics.Function(V)
    v = fenics.TestFunction(V)
    n = fenics.interpolate(fenics.Expression('1', degree=0), W)
    solutions = list(fenics.split(u))
    previous_solutions = list(fenics.split(u_n))
    testfunctions = list(fenics.split(v))
    extrinsic_traps = [n]
    mf = fenics.MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, 1, 1)
    dx = fenics.dx(subdomain_data=mf)
    temp = fenics.Expression("300", degree=0)
    flux_ = fenics.Expression("10000", degree=0)

    F, expressions = FESTIM.formulation(
        traps, extrinsic_traps, solutions, testfunctions,
        previous_solutions, dt, dx, materials, temp, flux_)
    expected_form = ((solutions[0] - previous_solutions[0]) / dt) * \
    expected_form += 5 * fenics.exp(-4/8.6e-5/temp) * \
            fenics.grad(solutions[0]), fenics.grad(testfunctions[0]))*dx(1)
    expected_form += -flux_*testfunctions[0]*dx + \
        ((solutions[1] - previous_solutions[1]) / dt) * \
    expected_form += - 5 * fenics.exp(-4/8.6e-5/temp)/1/1/2 * \
        solutions[0] * (extrinsic_traps[0] - solutions[1]) * \
    expected_form += 1e13*fenics.exp(-1/8.6e-5/temp)*solutions[1] * \
    expected_form += ((solutions[1] - previous_solutions[1]) / dt) * \

    assert expected_form.equals(F) is True
def test_empty_measure():
    mesh, _, _, dx, ds, dS = cashocs.regular_mesh(5)
    V = fenics.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
    dm = cashocs.utils.EmptyMeasure(dx)

    trial = fenics.TrialFunction(V)
    test = fenics.TestFunction(V)

    assert fenics.assemble(1 * dm) == 0.0
    assert (fenics.assemble(test * dm).norm('linf')) == 0.0
    assert (fenics.assemble(trial * test * dm).norm('linf')) == 0.0
Example #17
    def run(self):
        e_domain = self._create_e_domain()
        mesh = generate_mesh(e_domain, MESH_PTS)


        Omega_e = fe.FiniteElement("Lagrange", mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)
        Omega_i = fe.FiniteElement("Lagrange",
                                   self.passive_seg.mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)
        Omega = fe.FunctionSpace(mesh, Omega_e * Omega_i)
        Theta_e, Theta_i = fe.TrialFunction(Omega)
        v_e, v_i = fe.TestFunctions(Omega)
        sigma_e, sigma_i = 0.3, 0.4

        LHS = sigma_e * fe.inner(fe.grad(Theta_e),
                                 fe.grad(v_e)) * fe.dx  # poisson
        LHS += sigma_i * fe.inner(fe.grad(Theta_i),
                                  fe.grad(v_i)) * fe.dx  # poisson
        LHS -= sigma_e * fe.grad(Theta_e) * v_e * fe.ds  # current
        LHS += sigma_i * fe.grad(Theta_i) * v_i * fe.ds  # current
        RHS = self.boundary_exp * v_e * fe.ds  # source term

        # TODO: solve Poisson in extracellular space
        w = fe.Function(Omega)
        fe.solve(LHS == RHS, w)
        Theta_e, Theta_i = w.split()

        plot(fe.interpolate(Theta, fe.FunctionSpace(mesh, Omega)),

        # Set the potential just inside the membrane to Ve (just computed)
        # minus V_m (from prev timestep)
        self.passive_seg.set_v(Theta, self.passive_seg_vm)

        # Solve for the potential and current inside the passive cell

        # Use Im to compute a new Vm for the next timestep, eq (8)
        self.passive_seg_vm = self.passive_seg_vm + self.dt / self.cm * (
            self.passive_seg_im - self.passive_seg_vm / self.rm)
Example #18
 def mesh_gen_default(self, intervals, typ='P', order=1):
     creates a square with sides of 1, divided by intervals
     by default the type of the volume associated with the mesh
     is considered to be Lagrangian, with order 1.
     self._mesh = FEN.UnitSquareMesh(intervals, intervals)
     self.input['mesh'] = self._mesh
     self._V = FEN.FunctionSpace(self._mesh, typ, order)
     self.input['V'] = self._V
     self._u = FEN.TrialFunction(self._V)
     self._v = FEN.TestFunction(self._V)
Example #19
    def __init__(self, mesh, constitutive_model):

        W = fe.FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1)
        super().__init__(mesh, constitutive_model, W)

        self.w = fe.Function(W)
        self.p, self.p0 = self.w, fe.Function(W)

        self.g = fe.TestFunction(W)

        self.functional = fe.inner(self.p, self.g) - fe.inner(
Example #20
def dynamic_solver_func(ncells=10,  # количество узлов на заданном итервале
                        init_time=0,  # начальный момент времени
                        end_time=10,  # конечный момент времени
                        dxdphi=1,  # производная от потенциала по х
                        dydphi=1,  # производня от потенциала по у
                        x0=0,  # начальное положение по оси х
                        vx0=1,  # проекция начальной скорости на ось х
                        y0=0,  # начальное положение по оси у
                        vy0=1):  # проекция начальной скорости на ось у
    """ Функция на вход которой подается производная от потенциала
        гравитационного поля, возвращающая координаты смещенных
        материальных точек (частиц).
    # генерация сетки на заданном интервале времени
    mesh = fen.IntervalMesh(ncells, 0, end_time-init_time)

    welm = fen.MixedElement([fen.FiniteElement('Lagrange', fen.interval, 2),
                             fen.FiniteElement('Lagrange', fen.interval, 2),
                             fen.FiniteElement('Lagrange', fen.interval, 2),
                             fen.FiniteElement('Lagrange', fen.interval, 2)])

    # генерация функционального рростаанства
    W = fen.FunctionSpace(mesh, welm)

    # постановка начальных условий задачи
    bcsys = [fen.DirichletBC(W.sub(0), fen.Constant(x0), 'near(x[0], 0)'),
             fen.DirichletBC(W.sub(1), fen.Constant(vx0), 'near(x[0], 0)'),
             fen.DirichletBC(W.sub(2), fen.Constant(y0), 'near(x[0], 0)'),
             fen.DirichletBC(W.sub(3), fen.Constant(vy0), 'near(x[0], 0)')]

    # опееделение тестовых функций для решения задачи
    up = fen.Function(W)
    x_cor, v_x, y_cor, v_y = fen.split(up)
    v1, v2, v3, v4 = fen.split(fen.TestFunction(W))

    # постановка задачи drdt = v; dvdt = - grad(phi) в проекциях на оси системы координат
    weak_form = (x_cor.dx(0) - v_x) * v1 * fen.dx + (v_x.dx(0) + dxdphi) * v2 * fen.dx \
                + (y_cor.dx(0) - v_y) * v3 * fen.dx + (v_y.dx(0) + dydphi) * v4 * fen.dx

    # решние поставленной задачи
    fen.solve(weak_form == 0, up, bcs=bcsys)

    # определение момента времени
    time = fen.Point(end_time - init_time)

    # расчет координат и скоростей
    x_end_time = up(time.x())[0]
    vx_end_time = up(time.x())[1]
    y_end_time = up(time.x())[2]
    vy_end_time = up(time.x())[3]

    return x_end_time, y_end_time, vx_end_time, vy_end_time
Example #21
    def _build_function_space(self):
        class Exterior(fa.SubDomain):
            def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
                return on_boundary and (fa.near(x[1], 1) or fa.near(x[0], 1) or
                                        fa.near(x[0], 0) or fa.near(x[1], 0))

        class Left(fa.SubDomain):
            def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
                return on_boundary and fa.near(x[0], 0)

        class Right(fa.SubDomain):
            def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
                return on_boundary and fa.near(x[0], 1)

        class Bottom(fa.SubDomain):
            def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
                return on_boundary and fa.near(x[1], 0)

        class Top(fa.SubDomain):
            def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
                return on_boundary and fa.near(x[1], 1)

        class Interior(fa.SubDomain):
            def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
                return on_boundary and (x[0] > 0.1 and x[0] < 0.9
                                        and x[1] > 0.1 and x[1] < 0.9)

        self.exteriors_dic = {
            'left': Left(),
            'right': Right(),
            'bottom': Bottom(),
            'top': Top()
        self.exterior = Exterior()
        self.interior = Interior()

        self.V = fa.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, 'P', 1)

        self.source = da.Expression(("100*sin(2*pi*x[0])"), degree=3)
        # self.source = da.Expression("k*100*exp( (-(x[0]-x0)*(x[0]-x0) -(x[1]-x1)*(x[1]-x1)) / (2*0.01*l) )",
        #                        k=1, l=1, x0=0.9, x1=0.1, degree=3)
        # self.source = da.Constant(10)
        self.source = da.interpolate(self.source, self.V)

        boundary_fn_ext = da.Constant(1.)
        boundary_fn_int = da.Constant(1.)
        boundary_bc_ext = da.DirichletBC(self.V, boundary_fn_ext,
        boundary_bc_int = da.DirichletBC(self.V, boundary_fn_int,
        self.bcs = [boundary_bc_ext, boundary_bc_int]
Example #22
def Vufl(soln, t):
    "Make a UFL object for plotting V"
    split = fe.split(soln.function)
    irho = split[0]
    iUs = split[1:]
    V = (soln.V(iUs, irho, params=soln.ksdg.iparams) /
         (soln.ksdg.iparams['sigma']**2 / 2))
    fs = soln.function.function_space()
    cell = fs.ufl_cell()
    CE = fe.FiniteElement('CG', cell, soln.degree)
    CS = fe.FunctionSpace(fs.mesh(), CE)
    pV = fe.project(V, CS, solver_type='petsc')
    return pV
Example #23
    def xest_second_tutorial(self):
        T = 2.0  # final time
        num_steps = 50  # number of time steps
        dt = T / num_steps  # time step size
        # Create mesh and define function space
        nx = ny = 30
        mesh = fenics.RectangleMesh(fenics.Point(-2, -2), fenics.Point(2, 2),
                                    nx, ny)
        V = fenics.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 1)

        # Define boundary condition
        def boundary(x, on_boundary):
            return on_boundary

        bc = fenics.DirichletBC(V, fenics.Constant(0), boundary)
        # Define initial value
        u_0 = fenics.Expression('exp(-a*pow(x[0], 2) - a*pow(x[1], 2))',
        u_n = fenics.interpolate(u_0, V)
        # Define variational problem
        u = fenics.TrialFunction(V)
        v = fenics.TestFunction(V)
        f = fenics.Constant(0)
        F = u * v * fenics.dx + dt * fenics.dot(fenics.grad(u), fenics.grad(
            v)) * fenics.dx - (u_n + dt * f) * v * fenics.dx
        a, L = fenics.lhs(F), fenics.rhs(F)
        # Create VTK file for saving solution
        vtkfile = fenics.File(
            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'output', 'heat_gaussian',
        # Time-stepping
        u = fenics.Function(V)
        t = 0
        not_initialised = True
        for n in range(num_steps):
            # Update current time
            t += dt
            # Compute solution
            fenics.solve(a == L, u, bc)
            # Save to file and plot solution
            vtkfile << (u, t)
            # Here we'll need to call tripcolor ourselves to get access to the color range
        animation = animation_camera.animate()
            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'output',
Example #24
 def __init__(self, my_d, fen_dic, det_dic):
     self.p_electric = []
     self.w_p_electric = []
     self.det_model = fen_dic['name']
     self.fl_x = my_d.l_x / fen_dic['xyscale']
     self.fl_y = my_d.l_y / fen_dic['xyscale']
     self.fl_z = my_d.l_z
     self.tol = 1e-14
     self.det_dic = det_dic
     m_sensor_box = self.fenics_space(my_d)
     self.mesh3D = mshr.generate_mesh(m_sensor_box, fen_dic['mesh'])
     self.V = fenics.FunctionSpace(self.mesh3D, 'P', 1)
Example #25
    def __init__(self, N, K):
        # Variables
        x, y = sym.symbols('x[0], x[1]', real=True, positive=True)
        f = sym.Function('f')(x, y)

        # Precision (inverse covariance) operator, when α = 1
        tau, alpha = 3, 2
        precision = (-sym.diff(f, x, x) - sym.diff(f, y, y) + tau**2 * f)

        indices = [(m, n) for m in range(0, N) for n in range(0, N)]
        # indices = indices[:-1]
        self.indices = sorted(indices, key=max)
        eig_f = [
            sym.cos(i[0] * sym.pi * x) * sym.cos(i[1] * sym.pi * y)
            for i in self.indices

        # Eigenvalues of the covariance operator
        self.eig_v = [
            1 / (precision.subs(f, e).doit() / e).simplify()**alpha
            for e in eig_f

        grid = np.linspace(0, 1, K + 2)[1:-1]
        x_obs, y_obs = np.meshgrid(grid, grid)
        self.x_obs, self.y_obs = x_obs.reshape(K * K), y_obs.reshape(K * K)

        # Basis_functions
        self.functions = [
            f * np.sqrt(float(v)) for f, v in zip(eig_f, self.eig_v)

        # Create mesh and define function space
        n_mesh = 80
        mesh = fen.UnitSquareMesh(n_mesh, n_mesh)
        self.f_space = fen.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 2)

        # Define boundary condition
        # u_boundary = fen.Expression('x[0] + x[1]', degree=2)
        u_boundary = fen.Expression('0', degree=2)
        self.bound_cond = fen.DirichletBC(self.f_space, u_boundary,
                                          lambda x, on_boundary: on_boundary)

        # Define variational problem
        self.trial_f = fen.TrialFunction(self.f_space)
        self.test_f = fen.TestFunction(self.f_space)
        rhs = fen.Constant(50)
        # rhs = fen.Expression('sin(x[0])*sin(x[1])', degree=2)
        self.lin_func = rhs * self.test_f * fen.dx
Example #26
def solve_poisson_problem(mesh, boundary_values_expression, forcing_function):
    """ Solve the Poisson problem with P2 elements. """
    V = fenics.FunctionSpace(mesh, "P", 2)

    u, v = fenics.TrialFunction(V), fenics.TestFunction(V)

    solution = fenics.Function(V)

        fenics.dot(fenics.grad(v), fenics.grad(u)) * fenics.dx == v *
        forcing_function * fenics.dx, solution,
        fenics.DirichletBC(V, boundary_values_expression, boundary))

    return solution
Example #27
def solve_poisson_eps(h, eps, plot=False):
    eps = fe.Constant(eps)
    n = int(1 / h)
    # Create mesh and define function space
    mesh = fe.UnitIntervalMesh(n)
    V = fe.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 1)

    # Define boundary condition
    u_D = fe.Constant(0.0)

    # Find exact solution:
    u_exact = fe.Expression(
        "(1./2 - x[0]) * (2 * x[0] + eps/(2*pi) * sin(2*pi*x[0]/eps)) "
        "+ eps*eps/(2*pi*2*pi) * (1 - cos(2*pi*x[0]/eps)) + x[0]*x[0]",

    def boundary(x, on_boundary):
        return on_boundary

    bc = fe.DirichletBC(V, u_D, boundary)

    # Define variational problem

    u = fe.TrialFunction(V)
    v = fe.TestFunction(V)
    f = fe.Constant(1)
    A = fe.Expression('1./(2+cos(2*pi*x[0]/eps))', eps=eps, degree=2)
    a = A * fe.dot(fe.grad(u), fe.grad(v)) * fe.dx
    L = f * v * fe.dx

    # Compute solution
    u = fe.Function(V)
    fe.solve(a == L, u, bc)

    if plot:
        # Plot solution
        fe.plot(u_exact, mesh=mesh)
        # Hold plot

    # # Save solution to file in VTK format
    # vtkfile = fe.File('poisson/solution.pvd')
    # vtkfile << u

    # Compute error
    err_norm = fe.errornorm(u_exact, u, 'L2')
    return err_norm
Example #28
    def writeToHDF5(self):
        print 'self.hdfFileName', self.hdfFileName, type(self.hdfFileName)
        mesh = Mesh(self.xmlFileName)
        hfile = fc.HDF5File(mesh.mpi_comm(), self.hdfFileName, "w")

        V = fc.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)

        thicknessiD = interpolateDataClass(thickness.interp, degree=2)
        bediD = interpolateDataClass(bed.interp, degree=2)
        surfaceiD = interpolateDataClass(surface.interp, degree=2)
        smbiD = interpolateDataClass(smb.interp, degree=2)
        velocityiD = interpolateDataClass(velocity.interp, degree=2)
        t2miD = interpolateDataClass(t2m.interp, degree=2)

        th = project(thicknessiD, V)
        be = project(bediD, V)
        su = project(surfaceiD, V)
        sm = project(smbiD, V)
        ve = project(velocityiD, V)
        t2 = project(t2miD, V)

        hfile.write(th, 'thickness')
        hfile.write(be, 'bed')
        hfile.write(su, 'surface')
        hfile.write(sm, 'smb')
        hfile.write(ve, 'velocity')
        hfile.write(t2, 't2m')
        hfile.write(mesh, "mesh")

        parTHF = File(self.paraFileName + 'thickness' + '.pvd')
        parTHF << th

        parBEF = File(self.paraFileName + 'bed' + '.pvd')
        parBEF << be

        parSUF = File(self.paraFileName + 'surface' + '.pvd')
        parSUF << su

        parSMF = File(self.paraFileName + 'smb' + '.pvd')
        parSMF << sm

        parVEF = File(self.paraFileName + 'velocity' + '.pvd')
        parVEF << ve

        parT2F = File(self.paraFileName, 't2m' + '.pvd')
        parT2F << t2

        print 'Done with mesh'
Example #29
    def solve_initial_problem_v2(self):
        V = fn.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, 'Lagrange', 2)

        # Define test and trial functions.
        v = fn.TestFunction(V)
        u = fn.TrialFunction(V)

        # Define radial coordinates.
        r = fn.SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh)[0]

        # Define the relative permittivity.

        class relative_perm(fn.UserExpression):
            def __init__(self, markers, subdomain_ids, **kwargs):
                self.markers = markers
                self.subdomain_ids = subdomain_ids

            def eval_cell(self, values, x, cell):
                if self.markers[cell.index] == self.subdomain_ids['Vacuum']:
                    values[0] = 1.
                    values[0] = 10.

        rel_perm = relative_perm(self.subdomains,

        # Define the variational form.
        a = r * rel_perm * fn.inner(fn.grad(u), fn.grad(v)) * self.dx
        L = fn.Constant(0.) * v * self.dx

        # Define the boundary conditions.
        bc1 = fn.DirichletBC(V, fn.Constant(0.), self.boundaries,
        bc4 = fn.DirichletBC(V, fn.Constant(-10.), self.boundaries,
        bcs = [bc1, bc4]

        # Solve the problem.
        init_phi = fn.Function(V)
        fn.solve(a == L, init_phi, bcs)

        return Poisson.block_project(init_phi,
Example #30
def solve_poisson_with_fem(lightweight=False):
    # Create mesh and define function space
    mesh = fs.UnitSquareMesh(8, 8)
    V = fs.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 1)

    # Define boundary condition
    u_code = 'x[0] + 2*x[1] + 1'
    u_D = fs.Expression(u_code, degree=2)

    def boundary(x, on_boundary):
        return on_boundary

    bc = fs.DirichletBC(V, u_D, boundary)

    # Define variational problem
    u = fs.Function(V)  # Note: not TrialFunction!
    v = fs.TestFunction(V)

    # f = fs.Expression(f_code, degree=2)
    f_code = '-10*x[0] - 20*x[1] - 10'
    f = fs.Expression(f_code, degree=2)

    F = q(u) * fs.dot(fs.grad(u), fs.grad(v)) * fs.dx - f * v * fs.dx

    # Compute solution
    fs.solve(F == 0, u, bc)

    # Plot solution

    # Compute maximum error at vertices. This computation illustrates
    # an alternative to using compute_vertex_values as in poisson.py.
    u_e = fs.interpolate(u_D, V)

    # Restore numpy object
    image1d = np.empty((81, ), dtype=np.float)
    for v in fs.vertices(mesh):
        image1d[v.index()] = u(*mesh.coordinates()[v.index()])

    if not lightweight:
        error_max = np.abs(u_e.vector().get_local() -
        print('error_max = ', error_max)

        save_contour(image1d, 1.0, 1.0, 'poisson')

    return image1d