def setUp(self): self.NAME = 'ora_solr' self.END = Ora().ENDPOINT self.FIELD = 'author' # We are going to use the following thesis as our test item. # self.AUTHOR = 'cummings' self.TITLE = 'neural control of convergence eye movements' self.EID = '83530474-369e-417b-a8db-ac06ebf42c84' self.SEARCH = fetch.Search(self.NAME) self.DATEFIELD = 'timestamp' self.EDATE = '2013-01-21' self.ETIME = '11:14:22.227Z' self.EDATETIME = '%sT%s' % (self.EDATE, self.ETIME) self.JOINER = '&' # These expected value might change. Correct as of 18th July 2013 # The total expected is due to ORA defaulting return 10 rows. self.TOTAL_EXPECTED = 10 self.ROWS_EXPECTED = 2 self.DOCS_EXPECTED = 334 self.TITLE_NOQUOTES_EXPECTED = 112100 self.TOTAL_DATERANGE = 250 # Total until able to explain why it has changed. self.TOTAL_DATERANGE = 248
def setUp(self): self.NAME = 'plos_test' p = Plos() self.END = p.ENDPOINT self.KEY = p.KEY self.URL_API_KEY = p.URL_KEY_FIELD self.SEARCH = fetch.Search(self.NAME)
def setUp(self): self.NAME = 'ora_solr_idlist' self.END = Ora().ENDPOINT self.FIELD = 'recordContentSource' self.VALUE = 'polonsky' # Did a visual check of ORA to confirm this id is from the source above. self.CHECK_ID = 'uuid:278c6978-9421-46af-af61-a062a2044591' self.SEARCH = fetch.Search(self.NAME) self.TOTAL_EXPECTED = 1242
def _fetch_ids(self): '''Obtain the IDs for the items we want to get totals for.''' start = time.time() search = fetch.Search('IDs fetching') ids, log = search.auto_list_ids(self.ENDPOINT, self.VALUE, self.FIELD) self.REPORT_METHOD.update(log) self.RAW_IDS = ids self.REPORT_METHOD['3a. Seconds taken to find IDs'] = time.time( ) - start
def data_loader(self, year, month, day): '''Return the total of items with the same year, month and day.''' self.SEARCH = fetch.Search(self.NAME) self.SEARCH.set_endpoint(self.END) # We might as well reduce the amount of data returned self.SEARCH.set_rows(2) # only two items self.SEARCH.set_field_getlist(('id',self.FIELD)) # and two fields # This data loader requires us to restrict the search by date wanted = self.SEARCH.format_date(year, month, day) self.SEARCH.query_daterange(self.FIELD, wanted, wanted) # Now can get the data. if self.ENABLE_GET_DOCUMENTS: unused = self.SEARCH.get_documents() # execute the query return self.SEARCH.DOCS_FOUND else: # simulate with obviously wrong numbers return year+month+day+10000
def setUp(self): self.NAME = 'dfinder_solr' self.END = Datafinder8000().ENDPOINT self.FIELD = 'silo' # We are going to use the following thesis as our test item. self.SILO = 'eprints' self.DATEFIELD = 'timestamp' self.TID = 'oai:generic-eprints-org:774' self.EDATE = '2012-08-21' self.ETIME = '15:13:33.521Z' self.DATEEMBARG = '2082-08-21' self.SEARCH = fetch.Search(self.NAME) # These expected results are correct as of 3rd September 2013 self.EXPECTED_TOTAL = 331 self.EXPECTED_DATERANGE_TOTAL = 1814 self.EXPECTED_EMBARG_TOTAL = 175
def setUp(self): self.NAME = 'plos_solr' p = Plos() self.END = p.ENDPOINT self.KEY = p.KEY self.URL_API_KEY = p.URL_KEY_FIELD self.AUTHOR = 'Majlender' self.AUTHOR2 = 'Welling' self.AUTHOR_NONASCII = u"Björk" self.TITLE = 'Open Access to the Scientific Journal Literature' self.EID = "10.1371/journal.pone.0011273" self.DATEFIELD = 'publication_date' self.EDATE = '2010-06-23' self.ETIME = '00:00:00Z' self.EDATETIME = '%sT%s' % (self.EDATE, self.ETIME) self.SEARCH = fetch.Search(self.NAME) self.JOINER = p.AND_JOINER # These expected value might change. Correct as self.DOCS_EXPECTED = 8 #of 26th July 2013 self.DATE_EXPECTED = 259
def setUp(self): self.NAME = 'ora_solr' self.END = Ora().ENDPOINT self.FIELD = 'author' self.AUTHOR = 'cummings' self.SEARCH = fetch.Search(self.NAME)