Example #1
rottweiler_tl = fetchmaker.get_tail_length("rottweiler")
rottweiler_tl_mean = np.mean(rottweiler_tl)
rottweiler_tl_std = np.std(rottweiler_tl)
print (rottweiler_tl_mean)
print (rottweiler_tl_std)

whippet_rescue = fetchmaker.get_is_rescue("whippet")
num_whippet_rescues = np.count_nonzero(whippet_rescue)
print (num_whippet_rescues)
num_whippets = np.size(whippet_rescue)
print (num_whippets)
pval = binom_test(num_whippet_rescues,num_whippets,0.08)
print (pval)

a = fetchmaker.get_weight("whippet")
b = fetchmaker.get_weight("terrier")
c = fetchmaker.get_weight("pitbull")
fstat,pval = f_oneway(a,b,c)
print (pval)

v = np.concatenate([a,b,c])
labels = ['whippet']*len(a) + ['terrier']*len(b) + ['pitbull']*len(c)
tukey_results = pairwise_tukeyhsd(v,labels,0.05)
print (tukey_results)

poodle_colors = fetchmaker.get_color("poodle")
shihtzu_colors = fetchmaker.get_color("shihtzu")

x11 = np.count_nonzero(poodle_colors == 'black')
x12 = np.count_nonzero(shihtzu_colors == 'black')
Over the years, we have seen that we expect 8% of dogs in the FetchMaker system to be rescues. We want to know if whippets are significantly more or less likely to be a rescue.
whippet_rescue = fetchmaker.get_is_rescue("whippet")
num_whippet_rescues = np.count_nonzero(whippet_rescue)
num_whippets = np.size(whippet_rescue)

pval = binom_test(num_whippet_rescues, n=num_whippets, p=0.08)
Three of our most popular mid-sized dog breeds are whippets, terriers, and pitbulls. Is there a significant difference in the average weights of these three dog breeds? Perform a comparative numerical test to determine if there is a significant difference.
whippet_weight = fetchmaker.get_weight("whippet")
terrier_weight = fetchmaker.get_weight("terrier")
pitbull_weight = fetchmaker.get_weight("pitbull")
tstat, pval = f_oneway(whippet_weight, terrier_weight, pitbull_weight)

v = np.concatenate([whippet_weight, terrier_weight, pitbull_weight])
labels = ['whippet_weight'] * len(whippet_weight) + ['terrier_weight'] * len(
    terrier_weight) + ['pitbull_weight'] * len(pitbull_weight)

tukey_results = pairwise_tukeyhsd(v, labels, 0.05)
Example #3
from scipy.stats import f_oneway
from statsmodels.stats.multicomp import pairwise_tukeyhsd
from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency

rottweiler_tl = fetchmaker.get_tail_length('rottweiler')


whippet_rescue = fetchmaker.get_is_rescue('whippet')
num_whippet_rescues = np.count_nonzero(whippet_rescue)
num_whippets = np.size(whippet_rescue)

print(binom_test(num_whippet_rescues, num_whippets, .08))

w = fetchmaker.get_weight('whippet')
t = fetchmaker.get_weight('terrier')
p = fetchmaker.get_weight('pitbull')

print(f_oneway(w, t, p).pvalue)

values = np.concatenate([w, t, p])
labels = ['whippet'] * len(w) + ['terrier'] * len(t) + ['pitbull'] * len(p)
print(pairwise_tukeyhsd(values, labels, .05))

poodle_colors = fetchmaker.get_color('poodle')
shihtzu_colors = fetchmaker.get_color('shihtzu')

color_table = [[
    np.count_nonzero(poodle_colors == 'black'),
    np.count_nonzero(shihtzu_colors == 'black')
Example #4
num_whippet_rescue = np.count_nonzero(whippet_rescue)
num_whippets = np.size(whippet_rescue)

from scipy.stats import binom_test

whippet_binom_test = binom_test(num_whippet_rescue, num_whippets, 0.08)
if whippet_binom_test < 0.05:
    print('Significant Difference!')
    print('No Difference.')

from scipy.stats import f_oneway

whippet_avg_weight = fetchmaker.get_weight('whippet')
terrier_avg_weight = fetchmaker.get_weight('terrier')
pitbull_avg_weight = fetchmaker.get_weight('pitbull')
weight_t, weight_pval = f_oneway(whippet_avg_weight, terrier_avg_weight,

if weight_pval < 0.05:
    print('There is a difference between these breeds!')
    print('There is no difference between these breeds.')

from statsmodels.stats.multicomp import pairwise_tukeyhsd

weight_pw = np.concatenate(
    [whippet_avg_weight, terrier_avg_weight, pitbull_avg_weight])
weight_labels = ['whippet'] * len(whippet_avg_weight) + ['terrier'] * len(
import numpy as np
import fetchmaker
from scipy.stats import binom_test
from scipy.stats import f_oneway
from statsmodels.stats.multicomp import pairwise_tukeyhsd
from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency

rottweiler_tl = fetchmaker.get_weight("rottweiler")

print np.mean(rottweiler_tl)
print np.std(rottweiler_tl)

whippet_rescue = fetchmaker.get_is_rescue("whippet")

num_whippet_rescues = np.count_nonzero(whippet_rescue==1)
num_whippets = np.size(whippet_rescue)

pval = binom_test(num_whippets, n=10000, p=0.08)
print pval

whippets = fetchmaker.get_weight("whippet")
terriers = fetchmaker.get_weight("terrier")
pitbulls = fetchmaker.get_weight("pitbull")

fstat, pval = f_oneway(whippets, terriers, pitbulls)
print pval

v = np.concatenate([whippets, terriers, pitbulls])
labels = ['Whippets'] * len(whippets) + ['Terriers'] * len(terriers) + ['Pitbulls'] * len(pitbulls)
from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency

rottweiler_tl = fm.get_tail_length("rottweiler")


whippet_rescue = fm.get_is_rescue("whippet")
num_whippet_rescues = np.count_nonzero(whippet_rescue)
num_whippets = np.size(whippet_rescue)
pval = binom_test(num_whippet_rescues, num_whippets, p=0.08)

# pval > 0.05 : Not significant

whippet_wg = fm.get_weight("whippet")
terrier_wg = fm.get_weight("terrier")
pitbull_wg = fm.get_weight("pitbull")
pval2 = f_oneway(whippet_wg, terrier_wg, pitbull_wg).pvalue


# pval > 0.05 : Not significant

weights = np.concatenate([whippet_wg, terrier_wg, pitbull_wg])
labels = ["Whippet"] * len(whippet_wg) + ["Terrier"] * len(terrier_wg) + ["Pitbull"] * len(pitbull_wg) 

tukey_results = pairwise_tukeyhsd(weights, labels, 0.05)

Example #7
# on average, 8% of dogs in the FetchMaker system is expected to be rescues
# find out if the number of whippet rescues is statistically equal to the expected percentage of 8%
whippet_rescue = fetchmaker.get_is_rescue('whippet')
num_whippet_rescues = np.count_nonzero(whippet_rescue)
# number of whippets that is a rescue is 6
num_whippet = np.size(whippet_rescue)
# total number of whippets is 100

pval = binom_test(6, 100, 0.08)
print(format(pval, '0.10f'))
# the difference in percentage is not significant (p = .58), the number of whippet rescues doesn't differ from the expected average of 8%

# perform a test to determine if there is a significant difference in average weights of three of the most popular dog breeds; whippets, terriers and pitbulls
weight_pitbull = fetchmaker.get_weight('pitbull')
weight_whippet = fetchmaker.get_weight('whippet')
weight_terrier = fetchmaker.get_weight('terrier')

weight_compare_test = f_oneway(weight_pitbull, weight_whippet, weight_terrier)
print(format(weight_compare_test.pvalue, '0.10f'))
# p < .01

# now perform another test to determine which of the pairs of these dog breeds differ from each other
values = np.concatenate([weight_pitbull, weight_whippet, weight_terrier])
labels = ['pitbull'] * len(weight_pitbull) + ['whippet'] * len(
    weight_whippet) + ['terrier'] * len(weight_terrier)
tukey_results = pairwise_tukeyhsd(values, labels, 0.05)
# in the result table we can see that pitbulls and whippets are similar in weight, pitbulls and terriers differ in weight and terriers and whippets differ in weight as well
Example #8
import numpy as np
import fetchmaker
from scipy.stats import binom_test
from scipy.stats import f_oneway
from statsmodels.stats.multicomp import pairwise_tukeyhsd
from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency
rottweiler_tl = fetchmaker.get_tail_length('rottweiler')
print rottweiler_tl
print np.std(rottweiler_tl)
print np.mean(rottweiler_tl)
whippet_rescue = fetchmaker.get_is_rescue('whippet')
num_whippet_rescues = np.count_nonzero(whippet_rescue)
num_whippets = np.size(whippet_rescue)
pval = binom_test(num_whippet_rescues, num_whippets, 0.08)
print pval
whippets_weight = fetchmaker.get_weight('whippet')
terriers_weight = fetchmaker.get_weight('terrier')
pitbulls_weight = fetchmaker.get_weight('pitbull')
tstat, pval_wt = f_oneway(whippets_weight, terriers_weight, pitbulls_weight)
print pval_wt
v = np.concatenate([whippets_weight, terriers_weight, pitbulls_weight])
labels = ['whippet'] * len(whippets_weight) + ['terrier'] * len(
    terriers_weight) + ['pitbull'] * len(pitbulls_weight)
tukey_results = pairwise_tukeyhsd(v, labels, 0.05)
print tukey_results
poodle_colors = fetchmaker.get_color('poodle')
shihtzu_colors = fetchmaker.get_color('shihtzu')
color_table = [[
    np.count_nonzero(poodle_colors == 'black'),
    np.count_nonzero(shihtzu_colors == 'black')
Example #9
# Get number of whippet rescues and total whippets
num_whippet_rescues = np.count_nonzero(whippet_rescue)
assert np.sum(whippet_rescue) == num_whippet_rescues
num_whippets = whippet_rescue.size

print(binom_test(num_whippet_rescues, n=num_whippets, p=0.08))
    'Unable to reject hypothesis that whippets have avg likelihood of being a rescue.\n'

# Determine if there is a sig. diff. between
# the weights of whippets, terriers and pitbulls
weights = []
for breed in ['whippet', 'terrier', 'pitbull']:
    'Reject the null hypothesis that whippets, terriers and pitbulls have the same average weight.'

# Determine which breed is different
labels =  ['whippet']*len(weights[0]) + \
            ['terrier']*len(weights[1]) + \

tukey_range = pairwise_tukeyhsd(np.concatenate(weights), labels, 0.05)
count = 0
for i in range(len(tukey_range.groupsunique) - 1):
    for j in range(i + 1, len(tukey_range.groupsunique)):
        print('Reject {}-{}? {}'.format(tukey_range.groupsunique[i],