def fb_dme(request, ss="", scope="extrema", ns=1): ss = assure_ss(request, ss) r = cache_IEX(ss) if not r: messages.warning(request, 'Failed in analyzing the symbol ' + ss if ss else "") ss = '' if scope not in [i['scope'] for i in DME_SCOPES]: scope = 'extrema' watching = is_watching(request, ss) if ss else False if ss: d = deepcopy(DME_SCOPES) for i in d: i['api_url'] = i['api_url'].replace('$SS', ss).replace('$NS', str(ns)) e = next(i for i in d if i['scope'] == scope) ob = next(i for i in STYPE_LIST if i['ftype'] == 'cfp') else: d = [] e = {'api_url': '', 'desc': ''} ob = '' return render( request, 'famebits/fb_dailymoveevents.html', { 'ss': ss, 'watching': watching, 'DME_SCOPES': d, 'scope': scope, 'api_url': e['api_url'], 'desc': e['desc'], 'ob': ob })
def fb_sendoc(request, ss="", iex_id=""): ss = assure_ss(request, ss) rd = {} if ss and ss not in get_SP500(): messages.warning(request, 'Non-SP500 stocks are not supported for Fame Sense') # return redirect else: rd['ss'] = ss if not table_exist('ff_finnews_f2') or not table_exist( 'ff_finnews_f3') or not table_exist('ff_finnews_f4'): messages.warning(request, 'Fame Sense temporarily offline') # return redirect else: check_sym = runsql( "select a.*, b.iex_related, b.iex_title, b.article_url from (select * from ff_finnews_f2 where symbol='" + ss + "' and iex_id='" + str(iex_id) + "') a, ff_finnews_iex b where a.iex_id=b.iex_id limit 1") if not check_sym: messages.warning(request, 'Fame Sense has not processed that document') else: rd['iex_id'] = iex_id rd['title'] = check_sym[0]['iex_title'] rd['url'] = "/re?s=" + ss + "&v=fb_sendoc&t=iexnews&u=" + check_sym[ 0]['article_url'] rd['watching'] = is_watching(request, ss) if ss else False return render(request, 'famebits/fb_sense_doc.html', rd)
def fb_bes(request, ss=""): ss = assure_ss(request, ss) if ss and ss not in get_SP500(): messages.warning(request, 'Non-SP500 stocks are not supported for BestEver') ss = '' watching = is_watching(request, ss) if ss else False return render(request, 'famebits/fb_besteversent.html', { 'ss': ss, 'watching': watching })
def fb_ahd(request, ss=""): ss = assure_ss(request, ss) r = cache_IEX(ss) if not r: messages.warning(request, 'Failed in analyzing the symbol ' + ss if ss else "") ss = '' watching = is_watching(request, ss) if ss else False return render(request, 'famebits/fb_fameahead.html', { 'ss': ss, 'watching': watching })
def fb_chg(request, ss=""): ss = assure_ss(request, ss) r = cache_IEX(ss) if not r: messages.warning(request, 'Failed in analyzing the symbol ' + ss if ss else "") watching = is_watching(request, ss) if ss else False ob = next(i for i in STYPE_LIST if i['ftype'] == 'chg') return render(request, 'famebits/fb_changerate.html', { 'ss': ss, 'watching': watching, 'ob': ob })
def watchlist_entry(request, s="", action="", max_watch=30): s = assure_ss(request, s) action = action.lower() if action != "add" and action != "drop": return JsonResponse({"success": False, "message": "Invalid action"}) if request.method != "POST" or not request.user.is_authenticated: return JsonResponse({ "success": False, "message": "Invalid method or user not logged in" }) x_forwarded_for = request.META.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR') ipaddress = "" if x_forwarded_for: ipaddress = x_forwarded_for.split(',')[-1].strip() else: ipaddress = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR') request_view = request.POST.get("view", "") watching = [i['symbol'] for i in get_watched_symbols(request)] if action == "add": if not s: return JsonResponse({"message": "Empty symbol"}) if s not in get_SP500() and not IEX_validator_single(s): return JsonResponse({"message": "Invalid symbol " + s}) if len(watching) >= max_watch: return JsonResponse({ "message": "Reached maximum " + str(max_watch) + " of watched symbols. Drop some" }) else: # action == "drop" if s not in watching: return JsonResponse({"message": "Not watching " + s}) o_watchlist = WatchList( uid=request.user if request.user.is_authenticated else None,, request_ip=ipaddress, request_view=request_view, symbol=s, action=action) return JsonResponse({"message": "Succeeded"})