def pre_process_video_file(self, inputfile = "audio.mp4", outfile_name = None, randtoken = False, callnumber = 1):
            This function takes a video file, parses out its respective audio channesl, runs voice activity detection on those channels, and then generates 5 minute clips
            for each channel representing audio with the highest voice activity
        """"input before file " + inputfile)
        #initialize inputs
        self.inputfile = inputfile
        self.source_file = self.initial_directory + "/" + self.inputfile"inputfile " + self.inputfile)"source file " + self.source_file)
        # ------------ Find the length of your file -------------
        lengthoffile = int(ffmpeg_calls.retrieve_len(self.source_file))"Length of file " + str(lengthoffile))

        if lengthoffile == 0:
  "ERROR: Length of file is 0" + inputfile)
            raise Exception

        #TODO: create a different function for second time processing.
        # Transcodes the video file into a wav file for audio analysis
        # and outputs it to the Wav-Encoded directory.
        if callnumber >= 2:
            wav_encoded_files = [self.initial_directory + "/" + inputfile]
                wav_encoded_files = self.shorten_given_file(self.source_file, lengthoffile=lengthoffile, cuttosize=2400) #shortens a given file and returns filepath
            except Exception as e:
                log.debug("ERROR: Can't shorten given file")
                raise Exception"wav_encoded_files " + str(wav_encoded_files))

        # Only do audio analysis on a file longer than 5 minutes.
        if lengthoffile > 300:
            threads = []
            for wav_file in wav_encoded_files:
                threads.append(threading.Thread(target=self.create_voice_activity_clip, args = (wav_file, outfile_name,)))

            for i in threads:
            for i in threads:
            log.warning("File is short. Uploading the wav file without audio analysis")
            # Copies all the output.wav files to the Wav-Clips to be uploaded without further
            # processing for a file that is 5 or fewer minutes long.
            for filename in os.listdir(self.wav_directory):
                if "output.wav" in filename:
                    dest_path = self.targetdirectory + "/" + "cut_stream" + filename[-11] + "_" + self.inputfile[:-4] + ".wav"
                    cleanup.copy_file(self.wav_directory + "/" + filename, dest_path)
Example #2
def retrieve_confidence(id, filename):
    #----- Retrieves Confidence For All Files Uploaded"Getting confidence for file: " + filename + " id: " + id)
    language, confidence, response_json = VI_API.new_get_language(str(id))"File: " + filename + " language: " + str(language) + " confidence: " + str(confidence))
    ## -------- Reuploads video using a 5 min segment comprising random 20 second samples if the confidence is too low ----------------------
    cnt = 2
        if confidence < 0.50:
  "Low confidence score, redoing processing -- this will take ~10 mins")
            #Get the full audio filename corresponding to the clip
            stream_number = str(filename.split("_")[1][-1])
            encoded_file_name = stream_number + "output.wav"
            encoded_file_path = wav_files_directory  + "/" + encoded_file_name

            file_length = ffmpeg_calls.retrieve_len(encoded_file_path)
            #print("Failed to find video length")

            new_language, new_confidence, new_json = 0, 0, {}

            if file_length > MINIMUM_FILE_LENGTH_THRESHOLD:
                # Take the shorter length
                temp_cut_size = min(file_length, 2400)
      "Going to cut " + str(temp_cut_size) + " from the file")

                #random_startpoint = random.randint(60, int(file_length - (temp_cut_size + 10)))

                # generate 20 second ranges between the beginning of the video and the cutsize.
                x = range(10,temp_cut_size, 20)

                arr = random.sample(x, 15)

                cutpoints_file = open(wav_files_directory + "/" + "cutpoints_random_sample.txt", "w")
                num_cuts = int(MINIMUM_FILE_LENGTH_THRESHOLD / len(arr))

      "Number of cuts " + str(num_cuts))

                for i in range(len(arr)):
                    cutpoints_file.write("file " + str(encoded_file_name) + "\n")
                    cutpoints_file.write("inpoint " + str(arr[i] - num_cuts) + "\n")
                    cutpoints_file.write("outpoint " + str(arr[i]) + "\n")


      "Trying to create the shortened file from the cutpoints")
                ffmpeg_calls.create_shortened_file(wav_files_directory, reprocessed_files_directory, filename, "cutpoints_random_sample.txt")

                temp_id = VI_API.upload_video_file(filename, reprocessed_files_directory + "/" + filename)
                new_language, new_confidence, new_json = VI_API.new_get_language(temp_id)

                if new_confidence > confidence:
                    confidence = new_confidence
                    language = new_language
                    response_json = new_json
                    if temp_id != "None":

       "Writing the results to json ... ")
        write_json_to_file(response_json, detection_results_json_directory + "/" + filename.split(".")[0] + ".json")"Wrote result to: " + detection_results_json_directory + "/" + filename.split(".")[0] + ".json")
        return {
            "streamName": filename, 
            "language": str(language), 
            "confidence": str(confidence), 
            "resultJsonFile": filename.split(".")[0] + ".json"

    except Exception as e:
        print("ERROR: Failed to get new confidence for file " + filename)
        print e
        return {}
def retrieve_confidence(id, filename):
    #----- Retrieves Confidence For All Files Uploaded"Getting confidence for file: " + filename + " id: " + id)
    language, confidence, response_json = VI_API.new_get_language(str(id))"File: " + filename + " language: " +  str(language) + " confidence: " + str(confidence))
    ## -------- Reuploads video using a 5 min segment comprising random 20 second samples if the confidence is too low ----------------------
    cnt = 2
        #If confidence is below a certain theshold
        if confidence < 0.50:
  "Low confidence score, redoing processing -- this will take ~10 mins")
            #Get the full audio filename corresponding to the clip
            #This finds the streamnumber from the description of the file
            #the wavfile format is 'cutstream2_output.wav', this takes the 2 from the filesname to find the stream number
            stream_number = str(filename.split("_")[1][-1])
            #This creates an encoded file name for the file, the encoded file name is simply the stream number + "output.wav". So stream 3 becomes 3output.wav
            encoded_file_name = stream_number + "output.wav"
            #This gives the full filepath the the newly created wav file
            encoded_file_path = wav_files_directory  + "/" + encoded_file_name

            file_length = ffmpeg_calls.retrieve_len(encoded_file_path)
            #print("Failed to find video length")
            #initialize langauge and confidence at zero
            new_language, new_confidence, new_json = 0, 0, {}
            #If the file length is smaller than 5 minutes, don't do any processing
            if file_length > MINIMUM_FILE_LENGTH_THRESHOLD:
                # Take the shorter length
                #The temp_cut_size of the file is the smaller between 20 minutes, and the length of the entire file
                #If the file is smaller than 20 minutes, we will not take a random 20 minute sample from the video file and instead process the entire video file
                temp_cut_size = min(file_length, 2400)
      "Going to cut " + str(temp_cut_size) + " from the file")

                #random_startpoint = random.randint(60, int(file_length - (temp_cut_size + 10)))

                # generate 20 second ranges between the beginning of the video and the cutsize.
                x = range(10,temp_cut_size, 20)
                #This takes a random sample from the 20 second segments created above, this is used to generate a random mix of 20 second segments to create a 5 minute file from
                arr = random.sample(x, 15)
                #Create a file with locations to cut to create a shorter file
                cutpoints_file = open(wav_files_directory + "/" + "cutpoints_random_sample.txt", "w")
                #Number of cuts is determined by file lenght / length of the array
                num_cuts = int(MINIMUM_FILE_LENGTH_THRESHOLD / len(arr))

      "Number of cuts " + str(num_cuts))

                #Creates a file called cutpoints .txt, which is a helper file used by ffmpeg to figure out where to cut the original file
                for i in range(len(arr)):
                    cutpoints_file.write("file " + str(encoded_file_name) + "\n")
                    cutpoints_file.write("inpoint " + str(arr[i] - num_cuts) + "\n")
                    cutpoints_file.write("outpoint " + str(arr[i]) + "\n")

      "Trying to create the shortened file from the cutpoints")

                ffmpeg_calls.create_shortened_file(wav_files_directory, reprocessed_files_directory, filename, "cutpoints_random_sample.txt")

                temp_id = VI_API.upload_video_file(filename, reprocessed_files_directory + "/" + filename)
                new_language, new_confidence, new_json = VI_API.new_get_language(temp_id)
                #If the new confidence generated by the new method is better than old confidence generated by the first method, use results from the new method
                if new_confidence > confidence:
                    confidence = new_confidence
                    language = new_language
                    response_json = new_json
                    if temp_id != "None":

       "Writing the results to json ... ")
        #This writes the results from audio detection to a JSON File
        write_json_to_file(response_json, detection_results_json_directory + "/" + filename.split(".")[0] + ".json")"Wrote result to: " + detection_results_json_directory + "/" + filename.split(".")[0] + ".json")
        #This returns the results in JSON Format
        return {
            "streamName": filename, 
            "language": str(language), 
            "confidence": str(confidence), 
            "resultJsonFile": filename.split(".")[0] + ".json"

    except Exception as e:
        print("ERROR: Failed to get new confidence for file " + filename)
        print e
        return {}