Example #1
def spectrum(x, sample_rate=8192, win_len=128):
    assert bin(win_len).count('1') == 1
    assert len(x) >= win_len

    def _next():
        for _p in range(0, len(x) - win_len + 1, win_len // 2):
            yield x[_p:_p + win_len]
        raise StopIteration()

    h = hamming_window(win_len)
    f = FFT()
    fbins = mel_bins(24)
    ibins = np.floor((win_len + 1) * fbins / sample_rate).astype(np.int)

    ret = []
    for win in _next():
        s = f.fft(win * h)
        p = np.square(np.abs(s)) / win_len
        temp = [None] * (len(ibins) - 2)
        for i in range(len(ibins) - 2):
            a, b, c = ibins[i], ibins[i + 1], ibins[i + 2]
            left = np.sum(p[a:b] * np.linspace(0, 1, b - a))
            right = np.sum(p[b:c] * np.linspace(1, 0, c - b))
            temp[i] = np.log(left + right + 1e-100)

        ret.append(dct(np.array(temp, dtype=np.float)))

    return np.array(ret)
Example #2
            ret = "跌倒了啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!"
            output = output[4:]
        temperature, heartCondition = output.split(",")
        print("溫度:" + temperature, end="℃  ")

        temperature = float(temperature)
        if temperature_flag == False and temperature > 40:
            ret = "氣溫過高,請注意保持身體水分"
            temperature_flag = True
        elif temperature_flag == False and temperature < 15:
            ret = "氣溫過低,請注意保暖"
            temperature_flag = True
        elif temperature_flag and temperature > 15 and temperature < 40:
            temperature_flag = False

        tmp = fft.fft(float(heartCondition))
        if tmp != None:
            print(tmp, end='')


    if ret != None:
        print('bot:', ret, '\n')

    if ret == "親愛的再見":
        #if "1" in fallCondtion:
        #	ret = fallAlert()