def position3(self): p1 = self.position z = - 1).z_v if (isinstance(z, Vector3)): return Vector3(p1.x, p1.y, z.z) else: return Vector3(p1.x, p1.y, z)
def __iadd__(self, translation): if (isinstance(translation, Vector2)): self.__dict__["line"] = (LineUtils().transformLine( self.line, Vector2(translation.x, translation.y), None, None, None)) if (isinstance(translation, Vector3)): self.__dict__["line"] = (LineUtils().transformLine( self.line, Vector2(translation.x, translation.y), None, None, None)) if (isinstance(translation, Quaternion)): self.__dict__["line"] = (LineUtils().transformLine( self.line, None, translation, None, None)) if (isinstance(translation, rotation)): tx = None if (translation.around): try: tx = translation.around(self) * -1.0 tx = Vector2(tx[0], tx[1]) except: tx = Vector2(-translation.around[0], -translation.around[1]) else: tx = self.bounds().midpoint2().scale(-1) self.__dict__["line"] = (LineUtils().transformLine( self.line, tx, None, Quaternion().set(Vector3(0, 0, 1), translation.angle), Vector2(tx).scale(-1))) if (isinstance(translation, CoordinateFrame)): self.__dict__["line"] = (LineUtils().transformLine3( self.line, translation)) return self
def __imul__(self, scaleBy): translation = scaleBy if (isinstance(translation, Vector2)): tx = self.bounds().midpoint2().scale(-1) self.__dict__["line"] = (LineUtils().transformLine( self.line, tx, Vector2(translation.x, translation.y), None, Vector2(tx).scale(-1))) if (isinstance(translation, scale)): if (translation.around): try: tx = translation.around(self) * -1.0 if (len(tx) == 2): tx = Vector3(tx[0], tx[1], self.averageDepth()) else: tx = Vector3(tx[0], tx[1], tx[2]) except: if (len(translation.around) == 2): tx = Vector3(translation.around[0], translation.around[1], self.averageDepth()) else: tx = Vector3(translation.around[0], translation.around[1], translation.around[2]) else: tx = self.bounds().midpoint2().scale(-1) tx = Vector3(tx[0], tx[1], -self.averageDepth()) self.__dict__["line"] = (LineUtils().transformLine3( self.line, tx, Vector3(1, 1, 1) * translation.amount, None, Vector3(-tx[0], -tx[1], -tx[2]))) if (isinstance(translation, Vector3)): tx = self.bounds().midpoint2().scale(-1) tx = Vector3(tx[0], tx[1], -self.averageDepth()) self.__dict__["line"] = (LineUtils().transformLine3( self.line, tx, translation, None, Vector3(tx).scale(-1))) if (isinstance(translation, CoordinateFrame)): self.__dict__["line"] = (LineUtils().transformLine3( self.line, translation)) return self
def setControl2(self, *p): """Sets the control2 of this (cubic) node""" if (len(p)==2): self.setAt(1, Vector2(p[0], p[1])) elif(len(p)==3): self.setAt(1, Vector2(p[0], p[1])) if (len(self.args)==6): if(self.z_v): self.z_v.y = p[2] else: self.z_v = Vector3(p[2], p[2], p[2]) else: self.z_v = p[2] return self
def setPosition(self, *p): """Sets the position of this node""" if (len(p)==2): self.setAt(-1, Vector2(p[0], p[1])) elif(len(p)==3): self.setAt(-1, Vector2(p[0], p[1])) if (len(self.args)==6): if(self.z_v): self.z_v.z = p[2] else: self.z_v = Vector3(p[2], p[2], p[2]) else: self.z_v = p[2] return self
def CFrame(r=Quaternion(), s=Vector3(1,1,1), t=Vector3(0,0,0), center=None): """Constructs a Coordinate frame transformation with rotation 'r', scale 's', translation 't' around a center. all parmaters are optional, and a wide variety of types are understood (Vector2, Vector3, Quaternion, FLine, FLine Nodes, Tuples and lists)""" if (isinstance(center, (CachedLine, ))): a,b = center.bounds() center = (a+b)*0.5 if (isinstance(t, (CachedLine, ))): a,b = t.bounds() t = (a+b)*0.5 if (isinstance(r, (float,int,long))): r = Quaternion(r) if (isinstance(r, (Quaternion, ))): pass else: r = Quaternion(*r) if (isinstance(s, (float,int,long))): s = Vector3(s,s,s) if (isinstance(t, Event)): t = t.position() if (isinstance(t, Vector2)): t = Vector3(t.x, t.y,0) if (isinstance(s, Vector2)): s = Vector3(t.x, t.y,1) if (isinstance(s, (tuple, list))): if (len(s)==2): s = Vector3(s[0], s[1], 1) else: s = Vector3(s[0], s[1], s[2]) if (isinstance(t, (tuple, list))): if (len(t)==2): t = Vector3(t[0], t[1], 1) else: t = Vector3(t[0], t[1], t[2]) zz = CoordinateFrame(r, t, s) if (isinstance(center, (Event, ))): center = center.position() if (center): return CFrame(t=center)*zz*CFrame(t=-1.0*center) return zz
def __iadd__(self, translation): if (isinstance(translation, Vector2)): f = LineUtils().transformLine3(self, Vector3(translation.x, translation.y, 0), None, None, None) f.remapProperties(self) self.replaceContents(f) elif (isinstance(translation, Vector3)): f = (LineUtils().transformLine3(self, translation, None, None, None)) f.remapProperties(self) self.replaceContents(f) elif (isinstance(translation, Quaternion)): f = (LineUtils().transformLine3(self, None, None, translation, None)) f.remapProperties(self) self.replaceContents(f) elif (isinstance(translation, CoordinateFrame)): f = (LineUtils().transformLine3(self, translation)); f.remapProperties(self) self.replaceContents(f) return self
def cubicTo(self, *x): """Draws a curved segment. for cubicTo(c1x,c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y) the curve moves to x,y by inflecting first towards c1x, c1y and then c2x, c2y. Likewise, but in 3d, for cubicTo(c1x,c1y,c1z,c2x,c2y,c2z,x,y,z) """ if (len(x)!=6 and len(x)!=9): raise AttributeError("cubicTo() takes 6 or 9 parameters") if (self.breakNext__): if (len(x)==6): self.getInput().moveTo(x[-2], x[-1]) else: self.getInput().moveTo(x[-3], x[-2], x[-1]) else: if (len(x)==6): self.getInput().cubicTo(*x) else: self.getInput().cubicTo(x[0], x[1], x[3], x[4], x[6], x[7]) self.z_v = Vector3(x[2], x[5], x[8]) self.containsDepth=1 self.breakNext__=0 return self
def vector234_idiv(self, other): if (isinstance(other, (Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, list, tuple))): for n in range(0, min(len(self), len(other))): self[n]/=other[n] elif (isinstance(other, Quaternion)): other = other.inverse() other.rotateVector(self) other = other.inverse() elif (isinstance(other, rotation)): if (other.around): self-=other.around if (isinstance(other.angle, Quaternion)): self/=other.angle else: self*=Quaternion().set(Vector3(0,0,1), -other.angle) if (other.around): self+=other.around else: for n in range(0, len(self)): self[n]/=other return self
def vector234_imul(self, other): if (isinstance(other, (Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, list, tuple))): for n in range(0, min(len(self), len(other))): self[n]*=other[n] elif (isinstance(other,CoordinateFrame)): other.transformPosition(self) elif (isinstance(other, Quaternion)): other.rotateVector(self) elif (isinstance(other, rotation)): if (other.around): self-=other.around if (isinstance(other.angle, Quaternion)): self*=other.angle else: self*=Quaternion().set(Vector3(0,0,1), other.angle) if (other.around): self+=other.around else: for n in range(0, len(self)): self[n]*=other return self
def cl__getattr__(self, att): if (att.startswith("__")): return object.__getattribute__(self,att) if (att=="nodes"): return if (att=="position3"): return if (att=="position"): v2 = d = self.z_v if (d!=None): return Vector3(v2.x, v2.y, d) else: return v2 if (att=="current"): return if (att.endswith("_v")): return getattr([-1].getAttributes(), att) else: return getattr(self.getProperties(), att) return None
def around(line): b = line.bounds() #print "bounds are %s " % b a = b.convertFromNDC(Vector3(x,y,0)) #print " aroudn is %s " % a return a
def cubicTo(self, c1x, c1y, c1z, c2x, c2y, c2z, x, y, z): PLine.cubicTo(self, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y) self.z_v = Vector3(c1z, c2z, z) return self
def setBounds(self, bounds): """Rescale this line to fit in the Rect 'bounds'""" bb = self.bounds() return self.visitPositions(lambda x, y: bounds.convertFromNDC( bb.convertToNDC(Vector3(x, y, 0))))
def __add__(self, other): if (isinstance(other, CoordinateFrame)): return CoordinateFrame().multiply(self, other) if (isinstance(other, Vector3)): return self.transformDirection(Vector3(other))
def __mul__(self, other): print "cf mull self : %s other %s " % (self, other) if (isinstance(other, CoordinateFrame)): return CoordinateFrame().multiply(self, other) if (isinstance(other, Vector3)): return self.transformPosition(Vector3(other))