Example #1
 def load_from_file(self):
     gets the player and room files from the save game dir.  moves the room and items
     files to the temp save dir.  Restores the player state
     p, success, msg = files.load_game()
     if success == True and p is not None and 'current_room' in p:
         r = files.load_room(p['current_room'])
         self.validate_object(r, p['current_room'])
     elif success == False:
         r = files.load_room('shore')
         self.validate_object(r, 'shore')
         text = 'Something went wrong loading the rooms in loadgame.'
     #if something went wrong returning the player from the
     #checking for False because p could return as False if the files did not
     #get copied correctly
     self.room.current_room = r
     if p is None:
         self.player = self.gen_player()
         #load player info from saved game
         self.player = self.player.set_player_stats(p)
         self.number_of_turns = p['turns']
Example #2
    def test_load_save_game(self):
        print ""
        print "TEST load_game functionality, first start a new game."
        print "Make some changes, save the game, start another new game."
        print "Then load game and check that the changes we made are as expected."
        rooms = name_lists.room_info().get_titles()
        items = name_lists.item_info().get_titles()
        new_rooms_dir = name_lists.save_info().get_temp_save_dir_rooms()
        new_items_dir = name_lists.save_info().get_temp_save_dir_items()
        save_rooms_dir = name_lists.save_info().get_save_dir_rooms()
        save_items_dir = name_lists.save_info().get_save_dir_items()
        print "Open each room and edit the visited attribute"
        for title in rooms:
            room = files.load_room(title)
            room['visited'] = ""

        print "Open each item and edit the active attribute"
        for title in items:
            item = files.load_item(title)
            if item['active']:
                item['active'] = False
                item['active'] = True

        title = random.choice(rooms)
        current_room = files.load_room(title)
        files.save_game(self.player, current_room, 0)
        print "TEST compare the files in temp and save and confirm no match"
        match, mismatch, errors = filecmp.cmpfiles(save_rooms_dir,
                                                   new_rooms_dir, rooms)
        for file_ in match:
            self.assertNotIn(file_, rooms)
        self.assertEqual(len(match), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(errors), 0)

        match, mismatch, errors = filecmp.cmpfiles(save_items_dir,
                                                   new_items_dir, items)
        for file_ in match:
            self.assertNotIn(file_, items)
        self.assertEqual(len(match), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(errors), 0)

        print "TEST that player file exists and that it is a JSON dict"
        save_dir = name_lists.save_info().get_save_dir()
        player_file = os.path.join(save_dir, 'player')
        self.assertEqual(os.path.isfile(player_file), True)
            with open(player_file, 'r') as player_file:
                player = json.load(player_file)
        except Exception, e:
            player = None
Example #3
    def test_save_game(self):
        print ""
        print "TEST the save game of file_lib"
        rooms = name_lists.room_info().get_titles()
        items = name_lists.item_info().get_titles()
        title = random.choice(rooms)
        current_room = files.load_room(title)
        new_rooms_dir = name_lists.save_info().get_temp_save_dir_rooms()
        new_items_dir = name_lists.save_info().get_temp_save_dir_items()
        save_rooms_dir = name_lists.save_info().get_save_dir_rooms()
        save_items_dir = name_lists.save_info().get_save_dir_items()
        print "Open each room and edit the visited attribute"
        for title in rooms:
            room = files.load_room(title)
            room['visited'] = True

        print "Open each item and edit the active attribute"
        for title in items:
            item = files.load_item(title)
            if item['active']:
                item['active'] = False
                item['active'] = True

        files.save_game(self.player, current_room, 0)
        print "TEST compare the room files in both dirs to check that they match"
        match, mismatch, errors = filecmp.cmpfiles(save_rooms_dir,
                                                   new_rooms_dir, rooms)
        for file_ in match:
            self.assertIn(file_, rooms)
        self.assertEqual(len(mismatch), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(errors), 0)
        print "TEST compare the item files in both dirs to check that they match"
        match, mismatch, errors = filecmp.cmpfiles(save_items_dir,
                                                   new_items_dir, items)
        for file_ in match:
            self.assertIn(file_, items)
        self.assertEqual(len(mismatch), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(errors), 0)

        print "TEST that player file exists and that it is a JSON dict"
        save_dir = name_lists.save_info().get_save_dir()
        player_file = os.path.join(save_dir, 'player')
        self.assertEqual(os.path.isfile(player_file), True)
            with open(player_file, 'r') as player_file:
                player = json.load(player_file)
        except Exception, e:
            player = None
Example #4
 def newGame(self):
     copies the files over from template dir to the temp save dir
     and starts a new player
     self.player = self.gen_player()
     #New games start at the shore
     self.room.current_room = files.load_room("shore")
     self.validate_object(self.room.current_room, 'shore')
     #for testing purposes load a specific room and start from there
         self.room.current_room = files.load_room(SPECIFIC_ROOM)
         self.validate_object(self.room.current_room, SPECIFIC_ROOM)
Example #5
 def room_action(self, title_or_compass, action):
         tries to move to the passed in room title or compass direction
         also expects a list of items currently held in the inventory
         defaults to None
     res = self.room.check_connections(title_or_compass, self.player.inventory)
     res.action = action
     if action == "go":
         res.action = 'go'
         if res.success == True:
             #before we leave the room we set the field visited to true
             self.room.visited = True
             self.room.current_room = files.load_room(res.title)
             self.validate_object(self.room.current_room, res.title)
             res.description = self.room.get_room_desc
         elif title_or_compass == self.room.title:
             res.description = 'You are already in that room.'
         elif res.success == False and res.description is None:
             res.description = "You were not able to move in that direction.  "
     elif action == 'look':
         res.action = 'look'
         res.description = self.room.long_desc
         if (title_or_compass != self.room.title):
             res.warning = 'You are not in '+title_or_compass+'. But you can look around the ' + self.room.title + '.'
         res.description = "You can't " + action + " the " + title_or_compass+". "
     return res
Example #6
 def setUp(self):
     self.game_file = game
     self.game_file.USE_CURSES = False
     self.game = self.game_file.Game()
     self.game.player = player.Player("Test Player")
     self.game.room.current_room = files.load_room("shore")
     self.game.validate_object(self.game.room.current_room, "shore")
Example #7
 def update_external_room(self, updates, key):
        opens the room file named in the key, updates that room and then
        stores that room back to file
     other_room = files.load_room(key)
     self.validate_object(other_room, key)
     other_room = files.update(updates, other_room)
Example #8
import json
import game_engine.game as game
import game_engine.player as player
from file_handler.file_lib import load_room

current_room = "shore"
current_player = player.Player("Test Player")
current_game = game.Game(current_player, load_room(current_room))

user_choice = current_game.startGame()