def processAdvertising(channel, checkBox_2_isChecked, comboBox_6_currentText): if not checkBox_2_isChecked: return advertisingPath = file_operate.getAdvertisingPath() thirdAdvertisingName = comboBox_6_currentText thirdAdvertisingPath = advertisingPath + '/' + str(thirdAdvertisingName) print "..........", thirdAdvertisingPath file_operate.copyFiles(thirdAdvertisingPath + "/jar", constant.tmpPath + '/' + channel + "/jar") if platform.system() == 'Windows': dxTool = file_operate.getToolPath('dx.bat') else: dxTool = file_operate.getToolPath('dx') # cmd = '"%s" --dex --output="%s" "%s"' % (dxTool, file_operate.getFullPath(constant.tmpPath+'/'+channel+"/classes.dex"), file_operate.getFullPath(constant.tmpPath+'/'+channel+"/jar")) #合并jar cmd = '"%s" --multi-dex --dex --output="%s" "%s"' % (dxTool, file_operate.getFullPath(constant.tmpPath + '/' + channel), file_operate.getFullPath(constant.tmpPath + '/' + channel + "/jar")) # 合并jar print "cmd" + cmd ret = file_operate.execFormatCmd(cmd) if ret: error_operate.error(104) return if (os.path.exists(thirdAdvertisingPath + "/advertisingScript.pyc")): file_operate.copyFile(thirdAdvertisingPath + "/advertisingScript.pyc", file_operate.getFullPath(constant.tmpPath + '/' + channel) + "/advertisingScript.pyc") # 合并ForManifest.xml manifestFile = file_operate.getFullPath(constant.tmpPath + '/' + channel + "/ForManifest.xml") ET.register_namespace('android', constant.androidNS) targetTree = ET.parse(manifestFile) targetRoot = targetTree.getroot() haveChanged = modifyManifest.doModifyForManifest(manifestFile, thirdAdvertisingPath + "/ForManifest.xml", targetRoot) if haveChanged: targetTree.write(manifestFile, 'UTF-8')
def processMedia(channel, checkBox_voice_isChecked, comboBox_voice_currentText): print"----------begin processMedia--------------" if not checkBox_voice_isChecked: return print"----------select path--------------" mediaPath = file_operate.getMediaPath() print "path= "+comboBox_voice_currentText thirdMediaName = unicode(comboBox_voice_currentText) thirdMediaPath = mediaPath + '/' + thirdMediaName print "thirdMediaPath= "+thirdMediaPath file_operate.copyFiles(thirdMediaPath + "/jar", constant.tmpPath + '/' + channel + "/jar") print"----------select windows--------------" if platform.system() == 'Windows': dxTool = file_operate.getToolPath('dx.bat') else: dxTool = file_operate.getToolPath('dx') # cmd = '"%s" --dex --output="%s" "%s"' % (dxTool, file_operate.getFullPath(constant.tmpPath+'/'+channel+"/classes.dex"), file_operate.getFullPath(constant.tmpPath+'/'+channel+"/jar")) #合并jar cmd = '"%s" --multi-dex --dex --output="%s" "%s"' % (dxTool, file_operate.getFullPath(constant.tmpPath + '/' + channel), file_operate.getFullPath(constant.tmpPath + '/' + channel + "/jar")) # 合并jar ret = file_operate.execFormatCmd(cmd) if ret: error_operate.error(104) return print"-----------copy libs-------------" # copy libs targetDir = file_operate.getFullPath(constant.tmpPath + '/' + channel) oldApkDir = targetDir + "/oldApkDir" if os.path.exists(thirdMediaPath + "/ForLibs"): if os.path.exists(oldApkDir + "/lib/armeabi") and os.path.exists(thirdMediaPath + "/ForLibs/armeabi"): operate.copyResToApk(thirdMediaPath + "/ForLibs/armeabi", oldApkDir + "/lib/armeabi") if os.path.exists(oldApkDir + "/lib/armeabi-v7a") and os.path.exists(thirdMediaPath + "/ForLibs/armeabi-v7a"): operate.copyResToApk(thirdMediaPath + "/ForLibs/armeabi-v7a", oldApkDir + "/lib/armeabi-v7a") if os.path.exists(oldApkDir + "/lib/x86") and os.path.exists(thirdMediaPath + "/ForLibs/x86"): operate.copyResToApk(thirdMediaPath + "/ForLibs/x86", oldApkDir + "/lib/x86") print"-----------copy res-------------" # copy res if os.path.exists(thirdMediaPath + "/ForRes"): operate.copyResToApk(thirdMediaPath + "/ForRes", oldApkDir + "/res") print"-----------copy pushScript-------------" # copy pushScript file_operate.copyFile(thirdMediaPath + "/pushScript.pyc", targetDir + "/pushScript.pyc") print"----------- ForManifest-------------" # 合并ForManifest.xml manifestFile = file_operate.getFullPath(constant.tmpPath + '/' + channel + "/ForManifest.xml") ET.register_namespace('android', constant.androidNS) targetTree = ET.parse(manifestFile) targetRoot = targetTree.getroot() print"-----------write-------------" haveChanged = modifyManifest.doModifyForManifest(manifestFile, thirdMediaPath + "/ForManifest.xml", targetRoot) if haveChanged: targetTree.write(manifestFile, 'UTF-8') print"-----------comeplete-------------"
def processStatistics(channel, checkBox_isChecked, comboBox_4_currentText): if not checkBox_isChecked: return statisticsPath = file_operate.getStatisticsPath() thirdStatisticsName = comboBox_4_currentText thirdStatisticsPath = statisticsPath + '/' + str(thirdStatisticsName) print "..........", thirdStatisticsPath file_operate.copyFiles(thirdStatisticsPath + "/jar", constant.tmpPath + '/' + channel + "/jar") if platform.system() == 'Windows': dxTool = file_operate.getToolPath('dx.bat') else: dxTool = file_operate.getToolPath('dx') # cmd = '"%s" --dex --output="%s" "%s"' % (dxTool, file_operate.getFullPath(constant.tmpPath+'/'+channel+"/classes.dex"), file_operate.getFullPath(constant.tmpPath+'/'+channel+"/jar")) #合并jar cmd = '"%s" --multi-dex --dex --output="%s" "%s"' % (dxTool, file_operate.getFullPath(constant.tmpPath + '/' + channel), file_operate.getFullPath(constant.tmpPath + '/' + channel + "/jar")) # 合并jar print "cmd" + cmd ret = file_operate.execFormatCmd(cmd) if ret: error_operate.error(104) return # copy libs targetDir = file_operate.getFullPath(constant.tmpPath + '/' + channel) oldApkDir = targetDir + "/oldApkDir" if os.path.exists(statisticsPath + "/ForLibs"): if os.path.exists(oldApkDir + "/lib/armeabi") and os.path.exists(statisticsPath + "/ForLibs/armeabi"): operate.copyResToApk(statisticsPath + "/ForLibs/armeabi", oldApkDir + "/lib/armeabi") if os.path.exists(oldApkDir + "/lib/armeabi-v7a") and os.path.exists(statisticsPath + "/ForLibs/armeabi-v7a"): operate.copyResToApk(statisticsPath + "/ForLibs/armeabi-v7a", oldApkDir + "/lib/armeabi-v7a") if os.path.exists(oldApkDir + "/lib/x86") and os.path.exists(statisticsPath + "/ForLibs/x86"): operate.copyResToApk(statisticsPath + "/ForLibs/x86", oldApkDir + "/lib/x86") # copy res if os.path.exists(statisticsPath + "/ForRes"): operate.copyResToApk(statisticsPath + "/ForRes", oldApkDir + "/res") if (os.path.exists(thirdStatisticsPath + "/statisticsScript.pyc")): file_operate.copyFile(thirdStatisticsPath + "/statisticsScript.pyc", file_operate.getFullPath(constant.tmpPath + '/' + channel) + "/statisticsScript.pyc") # 合并ForManifest.xml manifestFile = file_operate.getFullPath(constant.tmpPath + '/' + channel + "/ForManifest.xml") ET.register_namespace('android', constant.androidNS) targetTree = ET.parse(manifestFile) targetRoot = targetTree.getroot() haveChanged = modifyManifest.doModifyForManifest(manifestFile, thirdStatisticsPath + "/ForManifest.xml", targetRoot) if haveChanged: targetTree.write(manifestFile, 'UTF-8')
def split_apk(db_name, game_id, id_channel, parent_apk_path, sub_apk_path, sub_channel_id): reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') log_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % (db_name, game_id, id_channel) ConfigParse.shareInstance().set_log_dir(log_dir) if not os.path.exists(parent_apk_path): logError('parent apk not exist', log_dir) print '{"ret":"fail","msg":"parent apk not exist"}' return middle_dir = '%s/%s' % (db_name, sub_channel_id) split_work_dir = file_operate.get_server_dir( ) + '/split_workspace/%s' % middle_dir print 'split_work_dir:' + split_work_dir if os.path.exists(split_work_dir): file_operate.delete_file_folder(split_work_dir) os.makedirs(split_work_dir) split_decompile_dir = split_work_dir + '/decompile' os.mkdir(split_decompile_dir) channel_temp_apk_dir = split_work_dir + '/temp' os.mkdir(channel_temp_apk_dir) channel_temp_apk = channel_temp_apk_dir + '/temp.apk' file_operate.copyFile(parent_apk_path, channel_temp_apk) ret = apk_operate.decompileApk(channel_temp_apk, split_decompile_dir, None) if ret: logError('decompileApk parent apk fail', log_dir) print '{"ret":"fail","msg":"decompileApk parent apk fail"}' return ConfigParse.shareInstance().readUserConfig(0) sub_channel_config = ConfigParse.shareInstance().get_sub_channel_config() sub_channel_icon_url = None display_name = None sub_app_id = '' sub_num = '' if len(sub_channel_config) > 0: for r in sub_channel_config: if int(id_channel) != int(r['p_channel_id']): logError('param channel id is not right', log_dir) print '{"ret":"fail","msg":"param channel id is not right"}' return if int(game_id) != int(r['game_id']): logError('param game id is not right', log_dir) print '{"ret":"fail","msg":"param game id is not right"}' return if r['r_channel_game_icon'] is None: sub_channel_icon_url = '' else: sub_channel_icon_url = r['r_channel_game_icon'] if r['display_name'] is None: display_name = '' else: display_name = r['display_name'].encode('utf-8') sub_app_id = str(r['sub_app_id']) print 'sub_app_id: %s' % sub_app_id sub_num = str(r['sub_num']) else: logError('sub channel config is empty', log_dir) print '{"ret":"fail","msg":"sub channel config is empty"}' return if sub_app_id == 0 or sub_num == 0: log_info = 'ret:fail,msg:sub_app_id and sub_num == 0' logError(log_info, log_dir) return if display_name != '' and display_name is not None: apk_operate.doModifyAppName(split_decompile_dir, display_name) if sub_channel_icon_url != '' and sub_channel_icon_url is not None: channel_icon_dir = split_work_dir + '/icon/' os.mkdir(channel_icon_dir) urllib.urlretrieve(sub_channel_icon_url, channel_icon_dir + 'icon.png') ret = apk_operate.pushIconIntoApk(channel_icon_dir, split_decompile_dir) if ret: logError('pushIconIntoApk error', log_dir) return ret = encode_operate.decodeXmlFiles(split_decompile_dir) if ret: logError('decodeXmlFiles error', log_dir) return channel = ConfigParse.shareInstance().findChannel(int(id_channel)) sdk_dir = split_work_dir + '/sdk/' for channel_sdk in channel['sdkLs']: id_sdk = channel_sdk['idSDK'] SDK = ConfigParse.shareInstance().findSDK(id_sdk) if SDK is None: continue split_script_src_dir = file_operate.get_server_dir( ) + '/config/sdk/' + SDK['SDKName'] + '/specialsplit_script.pyc' split_script_src_dir = file_operate.getFullPath(split_script_src_dir) if not os.path.exists(split_script_src_dir): continue split_script_dest_dir = sdk_dir + SDK[ 'SDKName'] + '/specialsplit_script.pyc' file_operate.copyFiles(split_script_src_dir, split_script_dest_dir) SDKDir = sdk_dir + SDK['SDKName'] sys.path.append(SDKDir) import specialsplit_script print 'sub_app_id:' + sub_app_id ret = specialsplit_script.script(split_decompile_dir, sub_app_id, sub_num) del sys.modules['specialsplit_script'] sys.path.remove(SDKDir) if ret: logError("error do Special Operate", log_dir) print "error do Special Operate" return ret = change_develop_id(split_decompile_dir, sub_app_id, sub_num) print 'change_develop_id ret:%s' % ret if ret: logError('change develop id error', log_dir) return encode_operate.encodeXmlFiles(split_decompile_dir) channel_unsign_apk = channel_temp_apk_dir + '/channel_temp_apk.apk' ret = apk_operate.recompileApk(split_decompile_dir, channel_unsign_apk) if ret: logError("recompileApk fail", log_dir) print "recompileApk fail" return game = ConfigParse.shareInstance().getCurrentGame() if game is None: print 'game is none' logError('game is none', log_dir) return ret = apk_operate.signApkAuto(channel_unsign_apk, game, channel, middle_dir) if ret: print 'signApkAuto fail' logError('signApkAuto fail', log_dir) return out_put_dir = os.path.dirname(sub_apk_path) ret = apk_operate.alignAPK(channel_unsign_apk, sub_apk_path, out_put_dir) if ret: print 'alignAPK fail' logError('alignAPK fail', log_dir) return print '{"ret":"success","msg":"run pack success"}' file_operate.delete_file_folder(split_work_dir)
def produceNewRFile(packName, decompileFullDir, androidManiFest='AndroidManifest.xml'): """ According to the merger of resources to create new R file """ fullPath = decompileFullDir tempPath = os.path.dirname(decompileFullDir) tempPath = tempPath + '/tempRFile' if os.path.exists(tempPath): file_operate.delete_file_folder(tempPath) if not os.path.exists(tempPath): os.makedirs(tempPath) resPath = os.path.join(decompileFullDir, 'res') targetResPath = os.path.join(tempPath, 'res') file_operate.copyFiles(resPath, targetResPath) genPath = os.path.join(tempPath, 'gen') if not os.path.exists(genPath): os.mkdir(genPath) androidPath = file_operate.getToolPath('android.jar') srcManifest = os.path.join(fullPath, androidManiFest) aaptPath = file_operate.getToolPath('aapt') cmd = '"%s" p -f -m -J "%s" -S "%s" -I "%s" -M "%s"' % ( aaptPath, genPath, targetResPath, androidPath, srcManifest) ret = file_operate.execFormatCmd(cmd) if ret: error_operate.error(102) return 1 RPath = packName.replace('.', '/') RPath = os.path.join(genPath, RPath) RFile = os.path.join(RPath, '') cmd = '"%sjavac" -source 1.7 -target 1.7 -encoding UTF-8 "%s"' % ( file_operate.getJavaBinDir(), RFile) ret = file_operate.execFormatCmd(cmd) if ret: error_operate.error(103) return 1 #针对某系渠道通过R。xx来获取资源,在指定包名下添加R文件 try: config = ET.parse(file_operate.getConfigXmlPath()) root = config.getroot() Manifest = root.find("Manifest") num = int(Manifest.get('num')) for i in range(0, num): srcManifest_i = os.path.join( file_operate.getFullPath(constant.tmpPath), 'Manifest/' + str(i) + '/AndroidManifest.xml') cmd = '"%s" p -f -m -J "%s" -S "%s" -I "%s" -M "%s"' % ( aaptPath, genPath, targetResPath, androidPath, srcManifest_i) ret = file_operate.execFormatCmd(cmd) if ret: error_operate.error(102) return 1 packageNameArray = Manifest.get('packageNameArray') packageNameNode = packageNameArray.split(',')[i] RPath = packageNameNode.replace('.', '/') RPath = os.path.join(genPath, RPath) RFile = os.path.join(RPath, '') cmd = '"%sjavac" -source 1.7 -target 1.7 -encoding UTF-8 "%s"' % ( file_operate.getJavaBinDir(), RFile) ret = file_operate.execFormatCmd(cmd) if ret: error_operate.error(103) return 1 except Exception, e: print e print "Error: cannot parse file: funcellconfig.xml."
codeDir = decompileDir + '/oldApkDir/' + '/smali/com/haowan/funcell/sdk/api/splash' newSplashCodePath = codeDir + '/SplashActivity.smali' print "newSplashCodePath : " + newSplashCodePath file_operate.copyFile(SplashCodePath, newSplashCodePath) newSplashCode2Path = codeDir + '/SplashActivity$1.smali' file_operate.copyFile(SplashCode2Path, newSplashCode2Path) activityName = removeStartActivity(channelHasSplash, decompileDir + '/oldApkDir/') modifyManifestForSplash(channelHasSplash, decompileDir + '/oldApkDir/') xmlSplashTarget = decompileDir + '/oldApkDir/' + '/res/layout' if not os.path.exists(xmlSplashTarget): os.mkdir(xmlSplashTarget) xmlSplashTarget = xmlSplashTarget + '/funcell_plugin_splash.xml' file_operate.copyFile(xmlSplashSrc, xmlSplashTarget) resDir = decompileDir + '/oldApkDir/' + '/res' file_operate.copyFiles(SplashPath, resDir) # assetsDir = decompileDir + '/assets' # developerFile = assetsDir + '/developerInfo.xml' # if not os.path.exists(assetsDir): # os.makedirs(assetsDir) # targetTree = None # targetRoot = None # if not os.path.exists(developerFile): # targetTree = ElementTree() # targetRoot = Element('developer') # targetTree._setroot(targetRoot) # else: # targetTree = ET.parse(developerFile) # targetRoot = targetTree.getroot() # infoNode = targetRoot.find('channel') # if infoNode is None:
def custom_package_r_file(self, packageName, androidManiFest = 'AndroidManifest.xml'): ''' create custom packageName R file :param packageName: :param androidManiFest: :return: ''' # bMerge = mergeValueXml(decompileFullDir) # if bMerge: # error_operate.error(102) # return 1 fullPath = self.__decompileDir tempPath = os.path.dirname(self.__decompileDir) tempPath = tempPath + '/tempRFile' if os.path.exists(tempPath): file_operate.delete_file_folder(tempPath) if not os.path.exists(tempPath): os.makedirs(tempPath) resPath = os.path.join(self.__decompileDir, 'res') targetResPath = os.path.join(tempPath, 'res') file_operate.copyFiles(resPath, targetResPath) genPath = os.path.join(tempPath, 'gen') if not os.path.exists(genPath): os.mkdir(genPath) androidPath = file_operate.getToolPath('android.jar') srcManifest = os.path.join(fullPath, androidManiFest) aaptPath = file_operate.getToolPath('aapt') cmd = '"%s" p -f -m -J "%s" --custom-package "%s" -S "%s" -I "%s" -M "%s"' % (aaptPath, genPath, packageName, targetResPath, androidPath, srcManifest) ret = file_operate.execFormatCmd(cmd) if ret: error_operate.error(102) return 1 RPath = packageName.replace('.', '/') RPath = os.path.join(genPath, RPath) RFile = os.path.join(RPath, '') cmd = '"%sjavac" -source 1.7 -target 1.7 -encoding UTF-8 "%s"' % (file_operate.getJavaBinDir(), RFile) ret = file_operate.execFormatCmd(cmd) if ret: error_operate.error(103) return 1 dexPath = os.path.join(tempPath, 'class.dex') if platform.system() == 'Windows': dxTool = file_operate.getToolPath('dx.bat') cmd = '"%s" --dex --output="%s" "%s"' % (dxTool, dexPath, genPath) else: dxTool = file_operate.getToolPath('/lib/dx.jar') cmd = 'java -jar -Xms512m -Xmx512m "%s" --dex --output="%s" "%s"' % (dxTool, dexPath, genPath) ret = file_operate.execFormatCmd(cmd) if ret: error_operate.error(104) return 1 smaliPath = os.path.join(fullPath, 'smali') ret = apk_operate.dexTrans2Smali(dexPath, smaliPath, 10, 'baksmali.jar') if ret: return 1 else: return 0 pass
def main(channel): # 调用函数 8.4 inspectJDK() source = ConfigParse.shareInstance().getSource() if os.path.isdir(source): error_operate.error(3000) return # buildGradle(channel) else: idChannel = channel.get('idChannel') channelName = channel.get('name') channelNum = channel.get('channelNum') ConfigParse.shareInstance().set_channel_num(channelNum) extChannel = channel.get('extChannel') threading.currentThread().setName(idChannel) taskManager.shareInstance().notify(idChannel, 5) # source = ConfigParse.shareInstance().getSource() basename = os.path.basename(source) exttuple = os.path.splitext(basename) taskLock = taskManager.shareInstance().getLock() basename = exttuple[0] extname = exttuple[1] game = ConfigParse.shareInstance().getCurrentGame() if game is None: error_operate.error(3) return versionName = ConfigParse.shareInstance().getVersionName() print '<---Parent apk versionName-->%s' % (versionName) keystore = ConfigParse.shareInstance().getKeyStore() print '<---Game keystore info-->%s' % (keystore) if channelName is None: error_operate.error(5) return taskManager.shareInstance().notify(idChannel, 10) # file_operate.execFormatCmd('chmod -R 777 %s' % (file_operate.get_server_dir()+'/workspace/')) workDir = file_operate.get_server_dir() + '/workspace/%s/%s' % ( ConfigParse.shareInstance().getDBName(), idChannel) workDir = file_operate.getFullPath(workDir) file_operate.delete_file_folder(workDir) if not os.path.exists(source): error_operate.error(60) return tmpApkSource = workDir + '/temp.apk' file_operate.copyFile(source, tmpApkSource) print 'tmpApkSource-->' + tmpApkSource decompileDir = workDir + '/decompile' ret = apk_operate.decompileApk(tmpApkSource, decompileDir, taskLock) print 'step--decompileAPK--RET-->%d' % (ret) if ret: return unknownFile = decompileDir + '/AddForRoot' if os.path.exists(decompileDir + '/unknown'): os.rename(decompileDir + '/unknown', unknownFile) # oldPackageName = apk_operate.getPackageName(decompileDir) # isCocosPlay = apk_operate.checkForCocosPlay(decompileDir, channel, oldPackageName) # if isCocosPlay: # ret = apk_operate.renameApkForCocosPlay(decompileDir, oldPackageName, channel['packNameSuffix'], game, # channel, taskLock) # if ret: # return # ConfigParse.shareInstance().setCocosPlayMode(isCocosPlay) apk_operate.replace_custom_res(decompileDir) taskManager.shareInstance().notify(idChannel, 20) SmaliDir = decompileDir + '/smali' SDKWorkDir = workDir + '/sdk/' for Channel_SDK in channel['sdkLs']: idSDK = Channel_SDK['idSDK'] SDK = ConfigParse.shareInstance().findSDK(idSDK) if SDK == None: continue SDKSrcDir = file_operate.get_server_dir( ) + '/config/sdk/' + SDK['SDKName'] SDKSrcDir = file_operate.getFullPath(SDKSrcDir) SDKDestDir = SDKWorkDir + SDK['SDKName'] file_operate.copyFiles(SDKSrcDir, SDKDestDir) if os.path.exists(SDKDestDir + '/ForRes/drawable-xxxhdpi'): if file_operate.getTargetSdkVersion(tmpApkSource) < 18: file_operate.delete_file_folder(SDKDestDir + '/ForRes/drawable-xxxhdpi') taskManager.shareInstance().notify(idChannel, 30) for Channel_SDK in channel['sdkLs']: idSDK = Channel_SDK['idSDK'] SDK = ConfigParse.shareInstance().findSDK(idSDK) if SDK == None: continue SDKDir = SDKWorkDir + SDK['SDKName'] SDKDex = os.path.join(SDKDir, 'classes.dex') SDKDex = file_operate.getFullPath(SDKDex) ret = apk_operate.dexTrans2Smali(SDKDex, SmaliDir, 4, 'baksmali.jar') if ret: return taskManager.shareInstance().notify(idChannel, 35) decompileSmaliDir = decompileDir + '/smali' maniFestFile = decompileDir + '/AndroidManifest.xml' newPackagename = apk_operate.renameApkPackage( decompileSmaliDir, maniFestFile, channel['packNameSuffix'], channel['r_bundle_id']) #reset apk version if channel['r_gameversion_build'] != '' and channel[ 'r_gameversion'] != '': apk_operate.resetApkVersion(maniFestFile, channel['r_gameversion_build'], channel['r_gameversion']) file_operate.printf("Reset ApkVersion success") taskManager.shareInstance().notify(idChannel, 45) print '<---- decompileDir:%s ---->' % (decompileDir) print '<---- channel:%s ---->' % (channel) print '<---- game:%s ---->' % (game) apk_operate.writeChannelInfoIntoDevelopInfo(decompileDir, channel, game) apk_operate.writeSupportInfo(decompileDir) taskManager.shareInstance().notify(idChannel, 50) bExecuteSpecialScipt = False for Channel_SDK in channel['sdkLs']: idSDK = Channel_SDK['idSDK'] UsrSDKConfig = ConfigParse.shareInstance().findUserSDKConfigBySDK( idSDK, channel['idChannel']) SDK = ConfigParse.shareInstance().findSDK(idSDK) if SDK == None: continue ret = apk_operate.packResIntoApk(SDKWorkDir, SDK, decompileDir, newPackagename, UsrSDKConfig) if ret: return SDKVersionInfo = ConfigParse.shareInstance().findSDKVersion( SDK['SDKName']) if SDKVersionInfo is not None: SDK['showVersion'] = SDKVersionInfo['showVersion'] print '<---- SDK:%s ---->' % (SDK) print '<---- UsrSDKConfig:%s ---->' % (UsrSDKConfig) ret = apk_operate.configDeveloperInfo(channel, SDK, UsrSDKConfig, decompileDir) if ret: return # apk_operate.downloadUserConfigFile(channel,game,UsrSDKConfig) for child in SDK['operateLs']: if child['name'] == 'script' or child['name'] == 'Script': bExecuteSpecialScipt = True break taskManager.shareInstance().notify(idChannel, 65) # bMergeR = False ret, bMergeR = apk_operate.addSplashScreen(channel, decompileDir) if ret: return ret = encode_operate.encodeXmlFiles(workDir + '/decompile') if ret: return taskManager.shareInstance().notify(idChannel, 60) if bExecuteSpecialScipt: ret = special_script.doSpecialOperate(channel, decompileDir, newPackagename, SDKWorkDir) if ret: return taskManager.shareInstance().notify(idChannel, 70) if extChannel.find("androidsupportv4") != -1: print 'handle androidsupportv4 resource' androidsupportv4dex = decompileDir + '/../../../../config/channel/android-support-v4.dex' if os.path.exists(androidsupportv4dex): samilDir = decompileDir + '/smali' ret = apk_operate.dexTrans2Smali(androidsupportv4dex, samilDir, 10) if ret: print('copy androidsupportv4 dex to smali fail') return else: print('androidsupportv4.dex is not exists') return if (ConfigParse.shareInstance().getChannelIcon(idChannel) != ''): iconDir = file_operate.get_server_dir( ) + '/workspace/' + ConfigParse.shareInstance().getOutputDir( ) + '/icon/' if not os.path.exists(iconDir): os.makedirs(iconDir) urllib.urlretrieve( ConfigParse.shareInstance().getChannelIcon(idChannel), iconDir + 'icon.png') ret = apk_operate.pushIconIntoApk(iconDir, decompileDir) if ret: return # newAppName = ConfigParse.shareInstance().getAppName() #modify app display name by game setting # apk_operate.modifyAppName(game, decompileDir, newAppName) # modify app display name by channel setting #if channel display_name is not null,the app displayname will be set by channel apk_operate.modifyAppNameByChannel(channel, decompileDir) apk_operate.writeDataIntoAndroidManifest(decompileDir, channel) taskManager.shareInstance().notify(idChannel, 75) ret = apk_operate.produceNewRFile(newPackagename, decompileDir) if ret: return ret = apk_operate.splitDex(workDir, channel) if ret: return taskManager.shareInstance().notify(idChannel, 80) tempApkDir = workDir + '/tempApk' tempApkDir = file_operate.getFullPath(tempApkDir) tempApkName = '%s/game_%s_%s%s' % (tempApkDir, channel['idChannel'], versionName, extname) apk_operate.encryptApkByDeveloper(decompileDir) ret = apk_operate.recompileApk(decompileDir, tempApkName) if ret: return print '<---recompileApk success--->' taskManager.shareInstance().notify(idChannel, 90) for Channel_SDK in channel['sdkLs']: idSDK = Channel_SDK['idSDK'] SDK = ConfigParse.shareInstance().findSDK(idSDK) if SDK == None: continue SDKSrcDir = file_operate.get_server_dir( ) + '/config/sdk/' + SDK['SDKName'] SDKSrcDir = file_operate.getFullPath(SDKSrcDir) ForRootDir = SDKSrcDir + '/ForRootDir' if os.path.exists(ForRootDir): apk_operate.addForRootDir(tempApkName, ForRootDir) if os.path.exists(unknownFile): apk_operate.addForRootDir(tempApkName, unknownFile) ret = apk_operate.signApkAuto(tempApkName, game, channel) if ret: return #outputDir = ConfigParse.shareInstance().getOutputDir() #print '<---outputDir--->'+outputDir #if outputDir == '': # outputDir = '../' #get date for apk file name import time # dateStr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") #get final apk name finalAppName = '' print '<---start rename apk--->' # if game.get('isModifyAppName') is not None and game['isModifyAppName'] != False: # finalAppName = game.get('gameName').encode('utf-8') # display_name = channel['display_name'].encode('utf-8') # if display_name is not None and display_name != '': # finalAppName = display_name # # if finalAppName == '': # finalAppName = game.get('gameName') # channel_name = channel['name'].encode('utf-8') #outputDir += '/' + game['gameName'] + '/' + versionName + '/' + channel_name #outputDir = file_operate.getFullPath(outputDir) #apkName = ('%s/%s_%s_%s_%s%s' % (outputDir, # finalAppName, # channel_name, # versionName, # dateStr, # extname)).encode('utf-8') apkName = ConfigParse.shareInstance().getOutPutApkName() print '<---Apk PATH--->' + apkName #if platform.system() == 'Windows': # apkName = '%s/game_%s%s' % (outputDir, versionName, extname) # print '<---apk path:'+apkName+'--->' strlist = apkName.split('/') outputDir = apkName.replace('/' + strlist[len(strlist) - 1], '') print '<---outputDir--->' + outputDir ret = apk_operate.alignAPK(tempApkName, apkName, outputDir) if ret: print '{"ret":"fail","msg":"run pack fail"}' return print '{"ret":"success","msg":"run pack success"}' taskManager.shareInstance().notify(idChannel, 100)
def main(channel, dict): threading.currentThread().setName(channel) writeConfigToSdkConfigFile(channel, dict) dictTemp = ConfigParse.shareInstance().ConfigRead(channel) platformId = dictTemp.get('platformId') appVersion = dictTemp.get('appVersion') resVersion = dictTemp.get('resVersion') platformType = dictTemp.get('platformType') packageName = dictTemp.get('packageName') checkBox_isChecked = dict.get('checkBox_isChecked') checkBox_2_isChecked = dict.get('checkBox_2_isChecked') checkBox_4_isChecked = dict.get('checkBox_4_isChecked') checkBox_5_isChecked = dict.get('checkBox_5_isChecked') checkBox_voice_isChecked=dict.get('checkBox_voice_isChecked') comboBox_currentText = dict.get('comboBox_currentText') comboBox_3_currentText = dict.get('comboBox_3_currentText') comboBox_4_currentText = dict.get('comboBox_4_currentText') comboBox_6_currentText = dict.get('comboBox_6_currentText') comboBox_voice_currentText= dict.get('comboBox_voice_currentText') taskManager.shareInstance().notify(channel, 5) taskLock = taskManager.shareInstance().getLock() ret = execGameCommonInitializeScript(channel, platformId, appVersion, resVersion, platformType) if ret: return CreateTmpFolder(channel) source = ConfigParse.shareInstance().getApkPath() # source = dict.get('ApkPath') backupApk(source, channel) sourceDir = file_operate.getFullPath(constant.sdkRelatePath + channel) targetDir = file_operate.getFullPath(constant.tmpPath + '/' + channel) file_operate.copyFiles(sourceDir, targetDir) apkFile = targetDir + "/common.apk" deDir = targetDir + "/oldApkDir" operate.decompileApk_android(apkFile, deDir, taskLock) processStatistics(channel, checkBox_isChecked, comboBox_4_currentText) processAdvertising(channel, checkBox_2_isChecked, comboBox_6_currentText) processCrash(channel, checkBox_4_isChecked, comboBox_currentText) processPush(channel, checkBox_5_isChecked, comboBox_3_currentText) processMedia(channel,checkBox_voice_isChecked,comboBox_voice_currentText) oldApkDir = targetDir + "/oldApkDir" SmaliDir = oldApkDir + "/smali" dexFile1 = targetDir + "/classes.dex" ret = operate.dexTrans2Smali(dexFile1, SmaliDir, 3) dexFile2 = targetDir + "/classes2.dex" if os.path.exists(dexFile2): global splitDexFlag splitDexFlag = True ret = operate.dexTrans2Smali(dexFile2, SmaliDir, 3) if ret: return # dexFileApk = oldApkDir + "/classes.dex" # ret = operate.dexTrans2Smali(dexFileApk, SmaliDir, 3) # if ret: # return # copy res if os.path.exists(targetDir + "/ForRes"): operate.copyResToApk(targetDir + "/ForRes", oldApkDir + "/res") # copy funcellconfig.xml file_operate.copyFile(file_operate.getchannelFuncellConfigXmlPath(channel), oldApkDir + "/assets/funcellconfig.xml") # copy Assets armPath = targetDir + "/ForAssets/so/armeabi" armv7Path = targetDir + "/ForAssets/so/armeabi-v7a" if os.path.exists(armPath) and os.path.exists(armv7Path): operate.copyResToApk(armPath, armv7Path) if os.path.exists(targetDir + "/ForAssets"): operate.copyResToApk(targetDir + "/ForAssets", oldApkDir + "/assets") # copy extra if os.path.exists(targetDir + "/extra"): #-----------------六扇门配置----------------------- if os.path.exists(targetDir + "/extra/Assets/GameAssets/Resources/Config"): execOtherScript(targetDir) #---------------------------------------- # operate.copyResToApk(targetDir+"/extra", oldApkDir+"/assets") file_operate.copyFiles(targetDir + "/extra", oldApkDir + "/assets") # copy libs if os.path.exists(targetDir + "/ForLibs"): if os.path.exists(oldApkDir + "/lib/armeabi") and os.path.exists(targetDir + "/ForLibs/armeabi"): operate.copyResToApk(targetDir + "/ForLibs/armeabi", oldApkDir + "/lib/armeabi") if os.path.exists(oldApkDir + "/lib/armeabi-v7a") and os.path.exists(targetDir + "/ForLibs/armeabi-v7a"): operate.copyResToApk(targetDir + "/ForLibs/armeabi-v7a", oldApkDir + "/lib/armeabi-v7a") if os.path.exists(oldApkDir + "/lib/x86") and os.path.exists(targetDir + "/ForLibs/x86"): operate.copyResToApk(targetDir + "/ForLibs/x86", oldApkDir + "/lib/x86") if os.path.exists(oldApkDir + "/lib/mips") and os.path.exists(targetDir + "/ForLibs/mips"): operate.copyResToApk(targetDir + "/ForLibs/mips", oldApkDir + "/lib/mips") # �ϲ�AndroidManifest.xml manifestFile = oldApkDir + "/AndroidManifest.xml" ET.register_namespace('android', constant.androidNS) targetTree = ET.parse(manifestFile) targetRoot = targetTree.getroot() haveChanged = modifyManifest.doModify(manifestFile, targetDir + "/ForManifest.xml", targetRoot) if haveChanged: targetTree.write(manifestFile, 'UTF-8') newPackagename = operate.renameApkPackage(SmaliDir, manifestFile, packageName) print channel , oldApkDir operate.addSplashScreen(channel, targetDir); ret = execGameCommongameSdkScript(channel, oldApkDir) if ret: return # statisticsScript statisticsScriptPath = targetDir + "/statisticsScript.pyc" if os.path.exists(statisticsScriptPath): sys.path.append(targetDir) import statisticsScript statisticsScript.Script(oldApkDir, newPackagename) del sys.modules['statisticsScript'] sys.path.remove(targetDir) # advertisingScript advertisingScriptPath = targetDir + "/advertisingScript.pyc" if os.path.exists(advertisingScriptPath): sys.path.append(targetDir) import advertisingScript advertisingScript.Script(oldApkDir, newPackagename) del sys.modules['advertisingScript'] sys.path.remove(targetDir) # pushScript pushScriptPath = targetDir + "/pushScript.pyc" if os.path.exists(pushScriptPath): sys.path.append(targetDir) import pushScript ret = pushScript.script(oldApkDir, newPackagename) del sys.modules['pushScript'] lsPath = [] for item in sys.path: if str(item) == str(targetDir): continue lsPath.append(item) sys.path = lsPath # sdk����ű� scriptPath = targetDir + "/script.pyc" if os.path.exists(scriptPath): sys.path.append(targetDir) import script ret = script.script(oldApkDir, newPackagename) del sys.modules['script'] lsPath = [] for item in sys.path: if str(item) == str(targetDir): continue lsPath.append(item) sys.path = lsPath ret = operate.pushIconIntoApk('', oldApkDir, channel) operate.modifyGameName(channel, oldApkDir) ret = operate.produceNewRFile(channel, newPackagename, oldApkDir) if ret: return # smali to dex # classesDexFile = oldApkDir + "/classes.dex" # ret = operate.smaliTrans2dex(SmaliDir, classesDexFile) # if ret: # return # if os.path.exists(SmaliDir): # file_operate.delete_file_folder(SmaliDir) if splitDexFlag == True: print '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' # operate.splitDex(targetDir, oldApkDir) operate.splitDex_old(targetDir, oldApkDir) print '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' operate.rewriteYml(oldApkDir) tempApkName = file_operate.getFullPath(constant.outDir) + "/apk_"+channel+"_unsigned.apk" ret = operate.recompileApk(oldApkDir, tempApkName) if ret: return keystoreFile = ConfigParse.shareInstance().getKeystoreFile() storepassword = ConfigParse.shareInstance().getKeystorePassword() alias = ConfigParse.shareInstance().getKeystoreAlias() aliasPasswd = ConfigParse.shareInstance().getKeystoreAliasPassword() # def signApk(apkFile, keyStore, storepassword, keyalias, aliaspassword): ret = operate.signApk(tempApkName, keystoreFile, storepassword, alias, aliasPasswd) print "sign" print ret if ret: return apkName = file_operate.getFullPath(constant.outDir) + "/apk_" + channel + ".apk" ret = operate.alignAPK(tempApkName, apkName, file_operate.getFullPath(constant.outDir)) ret = execGameCommonFinalizeScript(channel, platformId, appVersion, resVersion, checkBox_isChecked, checkBox_4_isChecked, checkBox_5_isChecked) if ret: print 'execGameCommonFinalizeScript error:' return taskManager.shareInstance().notify(channel, 100) print "----------------------------%s pack complete!------------------------" % channel
def main(channel): idChannel = channel.get('idChannel') channelName = channel.get('name') channelNum = channel.get('channelNum') threading.currentThread().setName(idChannel) taskManager.shareInstance().notify(idChannel, 20) source = ConfigParse.shareInstance().getSource() basename = os.path.basename(source) exttuple = os.path.splitext(basename) basename = exttuple[0] extname = exttuple[1] originDir = ConfigParse.shareInstance().getProjFolder() useSDK = ConfigParse.shareInstance().getProjSDKVersion() systemSDKPath = ConfigParse.shareInstance().getProjSDKPath() ipaPackage = ConfigParse.shareInstance().getProjIpaPackage() game = ConfigParse.shareInstance().getCurrentGame() if channelName is None: error_operate.error(5) return versionName = ConfigParse.shareInstance().getVersionName() outputDir = ConfigParse.shareInstance().getOutputDir() if outputDir == '': outputDir = '../' #cocos2dx need cocos2dx framework,so we must put release pdroject to cocos2dx dictionary #outputDir += '/' + game['gameName'] + '/' + versionName + '/' + channel['name'] outputDir += '/' + channel['name'] + '_' + versionName outputDir = file_operate.getFullPath(outputDir) outputDir = os.path.realpath(outputDir) file_operate.delete_file_folder(outputDir) #workDir = outputDir + '/Project_iOS' workDir = outputDir workDir = file_operate.getFullPath(workDir) workDir = os.path.realpath(workDir) file_operate.delete_file_folder(workDir) iconDir = '../workspace/icon/' + channelNum iconDir = file_operate.getFullPath(iconDir) iconDir = os.path.realpath(iconDir) if not os.path.exists(outputDir): os.makedirs(outputDir) if not os.path.exists(workDir): os.makedirs(workDir) file_operate.copyFiles(originDir, workDir) pbxFile = workDir + '/' + ConfigParse.shareInstance().getProjXcode( ) + '/project.pbxproj' target_name = None project = XcodeProject.Load(pbxFile) #从congfig.py里的getTargetName取到要编译打包的target,没有的话用默认的最后一个target if ConfigParse.shareInstance().getTargetName(): target_name = project_name = ConfigParse.shareInstance().getTargetName( ) print '----config ---- target name ----' + target_name # print 'ERROR_>'+target_name+'<_ERROR' # print 'WARNING_>'+target_name+'<_WARNING' else: target_name = project_name = project.get_target_name() project_config = project.get_configurations() #use release archieve ipa project_config = 'Release' project.add_other_ldflags('-ObjC') project.showSearchPathInfo() """add other flag param""" #project.add_other_ldflags('-lz') if project.modified: taskManager.shareInstance().notify(idChannel, 40) parentDir = '' for parent, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(workDir): for filename in filenames: if filename == 'Contents.json': if parent.find('Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset') != -1: parentDir = parent if parentDir != '': for parent, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(parentDir): for filename in filenames: if filename != 'Contents.json': os.remove(parentDir + '/' + filename) jsonFile = open(parentDir + '/Contents.json') jsonContent = json.load(jsonFile) for child in jsonContent['images']: imgSize = int(child['size'][0:child['size'].find('x')]) * int( child['scale'][0:child['scale'].find('x')]) imgName = 'Icon-' + str(imgSize) + '.png' if os.path.exists(iconDir + '/' + imgName) and not os.path.exists(parentDir + '/' + imgName): file_operate.copyFile(iconDir + '/' + imgName, parentDir + '/' + imgName) child['filename'] = imgName jsonContent = json.dumps(jsonContent) jsonFile.close() jsonFile = open(parentDir + '/Contents.json', 'w') try: jsonFile.write(jsonContent) finally: jsonFile.close() project_infoplist = workDir + '/' + ConfigParse.shareInstance( ).getProjXcode() + '/../' + project.get_infoplistfile() newAppName = '' if game.get( 'isModifyiOSName') is not None and game['isModifyiOSName'] == True: newAppName = ConfigParse.shareInstance().getIosName() if newAppName is None or newAppName == '': newAppName = game.get('gameName') #set display name by channel if channel['display_name'] != '': newAppName = channel['display_name'] customBundleId = channel['r_bundle_id'] if os.path.exists(project_infoplist) and ( newAppName != '' or channel['packNameSuffix'] != '' or channel['r_gameversion'] != '' or channel['r_gameversion_build'] != '' or customBundleId != ''): plistModify = False try: plist = readPlist(project_infoplist) for key in plist: if key == 'CFBundleName' and newAppName != '': plist['CFBundleName'] = newAppName plistModify = True elif key == 'CFBundleIdentifier': if customBundleId == '': plist['CFBundleIdentifier'] = plist[ 'CFBundleIdentifier'] + channel['packNameSuffix'] else: plist['CFBundleIdentifier'] = customBundleId plistModify = True elif key == 'CFBundleShortVersionString' and channel[ 'r_gameversion'] != '': plist['CFBundleShortVersionString'] = channel[ 'r_gameversion'] plistModify = True elif key == 'CFBundleVersion' and channel[ 'r_gameversion_build'] != '': plist['CFBundleVersion'] = channel['r_gameversion_build'] plistModify = True if plistModify == True: try: writePlist(plist, project_infoplist) project.modify_bundle_identifier( plist['CFBundleIdentifier']) except Exception as e: print 'modify bundle Id/bundle Name Error:' + e except: print 'No Plist found' writeChannelInfoIntoDevelopInfo(workDir, channel, game) writeSupportInfo(workDir) SDKWorkDir = workDir + '/sdk/' list = [0, 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6] for count in range(len(list)): for Channel_SDK in channel['sdkLs']: idSDK = Channel_SDK['idSDK'] usrSDKConfig = ConfigParse.shareInstance().findUserSDKConfigBySDK( idSDK, channel['idChannel']) SDK = ConfigParse.shareInstance().findSDK(idSDK) if SDK == None: continue for plugin in SDK['pluginLs']: type = plugin['typePlugin'] if type == list[count]: SDKSrcDir = '../config/sdk/' + SDK['SDKName'] SDKSrcDir = file_operate.getFullPath(SDKSrcDir) SDKDestDir = SDKWorkDir + SDK['SDKName'] SDKDestDir = os.path.realpath(SDKDestDir) if os.path.exists(SDKDestDir): continue file_operate.copyFiles(SDKSrcDir, SDKDestDir) lib_path = 'sdk/' + SDK['SDKName'] + '/' project = XcodeProject.Load(pbxFile) scriptPath = SDKDestDir + '/script.pyc' if os.path.exists(scriptPath): sys.path.append(SDKDestDir) import script script.script(SDK, workDir, target_name, usrSDKConfig, SDKDestDir, project) del sys.modules['script'] sys.path.remove(SDKDestDir) if os.path.exists(SDKDestDir + '/Frameworks'): addFrameworkGroupPath(SDKDestDir + '/Frameworks', target_name, project) if os.path.exists(SDKDestDir + '/Resources'): for res in os.listdir(SDKDestDir + '/Resources'): project.add_file(SDKDestDir + '/Resources/' + res, None, 'SOURCE_ROOT', True, False, False, target_name) if os.path.exists(SDKDestDir + '/Codes'): for codes in os.listdir(SDKDestDir + '/Codes'): project.add_file(SDKDestDir + '/Codes/' + codes, None, 'SOURCE_ROOT', True, False, False, target_name) if project.modified: xmlFile = SDKDestDir + '/config.xml' doc = minidom.parse(xmlFile) rootNode = doc.documentElement sysFrameworksList = rootNode.getElementsByTagName( 'sysFrameworks') for sysFrameworksNode in sysFrameworksList: path = '' required = False if sysFrameworksNode.getAttribute('required') == '0': required = True if sysFrameworksNode.getAttribute( 'path') == 'xcodeFrameworks': path = systemSDKPath + '/System/Library/Frameworks/' + sysFrameworksNode.getAttribute( 'name') elif sysFrameworksNode.getAttribute( 'path') == 'xcodeUsrlib': path = systemSDKPath + '/usr/lib/' frameworkName = sysFrameworksNode.getAttribute( 'name') #if ios 9 and above,replace .dylib to .tbd if isIOS9(systemSDKPath): print 'use ios 9 sdk for' + sysFrameworksNode.getAttribute( 'name') path = path + frameworkName.replace( '.dylib', '.tbd') else: path = path + frameworkName print 'donot use ios 9 sdk' else: path = sysFrameworksNode.getAttribute( 'path') + sysFrameworksNode.getAttribute( 'name') ret = project.add_file_if_doesnt_exist( path, None, 'SOURCE_ROOT', True, required, False, target_name) if project.modified: for child in SDK['operateLs']: if child['name'] == 'RemoveValidArchs_arm64': project.modify_validarchs() if project.modified: generateDeveloperInfo(channel, SDK, usrSDKConfig, workDir, game) generatePluginInfo(SDK, usrSDKConfig, workDir) if os.path.exists(workDir + '/supportPlugin.xml'): encode_operate.xmlEncode(workDir + '/supportPlugin.xml') project.add_file(workDir + '/supportPlugin.xml', None, 'SOURCE_ROOT', True, False, False, target_name) if project.modified: if os.path.exists(workDir + '/developerInfo.xml'): encode_operate.xmlEncode(workDir + '/developerInfo.xml') project.add_file(workDir + '/developerInfo.xml', None, 'SOURCE_ROOT', True, False, False, target_name) if project.modified: taskManager.shareInstance().notify(idChannel, 70) if ipaPackage != 'True': taskManager.shareInstance().notify(idChannel, 100) return xcodeDir = workDir + '/' + ConfigParse.shareInstance().getProjXcode( ) + '/../' xcodeDir = os.path.realpath(xcodeDir) print 'XcodeDir ' + xcodeDir #change dictionary first,then run build command os.chdir(xcodeDir) mode = 0 if useSDK.find('simulator') == -1: mode = 1 cmd = None projectFileName = ConfigParse.shareInstance().getProjXcode().replace( '/', '') if mode == 0: cmd = 'xcodebuild ' + useSDK + ' -target ' + target_name + ' -arch i386 >xcodebuild.txt' else: #clean project and target cmd = 'xcodebuild clean ' + useSDK + ' -project ' + projectFileName + ' -target ' + target_name ret = file_operate.execFormatCmd(cmd) #don't build. use archieve cmd = 'xcodebuild ' + useSDK + ' -target ' + target_name + '>xcodebuild.txt' #cmd = 'xcodebuild archive -scheme ' + target_name + ' -target ' + target_name + ' -archivePath ' + target_name + '.xcarchive >xcodearchive.txt' ret = file_operate.execFormatCmd(cmd) buildFile = workDir + '/xcodebuild.txt' if not os.path.exists(buildFile): print 'file not exists' else: file_object = open(buildFile) try: buildText = print buildText.find('BUILD SUCCEEDED') if buildText.find('BUILD SUCCEEDED') < 0: print 'BUILD FAILED!' error_operate.error(200) return finally: file_object.close() # ret = file_operate.execFormatCmd(cmd) # buildFile = workDir + '/xcodearchive.txt' # if not os.path.exists(buildFile): # print 'file not exists' # else: # file_object = open(buildFile) # try: # buildText = # print buildText.find('** ARCHIVE SUCCEEDED **') # if buildText.find('** ARCHIVE SUCCEEDED **') < 0: # print 'ARCHIVE FAILED!' # error_operate.error(200) # return # finally: # file_object.close() appDir = None if mode == 0: appDir = project_config + '-iphonesimulator/' else: appDir = project_config + '-iphoneos/' ipaName = target_name + '_' + channelName + '_' + versionName + '.ipa' #use xcodebuild exportArchieve export ipa.this code don't contain Symbols. cmd = 'xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v ' + '"' + xcodeDir + '/build/' + appDir + project_name + '.app" -o "' + outputDir + '/' + ipaName + '"' #cmd = 'xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath ' + target_name + '.xcarchive -exportPath "' + xcodeDir + '" -exportFormat ipa >exportarchieve.txt' ret = file_operate.execFormatCmd(cmd) taskManager.shareInstance().notify(idChannel, 100)