Example #1
 def __init__(self,
     self.owner = owner  # the Player ID who owns this ('Evan')
     self.xy = xy  # LID of region (0,0) (tuple)
     self.celestial = celestial
     self.territory = territory  # LID of territory ('North')
     self.id = self.owner.upper() + type(self).__name__.lower()
     self.busy = busy  # If the vehicle is doing something
     # get all the functions that can be "cast"-- abilities in game terms
     self.abilities = [f[2:] for f in dir(type(self)) if f.startswith('A_')]
     # set EID and add to area
     # note that EID must be reset whenever unit is added to new area
     self.eid = self.get_eid()
     if self.xy:
         # store self into Regions.pickle
         Regions = get_file('Regions.pickle')
         Regions[self.xy].content[self.eid] = self
         save_file(Regions, 'Regions.pickle')
     if self.territory:
         # store self into Territories.pickle
         Territories = get_file('Territories.pickle')
         TerrKey = self.celestial.upper() + self.territory.lower()
         Territories[TerrKey].content[self.eid] = self
         save_file(Territories, 'Territories.pickle')
Example #2
    def landed_on(self, entity_id, target_territory):
        '''Function that is called when this celestial is landed on

        entity_id -- The ID of the entity that is lending on this celestial
        target_territory -- The territory this entity will land'''
        # * Note that this "sucks in" the landing_entity * #
        # * Vs. the entity actually landing * #
        # * The celestial is doing all the work * #
        Regions = get_file('Regions.pickle')
        # get the region object
        Region = Regions[self.xy]
        # get the entity object from the region dict
        entity_obj = Region.content[entity_id]
        # get the territory object from Territories.pickle
        Territories = get_file('Territories.pickle')
        territory_obj = Territories[self.name.upper() +
        # add the entity to the territory
        territory_obj.content[entity_id] = entity_obj
        # set the attributes of the vehicle
        entity_obj.celestial = self.name
        entity_obj.territory = target_territory
        save_file(Territories, 'Territories.pickle')
        # delete the entity from the region
        del Region.content[entity_id]
        save_file(Regions, 'Regions.pickle')
        # return the payload for the landing
        messages = [
            f'{entity_obj} has landed on the {target_territory} region of {self}.'
        return Payload(self, messages)
def get_entity_obj(entity_display, target_xy=None, target_celestial=None, target_territory=None,):
    """Gets a target entity object given the entity display name and a region

    entity_display -- The display name of an entity, e.g. "Breq's Halcyon" \n
    target_xy -- The "(x, y)" coordinates of the region containing the entity
    target_celestial -- The celestial the entity is on
    target_territory -- The territory that the entity is in
    if target_xy:
        # if it's in a region
        # get the region
        Regions = get_file('Regions.pickle')
        target_region = Regions[region_string_to_int(target_xy)]
        # get the entity object
        target_entity = target_region.content[entity_display]
        return target_entity
    if target_territory:
        # if it's in the territory
        Territories = get_file('Territories.pickle')
        TID = target_celestial.upper() + target_territory.lower()
        target_territory = Territories[TID]
        # get the entity object
        target_entity = target_territory.content[entity_display]
        return target_entity
Example #4
    def set_new_region(self, new_region_xy):
        """Trigger function used to move the entity into a new region

        First, deletes the entity from its old region or territory
        Then places the entity in the new region

        new_region_xy -- The tuple (x,y) of the new region
        # get the region storage file
        Regions = get_file('Regions.pickle')
        if self.eid in Regions[self.xy].content:
            # remove self from old region
            del Regions[self.xy].content[self.eid]
            # triggered if the entity is on a celestial
            # therefore:
            Territories = get_file('Territories.pickle')
            # get the Territory ID from the celestial + territory name
            TID = self.celestial.upper() + self.territory.lower()
            # remove self from the territory and celestial
            self.territory = None
            self.celestial = None
            del Territories[TID].content[self.eid]
            save_file(Territories, 'Territories.pickle')
        # add self to new region
        self.xy = new_region_xy
        new_region = Regions[new_region_xy]
        new_region.content[self.get_eid()] = self
        save_file(Regions, 'Regions.pickle')
        # managing output (what the bot should send)
        messages = [f'{self} has arrived in {new_region_xy}']
        return Payload(self.get_LID(), messages)
Example #5
    def set_new_territory(self, new_territory_ID):
        """Trigger function used to place the entity in a new territory

        First, deletes from the old region or territory
        Then, places in the new territory

        new_territory_ID -- The territory ID string, e.g. EARTHnorth
        if self.xy:
            # delete self, if in a region
            Regions = get_file('Regions.pickle')
            old_region = Regions[self.xy]
            del old_region.content[self.eid]
            save_file(Regions, 'Regions.pickle')
        if self.territory:
            # delete self, if in a territory
            Territories = get_file('Territories.pickle')
            TID = self.celestial.upper() + self.territory.lower()
            old_territory = Territories[TID]
            del old_territory.content[self.eid]
            save_file(Territories, 'Territories.pickle')
        # now we add to new territory
        Territories = get_file('Territories.pickle')
        new_territory = Territories[new_territory_ID]
        self.celestial = new_territory.parent
        self.territory = new_territory.label
        new_territory.content[self.get_eid()] = self
        # change self.territory
        save_file(Territories, 'Territories.pickle')
        # bot output
        messages = [f'{self} has arrived in {new_territory}']
        return Payload(self.get_LID(), messages)
Example #6
 def __init__(self, name, xy, territories={}):
     self.name = name
     self.xy = xy
     self.territories = territories
     # add self to the region designated by xy
     Regions = get_file('Regions.pickle')
     Regions[xy].content[name] = self
     save_file(Regions, 'Regions.pickle')
     # add self to celestial storage
     Celestials = get_file('Celestials.pickle')
     Celestials[self.name] = self
     save_file(Celestials, 'Celestials.pickle')
Example #7
def payload_manage(pload):
    # check if the payload makes a task
    if pload.isTaskMaker:
        # get the source object
        sourceLID = pload.sourceLID
        sourceFile = sourceLID['LocFile']
        sourceKey = sourceLID['LocKey']
        sourceEID = sourceLID['EID']
        storageDict = get_file(sourceFile)
        source = storageDict[sourceKey].content[sourceEID]
        if source.busy:
            # check if the entity is busy
            # ? set some sort of "activetask" attribute for entities ? #
            # ? we can use that to say what, exactly, they're busy doing ? #
            return f'```{source} is busy. Use ~cancel_task "entity_name" "entity_location" to cancel the task.```'
        # else, set the source to busy
        source.busy = True
        save_file(storageDict, sourceFile)
        # get numbers of minutes since epoch (MSE) right now
        current_MSE = int(time() // 60)
        # add the duration to figure out when to trigger
        trigger_time = current_MSE + (pload.taskDuration * 60)
        # create a Task, rest is handled in tasks.py
        Task(sourceLID, trigger_time, pload.onCompleteFunc,
    # * message management and output
    # We unpack the messages into a single string:
    bot_message = '```yaml\n'  # send it as a code block
    for sub_message in pload.messages:
        bot_message = bot_message + sub_message + '\n'
    # get rid of the final linebreak and complete codeblock
    return bot_message[:-1] + '```'
Example #8
def deluser():
    username = request.args.get('username')
    if username in files.get_file().keys():
        return redirect('/')
        return redirect('/')
Example #9
    def A_move_region(self, adjacent_region):
        """Move to an adjacent region of space

        adjacent_region -- (x,y) coordinates of an adjacent region"""
        # check to make sure not on celestial
        if self.celestial:
            message = [
                f'{self} is currently on the celestial {self.celestial}. Use the take_off ability before trying to move regions.'
            return Payload(self.get_LID(), message)
        # get the two region objects
        Regions = get_file('Regions.pickle')
        r1 = Regions[self.xy]
        # this is a user-facing ability, so adjacent_region is a string
        adjacent_region_tup = region_string_to_int(adjacent_region)
        r2 = Regions[adjacent_region_tup]
        # calculate the distance between the two regions
        distance = distance_between(r1.xy[0], r2.xy[0], r1.xy[1], r2.xy[1])
        # calculate the time it would take in hours
        duration = distance / self.speed_space
        messages = [
            f'{self} is now moving towards {r2}.',
            f'It will arrive in {duration} hours'
        return Payload(self.get_LID(),
Example #10
 def __init__(self, xy):
     self.xy = xy
     self.content = {}
     # add self to the Regions dict
     Regions = get_file('Regions.pickle')
     Regions[self.xy] = self
     save_file(Regions, 'Regions.pickle')
Example #11
 def resource_harvested(self, resource_name, harvester_ID):
     # need to do this so we can save
     Territories = get_file('Territories.pickle')
     self_territory = Territories[self.id]
     harvester = self_territory.content[harvester_ID]
         # decrease resource by 1
         self_territory.resources[resource_name] -= 1
     except KeyError as e:
         # double-check that the resource is actually here
             f'{e} not found in {self} when harvest was attempted by {self.content[harvester_ID]}.'
         messages = [
             f'{resource_name} in {self} was depleted before {self.content[harvester_ID]} could complete harvest.'
         return Payload(None, messages)
     # add the resource to the harvester's inventory
     if resource_name in self.content[harvester_ID].inventory:
         # increment if already exists
         self_territory.content[harvester_ID].inventory[resource_name] += 1
         # set if it doesn't exist
         self_territory.content[harvester_ID].inventory[resource_name] = 1
     # save inventory and resource changes
     save_file(Territories, 'Territories.pickle')
     messages = [f'{harvester} has harvested 1 {resource_name}.']
     return Payload(None, messages)
Example #12
    def A_harvest_resource(self, resource_name):
        """Harvest a resource in the same territory as this Harvester

        resource_name -- The name of the resource to harvest
        You can see the resources in a territory with ~scan.
        # get the territory of self
        TID = self.celestial.upper() + self.territory.lower()
        Territories = get_file('Territories.pickle')
        terr_obj = Territories[TID]
            if terr_obj.resources[resource_name] != 0:
                # harvest the resource
                duration = self.harvest_time
                messages = [f'{self} is now harvesting 1 {resource_name} from {self.territory} {self.celestial}.',
                            f'It will be completed in {duration} hours.']
                return Payload(self.get_LID(), messages, isTaskMaker=True,
                               onCompleteArgs=[resource_name, self.eid])
            elif terr_obj.resource[resource_name] == 0:
                messages = [f'The {resource_name} in {self.territory} is depleted.',
                            f'Wait for Evan to implement the regeneration mechanic.']
                return Payload(self.get_LID(), messages)
        except KeyError:
            # if the resource doesn't exist at all in the territory
            messages = [f'There is no {resource_name} in {self.territory}']
            return Payload(self.get_LID(), messages)
Example #13
 def __init__(self, uid, name):
     # set attributes
     self.uid = uid
     self.name = name
     # store self into Players dict
     Players = get_file('Players.pickle')
     Players[uid] = self
     save_file(Players, 'Players.pickle')
Example #14
def test():
    username = request.args.get('username')
    password = request.args.get('password')
    if username in files.get_file().keys():
        return redirect('/')
        files.write_file(username, password)
        return redirect('/')
Example #15
 def get_stat(self, stat):
     needed = 0
     Tags = get_file('Tags.pickle')
     for t in self.tags:
             needed += Tags[t].statistics[stat]
         except KeyError:
             # doesn't have the statistic
     return needed
Example #16
 def __init__(self, category, name, attributes=[], statistics={}):
     self.category = category
     self.name = name
     self.attributes = attributes
     self.statistics = statistics
     # add self to Tags
     Tags = get_file('Tags.pickle')
     Tags[self.name] = self
     save_file(Tags, 'Tags.pickle')
Example #17
def transform_image(transform_name, img_name):
  transform = transforms.get(transform_name)
  if transform:
    img_content = get_file(img_name)
    resp_content = ""
    if img_content:
      f = cStringIO.StringIO(img_content)
      outf, encoding = process_image(f, transform)
      content_type = mimetypes.guess_type("a.%s" % encoding)
      return make_response((outf.read(), 200, {'Content-Type': content_type}))
  return "404", 404
Example #18
def manual_complete_all_tasks():
    """Automatically completes all tasks in queue, regardless of time"""
    Tasks = get_file('Tasks.pickle')
    payloads = []
    for sublist in Tasks.values():
        for item in sublist:
            task_return = item.complete()
    Tasks = {}
    save_file(Tasks, 'Tasks.pickle')
    return payloads
Example #19
 def create_slingshot(self, c1, c2):
     # get the starting and ending region of space
     Regions = get_file('Regions.pickle')
     start_region = Regions[c1.xy]
     end_region = Regions[c2.xy]
     # create a Slingshot Path Terminus in each spot
     start_region.content['Slingshot Path Terminus'] = self.SPathTerminus(
         c1.xy, end_region)
     end_region.content['Slingshot Path Terminus'] = self.SPathTerminus(
         c2.xy, start_region)
     save_file(Regions, 'Regions.pickle')
Example #20
async def scan(ctx, *args):
    """Returns the contents of the given region or territory.

    You must have vision of the target.
    Vision is typically granted by possessing a unit in that area.

    EXAMPLE: ~scan (0,0)
    EXAMPLE: ~scan Earth North

    target_xy -- The (x,y) coordinates of the region to scan
    celestial_name -- The name of the celestial the target is on
    territory_name -- The label of the territory the target is in"""
    if len(args) == 1:
        # if the caster is in a region
        target_xy = args[0]
        storage_file = 'Regions.pickle'
        Regions = get_file(storage_file)
        # translate coords to actual region object
        target = Regions[region_string_to_int(target_xy)]
    elif len(args) == 2:
        # if the caster is in a territory
        celestial_name = args[0]
        territory_name = args[1]
        territory_label = celestial_name.upper() + territory_name.lower()
        storage_file = 'Territories.pickle'
        Territories = get_file(storage_file)
        target = Territories[territory_label]
        await ctx.send('```Error: Improper number of arguments.\n ~scan "target_xy" OR ~scan "celestial_name" "territory_name"')
    # check if the user has vision of the target
    uid = ctx.message.author.id
    if not target.check_vision(uid):
        await ctx.send(f'```You do not have vision of {target}.```')
    # if they do, scan it
    result = target.scan()
    output = payload_manage(result)
    await ctx.send(output)
Example #21
def transform_image(transform_name, img_name):
    transform = transforms.get(transform_name)
    if transform:
        img_content = get_file(img_name)
        resp_content = ""
        if img_content:
            f = cStringIO.StringIO(img_content)
            outf, encoding = process_image(f, transform)
            content_type = mimetypes.guess_type("a.%s" % encoding)
            return make_response((outf.read(), 200, {
                'Content-Type': content_type
    return "404", 404
Example #22
 def complete(self):
     """ Calls the task's associated trigger_func """
     # set the task user to not busy anymore
     sourceLID = self.sourceLID
     sourceFile = sourceLID['LocFile']
     sourceKey = sourceLID['LocKey']
     sourceEID = sourceLID['EID']
     storageDict = get_file(sourceFile)
     source = storageDict[sourceKey].content[sourceEID]
     source.busy = False
     save_file(storageDict, sourceFile)
     # trigger the func
     return self.trigger_func(*self.trigger_args)
Example #23
async def inspect_territory(ctx, planet, territory):
    """Inspects a given territory of a planet

    EXAMPLE: ~inspect_territory "North" "Earth"

    territory -- The name of the territory
    planet -- The name of the planet"""
    Territories = get_file('Territories.pickle')
    # get the territory ID
    TID = planet.upper() + territory.lower()
    territory_obj = Territories[TID]
    pload = territory_obj.inspect()
    output = payload_manage(pload)
    await ctx.send(output)
Example #24
 def __init__(self, sourceLID, trigger_hour, trigger_func, trigger_args):
     self.sourceLID = sourceLID
     self.trigger_hour = int(trigger_hour)
     self.trigger_func = trigger_func
     self.trigger_args = trigger_args
     # add self to the task storage dictionary under the trigger hour
     Tasks = get_file('Tasks.pickle')
         # if there are other tasks for that hour, add self to the list
     except KeyError:
         # if not, make a new list with self
         Tasks[self.trigger_hour] = [self]
     save_file(Tasks, 'Tasks.pickle')
Example #25
        def check_duplicate(self, EID):

            # print(f'CHECKING DUPLICATE: {EID}')

            if self.xy:
                # check for duplicate in region
                # get the region object
                Regions = get_file('Regions.pickle')
                region = Regions[self.xy]
                if EID in region.content.keys():
                    # duplicate found
                    # increment i
                    nonlocal entityIncrement
                    entityIncrement += 1
                    # set new EID
                    EID = EID[:-2] + f' {entityIncrement}'
                    # check if the new EID is a dupe
                    return check_duplicate(self, EID)
                    # if there's no duplicate
                    return EID
            if self.territory:
                # check for duplicate in territory
                Territories = get_file('Territories.pickle')
                TID = self.celestial.upper() + self.territory.lower()
                territory = Territories[TID]
                if EID in territory.content.keys():
                    # duplicate found
                    # increment i
                    entityIncrement += 1
                    # set new EID
                    EID = EID[:-2] + f' {entityIncrement}'
                    # check if the new EID is a dupe
                    return check_duplicate(self, EID)
                    # if there's no duplicate
                    return EID
Example #26
 def worked_on(self, UoC):
     "Trigger func when this building plan is Built by an Actor"
     # need to save self
     LID = self.get_LID()
     Storage = get_file(LID['LocFile'])
     self.construction_remaining -= UoC
     Storage[LID['LocKey']].content[self.eid] = self
     save_file(Storage, LID['LocFile'])
     if self.construction_remaining > 0:
         # if there is still construction to be done
         messages = [f'The construction progress of {self.name} has advanced.',
                     f'It now requires {self.construction_remaining} units of Construction to be completed.']
         return Payload(self.get_LID(), messages)
     elif self.construction_remaining <= 0:
         # if construction_remaining is 0 or less
         return self.complete()
Example #27
 def A_calculate_slingshot(self, celest_1, celest_2):
     # * bot-facing function * #
     # calculates a fast path between two celestials
     # first, we have to check that both celestials exist
     Celestials = get_file('Celestials.pickle')
         c1 = Celestials[celest_1]
         c2 = Celestials[celest_2]
     except KeyError as e:
         return f"The indicated celestial {e} does not exist"
     # now we send out a Payload object to the bot
     return Payload(self.get_LID(), ['Hello'],
                    onCompleteArgs=[c1, c2])
Example #28
 def check_vision(self, viewer_uid):
     '''Checks each entity in region, returns if <viewer_uid> owns any'''
     Players = get_file('Players.pickle')
         viewer = Players[viewer_uid]
     except KeyError as e:
         # generally if that player object hasn't been created
         print(f'check_vision KeyError {e}')
         return False
     for entity in self.content.values():
             if entity.owner == viewer.name:
                 return True
         except AttributeError as e:
             # generally, because there's an entity with no owner
     return False
Example #29
def check_tasks():
    """Runs through all tasks and runs then removes the appropriate ones"""
    Tasks = get_file('Tasks.pickle')
    current_MSE = int(time() / 60)
    print(f'CURRENT TIME: {current_MSE}')
    print(f'TASKS BEFORE: {Tasks}')
    payloads = []
    # check every minute that currently has tasks on it
    for key in Tasks:
        # if that minute is before/equal to the current minute
        if key <= current_MSE:
            # complete all tasks under that minute
            for t in Tasks[key]:
                task_return = t.complete()
    # then, we create a new tasks dictionary with only the minute yet to come
    Tasks = {key: value for (key, value) in Tasks.items() if key > current_MSE}
    save_file(Tasks, 'Tasks.pickle')
    # send the output to the botCommands background loop
    return payloads
Example #30
    def A_land_on(self, target_celestial, target_territory):
        """Land on any celestial body capable of hosting a ship

        target_celestial -- The celestial to land on, must be in same region
        target_territory -- The territory the ship should land in
        (Territories can be viewed by ~inspect_entity <landing_target>"""
        duration = self.speed_landing
        # Get the landing_target object
        Regions = get_file('Regions.pickle')
        landing_target = Regions[self.xy].content[target_celestial]
        messages = [
            f'{self} is now preparing to land on {landing_target}.',
            f'It will arrive in {duration} hours.'
        return Payload(self.get_LID(),
                       onCompleteArgs=[self.eid, target_territory])
Example #31
async def register_player(ctx, player_name):
    """Registers a Discord user under the given player_name.

    EXAMPLE: ~register_player Evan

    player_name -- The player name to register the Discord user under.
    uid = ctx.message.author.id
    # make sure this is a unique player
    Players = get_file('Players.pickle')
    if uid in list(Players.keys()):
        await ctx.send('Error: you\'re already registered!')
    # make sure this is a unique username
    if player_name in [p.name for p in Players.values()]:
        await ctx.send('Error: a player already has this name!')
    # if both of those are math, initialize a Player object
    Player(uid, player_name)
    await ctx.send(f'Player {player_name} created with UID {uid}')
Example #32
def calculate_response(response_type, request_handler, method, request_uri, headers, data, error_code):
    if response_type == 'html':

        request = {
            'method': method.upper(),
            'path': request_uri,
            'headers': headers,
            'variables': data

        handler = getattr(functions, request_handler)
        response = handler(request).split('\r\n\r\n', 1)

        if response[0].startswith('HTTP/1.0 302 Moved Temporarily\r\nLocation: '):
            redirect = response[0].lower()[42:]
            if redirect in redirects:
                request['method'] = 'GET'
                text = redirects[redirect](request).split('\r\n\r\n', 1)[1]
                text = response[1]
            text = response[1]

        temp_result = re.sub(r'<input.+?>', 'input', text)
        result = re.sub(r'<ul.+?class=[\'\"].+?menu.+?[\'\"]>.+?</ul>', 'menu', temp_result)

        return result

    if response_type == 'static':
        root, filename = files.get_static_path(request_uri)
        return files.get_file(root, filename)

    if response_type == 'error':
        return http.error(error_code).split('\r\n\r\n', 1)[1]

    print "Invalid response type"
Example #33
    def handle_read(self):
        bytes = self.recv(self.recv_block_size)
        if not bytes:

        # get http-headers
        if not self.http_headers:
            result = self._recv_headers(bytes)
            if result != 'done':
                # http headers are not recieved
            # get http-data
            self.http_data_size = self.http_data_size + bytes.__len__()

        request_method = self.request_line[0]
        parts = self.request_line[1].split('?', 1)
        request_uri = parts[0]
        # GET variables are with unique names!
        variables = dict(parse_qsl(parts[1])) if parts.__len__() > 1 else {}

        if request_method not in ('GET', 'POST'):
            self.error = 405
            self.buffer_out = http.error(self.error)

        headers = []

        # check for static (css|js|img) content
        static_exts = ('.css', '.jpg', '.png', '.gif', '.svg', '.xml', '.txt')
        if request_uri[-4:] in static_exts or \
           request_uri[-3:]  == '.js' or request_uri[-5:] == '.jpeg':

            if request_method == 'POST':
                self.error = 405
                self.buffer_out = http.error(self.error)

            root, filename = files.get_static_path(request_uri)
            if root is None:
                self.error = 404
                self.buffer_out = http.error(self.error)

            content = files.get_file(root, filename)
            if content is None:
                self.error = 404
                self.buffer_out = http.error(self.error)

            # add MIME type to headers
            if request_uri.endswith('.css'):
                headers.append('Content-Type: text/css',)

            if request_uri.endswith('.js'):
                headers.append('Content-Type: application/x-javascript',)

            if request_uri.endswith('.jpg') or request_uri.endswith('.jpeg'):
                headers.append('Content-Type: image/jpeg',)

            if request_uri.endswith('.png'):
                headers.append('Content-Type: image/png',)

            if request_uri.endswith('.gif'):
                headers.append('Content-Type: image/gif',)

            if request_uri.endswith('.svg'):
                headers.append('Content-Type: image/svg+xml',)

            self.buffer_out = http.response(200, "OK", headers, content)

        # check request url in router
        found = False
        for line in self.router:

            uri = line[0]
            functions = line[1]
            cachable = line[2]
            response = ''

            m = re.match(uri, request_uri)

            if m:
                if request_method == 'GET' and functions[0]:
                    found = True
                    function = functions[0]

                if request_method == 'POST' and functions[1]:
                    found = True
                    function = functions[1]

                self.error = 405
                self.buffer_out =  http.error(self.error)

        if not found:
            self.error = 404
            self.buffer_out =  http.error(self.error)

        # POST request
        if request_method == 'POST':
                content_length = int(http.get_header(self.http_headers, \
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                self.error = 411
                self.buffer_out = http.error(self.error)

            # unauth zone request
            if not request_uri.startswith(core.MANAGER_URL) or \
            request_uri == '%slogin/' % core.MANAGER_URL:
                # check POST restrictions
                if content_length > self.max_unauth_data:
                    self.error = 413
                    self.buffer_out = http.error(self.error)

            # recieve POST data
            if self._recv_data(request_uri, variables, content_length):

            post = http.parse_post_data(self.http_headers, self.http_data, \

            if not request_uri.startswith(core.MANAGER_URL) or \
            request_uri == '%slogin/' % core.MANAGER_URL:
                # check valid token
                if 'token' not in variables.iterkeys() or \
                not protection.valid_client_token(variables['token']):
                    self.error = 403
                    self.buffer_out = http.error(self.error)

        # check for upload file progress request
        if request_method == 'GET' and request_uri.endswith('/progress/') and \
        request_uri[:-9] in ALLOWED_UPLOAD_URIS:
            response = self.get_upload_progress(variables)
            self.buffer_out = http.json_data(response)

        need_generate_response = False
        need_cache = False

        # check cache for existing item
        if request_method == 'GET' and cachable:
            content = self.cache.get(request_uri)

            if not content:
                need_generate_response = True
                need_cache = True

        if request_method == 'GET' and not cachable:
            need_generate_response = True
            need_cache = False

        # POST requests are not cachable
        if request_method == 'POST':
            need_generate_response = True
            need_cache = False

        if not need_generate_response:

            headers = (
                'Content-Type: text/html',
                'Content-Length: %s' % content.__len__()

            response = http.response(200, "OK", headers, content)
            # generate response by function
            parameters = m.groups()

            request = {
                'method': request_method,
                'path': request_uri,
                'headers': self.http_headers,
                'variables': variables,
                'files': None

            if DEBUG:
                response = function(request, *parameters)
                    response = function(request, *parameters)
                    self.error = 500
                    self.buffer_out =  http.error(self.error)

        if need_cache:
            # add to cache
            self.cache.set(request_uri, response)

        # copy to buffer
        self.buffer_out = response