def __init__(self, *paths, **kwargs): self.data_objects = [] self.randomised = kwargs.get('randomised', {}) for i, path in enumerate(paths): randomise = self.randomised.get(i + 1, False) self.data_objects.append(FileData(path, level=i + 1, randomise=randomise)) self.sequence = DataSequence(*self.data_objects) self.number_of_levels = len(self.sequence) self.graph = self.sequence.get_graph()
class Allocation(object): def __init__(self, *paths, **kwargs): self.data_objects = [] self.randomised = kwargs.get('randomised', {}) for i, path in enumerate(paths): randomise = self.randomised.get(i + 1, False) self.data_objects.append(FileData(path, level=i + 1, randomise=randomise)) self.sequence = DataSequence(*self.data_objects) self.number_of_levels = len(self.sequence) self.graph = self.sequence.get_graph() def intro_string(self): print ''' ################################################################ # # # This is alloa by Mante Zelvyte, Uli Kraehmer and Paul Slevin # # # # [email protected] # # [email protected] # # # # Runtime with 100 agents at each hierarchy is a few ms # # # ################################################################\n ''' for i in xrange(self.number_of_levels): print "{} agents of hierarchy {}".format(self.graph.hierarchies[ i].number_of_agents, i + 1) def setup_allocation(self, *costs): assert len(costs) == len(self.data_objects) - 1 self.graph.setup_graph(*costs) self.graph.set_flow() self.graph.simplify_flow() self.graph.allocate() def write_allocations(self): allocation = open(settings.ALLOCATION_PATH, "wb") writer = csv.writer(allocation, delimiter=",") for row in self.allocation: writer.writerow(row) allocation.close() def write_profile(self): profile = open(settings.ALLOCATION_PROFILE_PATH, "wb") writer = csv.writer(profile, delimiter="\n") writer.writerow(["Total number of assigned level 1 agents is " + str(self.graph.max_flow), "Total cost of assignment is " + str( self.graph.flow_cost)]) for i in xrange(self.number_of_levels - 1): writer.writerow(["", "Level {} Preference Count".format(i + 1)]) for j in xrange(self.graph.hierarchies[i].max_preferences_length): split_point = self.number_of_levels column = [row[split_point + i] for row in self.allocation] count = str(column.count(j + 1)) writer.writerow(["Number of level {} agents that were " "choice #".format(i + 2) + str(j + 1) + ": " + count]) profile.close() @property def allocation(self): unnamed = self.graph.allocation split_point = self.number_of_levels rows = [[ for agent in row[:split_point]] + row[split_point:] for row in unnamed] rows = sorted(rows, key=lambda r: r[0][len(r[0]) - r[0][::-1].index(" "):]) return rows