Example #1
	def save_bibtex(self, fn, message):
		full_bibliography = message.get('full_bibliography')
		bibliography = full_bibliography['bibliography']
		if not bibliography:
			return {'success': 'Could not get bibliographic data from client'}
		# We need this, otherwise jabref doesn't understand the encoding
		bib_str = '% This file was created with JabRef 2.9.2.\n'
		bib_str += '% Encoding: UTF8\n\n'
		for tag in bibliography:
			entry = bibliography.get(tag)
			if entry:
				header = '@%s{%s,\n'%(entry.get('type', ''), entry.get('key', ''))
				body = ',\n'.join([dic_to_bib_string(key, entry) for key in entry])
				bib_str += header + body + '\n}\n\n'
		return write_to_disc(bib_str, fn)
Example #2
	def save_html(self, fn, message):
		# Should we save directly to HTML, or to bibnote first, and then parse the file from disc?
		self.save_bibnote(fn, message)
		full_bibliography = message.get('full_bibliography')
		bibliography = full_bibliography['bibliography']
		if not bibliography:
			return {'success': 'Could not get bibliographic data from client'}
		js_str = ''

		for js_file in ['jquery.min.js', 'ui/jquery-ui.min.js', 'jquery.tablesorter.min.js', 
		'jquery.tablesorter.widgets.min.js', 'bibliography.js']:
			with open('static/js/' + js_file, 'r') as fin:
				js_str += '\n<script>\n' + fin.read() + '\n</script>\n'
		css_str = ''
		for css_file in ['main.css', 'bibliography.css', 'ui.dynatree.css', 
		'dynatree_custom.css', 'jquery-ui-smoothness.css', 'theme.default.css', 'jquery.datepick.css']:
			with open('static/css/' + css_file, 'r') as fin:
				css_str += '\n<style>\n' + fin.read() + '\n</style>\n'
		content = self.parse_bibliography(fn)
		return write_to_disc(str(self.render.bib_standalone(fn, content, js_str, css_str)), fn.replace('.bibnote', '.html'))