def __init__(self, n_particles, particle_color='b', **kwargs):
    :param n_particles: Number of particles to display. This will also dictate
        how many particles are expected when providing new particles to update
        the plot
    :param particle_color: color of particle for plotting. Defaults to blue.

    Other keyword arguments are passed to FilterHemispherePlot
    FilterHemispherePlot.__init__(self, **kwargs)
    self._n_particles = n_particles
    self._particle_color = particle_color
  def update(self, particles, weights, *args, **kwargs):
    Update the plot given a new set of particles, weights, 
    and possibly estimates

    :param particles: new particle locations. Should be of 
        size (n_particles x 3)
    :param weights: new particle weights. Should be numpy vector of 
        length 'n_particles'

    All other arguments arguments are passed to FilterHemispherePlot.update()
    FilterHemispherePlot.update(self, *args, **kwargs)