Example #1
    def update(self, z, R=None):
        Add a new measurement (z) to the kalman filter. If z is None, nothing
        is changed.


        z : np.array
            measurement for this update.

        R : np.array, scalar, or None
            Optionally provide R to override the measurement noise for this
            one call, otherwise self.R will be used.

        if z is None:
            self.z = array([[None] * self.dim_z]).T
            self.x_post = self.x.copy()
            self.P_post = self.P.copy()

        if R is None:
            R = self.R
        if np.isscalar(R):
            R = eye(self.dim_z) * R

        N = self.N
        dim_z = len(z)
        sigmas_h = zeros((N, dim_z))

        # transform sigma points into measurement space
        for i in range(N):
            sigmas_h[i] = self.hx(self.sigmas[i])

        z_mean = np.mean(sigmas_h, axis=0)

        P_zz = (outer_product_sum(sigmas_h - z_mean) / (N - 1)) + R
        P_xz = outer_product_sum(self.sigmas - self.x,
                                 sigmas_h - z_mean) / (N - 1)

        self.S = P_zz
        self.SI = self.inv(self.S)
        self.K = dot(P_xz, self.SI)

        e_r = multivariate_normal(self._mean_z, R, N)
        for i in range(N):
            self.sigmas[i] += dot(self.K, z + e_r[i] - sigmas_h[i])

        self.x = np.mean(self.sigmas, axis=0)
        self.P = self.P - dot(dot(self.K, self.S), self.K.T)

        # save measurement and posterior state
        self.z = deepcopy(z)
        self.x_post = self.x.copy()
        self.P_post = self.P.copy()
    def update(self, z, R=None):
        Add a new measurement (z) to the kalman filter. If z is None, nothing
        is changed.


        z : np.array
            measurement for this update.

        R : np.array, scalar, or None
            Optionally provide R to override the measurement noise for this
            one call, otherwise self.R will be used.

        if z is None:
            self.z = array([[None]*self.dim_z]).T
            self.x_post = self.x.copy()
            self.P_post = self.P.copy()

        if R is None:
            R = self.R
        if np.isscalar(R):
            R = eye(self.dim_z) * R

        N = self.N
        dim_z = len(z)
        sigmas_h = zeros((N, dim_z))

        # transform sigma points into measurement space
        for i in range(N):
            sigmas_h[i] = self.hx(self.sigmas[i])

        z_mean = np.mean(sigmas_h, axis=0)

        P_zz = (outer_product_sum(sigmas_h - z_mean) / (N-1)) + R
        P_xz = outer_product_sum(
                self.sigmas - self.x, sigmas_h - z_mean) / (N - 1)

        self.S = P_zz
        self.SI = self.inv(self.S)
        self.K = dot(P_xz, self.SI)

        e_r = multivariate_normal(self._mean_z, R, N)
        for i in range(N):
            self.sigmas[i] += dot(self.K, z + e_r[i] - sigmas_h[i])

        self.x = np.mean(self.sigmas, axis=0)
        self.P = self.P - dot(dot(self.K, self.S), self.K.T)

        # save measurement and posterior state
        self.z = deepcopy(z)
        self.x_post = self.x.copy()
        self.P_post = self.P.copy()
Example #3
def test_outer_product():
    sigmas = np.random.randn(1000000, 2)
    x = np.random.randn(2)

    P1 = outer_product_sum(sigmas - x)

    P2 = 0
    for s in sigmas:
        y = s - x
        P2 += np.outer(y, y)
    assert np.allclose(P1, P2)
Example #4
def test_outer_product():
    sigmas = np.random.randn(1000000, 2)
    x = np.random.randn(2)

    P1 = outer_product_sum(sigmas-x)

    P2 = 0
    for s in sigmas:
        y = s - x
        P2 += np.outer(y, y)
    assert np.allclose(P1, P2)
Example #5
    def predict(self):
        """ Predict next position. """

        N = self.N
        for i, s in enumerate(self.sigmas):
            self.sigmas[i] = self.fx(s, self.dt)

        e = multivariate_normal(self._mean, self.Q, N)
        self.sigmas += e

        self.x = np.mean(self.sigmas, axis=0)
        self.P = outer_product_sum(self.sigmas - self.x) / (N - 1)

        # save prior
        self.x_prior = np.copy(self.x)
        self.P_prior = np.copy(self.P)
    def predict(self):
        """ Predict next position. """

        N = self.N
        for i, s in enumerate(self.sigmas):
            self.sigmas[i] = self.fx(s, self.dt)

        e = multivariate_normal(self._mean, self.Q, N)
        self.sigmas += e

        self.x = np.mean(self.sigmas, axis=0)
        self.P = outer_product_sum(self.sigmas - self.x) / (N - 1)

        # save prior
        self.x_prior = np.copy(self.x)
        self.P_prior = np.copy(self.P)
Example #7
    def predict(self, Q=None):
        """ Predict next position. """
        if Q == None:
            Q = self.Q
        if np.isscalar(Q):
            Q = eye(self.dim_x) * Q

        N = self.N
        for i, s in enumerate(self.sigmas):
            self.sigmas[i] = self.fx(s, self.dt)

        # e = multivariate_normal(self._mean, self.Q, N)
        e = multivariate_normal(self._mean, Q, N)
        self.sigmas += e

        self.x = np.mean(self.sigmas, axis=0)
        self.P = outer_product_sum(self.sigmas - self.x) / (N - 1)

        # save prior
        self.x_prior = np.copy(self.x)
        self.P_prior = np.copy(self.P)
Example #8
    def update(self, z, R=None, hx_args=()):
        """ Update the CKF with the given measurements. On return,
        self.x and self.P contain the new mean and covariance of the filter.


        z : numpy.array of shape (dim_z)
            measurement vector

        R : numpy.array((dim_z, dim_z)), optional
            Measurement noise. If provided, overrides self.R for
            this function call.

        hx_args : tuple, optional, default (,)
            arguments to be passed into Hx function after the required state

        if z is None:
            self.z = np.array([[None]*self.dim_z]).T
            self.x_post = self.x.copy()
            self.P_post = self.P.copy()

        if not isinstance(hx_args, tuple):
            hx_args = (hx_args,)

        if R is None:
            R = self.R
        elif isscalar(R):
            R = eye(self.dim_z) * R

        self.sigmas_f = spherical_radial_sigmas(self.x, self.P)

        for k in range(self._num_sigmas):
            self.sigmas_h[k] = self.hx(self.sigmas_f[k], *hx_args)

        # mean and covariance of prediction passed through unscented transform
        zp, self.S = ckf_transform(self.sigmas_h, R)
        self.SI = inv(self.S)

        # compute cross variance of the state and the measurements
        m = self._num_sigmas  # literaure uses m for scaling factor
        xf = self.x.flatten()
        zpf = zp.flatten()
        Pxz = outer_product_sum(self.sigmas_f - xf, self.sigmas_h - zpf) / m

        self.K = dot(Pxz, self.SI)        # Kalman gain
        self.y = self.residual_z(z, zp)   # residual

        self.x = self.x + dot(self.K, self.y)
        self.P = self.P - dot(self.K, self.S).dot(self.K.T)

        # save measurement and posterior state
        self.z = deepcopy(z)
        self.x_post = self.x.copy()
        self.P_post = self.P.copy()

        # set to None to force recompute
        self._log_likelihood = None
        self._likelihood = None
        self._mahalanobis = None
    def update(self, z, R=None, hx_args=()):
        """ Update the CKF with the given measurements. On return,
        self.x and self.P contain the new mean and covariance of the filter.


        z : numpy.array of shape (dim_z)
            measurement vector

        R : numpy.array((dim_z, dim_z)), optional
            Measurement noise. If provided, overrides self.R for
            this function call.

        hx_args : tuple, optional, default (,)
            arguments to be passed into Hx function after the required state

        if z is None:
            self.z = np.array([[None]*self.dim_z]).T
            self.x_post = self.x.copy()
            self.P_post = self.P.copy()

        if not isinstance(hx_args, tuple):
            hx_args = (hx_args,)

        if R is None:
            R = self.R
        elif isscalar(R):
            R = eye(self.dim_z) * R

        for k in range(self._num_sigmas):
            self.sigmas_h[k] = self.hx(self.sigmas_f[k], *hx_args)

        # mean and covariance of prediction passed through unscented transform
        zp, self.S = ckf_transform(self.sigmas_h, R)
        self.SI = inv(self.S)

        # compute cross variance of the state and the measurements
        m = self._num_sigmas  # literaure uses m for scaling factor
        xf = self.x.flatten()
        zpf = zp.flatten()
        Pxz = outer_product_sum(self.sigmas_f - xf, self.sigmas_h - zpf) / m

        self.K = dot(Pxz, self.SI)        # Kalman gain
        self.y = self.residual_z(z, zp)   # residual

        self.x = self.x + dot(self.K, self.y)
        self.P = self.P - dot(self.K, self.S).dot(self.K.T)

        # save measurement and posterior state
        self.z = deepcopy(z)
        self.x_post = self.x.copy()
        self.P_post = self.P.copy()

        # set to None to force recompute
        self._log_likelihood = None
        self._likelihood = None
        self._mahalanobis = None