Example #1
def test_apply_noise_filter():
    """ Tests 4.3 Filter library
        Tests 4.3.2 Noise filtering
    data = DataCapture()

    low_noise_filter = LowPassFilter("Chebyshev", 100)
    high_noise_filter = HighPassFilter("Chebyshev", 5000)

    low_noise = []  # random <100HZ noise
    high_noise = []  # random >5000HZ noise

    old_data = data.dataCapture()
    low_filtered_data = data.applyFilter(low_noise_filter, 2)
    high_filtered_data = data.applyFilter(high_noise_filter, 2)

    errors = []

    # replace == with a in comparison to check if the noise is in the data
    if low_noise == low_filtered_data:
        errors.append("Low noise detected in filtered data")
    if high_noise == high_filtered_data:
        errors.append("High noise detected in filtered data")

    # NOTE: currently returns PASSED as the two data types are both "NONE" and python considers them equal
    assert not errors, "Assert errors occured:\n{}".format("\n".join(errors))
Example #2
    def __init__(self, config_file="leg_model.conf", section="LegModel"):
        c = ConfigParser()
        if not path.exists(path.abspath(config_file)):
            print 'Config file %s not found!' % config_file
            raise IOError

        # Link lengths
        self.YAW_LEN = c.getfloat(section, "yaw_len")
        self.THIGH_LEN = c.getfloat(section, "thigh_len")
        self.CALF_LEN = c.getfloat(section, "calf_len")

        # Actuator soft bounds
        soft_stops_section = 'SoftStops'
        self.SOFT_MINS = array([
            c.getfloat(soft_stops_section, 'yaw_stop_low'),
            c.getfloat(soft_stops_section, 'pitch_stop_low'),
            c.getfloat(soft_stops_section, 'knee_stop_low')
        self.SOFT_MAXES = array([
            c.getfloat(soft_stops_section, 'yaw_stop_high'),
            c.getfloat(soft_stops_section, 'pitch_stop_high'),
            c.getfloat(soft_stops_section, 'knee_stop_high')

        # State
        vel_corner = 100.0  # rad/s
        self.jv_filter = HighPassFilter(
            vel_corner, vel_corner)  # band limited differentiator
        self.setSensorReadings(self.SOFT_MINS[0], self.SOFT_MINS[1],
                               self.SOFT_MINS[2], 0.0)

        # Events
        self.SHOCK_DEPTH_THRESHOLD_LOW = c.getfloat(
            section, "shock_depth_threshold_low")
        self.SHOCK_DEPTH_THRESHOLD_HIGH = c.getfloat(
            section, "shock_depth_threshold_high")
        self.foot_on_ground = False
Example #3
def test_check_avail_filters():
    """ Tests 4.3 Filter library
        Tests 4.3.3 Data filtering
    data = DataCapture()

    lpf = LowPassFilter("Chebyshev", 250)
    hpf = HighPassFilter("Bessel", 500)
    maf = MovingAverageFilter(10)
    pkf = PeakFilter(10, 10)

    errors = []

    # replace == with a check if noise data is contained in filtered data
    if not lpf.getFilterInfo():
        errors.append("Low pass filter does not exist")
    if not hpf.getFilterInfo():
        errors.append("High pass filter does not exist")
    if not maf.getFilterInfo():
        errors.append("Moving average filter does not exist")
    if not pkf.getFilterInfo():
        errors.append("Peak filter does not exist")

    assert not errors, "Assert errors occured:\n{}".format("\n".join(errors))
Example #4
    def __init__(self, config_file="leg_model.conf", section="LegModel"):
        c = ConfigParser()
        if not path.exists(path.abspath(config_file)):
            print 'Config file %s not found!'%config_file
            raise IOError
        # Link lengths
        self.YAW_LEN = c.getfloat(section, "yaw_len")
        self.THIGH_LEN = c.getfloat(section, "thigh_len")
        self.CALF_LEN = c.getfloat(section, "calf_len")
        self.YAW_COM_COORD = [c.getfloat(section, "yaw_com_x"), c.getfloat(section, "yaw_com_y"), c.getfloat(section, "yaw_com_z")]
        self.THIGH_COM_COORD = [c.getfloat(section, "thigh_com_x"), c.getfloat(section, "thigh_com_y"), c.getfloat(section, "thigh_com_z")]
        self.CALF_COM_COORD = [c.getfloat(section, "calf_com_x"), c.getfloat(section, "calf_com_y"), c.getfloat(section, "calf_com_z")]
        self.YAW_MASS = c.getfloat(section, "yaw_mass")
        self.THIGH_MASS = c.getfloat(section, "thigh_mass")
        self.CALF_MASS = c.getfloat(section, "calf_mass")
        self.LEG_MASS = self.YAW_MASS+self.THIGH_MASS+self.CALF_MASS

        # Actuator soft bounds
        soft_stops_section = 'SoftStops'
                c.getfloat(soft_stops_section,'knee_stop_high') ])

        # State
        vel_corner = 100.0  # rad/s
        self.jv_filter = HighPassFilter(vel_corner, vel_corner)  # band limited differentiator
        self.setSensorReadings(self.SOFT_MINS[0], self.SOFT_MINS[1], self.SOFT_MINS[2], 0.0)

        # Events
        self.SHOCK_DEPTH_THRESHOLD_LOW = c.getfloat(section, "shock_depth_threshold_low")
        self.SHOCK_DEPTH_THRESHOLD_HIGH = c.getfloat(section, "shock_depth_threshold_high")
        self.foot_on_ground = False
Example #5
class LegModel:
    def __init__(self, config_file="leg_model.conf", section="LegModel"):
        c = ConfigParser()
        if not path.exists(path.abspath(config_file)):
            print 'Config file %s not found!'%config_file
            raise IOError
        # Link lengths
        self.YAW_LEN = c.getfloat(section, "yaw_len")
        self.THIGH_LEN = c.getfloat(section, "thigh_len")
        self.CALF_LEN = c.getfloat(section, "calf_len")
        self.YAW_COM_COORD = [c.getfloat(section, "yaw_com_x"), c.getfloat(section, "yaw_com_y"), c.getfloat(section, "yaw_com_z")]
        self.THIGH_COM_COORD = [c.getfloat(section, "thigh_com_x"), c.getfloat(section, "thigh_com_y"), c.getfloat(section, "thigh_com_z")]
        self.CALF_COM_COORD = [c.getfloat(section, "calf_com_x"), c.getfloat(section, "calf_com_y"), c.getfloat(section, "calf_com_z")]
        self.YAW_MASS = c.getfloat(section, "yaw_mass")
        self.THIGH_MASS = c.getfloat(section, "thigh_mass")
        self.CALF_MASS = c.getfloat(section, "calf_mass")
        self.LEG_MASS = self.YAW_MASS+self.THIGH_MASS+self.CALF_MASS

        # Actuator soft bounds
        soft_stops_section = 'SoftStops'
                c.getfloat(soft_stops_section,'knee_stop_high') ])

        # State
        vel_corner = 100.0  # rad/s
        self.jv_filter = HighPassFilter(vel_corner, vel_corner)  # band limited differentiator
        self.setSensorReadings(self.SOFT_MINS[0], self.SOFT_MINS[1], self.SOFT_MINS[2], 0.0)

        # Events
        self.SHOCK_DEPTH_THRESHOLD_LOW = c.getfloat(section, "shock_depth_threshold_low")
        self.SHOCK_DEPTH_THRESHOLD_HIGH = c.getfloat(section, "shock_depth_threshold_high")
        self.foot_on_ground = False

    # Store sensor readings
    def setSensorReadings(self, yaw, hip_pitch, knee_pitch, shock_depth):
        self.joint_angles = array([yaw, hip_pitch, knee_pitch])
        #throw errors if measured joint angles are NaN, out of bounds, etc
        for angle, soft_min, soft_max in zip(self.joint_angles, self.SOFT_MINS, self.SOFT_MAXES):
            if math.isnan(angle):
                logger.error("LegModel.setSensorReadings: NaN where aN expected!",
                raise ValueError("LegModel: Measured angle cannot be NaN.")
            if (soft_min > angle) or (angle > soft_max):
                logger.error("LegModel: Measured position outside of soft range!",
                print soft_min
                print soft_max
                print angle
                raise ValueError("LegModel: Measured angle out of soft range!")
        self.shock_depth = shock_depth
        self.joint_velocities = self.jv_filter.update(self.joint_angles)        

    # Access state
    def getJointAngles(self):
        return self.joint_angles
    def getJointVelocities(self):
        return self.joint_velocities
    def getShockDepth(self):
        return self.shock_depth
    def getLegState(self):
        return [self.getJointAngles(), self.getShockDepth()]

    # Kinematics
    def getFootPos(self):
        return self.footPosFromLegState(self.getLegState())
    def footPosFromLegState(self, leg_state):
        pos = array([self.CALF_LEN - leg_state[1], 0.0, 0.0])
        pos = rotateY(pos, leg_state[0][KP])
        pos[X] += self.THIGH_LEN
        pos = rotateY(pos, leg_state[0][HP])
        pos[X] += self.YAW_LEN
        return rotateZ(pos, leg_state[0][YAW])
    def jointAnglesFromFootPos(self, pos, shock_depth=0.0):
        # Calculate hip yaw
        hip_yaw_angle   = atan2( pos[1], pos[0] )
        # Calculate hip yaw offset
        hip_p = norm2( (pos[0], pos[1]) )
        hip_p = (self.YAW_LEN*hip_p[0], self.YAW_LEN*hip_p[1], 0.0)
        # Calculate leg length
        leg_l                    = dist3( pos, hip_p )
        # Use law of cosines on leg length to calculate knee angle 
        knee_angle               = pi-thetaFromABC( self.THIGH_LEN,\
            self.CALF_LEN-shock_depth, leg_l )
        # Calculate hip pitch
        hip_offset_angle         = thetaFromABC( self.THIGH_LEN, leg_l,
            self.CALF_LEN-shock_depth )
        target_p                 = sub3(pos, hip_p)
        hip_depression_angle     = atan2( -target_p[2], len2((target_p[0], target_p[1])) )
        hip_pitch_angle          = hip_depression_angle - hip_offset_angle
        return (hip_yaw_angle, hip_pitch_angle, knee_angle)

    def posIsPossible(self, pos, lower_limits, upper_limits):
        ikSolution = self.jointAnglesFromFootPos(pos)
        for i in range(len(pos)):
            if lower_limits[i] > pos[i] or pos[i] > upper_limits[i]:
                return False
        return True

    # Touch-down detection
    def isFootOnGround(self):
        return self.foot_on_ground
    def updateFootOnGround(self):
        sd = self.getShockDepth()
        if sd < self.SHOCK_DEPTH_THRESHOLD_LOW:
            self.foot_on_ground = False
        elif sd > self.SHOCK_DEPTH_THRESHOLD_HIGH:
            self.foot_on_ground = True
    def isMoving(self, tolerance=0.001):
        return (abs(self.joint_velocities) >= tolerance).any()
    def getCOM(self):
        """ This function returns the COM of the leg given its current joint positions.
        joint_angles = self.getJointAngles()
        # Calculate Yaw position
        yaw_pos = rotateZ(self.YAW_COM_COORD, joint_angles[YAW])
        # Calculate Thigh position
        thigh_pos = rotateY(self.THIGH_COM_COORD, joint_angles[HP])
        thigh_pos[X] += self.YAW_LEN
        thigh_pos = rotateZ(thigh_pos, joint_angles[YAW])
        # Calculate Calf position
        calf_pos = rotateY(self.CALF_COM_COORD, joint_angles[KP])
        calf_pos[X] += self.THIGH_LEN
        calf_pos = rotateY(calf_pos, joint_angles[HP])
        calf_pos[X] += self.YAW_LEN
        calf_pos = rotateZ(calf_pos, joint_angles[YAW])
        COM_pos = (yaw_pos*self.YAW_MASS+thigh_pos*self.THIGH_MASS+calf_pos*self.CALF_MASS)/(self.LEG_MASS)
        return COM_pos
Example #6
class LegModel:
    def __init__(self, config_file="leg_model.conf", section="LegModel"):
        c = ConfigParser()
        if not path.exists(path.abspath(config_file)):
            print 'Config file %s not found!' % config_file
            raise IOError

        # Link lengths
        self.YAW_LEN = c.getfloat(section, "yaw_len")
        self.THIGH_LEN = c.getfloat(section, "thigh_len")
        self.CALF_LEN = c.getfloat(section, "calf_len")

        # Actuator soft bounds
        soft_stops_section = 'SoftStops'
        self.SOFT_MINS = array([
            c.getfloat(soft_stops_section, 'yaw_stop_low'),
            c.getfloat(soft_stops_section, 'pitch_stop_low'),
            c.getfloat(soft_stops_section, 'knee_stop_low')
        self.SOFT_MAXES = array([
            c.getfloat(soft_stops_section, 'yaw_stop_high'),
            c.getfloat(soft_stops_section, 'pitch_stop_high'),
            c.getfloat(soft_stops_section, 'knee_stop_high')

        # State
        vel_corner = 100.0  # rad/s
        self.jv_filter = HighPassFilter(
            vel_corner, vel_corner)  # band limited differentiator
        self.setSensorReadings(self.SOFT_MINS[0], self.SOFT_MINS[1],
                               self.SOFT_MINS[2], 0.0)

        # Events
        self.SHOCK_DEPTH_THRESHOLD_LOW = c.getfloat(
            section, "shock_depth_threshold_low")
        self.SHOCK_DEPTH_THRESHOLD_HIGH = c.getfloat(
            section, "shock_depth_threshold_high")
        self.foot_on_ground = False

    # Store sensor readings
    def setSensorReadings(self, yaw, hip_pitch, knee_pitch, shock_depth):
        self.joint_angles = array([yaw, hip_pitch, knee_pitch])

        #throw errors if measured joint angles are NaN, out of bounds, etc
        for angle, soft_min, soft_max in zip(self.joint_angles, self.SOFT_MINS,
            if math.isnan(angle):
                #logger.error("LegModel.setSensorReadings: NaN where aN expected!",
                #            angle=angle,
                #            angle_index=self.joint_angles.searchsorted(angle),
                #            yaw=yaw,
                #            hip_pitch=hip_pitch,
                #            knee_pitch=knee_pitch,
                #            shock_depth=shock_depth,
                #            bad_value="angle")
                raise ValueError("LegModel: Measured angle cannot be NaN.")

            if (soft_min > angle) or (angle > soft_max):
                #logger.error("LegModel: Measured position outside of soft range!",
                #        angle=angle,
                #        angle_index=self.joint_angles.searchsorted(angle),
                #        yaw=yaw,
                #        hip_pitch=hip_pitch,
                #        knee_pitch=knee_pitch,
                #        shock_depth=shock_depth,
                #        soft_min=soft_min,
                #        soft_max=soft_max,
                #        bad_value="angle")
                print soft_min
                print soft_max
                print angle
                raise ValueError("LegModel: Measured angle out of soft range!")
        self.shock_depth = shock_depth
        self.joint_velocities = self.jv_filter.update(self.joint_angles)

    # Access state
    def getJointAngles(self):
        return self.joint_angles

    def getJointVelocities(self):
        return self.joint_velocities

    def getShockDepth(self):
        return self.shock_depth

    def getLegState(self):
        return [self.getJointAngles(), self.getShockDepth()]

    # Kinematics
    def getFootPos(self):
        return self.footPosFromLegState(self.getLegState())

    def footPosFromLegState(self, leg_state):
        pos = array([self.CALF_LEN - leg_state[1], 0.0, 0.0])
        pos = rotateY(pos, leg_state[0][KP])
        pos[X] += self.THIGH_LEN
        pos = rotateY(pos, leg_state[0][HP])
        pos[X] += self.YAW_LEN
        return rotateZ(pos, leg_state[0][YAW])

    def jointAnglesFromFootPos(self, pos, shock_depth=0.0):
        # Calculate hip yaw
        hip_yaw_angle = atan2(pos[1], pos[0])
        # Calculate hip yaw offset
        hip_p = norm2((pos[0], pos[1]))
        hip_p = (self.YAW_LEN * hip_p[0], self.YAW_LEN * hip_p[1], 0.0)
        # Calculate leg length
        leg_l = dist3(pos, hip_p)
        # Use law of cosines on leg length to calculate knee angle
        knee_angle = pi - thetaFromABC(self.THIGH_LEN,
                                       self.CALF_LEN - shock_depth, leg_l)
        # Calculate hip pitch
        hip_offset_angle = thetaFromABC(self.THIGH_LEN, leg_l,
                                        self.CALF_LEN - shock_depth)
        target_p = sub3(pos, hip_p)
        hip_depression_angle = atan2(-target_p[2],
                                     len2((target_p[0], target_p[1])))
        hip_pitch_angle = hip_depression_angle - hip_offset_angle
        return (hip_yaw_angle, hip_pitch_angle, knee_angle)

    def posIsPossible(self, pos, lower_limits, upper_limits):
        ikSolution = self.jointAnglesFromFootPos(pos)
        for i in range(len(pos)):
            if lower_limits[i] > pos[i] or pos[i] > upper_limits[i]:
                return False
        return True

    # Touch-down detection
    def isFootOnGround(self):
        return self.foot_on_ground

    def updateFootOnGround(self):
        sd = self.getShockDepth()
        if sd < self.SHOCK_DEPTH_THRESHOLD_LOW:
            self.foot_on_ground = False
        elif sd > self.SHOCK_DEPTH_THRESHOLD_HIGH:
            self.foot_on_ground = True

    def isMoving(self, tolerance=0.001):
        return (abs(self.joint_velocities) >= tolerance).any()