Example #1
def test_apply_noise_filter():
    """ Tests 4.3 Filter library
        Tests 4.3.2 Noise filtering
    data = DataCapture()

    low_noise_filter = LowPassFilter("Chebyshev", 100)
    high_noise_filter = HighPassFilter("Chebyshev", 5000)

    low_noise = []  # random <100HZ noise
    high_noise = []  # random >5000HZ noise

    old_data = data.dataCapture()
    low_filtered_data = data.applyFilter(low_noise_filter, 2)
    high_filtered_data = data.applyFilter(high_noise_filter, 2)

    errors = []

    # replace == with a in comparison to check if the noise is in the data
    if low_noise == low_filtered_data:
        errors.append("Low noise detected in filtered data")
    if high_noise == high_filtered_data:
        errors.append("High noise detected in filtered data")

    # NOTE: currently returns PASSED as the two data types are both "NONE" and python considers them equal
    assert not errors, "Assert errors occured:\n{}".format("\n".join(errors))
Example #2
 def __init__(self, max, servo_to_hinge, rate):
     self.max = max  # max min limit of the FINAL control surface deflection in degrees (e.g. 30 degrees of aileron deflection is +-15 deg)
     self.in_to_servo = 1000 / 175  # ratio of input channel to the corresponding servo deflection in degrees (in our case 1000 equals ~170-175 deg)
     self.servo_to_hinge = servo_to_hinge  # ratio of the servo deflection in degrees to the corresponding control surface deflection, depends on the mechanical arrangement
     self.rate = rate  # target deflection speed of the control surface in deg / s
     self.output = 0  # set to zero to initialise
     self.antiAliasing = LowPassFilter(
         0.05)  # anti-wonkifying smoothing of the input signal to the servo
Example #3
def test_apply_filter():
    """Tests 4.3.1 Filtering method
    data = DataCapture()

    dfilter = LowPassFilter("Chebyshev", 1000)

    old_data = data.dataCapture()
    filtered_data = data.applyFilter(dfilter, 2)

    assert old_data != filtered_data, "No changes to filtered data"
Example #4
    def __init__(self, kp=0, ki=0, kd=0, kff=None, kfa=None, derivative_corner=10):
        kp = proportional gain term
        ki = integral gain term
        kd = derivative gain term
        kff= feed forward velocity term.  Applies signal relative to dervative of the target
        derivative_corner = corner frequency of derivative filter.
        Our real world signals are too noisy to use without significant filtering
        kfa= feed forward acceleration term.  Applies signal relative to the difference in
        rate of change of the target and desired.
        self.updateGainConstants(kp, ki, kd, kff, kfa)
        self.max_movement_rate = 1e6

        # NOTE: it is important that these three variables are floating point to avoid truncation
        self.prev_error = 0.0
        self.prev_desired_pos = 0.0
        self.integral_error_accumulator = 0.0
        self.peak_detector = HystereticPeakDetector(0.0, -1.0, 1.0, math.pi / 20)

        self.d_lowpass = LowPassFilter(gain=1.0, corner_frequency=derivative_corner)
Example #5
def test_check_avail_filters():
    """ Tests 4.3 Filter library
        Tests 4.3.3 Data filtering
    data = DataCapture()

    lpf = LowPassFilter("Chebyshev", 250)
    hpf = HighPassFilter("Bessel", 500)
    maf = MovingAverageFilter(10)
    pkf = PeakFilter(10, 10)

    errors = []

    # replace == with a check if noise data is contained in filtered data
    if not lpf.getFilterInfo():
        errors.append("Low pass filter does not exist")
    if not hpf.getFilterInfo():
        errors.append("High pass filter does not exist")
    if not maf.getFilterInfo():
        errors.append("Moving average filter does not exist")
    if not pkf.getFilterInfo():
        errors.append("Peak filter does not exist")

    assert not errors, "Assert errors occured:\n{}".format("\n".join(errors))
Example #6
from AltIMU_v3 import AltIMUv3
from filters import LowPassFilter, HighPassFilter
import time
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import math
GPIO.setup(7, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(10, GPIO.OUT)
# Setup Altimu
altimu = AltIMUv3()

# Initialize a low pass filter with a default value and a bias of 80%
low_pass_filter = LowPassFilter([0.0, 0.0, 1.0], 0.8)

while True:
    accel = altimu.get_accelerometer_cal()
    gyro = altimu.get_gyro_cal()
    if accel[2] < -1:
        if gyro[2] > 30 or gyro[2] < -30:
            GPIO.output(7, True)
    if accel[2] > 0.95:
        GPIO.output(7, True)
    if accel[1] > .7:
        GPIO.output(7, True)

        GPIO.output(7, False)

    if resultado > .98: