def show_sym_bs_stats(self, sym: str): self.db.limit = None dfp, financials, sentiment, earnings, spy = self.db.get_all_data( self.db.time_from, sym) dfp = FinI.add_indicators(dfp) dfp = FinI.add_fib(dfp, last_rows=10) # print(dfp) # last 5 financials financials = financials.tail(5) days_to_earnings = FinI.days_to_earnings(earnings) # print(earnings) if days_to_earnings is None: earnings = None fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(16, 16)) PlotI.set_margins(plt) PlotI.plot_spy(axs[0], spy.loc[spy.index.isin(dfp.index)]) axsp = PlotI.plot_stock_prices(axs[0].twinx(), dfp, sym, 0.5) axsp = PlotI.plot_sma(axsp, dfp, ["sma9", "sma50"]) axsp.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) axsp = PlotI.plot_candles(dfp, axsp, body_w=0.5, shadow_w=0.1, alpha=0.5) axsp = PlotI.plot_fib(dfp, axsp, alpha=0.4) axsp = PlotI.plot_fib(dfp, axsp, alpha=0.4, fib_name="fb_mid") axsp = PlotI.plot_fib(dfp, axsp, alpha=0.4, fib_name="fb_bot") axsp = PlotI.plot_weeks(axsp, dfp) PlotI.plot_boll(axsp, dfp, sym) axsp2 = PlotI.plot_volume_bars(axsp.twinx(), dfp) axsp2 = PlotI.plot_rsi(axs[1], dfp) axsp2 = PlotI.plot_macd_boll(axs[1].twinx(), dfp) # ax_macd = PlotI.plot_macd(ax_macd,dfp) axsp2 = PlotI.plot_volume_bars(axs[1].twinx(), dfp) if self.buy_sell_closed is not None and len(self.buy_sell_closed) > 0: axsp = PlotI.plot_bs(axsp, self.buy_sell_closed) axsp2 = PlotI.plot_bs(axsp2.twinx(), self.buy_sell_closed)
def get_subj_mess(self, subject, sym=None): mess = "" if self.stocks is None or sym != self.stocks.iloc[0].sym: self.stocks =, time_from="-120d", time_to="0d", symbol=sym) curr_price = self.stocks.iloc[-1].close # print(self.stocks) days_to_earnings = FinI.days_to_earnings(self.earnings) sector_mess, spy_mess, vol_mess = self.get_common_mess(self.stocks) mess = subject + " " + str(sym) + \ self.subject_fund_info(self.financials, self.sentiment, self.earnings, days_to_earnings = days_to_earnings) mess += str(sector_mess) mess += str(spy_mess) mess += str(vol_mess) self.stocks = FinI.add_levels(self.stocks) # hl = FinI.get_fib_hl(self.stocks, self.stocks.iloc[-1].close) pl = self.stocks.price_level.dropna() low, high = FinI.get_nearest_values(pl, curr_price) mess += " Price: " + str(curr_price) mess += " | Loss: " + str(Utils.calc_perc( curr_price, low[0])) + "%, " if low is not None and len(low) > 0 else "" mess += " " + "Prof.: " + str(Utils.calc_perc( curr_price, high[0])) + "% " if high is not None and len(high) > 0 else " | " print("get_subj_mess() - done") return mess, curr_price, days_to_earnings
def show_sym_stats(self, sym, save_img=False): # last financials if self.financials is not None and len(self.financials) > 0: self.financials = self.financials.tail(5) days_to_earnings = FinI.days_to_earnings(self.earnings) # print(earnings) if days_to_earnings is None: self.earnings = None plots_num = 4 if save_img else 5 fig, axs = plt.subplots(plots_num, 1, figsize=(16, 18)) PlotI.set_margins(plt) if self.spy is not None: PlotI.plot_spy( axs[0], self.spy.loc[self.spy.index.isin(self.stocks.index)]) axsp = PlotI.plot_stock_prices(axs[0].twinx(), self.stocks, sym, alpha=0.3) axsp = PlotI.plot_sma(axsp, self.stocks, ["sma9", "sma50"]) axsp = PlotI.plot_candles(self.stocks, axsp, body_w=0.5, shadow_w=0.1, alpha=0.5) axsp = PlotI.plot_fib(self.stocks, axsp, alpha=0.4) axsp = PlotI.plot_fib(self.stocks, axsp, alpha=0.4, fib_name="fb_mid") axsp = PlotI.plot_fib(self.stocks, axsp, alpha=0.4, fib_name="fb_bot") PlotI.plot_boll(axsp, self.stocks, sym) PlotI.plot_weeks(axsp, self.stocks) PlotI.plot_rsi(axs[1], self.stocks) ax_macd = PlotI.plot_macd_boll(axs[1].twinx(), self.stocks) # ax_macd = PlotI.plot_macd(ax_macd,dfp) PlotI.plot_volume_bars(axs[1].twinx(), self.stocks) if self.in_day_stocks is None: self.in_day_stocks = sdf.retype( self.db.load_data(TableName.MIN15, sym, time_from="-1d", time_to="0d")) if len(self.in_day_stocks) < 1: self.in_day_stocks = sdf.retype( self.db.load_data(TableName.MIN15, sym, limit=20)) # self.plot_volume(axs[2], last_prices) ax = PlotI.plot_candlesticks2(axs[2], self.in_day_stocks) self.in_day_stocks = FinI.add_fib_from_day_df(self.in_day_stocks, self.stocks) ax = PlotI.plot_fib(self.in_day_stocks, axs[2], alpha=0.4, fib_name="fb_mid") # PlotI.plot_boll(ax, last_prices, sym) sectors = PlotI.plot_sector_stats(axs[3], sectors, self.stocks.iloc[0].sector) if (save_img): return plt # self.plot_spy(axs[2], self.spy) #self.plot_yahoo_candles(last_prices) # self.plot_volume(axs[2], last_prices) # set rotation of tick labels axs[3].text(0.02, 0.9, str( + ' | ' + str(self.financials.beta.to_list()), fontsize=8) axs[3].text( 0.02, 0.8, str( + ' | ' + str(self.financials.priceToSalesTrailing12Months.to_list()), fontsize=8) axs[3].text(0.02, 0.7, str( + ' | ' + str(self.financials.enterpriseToRevenue.to_list()), fontsize=8) axs[3].text(0.02, 0.6, str( + ' | ' + str(self.financials.profitMargins.to_list()), fontsize=8) axs[3].text(0.02, 0.5, str( + ' | ' + str(self.financials.enterpriseToEbitda.to_list()), fontsize=8) axs[3].text(0.02, 0.4, str( + ' | ' + str(self.financials.trailingEps.to_list()), fontsize=8) axs[3].text(0.02, 0.3, str( + ' | ' + str(self.financials.forwardEps.to_list()), fontsize=8) axs[3].text(0.02, 0.2, str( + ' | ' + str(self.financials.priceToBook.to_list()), fontsize=8) axs[3].text(0.02, 0.1, str( + ' | ' + str(self.financials.bookValue.to_list()), fontsize=8) axs[3].text(0.4, 0.9, str( + ' | ' + str(self.financials.shortRatio.to_list()), fontsize=8) axs[3].text(0.4, 0.8, str( + ' | ' + str(self.financials.sharesShortPriorMonth.to_list()), fontsize=8) axs[3].text(0.4, 0.7, str( + ' | ' + str(self.financials.pegRatio.to_list()), fontsize=8) axs[3].text(0.4, 0.6, str( + ' | ' + str(self.financials.earningsQuarterlyGrowth.to_list()), fontsize=8) axs[3].text(0.4, 0.5, str( + ' | ' + str(, fontsize=8) axs[3].text(0.4, 0.4, str( + ' | ' + str(self.financials.trailingPE.to_list()), fontsize=8) axs[3].text(0.4, 0.3, str( + ' | ' + str(self.financials.forwardPE.to_list()), fontsize=8) axs[3].text(0.4, 0.2, str(self.financials.industry.to_list()) + ' | ' + str(self.financials.sector.to_list()), fontsize=8) axs[3].text(0.4, 0.1, str( + ' | ' + str(self.financials.heldPercentInstitutions.to_list()) + ' ||| ' + str( + ' | ' + str(self.financials.heldPercentInsiders.to_list()), fontsize=8) axs[3].text(0.6, 0.9, str( + ' | ' + str(self.financials.fiftyDayAverage.to_list()), fontsize=8) axs[3].text(0.6, 0.7, str("Last CLose Price: ") + ' | ' + str(self.in_day_stocks.iloc[-1].close), fontsize=8) axs[3].text( 0.6, 0.5, str("Days to earn.: ") + ' | ' + str(days_to_earnings.days) + " D" if self.earnings is not None else str("Days to earn.: NaN "), fontsize=8) axs[3].text(0.6, 0.4, str("Earn. est. | act. | surp.: ") + str(self.earnings.iloc[-1].epsestimate) + ' | ' + str(self.earnings.iloc[-1].epsactual) + ' | ' + str(self.earnings.iloc[-1].epssurprisepct) if self.earnings is not None else str("Earn est.: NaN "), fontsize=8) axs[3].text(0.6, 0.3, str(" Sentiment article/title: ") + str(self.sentiment.sentiment_summary_avg.to_list()) + '/' + str(self.sentiment.sentiment_title_avg.to_list()) if self.sentiment is not None and len(self.sentiment) > 0 else str(" Sentiment: NaN "), fontsize=8) axs[3].text(0.02, 0.01, str(self.financials.longBusinessSummary.to_list()), fontsize=8) # self.plot_candlesticks(last_prices) # axs[3].plot([2], [1], 'o') # plt.text() # return plt